#Or do... Maybe you'll start to see beginnings of Teo's design lmao
14dayswithyou Β· 1 year
Art Prompt! Feel free to decline if you don't want to but... Draw your yandere untraumatized!
βœ¦γ‚œANSWERED: AAAA I don't have the time do a full piece of UT Ren rn, but I did do a lil 10 min redraw of some of my old art!! It also features (untraumatised) younger Ren and BNHA AU Ren!!
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Yanderen't Ren facts !
He's a soft, quiet boi who prefers it when others talk.
Very owl-like with his wide, inquisitive stare and quiet nature. Sometimes you can't even tell if he's there unless you call for him.
A child genius that grew up with a talent for technology. He graduated university with a PhD in computer science because he thought it was his calling, but got burnt out and eventually found his passion in being a tattoo artist instead.
You can often find Ren on walks with Violet and her plants at night, or helping his other childhood friend Leon with stretches at the beach during the day.
He's in an alt indie band with a few of his close friends and often switches between playing the bass and electric guitar!!
Ren takes his mother to a butterfly conservatory each year for her birthday because she absolutely adores them. She always tells her children that they're lucky to share such beautiful eyes with her loving husband, because they remind her of morpho butterflies.
Often sits and listens to Elanor ramble on and on about her day while he waits for you to finish work. He won't give her much input, but he'll be nodding his head and taking in every word instead.
Owns 14 different hoodies because you always seem to steal them when he's not looking. Sometimes he'll leave your favourite candy in the pockets for you to find.
He likes to pick up Hannah from university every so often, and they usually go on night drives on his motorcycle whenever the stress from exams become too much.
Dyes the ends of his hair blonde to feel closer to his father. Ren hugely admires him for founding his own company at such a young age, and was a big inspiration for him growing up.
Ren also got to marry his beloved childhood friend after you proposed to him in an all-too-familiar playground!!
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