#Okay now ive done nature. water. and wind elementals
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And! and. 1st guy [with the long hair] represents the flowy, gentle, and calming nature of wind while the second guy [with the long ponytail] represents the michievious zaniness, speediness, and strenghth of wind! They both have wind powers, its just how they use it is extremely different.
The design sketches and notes below!
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Now here! was my firstest FIRST design of my wind boy [i only thought about the long hair brother in my last stages of design] And Anddd as you can see. I did not like it. But yes this is a tip from me to yall, is to actually put down your notes that you think on your head down next to the design so you can actually articulate what you didnt like and what youd like to change, and the stuff you actually DID like so you can use that element in the next design draft youre going to do! But yeah, this outfit looked a bit too heavy and i really wanted my wind boy to be the type to just zoom and glide around because hes got the power of wind by his side yaknow? So yes, on to the next design draft!
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As you can see, references my beloved. I am not original, but like, who is these days? I shant be ashamed that i am hugely inspired by other artists. But yeah this design ended up moreso the final! I was. SO. So unsure what to do with the colors because i didnt wanna use blue! that was my water ladys color already! and i cant use green, that was my nature grandpas color already. and then OH THAT TUMBLR POST ABOUT THAT COLOR THATS PERFECT. So yeah i used that as my prime color! And im happy to see that it worked out well in the end >:]
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AND NOW THIS!! okay so this originally started as anothed random design [because i was pretty set on the last design] But i just couldnt help myself from liking this so much that i decided. Why not have BOTH designs!! >B]]] SO YEAH HUZZAH ANOTHER WIND BOY ADDED TO THE PARTY!!!
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Okay now as for the hair! i got a bunch of my own drawings that got “wind” vibes to it and some references too, and i managed to make something that i really really like! i super duper love his hair because it just shows his personality well? like messy, sharp, and flowy, like you can tell this guy likes to glide because his hair is all swept to thie side x]
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now THIS. Okay so i wanted his hair to be like. like it would look absolutely beautiful and flowy and elegant if the wind gusts in front of him yaknow??? like a shampoo commercial! AHAH but yea i love him, he has more quiet and reserved and elegant vibes and i wanted to show that just through his hair and expression >;] hopefully i did it well!
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NOW LASTLY! the p o s e s. god i looked through senshishock and google images so much but theres just no?? specific staff posture and pose i want?? But THANkfully i just thought of combining poses because theres rlly nothing i can do xD cant make the pose myself or i may break an ankle flyin in the air!
So yeah! thats my design process for my wind boys >:] as you can see i use. So. much. references. that they take up. a littttle too much of my space. but hey, they help in lil ways in the final product i suppose xD There really. was So much work going on this but i had fun! all of this took me a LLOONG time and i just SOo wanted to finihs this. but thankfully its so easy to draw during online class <3 thanks online class. Everyone say thank you to online class
But anyways, thats it for now :] thanks for reading to this end if ya did! have a strawberry -->🍓💞 ya earned it!
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