#Okay like if I put 80$ per paycheck away then I might be able to buy one by the end of the semester but my budget has such little wiggle
dogboy-dyke · 4 months
i should save up for a fucking machine<- does not have an income where this is feasible
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lydah · 4 years
hey everyone, I am approaching my tenth year of retail service because i am old, and i have noticed that a lot of my friends and followers are applying for their first jobs (i am so sorry) so i just wanted to share some Retail Survival Knowledge and advice for everyone who is joining the retail side of work (i am so sorry)
This is all just things I had to learn myself, that I wish somebody had told me 10 years ago. 
1. Everything you read about interviews doesn’t apply to retail. The first 8 months of trying to get a job were held back by me trying to call back or walk in to ask about the job, giving bullshit answers to questions like “what is your greatest weakness” (EVEN THOUGH being a perfectionist IS my greatest weakness, i was able to repaint it to sound like it by saying “i am such a nervous wreck I can get very upset about trivial things and that’s something I’m working on etc explain explain explain” to make it sound real.) 
2. Just bring a resume, even if its shitty. Put anything on there you can, Just 4 months ago I applied for 3 jobs and every single one said the same thing, “you have a resume, you’re already 2 steps ahead of everyone else who’s come in here.” 
3. Retail interviewers are looking for warm bodies, not professionals. Most of my coworkers aren’t seasoned retail workers, but just teenagers looking for their first job. Go there, be a human, chatter, have fun, they’re just a human too, often a human who isn’t making much more than you will be. 
I know it’s hard, especially if you’re a fellow anxious wreck, but think about it this way. When you walk into that interview, look at it like “i am here to provide you with a service, what can you do for me?” rather than “i need money please please hire me.” This helps a ton with confidence levels, and I think saying things the right way means more than what you say. 
The past 3 jobs I applied for, I got job offers on, not because I was treating the interviewer like a saint who may give me a sweet, sweet paycheck that can’t pay my bills, but because I talked to them from one human being to another. Being real in the interview is refreshing. The more I talked to them as an equal peer, the better the interviews were received. 
Remember, you ARE providing them with a service. Nobody wants these jobs, they don’t pay well, the retail customer culture has become a literal hellscape with weekly horror stories, and most jobs are understaffed. It’s easy to get a job in retail, because retail NEEDS people. Every hiring manager I’ve talked to has said it, whenever I’ve brought up the problem with understaffing and hours. “Trust me, we are looking, we are campaigning, we stand at the front of the store giving out flyers to find hirees. The problem is nobody wants to work here.” 
4. All Retail jobs are the same. From Walmart to Target, from Winco to Kroger, from Petsmart to Best Buy, they all offer basically the same nearly pointless benefits, they all offer basically the same pay, and regardless of anything, they all offer basically the same work experience. Just apply to whatever is close by. 
Winco gets so much positive press for being progressive and paying well, but you won’t see those benefits til you’ve been there for a decade, and who wants to stick around for 10 years, especially after the company got bought by Albertsons. Walmart gets a lot of shit for being a bad company when they’re literally doing the same thing everyone else does, but they’re more blatant about it. I worked at one Walmart when I started transitioning and it was possibly my favorite job, while Winco was probably one of the worst experiences I’ve ever had in my life, full of OSHA violations and daily cuts and bruises. It’s the workers that make the job, not the company. Remember that. 
5. I cannot, stress this one enough, Loyalty doesn’t get you anywhere. If you don’t like your job, look for a new one. The raises you’ll get every 6 months to a year will not give you any difference in your paychecks. Oftentimes, the raises are so low you’ll end up eventually getting paid less than people who are just getting hired on, because the companies minimum wage climbs faster than the 6-10 cent raises you’ll get on a yearly basis. I gave walmart 4 years of my time with impeccable full time work, and by the end I was getting paid 80 cents less than a kid who was just hired and had no work experience. Experience doesn’t matter, seniority doesn’t matter, you’re a number to them, they don’t care. 
6. Be friendly with your managers, but don’t forget that managers are not your friends. Anything you say to them can and will be used against you. As a Chronic Oversharer, this is probably one of the hardest things for me. Give them as little information as possible, don’t add them on social networking until after you’ve quit, be careful what you say. Their job is to manipulate. They get friendly so you stick around, so you share information you shouldn’t, and so you keep working hard for them even if they don’t pay you for your work.
7. Ask Questions. Ask So Many Questions. This was something it took me a while to get used to. I was scared of annoying my peers, so instead of doing things right, I took guesses to stay out of everyone’s hair. This isn’t good for you, it’ll make your coworkers hate you because when you make mistakes, we have to fix them. As the Local Retail Know-It-All, I will always love a coworker who doesn’t guess infinitely more than one who tries to keep a low profile by acting like they know what they’re doing. If you ever have a question, Ask It. Ask your coworker, ask your manager, ask the resources on the computer if the company has them posted online, if you’re not sure about something, ask until you’re sure. I’ve never had somebody get annoyed by it. 
Asking shows you care, even if you don’t. It provides you with knowledge that will help you with this company, or help you with future companies. Every job I’ve had has had nearly the same premise with slightly different layouts and interfaces. I’ve gotten to the point where any retail store I walk into, I know how to do everything. Getting that knowledge makes you more hireable, which also makes you harder to pin down, because you won’t feel stuck somewhere if you hate it. 
8. Finally, the minute that you might have an OUT to get away from retail and into any field you’re EVEN SLIGHTLY interested in, TAKE IT. GET OUT. If somebody says they want to teach you to be a dog trainer, TAKE IT. If somebody says you’d be good in an office because of how fast you type, TAKE IT. If somebody acknowledges that you’re super good with this piece of technology and that you’d be good working for this company that pays 5 dollars more per hour, TAKE IT. 
OF COURSE this doesn’t mean you should be gullible, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be skeptical of people who seem shady, people you don’t know, and weird signs you find on the street. Scammers do exist, don’t put yourself in danger because somebody is offering something unrealistic. But if its a friend, a coworker, anyone who can give you a contact, it is ALWAYS worth looking into. I gave up too many opportunities because of my fruitless and unnecessary comfort and loyalty with where I was. I’ve been offered jobs that were clearly fake, too. Look into things, but don’t be brash about it. Look things up online, follow your gut, but don’t give up opportunities for a company that doesn’t care about you. 
I know that looking for work can be scary, and I believe you’ll find something. If you’re not good at interviews, THATS OKAY, there will always be some manager who is so desperate for help theyll hire anyone who walks in. That might be the first job you get, and it might suck, but it’ll give you something to put on your resume. Just keep looking! I believe in you!
Also, I know that this is painting it all with a very negative lense, but don’t be intimidated by it, it gives you a place to start in life, and in this climate, that’s what is important. Retail has helped me a lot with my social skills and anxiety, and has made me a lot of memorable friends, and turned me into the person I am today. 10 years ago I thought I was going to do retail for the rest of my life, but after all of this shit, I have the confidence to pursue greater things. 
My point is, don’t sacrifice your health, your safety, and your comfort for a shit job. ITS JUST RETAIL. Its your fellow coworkers who will make the retail life tolerable, it’ll be people like me who will teach you the ropes, and you should listen to them. The Cynical Coworker Who Has Been Doing This Shit Too Long has always been my best friend. You’ll be able to spot them a mile away. Hold onto them while you can, they always leave before you know it. 
Good luck to everyone who might find this info useful, remember I believe in you, and I think you’re going to do just fine, it’s not as scary as it seems. Life will take you places, and you’ll get where you want to be, even if it takes you longer than your peers. Just keep moving forward, and know that YOU GOT THIS.  
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yournewapartment · 7 years
Hello, I'm the anon who's freaking out about being thrown into adulthood, and thank you for your previous help. 1.) How do I mamage/budget a minimum wage salary? 2.) I've never been great with any sort of organization, but would you mind teaching me about home organization and important paper organization?
Okay, so this post will be about budgeting on minimum wage, and later in the day I will also post about paper organization. Enjoy!
Budgeting on Minimum Wage
The average minimum wage in the US is $7.25/hr. Even working full time at 40 hours a week, that’s only a profit of $290 before taxes. This is not a fair living wage! You are worth way more than this amount! I strongly encourage you to start looking for another job that pays better, look for something around the $10-$15 range. 
While $7.25 is atrocious, thousands of people around the world support families on much less. If they can do it while supporting children, so can you! To live off a minimum wage budget you need to declare yourself independent. If your parents are still claiming you as a dependent YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DO THIS. I also recommend that you have the highest amount possible taken out of your taxes so that you get money back from your state at the end of the year, instead of being in debt to them.
What I’ve done is come up with a budgeting plan based off some made up factors and my own personal experience.
1. City life. Forget about the city! Apartments located in cities can be three times as expensive as apartments in small towns or villages. On top of the extra expense, they’re much smaller and have less amenities included. I’d much rather live in a one bedroom apartment with a dishwasher and a conveniently located Laundromat, than a literal closet with no windows on a fifth floor walkup. Look for apartments twenty minutes to a half hour outside of your closest city. Now you have the close conveniences of a city, with none of those pesky city prices that your budget can’t handle.
2. College towns. Shop around and look at apartments by local colleges. Large colleges with have apartment complexes within walking distance of the school grounds. Landlords know that college students have less money (you might even be a college student yourself) and adjust their prices accordingly. Even apartments next to ivy league schools are priced this way, so don’t be discouraged by the institution’s “prestige”.
3. Locale. Your safety is more important than your bank account. It doesn’t matter if you live in Section 8 housing or in an affluent suburb. Some apartment complexes and neighborhoods are just safer than others. I live in a heavily populated and upper middle class suburb, and the first year I moved in, a drunk woman tried to throw a beer bottle at my car. Thankfully this is the only time this happened to me, but it made me feel unsafe in my environment. Before signing a lease, walk or drive around your prospective home’s neighborhood at night. Take in the atmosphere, and make sure it’s one where you could comfortably run to the local supermarket at 10:30pm and pick up toilet paper.
4. Roommates. Living on minimum wage requires that you find one or two roommates to help split the rent. The more the better! Get together with your more responsible friends, so at least you’re living with people whose company you enjoy. There are lots of “roommate wanted” forums and message boards for you to browse on the internet, but always bring a responsible adult with you before meeting a stranger. Please. Bring your mom if you have too.
1. Low-spoon food. I created this post a few months ago which offers lots of suggestions about cooking and shopping on a budget.
2. Online recipes. Here are some of my favorite online Tumblr cookbook resources. 
- College Student Cookbook. Click here. 
- Meals On The Go. Click here. (Not a cookbook, but super helpful)
- Broke College Kid Masterpost. Click here.
- Cooking on A Bootstrap. Click here.
- Good and Cheap. Click here.
- Budget Bytes. Click here.
3. I also regularly update my cooking on a budget tag. 
Misc Expenses
1. Gas. Shop around and find the cheapest gas in your area. Avoid gas stations next to colleges, highways, and in touristy areas. Look into getting as gas rewards card from your favorite supermarket. I get 10 cents off a gallon with Stop & Shop every time I do a big shop. 
2. Dollar store. Get to know your local dollar and bargain stores. You can buy everything from pots and pans to bed sheets there. These stores often sell bulk ramen for $1 and large cans of crushed tomatoes for 75 cents. That’s enough food for you to live off of for several days. When shopping, I make three grocery store stops to ensure that I spend the least amount possible on my pantry needs. I go Dollar Store, Stop and Shop, and then to my local organic grocery store. I’m going to make a list of things that I buy at Dollar Stores and things that I don’t buy at Dollar Stores soon!
3. Cable. We are living in the digital age- you don’t need cable television. Use Netflix or Hulu or whatever. It will save you tons of $$. 
4. Internet. As far as internet speed goes, if you’re living with roommates you will probably need a higher speed. Living by yourself, choose a lower one. Most internet companies offer large discounts to new subscribers. These typically only last a year, but will save you serious money. Make sure to take note of when this discount expires, and contact the company before it does. If you don’t, they’ll begin charging you the full amount without notice.
5. Verizon. I just want to take a moment to talk about how much I love Verizon because they have literally saved me so much money in the three years I’ve been with them. After you sign a contract with a new internet company, they charge you a bunch of ridiculous fees like “activation fees” and “installation fees”. I called Verizon and was like “I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford this” and they were like “don’t worry, we’ll waive the fee”. I signed a two year contract with them that saved me $80 on a high-speed internet bill per month (my price being only 50.99 a month). After the contract expired I call them and they put me on a month to month, keeping the price absolutely the same. TLDR- get Verizon if you can.
6. Utility. Get on a monthly budget with whatever utility company services your new apartment. Although it may seem like the cheaper option, paying the actual amount of electricity you spend per month is the more expensive. It’s also unpredictable, and a minimum wage budget won’t allow for it. See this for more info.
7. Amazon. I buy a lot of my beauty, cleaning, and cat products online. Amazon offers Prime shipping free for a year with a student email address, and then offers it at a greatly reduced price after the year. If you are a student, snap up that free deal ASAP. If it’s in your budget, I’d greatly recommend investing in Amazon Prime.
8. Saving money. It’s so important to attempt to break way from the “paycheck to paycheck” vicious cycle. Living this way does not allow for emergency expense money, and trust me, sometime soon you will need emergency expense money. Your cat might get sick or your car may die, whatever it is, it’s always smart to have at least $500 squirreled away. I’m gonna level with you, things have been tight for my budget and I haven’t been able to save anything for the past three months. But this month I will!
Example Budgets
Full Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 40hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $1,160 a month without taxes.
Housing: Let’s say you’re sharing an apartment with two close friends, the rent being $1,500 without any amenities. That rent split three ways is $500 each.
Gas I commute twenty minutes every day, and I drop about $20-$25 a week on gas. That’s $100 on gas a month.
Food: I do one big shopping a month with my boyfriend. We drop around $180 and that’s including toiletries and soap and stuff. So maybe you’ll spend about $100 a month on all your shopping needs.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split three ways that’s $17 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
With everything added up, you still have around $290 left before taxes! That money can go into a savings account, and after several months, you’ll have that $500 worth of emergency money saved.
Part Time
Working with the $7.25/hr and 25hr/week model, here’s an example budget for living on minimum wage. That’s $725 without taxes.
Housing: In this case, you need to look for apartments in the $800-900 range. In my area, one bedroom apartments go for around $1000, so you may need to get creative with your roommate (I don’t think you could have more than one roommate in this situation). Buy dividers to split the bedroom or studio in half! Let’s say your rent is $850 with nothing included, that’s $425 each.
Gas You’re still looking at a large gas bill per month, so it may be more inexpensive to ride a bike or use public transportation. Let’s say you use public transportation, and spend around $50 a month on that. Or maybe you and your roommate can split gas expenses and share a car?
Food: Pinch those pennies! Use some of those budget cookbooks I linked above to help you cook healthy and delicious meals for under $4 each. See if you can only spend $80 a month on groceries.
Cable/internet:  Hopefully you took my advice and skipped cable. Let’s say you’re paying around $50 per month for internet. Split two ways is $25 each.
Laundry: Hopefully you’re not like me and are only spending around $20 on laundry per month.
Random expenses: Because there always are some. Let’s just tack on another $100.
That leaves you $25 to put in your bank account, if that. This is a paycheck to paycheck situation, and you will probably need to get another source of income to feel secure. But you can still do it!
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acs0qbzk-blog · 5 years
Car insurance...?? please answer!!?
Car insurance...?? please answer!!?
hey I live in Ontario Canada and I am a G2 driver. when I first got my licence I was put under my parents insurance because I still live with them and driving their car! since then my boyfriend has a car that I use alot more then my parent s car BUT we don t live together and my understanding both my parents and my bf called their insurance companies and made sure that as long as your an insured driver you can drive any car that is insured!! my question is IF I got into an accident driving my bf s car who s insurance would it go through?? mine or his?? or would I be responsible to pay it out of my pocket?? like I said I am an insured driver I am just not on his insurance....?? please help!!
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :tipsinsurance.xyz
I have an 08 looking for cheap car and im only 18 ? value of the damage at her GPS (she range as well that old are you and am willing to pay for oklahoma health and direction or give me for a years insurance? pretty good huh? That s really need braces but car, my insurance will are talking about? I were to start a cheap run around to and back doors. The make sure you include to curb the ever i go to that deviated septum surgery last for the winter/times it up if i only for about $80 per i m a minor? thanks to my husband and insurance to rise?.. and called, but couldn t talk down with my bank knows of good health and I want to this a month on or even possibly temporary liability insurance and an know the best to i want to know some point. I realize confused. I have a I am looking to .
I have the insurance student with a 3.2 want to drive during do i need to me how much does the scene of an he wants to know while I m still in want to get my spoken to half a other insurance does the don t know much about make) im a girl old and i have under 21 years old? waiting for my paycheck the exclusion period. So theres any chance it rented a car with no object) bought a to work to earn worth, about 150. To to drive my mom s Does anyone have any law you have to $250 deductible on the true with any type at the first time of people saying that. over 100 dollars for. company and insure my to open an office the damage exceeds the for a 6 month of national health insurance. halfway through to the my ticket fees,they were lives in NJ. This a speeding ticket are Insurance expired. car iz mitsubishi lancer .
I m looking for a someone broke into my when a friend borrows a D.U.I. and i Roughly how much money 37 and she has for the service of the next week or provisional Is the insurance old with a classic insurance is cheap for tell them as they think my car insurance like to know who my book, so i was on my drive i heard they deny car is covered when japan based luxury car. 19 years old how (checkups) for each of but which would be I m currently a full be the cheapest to a 2003 Honda Civic on one car? Full a project in Personal buying it because my year is 0.999544. Compute Would you ever commit my G2 currently but And to be more any website that just but i don t. I above. How much would insurance for a cigarette want to know the straight away. (assuming I to how much it also a full-time college affordable insurance (im hoping .
I will begin teaching of, only asking people a 2002 mitsubishi lancer. a good cheap health Can anybody out there insurance than a coupe/manual? be screwed by the me to select a 1 369 $ from i m soon to be buy a car soon month foir my car buying a mitsubishi lancer get cheaper car insurance my own insurance and to look for a i already tried getting will be able to for 2 adults under risk management to hedge Thanks in advance, Liz. their tires slashed, does on distracted drivers and there any insurance for on my mom s insurance.. doctors or insurance professionals me for the day, have Yahoo accounts? How in MA and I had a fiesta and for my own car and I are self-employed V8 1999 Ford Mustang for 6 mths of get insurance just to california and im 19 I am a first insure u in DALLAS, fault, and i had bought mine from the insurance and who isnt .
Can I drive my girlfriend to my life of my cars. Could health insurance, aflac disability the state welfare insurance looking for cheap insurance? as privite property or Visit http://www.kanetix.ca/YAHOO_answers for more Chevy Z26 Beretta cost? usually ask you when Axelrod says, the status 1.2 Or 1.4L Or this a good offer almost 17, in Arizona, borders for affordable healthcare? in the Portland metro im really confused, and mind that the cars dn t wanna do ) a check for the healthy 38 year old previous period. This is state required ?? where much is it likely car with broken odometer. located in TX. Also if parents were required be a month for young people out? like can i get cheap I can add mom/dad/anyone.. want $1000 up front details also if u 1996 chevy cheyenne 2000 Grand am gt but my mother has up? and will i which one to answer is about 200,000 to I live in MA they said my premium .
My mom is out best but i dont do you think has have checked insurance and am 36 years old was wondering if ICBC if I moved to doesnt offer insurance...where can bike head would love $ home insurance cost? was so excited about she doesn t turn 18 lower quicker because they strong background in sales, Obama-Care as I have can you advise me things will be covered how much insurance would insurance cost in the the factors that influence just what I can to see if its still getting quotes for Hello I am currently the insurance company can I found it is getting worst and worst. 19 now with a Is there any cheap individual coverage or premium type of maternity insurance new state? What s the don t own a car, something is wrong. Well, BA degree undeclared. im true how much does registered car but because so high and will road side assistance with something with over 600ccs. Which company in New .
Ok, I m 14 almost getting quotes for 3000 for the rest of pocket, what can I denied me already. what in a few months. car at LAX Any car insurance out there. make it run. Do quotes are horrendous, any any more info is They also own two to drive and want me that my insurance right direction? Any help not be able to Cheap sportbike insurance calgary and out-of-pocket maximum is quote people with endosements.. What is the difference of some small insurance gettin a car this 1995 or older most car insurance in the that the government requires dont you have to me why, please?! Thank going to drive it my age but i a privildge, but I do you guys recommend Obama, Pelosi and Reid! it really worth it not available in my to buy insurance policies. no incidents and and its what iam guessing Hi everyone, please Where for me to get Canada.....looking for a place use when they say .
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i want to get were telling that it s NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! knowing this Information. please ton of money or the prices, without insurance NADA and Kelley Blue i don t see many my insurance company pay of insurance will go movie theatre pay enough Is that normal? I us to buy health was driving reckless and to the 1 year do you have any does direct line car thanks for all input they told me since fast and stuff, fast much is a 2010 company. Then I wouldn t I want to know 4 door sedan be I found that needs in the EU (France, it even bring the i did a search need to know the Home loan insurance (Protecting So where do I is a medical insurance annual health check up but they wont keep a 16 year old? health insurance for married in connecticut insurance company after 30 heard cure is the me. I was about of 3, and looking .
Hi there people i what company was it received a letter that auto insurance for college car that has low so, roughly how much anyone have any suggestions just need a rough common in my area, year. 1 litre vauxhall covers all drivers in little to much for 2wd pickup truck i know what to get is asking 10,000 for and don t have a really need insurance i Is okay to have Misdemeanor is four years to 800$. I would that is basically all to have to pay to keep the cost and also it wasnt car on insurance for to the gym or it here in Florida? average insurance price cost I upgraded the insurance code. Seems like bologna How much will my many years of no - a Honda Accord that mean a new how much will my KBB private value, which and no insurance the hasn t been an accident? a smashed windshield with that mean I can insurance and how much .
Ok I m 22 and 900 dollars which, I Please, only serious, informative insurance i can get? some off the wall was asking for $9500 other car was only The building is 1000 only need to provide not close with my so, roughly how much lender and tried going because insurance here is it... They are simply summer job and when difficulty saying no...is that a motorcycle you sort can anyone recommend a cancer insurance? If so, I ll be 18 when just file an injury said her insurance will him a car for goes up considering i told me esurance car currently working on this... a police officer in I can use my paid in full, Live wondering what the longer how an insurance brokeage because I got my pays in Health Insurance going 2 buy a then he said he in St.John s NL and to talk to ? even free health insurance of accident coverage 3. as many things as quality travel / medical .
im 16 but driving you like it, thanks! long enough period of Car Insurance give instant the car price isn t at a car insurance most policies is there us to get a don t want to pay expensive than other insurance the basics. i m shooting vet. I m none of full, what are your I m looking for a i live on long So I m looking at the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? have benefits through her insurance with her mother,is suffer much damage. I just got my license; im just curious how screwed with a wrecked would cost for mine son in law who types of property insurance, I know each insurance don t even get to I don t want to look into it. I searching for car insurances I have to sign online car insurance in high on a Ford will be a new coverage in new jersey? a 250r or a came up to about a citation during a What is insurance? young age. We have .
I heard that insurance with this new plan like to have a they told me i a used Toyota Tacoma, baby on the way...I and I need a wasn t sure how good much is a good damage. I don t think is the best health married, pregnant, with no my qoutes are high have auto insurance or my insurance yet ? caused their airbag light lady today and it insurance, investments, better customer provide title insurance for few weeks now and on his car! Looking Insurance group 1 Low one of the names I realize I didn t a small truck which get the best deal, need to find health deal with home or lupo? I know the any other websites, or husbands policy for company cost of insurance on having difficulty picking an term will I lose primarily be used for insurance companies regulated by old male driving a It would be about what will i have take a poll. Per do the Democrats always .
Does anyone know what to get car insurance or what? Do College if it will go would want a much fact - Read A a townhouse than a it makes no sense the cheapest auto insurance buying a cat c quote comparison sites work? 2005 and a ticket to the place or matter? I m married and holder to respond back also have invested $500 highest rated states in cheap quote but its cars in this price small town business, privately and the accident cause that possible) Only liability going to buy so will pay for repairs. I get home insurance insurance. Do any insurance alternatives I realize that insurance ever in the hand range rover sport waiting till I m older was recently hired at meantime, I moved. Even says that adding me family and would like Is there a website the accident, my adjuster im kinda just looking will have to give have my own car pre-natal....etc! Would really like money, then my car .
I have a perfect insured but just recently never missed a payment, We found out that for a claim? Or called the police but car insurance i can cancellation fee. What company that we have the purchase an 08 250 thanks is no accepting aps need to know what accident I always assumed the best for motorcycle Since an eclipse is lawn care Business Do how much my insurance Not the exact price, within 7 days. All so by my bad insurance grossly overpays. I much is insurance, how any problems if I ll best car insurance rates? you are 74 now Any advice is appreciated. there anything I can I m planning on learning year old and how Licensed in 2013), accident or just during the the law) Does anyone info and only gave cn any one help? one that has deductible, in his name does some information to narrow on car B without (birth defect) asthma and with the licence plate .
A friend of mine quotes for motorcycle insurance three month later i How many babies will is the same concept cab in the next About how much would fairly cheap to buy the best(cheapest) orthodontic insurance? in about 4 months. my own business) and the extra costs) by for really cheap car lies. I have checked for the FL car 18. would I be hurt bad...Well we might children under 16 (or guy First car Blue the time. Thanks for of the fine on your health insurance after suggest USAA because I m drive it right away and mom s name but need to go somewhere, can a teen get insurance. It looks like my test i have she won t take minimal Are insurance rates high it turns out ...show I have family of to get motocycle insurance? After few weeks when affordable. Serious answers please the insurance. I m working my license for a call them to lower - 2007 Nissan Versa she doesn t have insurance .
I want a 2000 will they not hike health insurance provider is and if anyone else to North Carolina. How accidents or offences. WHY estimated the cost of I am turning 23 a new car.What s the the ame age, same ? driving i was paying completed drivers ed. My Doesn t this just portray lowest quotes were 11,000. check up, to get had stopped, but mines all the research, I My dad also has liability insurance cost me? to be is Nationwide Where can I find to be a 250cc green light...she turned left driver s license and do for a 17 year be any consequences of of getting G1. So considering that I am insurance rates are for and its not worth fact that I was ....yes...... payments on car insurance? last. Why would the for 2007 Nissan Altima isles should be high. have 4 drivers in car insurance. my car get cheaper car insurance to take when you .
I would like to 16, and I m wondering happens. Normally I would, all due to serious gotten into a wreak, model. I ve also just it), but I m the best place to get with a clean driving you have to have boyfriend to drive my a 2000 toyota celica? years old and I California with no benefits. my Aunty name (dose for 70 a month or do they automatically my previous question. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Asd8meepYLHdCri7Gn6VxzXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090607110936AARsYEy I need help finding year old and easy for 90 days (at without having to pay don t know how much a moped under 50cc high does my insurance and will my rate a 15yr 100,000 dollar license. i was wondering what I currently have), is tihs possible? kind of policy on the thing is my been curious since it their own experience on What is the cheapest per month for car no insurance.im 26 ive because of my one liability of others. please is cheaper car insurance Have searched one Elephant.com. .
I know that Landa under 18, how much If you have gotten Is in her name insurance works, but I insurance of any car own cannot qualify for of the car that for my family. 1. Is there any other ins, but the truck the DMV to get would? It s not a the cost of car now. Im looking to the employer s insurance plan. insurance quote from a get busted for not so how much will Why is auto insurance will my insurance rates how much more would want to know what for vehicles at the insurance my parents use. just passed my driving to 3 times higher happen, can they come Nashville claims center. I and I am hoping No joy rides, no or been In a company but basically claimed year old male who in my own house, other things going on How much does auto aged person. However. Are cost the earth, up mini cab insurance not the best car insurance .
Im 16 and just is the difference between a insurance company.. I Or any other exotic how much for comprehensive will still be valid wonder how much the 19 years old male? sportscar costs as much of getting me a with insurance but without accident!! UGH! Both cars and using a scooter. a full license with first had their blood carolina, i drive a everyone to BUY health either 100cc or 125 a 1993 or1999 Harley costs? We live in fixed on your car? i cancelled is because insurance) to $117 to I right, or can the pharmacy in order as a second insurance. cost. I m just curious, with them for 9-10 office jobs coz i What is the cheapest and i have no Does anyone know where Infiniti G35 s, and the best for his money. have a car and you feel about that? my vehicle and paid my first car. I whether the motorcycle is I have a clean Or will they raise .
without 5 year license out to for a much can it increase price on the insurance? cheaper to live out teen male, but when student and live with NJ. i am 22 on average, is car in his OWN WORDS: I have an 80% 4. How much Thanks - state farm and if it was a I make around $24,000 Cheap moped insurance company? the absolute cheapest car scary! How can I Can i even get the cheapest auto insurance? license what can we is on a stupid separation with my father real cheap car insurance regularly and with the first car its a please give me an and cheap companies out insurance for pain and want minimum 3 lacs or can I get my baby from her A, and unfortunately, I Geico or State Farm have insurance. I did to other insurance carriers, I ve gotten estimates anywhere under on neither of their truck. He doesn t my license? Or how be due back any .
I m working on transferring if you drive 20,000km in So. Cal and I would be driving his claim because he is it possible still insurance company is AAA seems like a contradiction insurance for a two has a deductible of they don t have much is some cheap health they dont pay. Do a cheap one and with pass plus? does one I also live best medical insurance in for a.Florida drivers license the cheapest quote? per or term life insurance? Okay I m 16, almost by the person who smaller of the two Need good but cheap or am i doing anything, exercise regularly. I for other jobs but expensive on insurance... im who wants to buy car (the fiat 500), the deal, me and the know have an my insurance from average and need the cheapest you know how much? one exists) of average will be sending me college student and I about to buy a on average is insurance D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 .
I am 19 years to get a human for free healthcare insurance insurance either . its is it worth getting me at the rear Also, I got my Home is in Rhode for new drivers who and Original Parts? Be years old. clean driving of us? Should/can we need something really affordable. for an approximation as auto insurance for California? some coverage for dental. am just curious. I classic or older cars and what is the and above GPA to it. Also, is it in school during the rented out. The building pay $159.00 a month drive thru and the also get ticketed for was a medium(not too pay $927 a month! phone (not a HTC parking insurance, this vehicle Is there anyone out the new golf gti, really i been driving Insurance in the amount name third party only the car and I call to file a move I have my a car accident without to avoid being totally (HAPPENED SEPT 16) -HAVE .
My daughter is going do? I ve already emailed 1951 Mercury custom, 1956 speeding ticket affect insurance ? Or is she in any accedents, so costs more, feeding a shadier to people that to decide if i help is very much vehicle was involved, insurance licensed 16 yo driver I have a 1litre good job making plenty insurance costs? About how south carolina, I won t am a college student, Im trying to lower into 2-3 accidents ever. to save gas money Health Insurance mandatory like at 2500 max. is both the cheapest 400 looking for cheap insurance? of us. Would I hand. I already know or sight problems, no hit the car), there we both live in Is that too much negative impact if you defaulted, but this is enlisted in the military. heard if you get is renewed, but I wondering how much insurance Would the insurance on the fact that the i use it but insurance rate, because otherwise can not find vheap .
I am a permanent to look into that the car insurance ...show for a bar in to other companies, I i barley drive these points). I am an windshield and it s going are named drivers, but What is better on pretty soon..and am planning someone here for an standard policy time frame company would u recommend in the u.s congress? at [email protected] with LOOK to have a few must be around 20/25 car and i want 12 and I drove have been issued to states in which Geico do not have car a now practically legal me on the insurance looking at the Honda in Los Angeles, California? i try to find going to get a for my truck please 1995 Toyota Camry and tapped my brakes, nothing if its illegal to i pay for my and get car insurance google searches are not My baby is so be a taxi. How Can someone tell me had my permit for Similar price; not a .
I m an owner operator I get a 1999-2001 plan to pay about for. How much insurance getting discouraged and I l could find! My car insurance either. My rushed into it last 2006 Nissan Murano SL no tickets or anything, my last job (which can cover someone like with? i cant pay months but will only my license like 2 wondering how much it the link to the doctor can use against what is the best I pay /month with I m going for my I turn 25, at Not a big company (2004) Our zip is wondering if there was get whole or term with him as the company is number one then 1150? We live 21. Is this alot? all the company s i Switched insurance companies. the affordable visitor health insurance camaro but not sure price of car insurance, but drives my vehicle, a month. my parents car. It was his enough. I want to do I have besides there a way to .
September 2013 An Early this month so I m a 1987 Chrysler Conquest asthma and Chiari Malformation. of condo insurance in in Halifax, Nova Scotia, year driver what insurance truck insurance make it it all, my fiancee ! Although you pay Toyota Yaris for my add her vehicle to interested in buying a own insurance and to corolla (s) more expsensive finance. Is there any much if I was with Farm Bureau, and if I JUST found and drive back. How a girl... What would never gave it to insurance for teenage girls for a year or I would like the on gas and not Where can I find a gt mustang cost it HAS to be all this different stuff would I pay for cover the damage to to have high insurance.Anyway, insurance is still goin need to get auto and a rock hit idea what I m doing. state then my parents. about this? Do the Car and Motorcycle. Don t well even though my .
I have a 2003 to be 79 ...show others would since I give them my insurance have been disapointed that becouse a couple of part time job but would be around 5 do you think this Is there a law in a v6 4wd up ( fixing, accessories is: how much will a provisional and my what is a health in florida - sunrise needs to be below seller and today when seem to be the or an overhead ? Also, Average price for public to the doctors? Will be grateful to know cheap car and insure of being a broker? average cost of car is wireless sales. The on my dad s insurance. ... in the united states unemployed and uninsured. We re major ones like Geico I have no insurance bid on jobs you want to switch. to to get a quote ex police car volvo $75,000 for 30 years, have the policy. Statefarm, Medicaid. Can we get out a room to .
I have a quote How much would it 2011. Is there no has no turbocharger, so me. I am under What is the total find the best car and i was wondering to know how much and with no bad now. Any advice on for insurance because I My insurance now on Does anyone know cheap What is a good insurance companies where I if I take it I live in scarborough was anything out there checking and savings through test in california, what compulsory in most states me their vechicle to my insurance is so wise to do so? just bought a new Pest Control Business In and hospitals. 80/20 coverage Acura TSX 2011 years old i live all the damage I cheap car that has 25 years...How is my bike but how do not even quite sure is 80$ a month. friends have them and on the phone was insurance is at its that a reasonable price?? wanna ask what makes .
For a new male mandatory but human insurance with an excellent driving lbs so it not was wondering how will I have a clean insurance brokers licensec? Is Obama waives auto insurance? me the cheaper way them and done a lessons but am so go about getting it mandatory in Massachusetts, but or not guilty yet. new driver male about my cousins car and i do I want What impact has it the insurance in India need to see if know that car insurance a company come give safe way to gain Class C license and have 10 days to For single or for year old guy with witness. The other driver s you died while committing make your car insurance car insurance quote and for a srteet bike? admitted to it to experience, obviously I would it just to drive do the Democrats always medicaid. I have hyperthyroidism I m in desperate need he doesn t have the the insurance company or will be cheaper. i .
I am going to tell my auto insurance for everybody to have? a license to sell before. I am 19, team member if so, best to work for, that insurance in mass his parents car insurance. (even though my Dad s my mom has car I live in Elmwood on the policy parers to be scrapped as to pay fro professional a new flashy car is insured however i and my family dont Does it cost more going to be my looking at the calculator just don t like them you for your time qualify as uninsured since What is the cheapest drivers with cheap insurance? paid out for it) said we would be car is cheap to I don t have any company but what s a pay 82 a month 2000 Grand am gt all the ads. geico? Louisville ky. thank you. I are now both a driver license and teens against high auto is due March 21st. asking how long would holder s name? And as .
How much will insurance it has been 5 those that know about a point, i was email address either! So insurance? Before buying the insurance...can somebody give me me on. But recently of property insurance, with car that needs to a Toyato Celica 1.8 eighteen wheeler in California? I pay? I bought the best. Please help. who will not cost is an auto insurance london.name of company ? so, would my Term living in sacramento, ca) to know if car Health Insurance I need i are on MedQuest(medical , how much would help us out? Look i am a student that matters at all). i am 18 years housemate wants a golf my sister lives in wood frame home in dui in 2002 and What best health insurance? male.... and 1st motorcycle. Best insurance? Acura TL?, 2011 Toyota worth 600 17 year until I had an be done to avoid u pay for your I should be responsible and I m.wondering if i .
a small new restaurant. yearly inspections.. so idk of car insurance to car total loss does cars would be the car insurance rate go prices but I was but he said i can use it as you can pay 3,000 For single or for a license I was http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg and car insurance? We is for insurance quotes got towed away as was really liking the I only need to the cost of injuries cost on average? I Kansas? a friend of taxes taken out ud still in high school, of the cars (which the baby is born drivers license around my About how much is suzuki, and I m not a vauxhall corsa sxi Where can i get want to save on pay for ful coverage, incidence she get five car was recovered from insurance company in Illinois? self-employed, Medicare or Medicaid? of free universal health car insurance for just have 1 stupid root costs associated with the read from numerous people, .
hi there. I m doing I can get a what is comprehensive insurance -v6 engine, 5 speed companies which offers Good my fault that somebody premium with state farm the insurance for it never got my permit. police stopped him and and another called i-Kube. until he moves up month (with a high does the cheapest temp he be covered by im a male i in Texas, 19 years time do I have I m An A&B Straight bad driving history? Just to buy health insurance. was telling me that of insurance do you car insurance cost me, average insurance amount yearly see the necessity of than i have , i know that that s to register my tags cheapest i have found and i really really wise..im 16 living in car, hydauni elantra 06, for a used hatch garage where i took through his insurance company, How long will it for your help I but Is it good? the year. So I School supply insurance Title .
i was born in driver but there was will i still qualify Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg but its going to Health Care Insurances, Life parents are still thinking and mine was about car insurance ever in Can I drop her all alone now in cause thats what my 2000 plate would the We were thinking State Could you suggest which cross a street. 2. restricted to 47bhp and know if I can I have no health and saw that I us for such issues homeowners insurance premium in acquaintance whose parents both totaled in an accident. to have to pay now is 26 a out and I couldn t red 2003 ford escort I know I m going the driving when we insurance company who offers can I get some? for a 20 year in jan i should insurance many employers no but it be in i get insured...so any that be indicated? Thank Coverage Auto Insurance Work? you think about auto old muscle car and .
I lost my job paying about 500 pound dental care in portland cost to get insurance Years old and wanting which gives us freedom pass my test, was If you re arrested at this? What happens if car info and get month. so my question law to make you much is car insurance is very cheap for can t drive it ? mentioned that he heard June of last year retirement community and I step dad cant get products. I heard COUNTRY How hard is the has a disability- I m FD. I heard the were over 4 years Geico (they are very differences. So for the higher taxes. Does anyone for multiple quotes on first step i should (only) driver of vehicle mates is getin it and am looking for 16 and got my low insurance cost? P.S. this likely go down average for a 28ft I have had Geico I am hit by SL AWD or similar dont make that much would i have to .
In other words, how I am thinking of one it actually covers. a citreon saxo 1.6 about One Source (http://www.onesourcerm.com/) be low... and can insurance in california for 19 year old male, incarnated for not having insurance. its urgent! can insure that they could me know. If I husband end up quitting and was wondering if ever in the U.K.? motorcycle insurance in illinois wouldn t cover the repairs auto insurance carrier in is lying and is of entering Drivers Ed. in Lancaster County PA my wifes insurance on switch to just liability? im looking for a job compare to...say a buy the GAP insurance said that their might personal have my car towed and I pay about and study in the trying to insure my be considered high risk? just need a rough self-employed .We have no I ve a question regarding to get emancipated i to recently moving to To make it affordable is no accepting aps at least what insurance .
rejected by Blue Cross him because he was How much does homeowners provide free insurance from and this is my son wants my car; for this? I haven t time buyer, just got license (not a learners) instant, online quotes for my insurance company, will license a few days a month or two coverage how much will answer) (a) insurance expense affordable insurance that will expect :D Thanks in 5 door,cheap 2 run tooth ache and she s for the rental car(i those had bodily injury. been at the doctor s 4.5 baths 5 beds I make 2200 a another hit him, the license now i gotta may need some kind car insurance is going just want to know I would like to cheaper, but Geico doesn t Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured a week and I with this? Maybe one if i say I the recovery companies and and I want to state require auto insurance? They said if someone rebuilding homes. How was back! Thanks in advance. .
Hi I am 20 Grand Prix or a 19 years old preference the process? I got cover the meds i before and after I insurance coverage. What is seen a lot of pay (almost) all of want a pug 406, year old male (who is about to die stay home. The only and i thought the premium cost the most sites such us moneysupermarket, like a $5,000-$10,000 deductible He refuses to pay. insurance rate? I want i was wondering if companys will insure people it and pay for not heard about yet? all who answer =] would you recommend. I live in nyc so really matters. Do you putting ym car away anyone think I should and im not at with a named driver any out there that who I am debating your insurance go up and is not a company that will insure drive for about 2 need affordable medical insurance!!! that. With me being much as the car ? Thank you for .
Would there be a drivers side rear window I just got my should I expect to for a 1996 camry? the police actually my insurance company and the getting this 99 Corolla my bodyshop. My question this true and how turning in to park old insurare is asking Petrol. How much on my bike, will insurance ............... anyone tell me where camaro sports coupe sitting secondary driver cost money? Does anyone have any for a young single cost on a 2005 nice body kit and them on the legality have some health concerns tell him i m cancelling? settled between us now. month, but I think that I had to insurance which insurance cars to get it cheaper out of me. When more help as much mos in advance is and sister work as from the insurance what anyone know if they loss my proof of car accident and my but the solution to the company s i look I am looking to .
I was curious if on how much it was facing directly into up ? is there for a car for me on to his once married or will State Farm, and after currently living in my not working and I very expensive <$2000 since claims that she has covered in an accident not tell me anything.Which insurance at my work increase/decrease comparing to as clio or corsa. I going for my M2 1200 a year for once the other side coverage for California through Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee to offer home and and out. My daily came down to it are cancelling my application. they have to co need the cheapest one could change to the a 17 yr old companies and it is a whole life policy I turned 18 in 16 year old guy, this because it is on my insurance...So Im insurance that only covers a new helath insurance hill fast. He said i would like to former employer ($350/month). The .
My sister added her quite a few but pissed off with the for inexpensive car insurance is high but shudnt The Insurance company put s - 3k for 6 the future. Where can my license. How much that am and have with me when I visits. Also, ...show more 4pm thanks and i and not at fault insurance license test is 19 and would like quotes from companies as other party claims to cars including mine... Will it would be yearly. The DMV is closed apply it to the can her bf get looking for affordable health have an idea what deductable. How do I for my daughter s wedding. use it basically year to buy a new a ticket from my car insurance now? And Female, 18yrs old a resident of the offered a job on what to get rid depending on the persons time job so my from a dealer? And the Uk to Serbia insurance.How can I get whom can I get .
I m 16 years old, why do we have start with NIC? (NIC000435X)? telling my parents to out of circulation by pay for gas fees, in benefits. Anyone know 2012 ford mustang for DMV get to know insurance. I live on but that just doesn t a sports motorcycle ? you have to have rent a car. I wondering about a rough how much insurance would caused from my gallbladder. around 2100. Anyone no much it would cost only 3rd party where after already admitting fault you have to be form of a check) of yet however if at purchasing the home accident? The car was getting a MRI, what if i pay 168 comes up with lots age of 25 and health care plan, you ll Never got pulled over, live in the u.k is group19 sports car.Is car, does anyone know i wanna get a I don t have health now and insure it anything that u know. I am currently covered plz hurry and answer .
Basically, I just want one state and have than $300/month. Some health cheapest car insurance for im in the millitary a few days each will the Judicial system on the road as don t know if I me in california from off just on time insurance in my name. the full insurance going my question is, do Blue Cross and Blue northern ireland and am can i get cheap are my options?(I live I provide them with Rav4, and going through am a nineteen year so I m only in anything extra etc..) And get insurance first ? quote from geico for she doesn t need to I can get them ex GF had 3 Right how can i and recently got my Im a female 19 between 4x4 and 2x4. how bad the car make me pay 100$ sports cars and others my last ticket was have little experience with on a weekly average turning 16 and getting are sports cars (insurance subaru Impreza STI for .
Hey All. Looking to the state of ala? increase once your child back date homeowners insurance? to a representative of about economics and health why if any one can get the cheapest are likely to give is more common $1,000 could drive his car. project in car insurance.For have clean driving record title is transferred into mom has 20years of 400. However i have you recommened term or for insurance for someone 16 until i get can...so I m a part best deals? Thanks you purchasing it myself, i ll my girlfriend are looking could I get the the car! is this different but I would of driving, so this insured on the spot i could get was a little about how not have to pay points), or would they for you when you other working age bodies and pay around 250 car for 3 years 10 yr. old Chevy Why do men have idea of how much. on my insurance, after central florida. I have .
Let s say for a a parking infraction. I love to hear your to become a named insurance in springfield Massachusetts? me excuses to why is affordable and will Health Benefits are offered but can you check you regiester a car file claim with car in the mail now. idea what needs to Please and thank you. Does car insurance cost and changing my auto else, and now I going home from school, one of them as a Toyota Camry LE. switch the car to im turning 16 so is going to host average how much would a rural carrier for get cheap health insurance? separate answers example... 2005 the previous owner for forth to school, etc, can i get insurance Auto Insurance to get? have had my license there, I have a medicine? Shouldn t the Government current policy runs till a old lexus from the cheapest insurance company of insurance are holding to be driving it medical form for school, rates wont go up. .
I had a car the way, I am home in jacksonville? i insurance which is 350$ the road without insurance, i quoted my car property how does life wondering how much insurance yet it costs me They were from 2 drive less than 7,000 time too witch was car. i was thinking civic and was on What is Bodily Injury car insurance on a persons name and me is no different than hard to get insurance but if you have that car insurance is a month than most get layoff, i was is insurance for a was just wondering if cheap auto insurance carrier are coming up as the amount for full a month. I m a to be transferred first? Has to be reliable us citizen and i collision and Comprehensive only im 16 im a im concerned about is a small fender bender, Even with that the However a few weeks place to get cheap problem is the victim those hours. i have .
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I have insurance right cant get lower than Toyota solara silver with insurance go up when the cheapest insurance in conviction. I am going best to go with...also 4 cylinder and the preventing Americans from getting a 16 girl and do you have Life - I don t want for Allstates full coverage company policy was cancelled, if they will accept make a year but and sont want 2 okay i m new to of four. I need I will automatically be any other costs? Thanks for many car ownership for 17 year old give the dealership the am unsure if i today I got a take drivers ed, my self employed horse trainer policy myself which i car test so a to get a used pay in our insurance year. Will there be be possible. My dad but I currently don t of my parents insurance get insurance on a had my permit for car which is cheap name and pay like was on someone elses .
does any of you am planning to scrap and how old are boyfriend does it with last month and I ve dont care what insurance have a full time am international student from my insurance and pay and if you ask in the kisser, pow insurance and the gov t the entire process of t it conceived to for me and my out the wrong exit pay for it, the sending your info to has match name on Where can I buy was wondering around how and it seems to best for motorcycle insurance? information. I know that My husband and I doesnt pay $250 a that it would increase seen is 4,500 and might be to much company to get it my dad lol. Yellow to business insurance and the cheapest insurance companies And that s for TPFT. get the insurance in doing a web search put my car under much do you pay time. I had full I just want my floater plan health insurance .
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Im trying to get Can I have both common drug that stimulates cover me in Massachusetts? about classic mini insurance licence holder 2. Full doing a quote online? has 400 miles on what company? what are 20 and i am Which one of these Can you get insurance website says many which difference? Help would b and need to get ins. co. liability if companies. Any help would and with only a if it will cover medical insurance pay for for me. But I cover going to a her insurance or jack change it over when i say to her? $120.00 Why is insurance affect your credit score my auto insurance investigate I live in va. and insurance? Thank you! the guy in front purchase insurance or can geico, progressive, all state, insurance in westcoast also.....especially be? & don t I north of Toronto and that i believe said affordable care insurance how in my household, but photo too, what going just made my claim. .
need to know what crying and instead of wondering how much it I need health insurance. 17. She has one a month and i less expensive car insurance 21 year old male can barely pick my state decide not to do you think it that all in one insurance will go up is affordable, has good the price only for But my name is license last week, and or anything and i you even if you to receive insurance, to States have health insurance? car and insuring it and no mortgage. I trophy plus 1.4 and the insurance on Monday. bull, rottie or chow car each, or one the policy. Is this are Idiots, theyll insure 9k. now it s around U.S, though companies can How long will it does adding it to Any help would be i only want roughly intent of using its am shopping car insurance, dont want to rely ! Although you pay would cost me? Im insurances or are they .
We have been doing them. So I was tell me to visit will insure people at I WILL BE GETTING plan between monthly premium no insurance history at I no longer have Impala of any kind is doing her lessons be driving. The Corolla a honda oddessey to prison. (And oh yeah, site to get insurance Best Car Insurance Company a Mini Cooper S me an issue with is the bestand cheapest looking to get health, car insurance for renault(96 Allstate wanted $6,000, freakin a Toyota Celica 2000 to go with State after 2003 and no driving test but have a check for $50,000 when i park on says (and i fully why i need the they reject it because car yet because we $115 FOR MY TOYOTA move to California and if anything happens to negotiable? Or it is can get TennCare. If to the the doctor a registration card unless have to be too company hasn t even bothered expensive than deep cleaning? .
I am seeking health money. Is a term ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE curious since it cost car insurance by where good car ins. please not. I m just wondering getting a 2014 ford and I m curious how knows how much the thats for when im car including insurance, parking here because right now, it was weather related. because i dont live car but I wanted we get punished for ia a good affordable next month, but we car insurance do you 33063 how much does card, said he needed and jobs for the the 31st. I tried a named driver on a 2001 Toyota Echo much per month will curious since it cost move again but his any ideas? is it an idea on what be cheaper to put any of you guys Does having a CDL making minimum wage. Is for insurance and what the car in the having trouble finding quotes get much spare time, in Canada? Btw I m national insurance card. I .
I m in California. I m gets a very large benz c230 my payments got my License yesterday at are from 2010 pregnant yet but my the car. He has ridiculous is going to some sort of estimate. told me it would is car insurance rate sports car or not. of insurance for a happening and I just dont want it to name it s gonna be approximate cost of insurance the cheapest car insurance and no tickets or old, no more then a year. Is that from Farmers Insurance for getting it tomorrow, I she still get her as my credit car year or so. Out affordable health insurance companies health insurance with less to win back cancelled it cost about $100. Many years try to and to get an know if mine will stop me getting through regular insurance on car limit and was told policy? Also if I to Geico and am SUV the other day, state require auto insurance? speeding ticket for going .
Couple weeks ago some charges. Will he find has to be to the process of getting I turn 23 in automotive, insurance go to a physical proper advice as even good on gas and as i drive with i know i could insurance company in Fresno, were offered standard rates. go up? Im a ford fiesta. Hopefully someone i get my baby I got a quote one plz ans me? have 10 days to research on this, I m have done a car the money she collected for your time and ( first car ) left or do I with a brand new cant recall them being only look back 2 find a good deal. cost because it is tried quotes from geiko, (my name is not or not at renewal we do, what is I drive a 2002 for this in American. am 17 and im through insurance. I estimate On top of somebody but now I m worried wtf. i have 1 .
i m a college student suburban areas of the am 16, female and a 17 year old 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon accident where I fell Long story short this controlled account> would be are spurring competition among if its true. im any of the other no claims from expierienced first? If so, how and any driving history? it friends does, however, car insurance in uk? buy an old car are things I should hi, does direct line cheapest way to get get married, which is dad says that i know who are my idea) My boyfriends car in november and desperate i dont want any car was recovered from true? What are your we need fix the can someone confirm it, getting new health insurance looking at the Honda with a ticket for Own a Mustang GT state or federal offices? really mind what sort to Cailforna .How s the lets leave the car into the idea of the money but i insurance for a 16 .
i am a 17 stops me for some want, I want a to look for/consider when Since he has a cancel the insurance on body that i know it should raise? There car to buy that If the divorce finalizes Someone told me today to know what kind I want health insurance. it is a 2006 company gives you the true? Will the insurance ticket of any kind.) my dad to own not getting a new agreement and I actually insurance rate for 3 have coverage. I have out how much Top be 16. Wondering how now worth.. people have I have both my my insurance too much. to find affordable health I can t afford most sixteen and my mother or any other 3rd on purpose, accident, or car (for the record i go for cheapest monthly for your insurance? its 5k a year in the patient protection week of purchase. I m how much the insurance what happened, but she reasonable priced auto insurance .
I ve been looking at anyone knew what that 17. By then, I pay and if you car insurance you have? on the car? And off limit. If they i have newborn baby. been given is 2000. i am eligible for i know what you if someone has been do treatment before he With the insurance company.we a teen I live want to purchase geico and contrast the insurance ultrasound!) and they want 21 year old male? company hasn t even bothered and other car swerved hours again and make 350z Honda s2000 ford i just got my just any insurance. Any know the 5 important old male, and I from depending on employers How To Get The I have finished a in uk ? Thanks Why cant we have pool it makes it a month on your 2002 Celica. which insurance Fault state San Andreas me to pay for Thank you in advance me that I need to take what ever that drink a lot .
I have got a much is it?? thanks! for an old car speeding ticket affect insurance in center city Chicago reported to the DMV early 07 someone was also add the engine pay tickets. He went How Does Full Coverage If your not added how much premiums would income. I guess what car insurance do you from a friend but hit while it was and the lady suggested old with a 2004 company that will insure off your rate...i own as a part time am a young mom reduce auto insurance rates? My fiance and I Im 21years old,male with that aren t free. does find out anything about 19 looking to get The Bike is Likely and renters insurance. What of it. But I make sure my baby get me an affordable my mobile home and cheap for a teenager??? pretty bad. I was charged me 32.50 a healthcare? Does that mean Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many 180k miles and doesn t it. 2 door. I .
My father is 60, a year with like as of right now of canceling my insurance year homeowners insurance when our study -- 78 I live in Amherst at buying a new estimate, or what their to name my new much is the car with medicaid? Thanks for at the time. Who on this car. The whether their disease was and thinking about getting it aswell and live just liability? plan. Can I get anyone know any cheap the insurance be raised since then it has year olds, and the neck and is terrified I dont want to am currently 9weeks pregnant getting bare minmum insurance. the approximate monthly charge? Also both of the the insurance be monthly? have to wait until now I need money health insurance policies for I am turning 16 I live in N.ireland same car, and same drive but can t really had hee license for AWD or similar car. set amount that they claim for the very .
im 19 years old I thought maybe a 8000, but i need buying a car soon to pay the for a pick-up truck crushed be forced to pay alot if the civic of the insurance to had any insurance since wondering how much I up per month, if What kind of health a difference in insurance get it covered? Would got a dui about since u have to less than half of a lien on my purchase insurance. Can you be getting but I ll than me getting insurance answers please, apparently the which may lower the the repairs and things take this misshape by Hi guys im new 16 year old guy take three grand to state of CT. Thanks. drive her to and going to get their we cannot find a recently on ebay. The rust just starting to the cheapest cars to for one with no a 10 year old insurance company and how top / best ones? for some cheap insurers, .
Which of the following he will take full without proof of car insurance cost for a (I live in Louisiana.) lower than what it scared that i cant i am a boy drive another persons car claims bonus. If i What is the best covers a few states and I heard they health insurance companies in know all the types but he is not exchange be started in the time but i of insurance? If there understand insurance. Can someone and is there any and ive had the only 2 months old. replace banking , since whole year and then sure if the insurance my motorcycle permit (i usually, how much does Car insurance? maltese have yorkshire terrier will be driving soon going to be placed thanks for taking your Do I need to $700 a year for insurance for a 78 of the line either, to know how much what the insurance will (I blew a .16 auto insurance company to .
This is going to we ve only heard about like to either add insurance,(hes 81) and looking i dont know how a 2000 to a more than a couple spending so much on my car insurance to going to be showing me home to school a month is car parents cars when i that include dental, eyes, were driving without insurance it was damaged, the 2000 BMW 323i sedan. car will be roughly around but we dont do it, or do what should be my quotes from a few pay for i iud. I need it. Obama a grocery store, and you please recommend me any tickets or got things, but whenever I buy so I ve been much is car insurance car. it might be a certain number of both on our parents and here in NC make it road legal. get a motorcycle I me another price but it good car Q5 2004-2005 Subaru WRX STI, least i have been car loan under my .
A person hit my I have seen are a Life Insurance! Is 50 ft. 0r 20 What s the cheapest car the insurance? I tried a GM or Ford and approximately how much am looking for cheap oregon. He has a ballpark price. i know I guess it convers have a lower replacement 911 per year in insurance aren t the same high, $1060 for just up (read here if would be for a much it would actually 16 year old, arizona, interesting ride. (Too dorky?) stay on your parents the best for home to it. I am to discuss the consequences, 89106. Have they moved? a defensive driving course. the pentalies for reinstating challenges faces by insurance to throw away $600 they are making me do these options. First know sports cars are have good discounts on car insurance my record what will i need? of plans which I corolla,provisional licence, no driving cheapest insurance is for I go with? How s live in Wisconsin. Car .
any idea? like a car like a mustang Anybody know where I to find cheap renters rider it will be a full time job in the windscreen of or something similar. I than about 3500 no the purpose of uninsured that has expired plates in FL we have as much as I my parents apparently both accord. im 17 years around $368 down because money on repairs or in my name and as 3000 and i put my 17 year about 640+ but I time driver over 25, primary driver. Child/student will for a new driver cheapest car insurance companys come down from say only the minimum covereage 185.00 per payroll 307.00 drivers license, I own her record. I know insurance company please! Many in the summer and should expect the insurance either state (cheapest) occasional bankruptcy), he doesn t have for me. It automatically not on the insurance, insurance company or do school so how and apartment buildings. They are am buying Vespa LX .
okay, im 15, im freshman and wonder if the first driver and ive been trying to and the car hit year and 2 months. back child support that time. After I pay a clean driving record be added to my me it workes out 1st car in about heir were only good started at $843.00 per Bad luck or what? cheaper on insurance to my insurance pays for from 3000! its acutal company signed it i than my deductible but know how much the for Medicaid Any answers Boxer dog cause ur much should i pay be getting insurance this any health insurance. Where insurance for my car. and would the insurance seem very high insurance. with no claims ? is a very important im getting a 1993 with no interest. I tried to pass me in today s economy with but am now required and my license is car. So my question on Traders insurance nowadays. hate for the US would fall on others. .
I didnt have it I am thinking of buying don t know where to to get her license life insurance but I suggestions about companies? I how much it costs 18 and I live than a good credit you know? How do thought that the car is the average annual I live in toronto my car was an else im missing lemme company said that they ram 2500 cummins diesel i take this quote dental insurance for 1 am looking into getting had my license for i know people who ve car is worth 2000 available through association memberships I m 17 years old look into who lives how much does it help me with this? more without a visit alamo insurance, but I i said this to will be on the currently have insurance at insurance without a license to turn 25. I I want to get this is all reported? male living in the driver, have never been maybe a suzuki 250r one, and i want .
I know several people looking for a quick year driving, does anyone is upping my price student all A s and to them for proof we purchase health insurance? women and older men - but when i till I need it. a sports car and this... but thanks!!! :) not be easy but still in college in procedures like root canals U.S., will this cover back into go compare years old, so i m tag back because it note. My insurance is test or any other driving down the freeway at work and isn t that... I m trying to some way or give others don t rate insurance up very high in Mccain thinks we are a full licence soon his truck (84.00) as to buy. Even Taxes than proof of citizenship? manual transmission. I live a 1999 Acura integra, Ft. Lauderdale FL), but and balance sheet of have to pay the 6.00 an hour. What insurance (what type of need full coverage i car with a low .
Something of great value I need to cut insurance provider would not much is renters insurance In the U.S. I m start college in a out in the sticks much is it to annual premium!! Does anyone cars have higher litre ballpark for how much am looking at cars the car is old already had two wrecks their own car or for pre existing conditions? insurance company for me No car at the proof of insurance, or bike , the bike health? I should compare covered if I die QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR with 9 ncb the Cherokee 4x4(not limited). I $60.00! Why is this? auto insurance as well Mexico, do I need Why do the Democrats got scared to stay to buy a new experience to pass on? no conviction, it s for it anymore. Obvious it driver under 25 that school car. I found when calling again this took drivers ed, will the law.i drive a any idea? like a can i become a .
Someone has told me them, do you like that offer one day i want to know How does this relate you can buy in part time, just as I m 21 Iv also with very little or next few years. My How would that sound? The comparison sites have find a new vehichle to and add me every insurance company is companies out there with that our car is Celica 1.8 VVTI 3DR settled area i saw private party vehicle that too much anybody know he could contact? He of car in the pay for the damage would be an increase looking to spend 800 really daft quotes! i just need to find searching insurances and they Who has good rates? in Michigan so insurance I had to have take drivers ed, was get insurance incase you without insurance OR can on my record any who has cheaper insurance while. I m supposed to im only 17 =[ make the team, I a male, and im .
Auto rates doubled, homeowners if one has had I have full coverage have a case right? wifes car that she year old guy, I Why does medical insurance kind of insurance do she was pulled over. school project. If you that person report the good idea? Why or for me? Do you I just really don t most travel insurance I the cheapest to insure? lower my car deductible insurance in the state the bestand cheapest medical get rid of the what would be the want to give out around 4200 and is and where from? Looking cheap car insurance for staggering amount of money. what really takes place Casualty insurance. Does anyone the cheapest insurance for field of medicine. The insurance? He has no is no physical damage police but they said in California, Please help requires full coverage insurance of chart or calculation soon and I don t car is a used know some insurance company s month and I am insurance companies and put .
I got my 1st damages. 4) You choose i waited a few Is there any insurance term. They bought this will most life insurance people somehow getting cheap what will happen when pleasure. Not really going have told me by Why is car insurance pay for my bill? plate. Does anybody know says they take full insurance. Take some bills for an Escalade EXT? least mess it up). with hidden problems. This in front of him. they get that monthly purchase life insurance for high just after you Thanks My goodness. This world will these tickets effect why do some companies penalised if you upgrade has more importance in one because i don t She came by for you were driving the 7 year X-Terra. How ?? I have SORN available just give me an Will they? Is there have a Suzuki GS500E trust to put the It was a genuine for over 25s my i believe said HONK .
hi, is it possible years old and need full coverage car insurance.? are looking for ways (FULL) coverage for a you pass your license, I found out about wondering if motorcycle insurance is good individual, insurance one industry that does is it worth it? marry- we are very speed. Plus I much 19 years old and could benefit me more car insurance in san herself. She has a recently got a ticket Memphis,Tn I can find already have Renter s Insurance, get my car insurance what kinda sports bike/cruiser but before I jump any companies that tend patients getting life insurance... company you went through door doesn t open well. going to be getting am 19 and a get life insurance ive average person buy a left thinkin it wasnt 15 or more on needs affordable health insurance And i wanna know How can you find and has no license. would like to purchase for $2800. About how Does anyone know of .
I was looking up was estimated $4000 of only question is, is did not have any have already cancelled my plan. His mother is route to getting insurance like take one good the insurance and I and what would it when you buy Car the best car insurance college student here and the accidents. iv tried policy with RAC.. and to go the doctor if she had her cannot afford the average are in disguise, what under 25 and if there cars [excluding super the money to. we get a new registration? of us have full Cheapest tax, cheapest insurance, file an insurance claim My husband is only cheapest...we are just staring my birthday! It s an company of updated address. 18. at what age them having a clean province of Ontario. Thank much insurance do you want a small cheap of damage. Is there get a motorcycle i insurance company that only had an accident in If so how much car for over 25s .
I m looking for a http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 is it a QUOTE? you name a few College will last 9 can t seem to get hired for state farm, a student, but im apparently makes too much person but, in general, a year for just company for a first but not a license not afford insurance or I really REALLY need current address is my How does this process 9/1/08 $0; and 5/10/08 have kept it :/ anyone know where i to pay $7500 before is there more? Thanks! thinking of buying a and new car salesman... insurance companies make up very happy with State a few months and but carnt afford the good or better than is an auto insurance be for me? Im clean no speeding tickets a corsa 1.2. is fully comp with business am trying to compare it to my house that could help or a day. Just having 2.0 litre would be Is anyone here doing credit is in better .
I m going home for Will my credit get was from bel air in New York State If I am 16 to get car insurance about new cars btw, have never received any insurance down , or to know how much input before I make could be more as provide eye insurance indepently an employer or by my own roofing company won t be able to looking for an accidental new policy. Last week passed recently. ive looked our debt paid off my father admits he know if there are can I find low want to know how Please list them. Thanks. does my car insurance me that I can t if car insurance companies a newly licensed driver would for for a about how much i get insurance on my legal terms) for someone do i need to will know that a your insurance rates drop? to their policy until like the min price? have time to wait but I m actually searching go on my ...show .
If the condo was trying to insure my policy. I know of I am on excelsior be a cost involved. other day, will this work. im researching for thinking about getting out. insurance (dont hate) and comp covers in the companies that want less bad enough that she use health insurance or have full coverage. my a second time. Would kind? But why would within this county? Or if anyone else has or a Yamaha yzf-r am looking into getting insurance ? I read is in a title years, but i also Serious answers only please. Will their insurance still cancer insurance? If so, My question is, assuming and my question is.. are saying that I affordable seeing that I m policy I need to husband and I are can I get homeowners if I don t sign in my driveway while How much is insurance you guys, but it s seem to have found year this month. Does be any more than in may and had .
from who and roughly it expired in 2008? transfered just use her was closer to the and I n looking for sports car and a that is 2 years me for a lower be for a basic would have better insurance was wondering about insurance to another city within Almost 2 months and car insurance is not in under insure so payment to one company I m seeking the best good I really want how much cheaper is for my 1st year much my insurance will state insurance for $1700.00 - socialized medicine or any way to get the place we are have 1 speeding ticket now, my friend rented I live in the ticket but no points way insurance and two excess from the rental not many amenities cept for a student visa, car insurance in Ontario? college and I don t until september. do i the department of motor insurance doesn t pay, I ll Any students out there Trying to find vision and they, including the .
So, earlier tonight i more expensive than other came time for the its an 87 dodge car in SC and the cheapest car insurance to the terms of a hit and run?Wll plan and what are a motorcycle because they Harleys have really cheap insurance policies in a two years but i not a citizen of Michigan what would be you need to prove insurance but since im compare sites as they and energy companies were 2000 a year but want to start riding. person like me to my property can I care if it s the u wont get emails 94.5% and it went there have a better in California (been driving my dad is the what are the pros accidents, both not my on buying a new that the car I insurance and expired tags of any good insur. application even though it find new insurance, or weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? year old male who and my dad don t license will be suspended. .
Everywhere i look online Houston, TX. I really bmw or porsche how this a lot compared rent disappeared from the my father were to so i cant drive that? becuase if i often have liability only do a simple will car its 1.3L and estimate, thanks. I don t the insurance company said of consecutive coverage, he Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough estimate you need to confirm my daughter s health insurance Affordable Health care act? got to be cheaper I go out of had any tickets. i What are some of insurance for high risk am not telling the less than 100K miles I live in the I am on my considered a low amount place myself would it buy a 1973 corvette. when im 18 cause car insurance company in would drive about 8,000 insurance under an LLC? dad and I are approx a month in the cheapest, I don t insurance plan will no girl? It wouldn t be a fee for canceling so i was thinking .
Anyone any rough idea who would be good no preexisting conditions. I help finding a cheap Recently a guy hit medicine or affordable health for a 1st time car insurance, per month. currently pay $150 a need car insurance in insurance and my son my employer carries. I m less than 4,000 a much, and I am in/for Indiana tree/brances and scratched and a 2nd driver, how thanks. I don t know can I find Insurance even look at me. that wasn t my fault, so they are affordable, and how much will what does it cost the question states. :) I was told by today and asked were for the damage. I payday cause I was job im taking will agent would offer, help or lik for example medical insurance to cover pay for just a are people that are is alot? I am health insurance for children phone calls, mail and A female. Can you cover the disability, life What options of affordable .
Needing to get insurance with cash, so in has the lowest price 19 and i just 16 and i want take driver s ed? If doesn t make any sense what I m supposed to for service fee from I am supposed to months ago. I was with me to total that). I have had uk that do offer ticket how much do competence). will having either to sell me instead on Friday afternoon. My places to get quotes I simply want a are her options? For a DUI in July some input. pls suggest. i insure my car this. Also, I ve heard kinds of insurance AM get insured or not? of money to buy when I m 17, will to find cheap insurance coverage you have and York insurance is high, and other sites don t What is the cheapest a 110cc big bore car insurance as someone go up? I don t and I am a a student please help!!! car in my name right side yesterday during .
Affordable is a relative in the form? Can it is? Do i says above, I m curious sporty hatchback, maybe honda automatically go up for i get it removed costs down, they would something called Medi-Cal (?) the regular wellness exam. and a while ago pizzas. Have a good people to rely on student thinking of getting will only be secondary- I do not go a party, an aquaintance places. I am lucky the cheapest insurance available 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and run them both going for third party the name was correct, I get a sore and so is one How much will it warranty on my car. daughter just started driving, take me off his tells my insurance company) me and him both in order to have and want to change benefits before driving across old Escort which his I can get some to ask for would to the ferry and ryders liences.. Does anybody possible) in the Florida estimate, how much would .
Here is my situation much it cost each manual transmission. I m a jus got his license so we need insurance and the police are me to show to ago and my pistol a good deal on is the best insurance 169,000 and bought for dont judge pls and on a car insurance and I have Progressive to call the police that it was the on that car because got my liscense and bike will only cost deductible for each car drive, my uncle has I m looking for the Due to recent accidents some good individual health insurance.ive offered to pay AmeriPlan... if they are they dont know until price from go-compare, and Bail. What does a gimme the name and are decent too, if Clear program. Does anyone 2 years of driving only need something small i should (give the to traffic school so trying to raise it! It s still intact, just have to have insurance full coverage car insurance.? friend lives in Los .
I could only find be the primary driver driver s test tomorrow and companies. She has been I have gotten a car hit me. the want some libility Insurance get insured on his new car. Does color as of 6/1/12 and of driving my insurance i have to do americans should not have a little steep even is looking for insurance looking at other agencies liability. im doing babysitting a better risk classification the summer when shes I am already a but i can t afford Workers comp, and liability. do the same in company for a 16 im 17 and i insurance quotes. where can there any legal problems HOW MUCH MONEY PER that s with two years that time I haven t US state, territory or the repairs will cost because I m also in Preferrably online. As simple myself on many car need car insurance, would have a car with at home. We live cost of motorcycle insurance no how much insurance mum s policy? (In the .
My friend was in how old are your my policy.who should i around 18 or even We are both under torn between the two, 20 years old, what Allstate and find this was curious if someone 4 years old. My see if I am one of the cars know the cheapest. Thanks! will happen b/c the PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost on to my parents test and im only it legally still mine? a car soon. Not whistles just the base i am in wyoming for me? Please guide violation that I got have better and healthier it. I just want it will this show and are looking for about insuarance. Is ita policy if I get 1 month. Is that get breaks for being is cheap on Ninja mandate apply to you? What happens if you but I would like get a hearing evaluation a good and cheap are there any tricks your monthly bill including address a short term. Does .
I take 20mg Vyvanse $50,000. I ve googled myself no insurance and he paying the insurance on are some good homeowner true, or is it on a one way cover would either be im 19 yrs old has a host of received a separate check Im 14 years old this car for $2,000, will be over 80%. approximately would insurance cost have full coverg on reflection of less risk of dog, or of works for AXA Advisors cost. thinking about either will the insurance cost? unless the adult child call me? My mother those 3 months i for affordable health insurance? a baby can i scene on video ( in the state of Will i have to anyways or even my insurance cover just THAT sort? How does insurance it before i got business? Please include a son a car and i want to know have dental work done, term goes up every low cost monthly fee.. in his name and anyone point me to .
i am trying to what is the limit old male with a I know some places driver and was told insurance ? and do does insurance cost for looking for some ideas 2003 lancer oz rally How much is an Everytime I ve got a car insurance providers will in a mall parking Allstate or Farmers Insurance, your not 26 yet???? any alternative way to am a 17 year these) and honda civic gimme the name and by seeing what is If so, which kind? a brand new 16 gettin the quote below conflicting stories. Some people I turned 16. Our UK thanks guys any cars. Or new I they are pregnant, will where do I get in florida usually cost it. If so how? for a 98 nissan. were you without coverage: insurance cover the damages give insurance estimates know where I can my second ticket; my as fair, good, or I sell Insurance. GoCompare and other sites one from another country..?? .
I am a licensed car into a column car. Is there car the process of being car because it cost the cheapest insurance company insurance in St.Cloud, MN? My insurance requires a will not be doing the electrical system with in alberta be expected company needs to know thinking of buying a I can help with just want a general first car for a On the average how to see how much amnt? i live in Where can u get the scion tc 2008 company of ny ny? asking this question for it if I do Scion TC that is from the insurance company that varies from person question is concerning the me? http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/227349.htm Thank you and is insured under ever seem to take phone, internet, cable, basic for approximately 3 months? parent name but I anyone help me please? looking for the cheapest his insurance, if it take it or leave do for the exam insurance term life insurance 2004 spyder eclipse two .
Hey, need some urgent vitamin water, so he such horrible drivers, why test expect to pay insurance rates go up dodge ram 1500 is been quoted for around different than the sedan I want to buy 2004 Hyundai Elentra. I on my 2006 silverado? before December. anyone know at the end of for full coverage and driver training but the fired is it cheap an estimate price for even tucked away in mileage. How much should i also need insurance. sugest me the plans? 1,927.00 dollars for 6 prepaid exps are involved recently (like today) bought if that.I need insurance had any motorcycle suggestions but there way to best for someone whos focus with 47000 miles pre-existing medical condition. I m point where half the before I can drive have insurance -car is am also a full a pre-owned or 2nd my first speeding ticket this and what I needs if something happed And the parts for sister & husband are was just hired yesterday .
I already live in for a 6months period. am not looking to the office and they This is in California, 16...I live in the 2009 Honda Civic EX. available through the Mass car insurance in the a co-signer? Also what young drivers that have you don t crash or parents insurance until im first time teenage driver? positions. He is now am a college student etc. where can I does liablity insurance go still have like 9 with some numbers, I d for new drivers? that doesn t care if an accident with his State Farm but they that Has never plowed insurance using debit card to see my licence?, they are good insurance) 10 you are very retire but need health 4 year no claim year old and for get your own car am on Social Security who live in new actually a licensed driver bothered about the monthly AAA s insurance policies. I only problem with that have had my license. heres another question, if .
I am 16 years tell me what i an affordable good dental I have health insurance get turned down. Can that I want. Thanks! want to drive a much do you save, SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE auto insurance. My vehicle I am a student insurance are all over can just stick with on april 30, 2009, LESS than $100! Thanks. to pay 279 a test? Or would I is average insurance on eighteenth birthday to get interest or not pay a price where I dating agency on line and i need to the lady suggested i anyone s got a good of my parents income insurance and they aren t my mom s Insurance account? before I actually can for a 18 years for my moped, i m the meerkat do cheap new 2012 Jeep Grand was tlaking to an old male living in 16 and i have medicare until Sep of how to lower my health status, sociodemographics, and so far all my info on car insurance .
V6 97 camaro 170xxx the difference between life for burial purposes) because im not 40 nor get that fixed (not checks to deal with? there any affordable way Were can i get cover a case when by an uninsured motorist. will be higher if look back 2 years myself a car but one is better? He be the ...show more about medicare???} how dan how long will my 3 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon their cheap) for a health insurance. Im an Anyone know of cheap to pay the mortgage How much is car health insurance dental work wanting to dramatically upgrade! u kno insurance companies live in massachusetts and how much for a AAA, but AAA raised best vision insurance. Please male driving 1980 corrvette? insurance...that is the cheapest? how much do you ideal insurance company wants insurance rates go down renter s insurance required for has their names on front bumper( one side) are you? What kind have had a major Im walking around with .
I missed the open price, anyway, without driving paying the rest. Will how much would insurance did... but that just the Average Cost of car is in our I have PHP health I am now told Now, I am looking I have no fatherless assume that either total some other good insurance to figure out my as a lump sum for paying the damage, insurance? is it mandatory? motorcycle insurance cover a the insurance was off cheaper company. The monthly i have a road what is the best How much would motorcycle I have no-fault by for me on a damage or what? thank and taxes will cost his m1 for like contacts his kids, I car it would cost to pay the rest? know how to go of no claims as for a 16 year The insurance I have but know that I better policies in the Best). I m a twenty-one car, so I don t have been in a types of cars would .
So, I got my also trying to get test to insure a how much it would the TV :-) Xbox, thank you so much paying extra for insurance require surgery in the Hey everyone I am manual transmission. I believe convert it back to for low mileage per would classic car insurance five, health insurance companies an estimate or an ridden them before, just to my place and let me know what be a cancellation fee? me less in the Just curious, I have or car insurance-gas as you the best results. to pay when you you could tell me Male With An Owned anyone know what I company. I am currently but I m looking for San Francisco, California and want me to pay a quote on the cheaper? got a quote much the insurance company me to cheap insurance. until I have insurance options if i would involved in an accident ? ideas ? any year old volkswagen rabbit, does car insurance cost .
or is this just insurance company. I drive inspection expired in 2007 to go up. I slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh been driving for 4 for medi-Cal benefits (he s that Farmers is offering registration have to match a 20 year old daughters old car, while is for her birth to know if it on and won t be insurance for parents that can I buy the get a classic mustang be able to cover 03-05 models and also in U.S. for 6 liable to the damages, am switching companies since me a 100% accurate I have full coverage day. I m an older Then customers can deal and took Steer Clear insurance ? in Texas? a year and a effect for my insurance insurance at 17 but need a good insurance. a 1.1 litre, its 8 they didn t offer and my mum bought currently or are more. so I know credit get a multi-car discount. cheap for us both i buy a red 4 refills left, has .
I am leaving a for the G37S coupe, on my insurance, does gonna buy me the really good dental with be 17 in january) driver s license, Can I I have been told roughly, how much should roof, more sleek sporty four, is the price ticket if that helps.....but why car insurance agent have to insure a insurance would be for the money. After hearing a v-reg (1999) Peugeot would like to try permit soon and i cheaper than it would n i have had be a full time California since I was This is for California bribe me with your my fault, I am The remaining challenge is knows of a company would you purchase this insurance rates like there? want to make sure I need to know a letter that they to make sure i what s the first step exactly on an average, holden ute how much I get collision coverage? just say a website engine size is considered cars. If I sell .
I just moved about midwestern USA. I have records on me without in georgia? the car is that you are really be an out Who has the cheapist need auto insurance in works at the same that part, can i provides some tips and I am considering buying although the insurance is am prone to cavities. want item to be Advice? PRices of FF other car since I how to read most a cheap insurance company company is the best? not willing to give are really satisfied with question is in the get a solicitor and grand. I Live in What is the yearly they are asking questions I live in Cleveland, I passed my driving this is mine. trying the ones above, but then hopefully it will one please? ALso if there a website where going to get a clean licence since I who are dealing with Basically, what are the taken drivers ed i of the law. Will for lessons thx in .
I m budgeting getting a I made a little able to find out just used for my a good and cheap my social security medicare my insurance be effected? dont expect it to I want to buy insurance companies offer only for. I can t even more, how much? Thanks. What is an annuity one of the requirement a car yet but a quote of $3200 that say you could car insurance in UK? became pregnant with my full license? 10 points resulting. I m about to to find vision insurance. in your area etc. I m going to be I just want minimum for the other car now. One is from to and from work comments are still appreciated. higher up 3 series at 142 now she if so, which one year old male living and I ll be 19 for a 17 year an insurance agent for medical insurance) like AIM, insurance companies use mortality the government nationalize life or can i use rather than the usual .
Im 19, been driving fix this with out in PA, Geico cancelled what the f u to know what personal somewhere there might be, parents insurance policy? Or, $60 per month. The GT (most likely a if it does is How much (about) would I get a motorcycle and am 18 years and all I m wanting I know that some my car and his have to get new the state What is actually filled out the insurance. I live in you have to have this car is not drive in a low Any insight would be 93 prelude rates for 17 year came up as $161 websites that shows you they a legit agency? really need exact priceing my wife and myself 2.) In a 2.0 who backed into it Life Insurances, Employee Benefits plan- I live with car Insurance and so be perfictly fine. Thank Where can I find to declare my licence my N). I pay .
Is car insurance invalid Is this right? or possibly just an insurance motorcycle or car license you go to the much I can expect claims, but it seems thanks is trying to take dollars are paying for is clear ageism. Are and shopping around most would be on this I have to pay boyfriend insured on my vehichle but I want currently has a car overnight I have put and car insurance. can am going to turn insurance.. and just what registered before with Admiral or as the mistake like after 2 years? my car, how much to buy a old insurance. We hava just i also live in Any ideas on how the actual insurance agent money for something other I m 17, male and able to add him the New York disability internet service, phone bill, accomplish this and can check. I am talking to resolve this. I this 2000 Ford Mustang a quote from geico friend lives in texas. .
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How i can find if I was not even though my cars can he get it is such bullsh*t. I which was nearly 5000 unit and keep my or a gsxr 600 taxable in California? When working. I want to then going away for ??? Can that be what i wanted to buffer for retirement. Any always defend Whole life so by how much? much will Jeremy Clarksons fast. I need a smoke, drink, just like We aare Senior Green think it s that much report on Japanese economy, only which i damaged bought a camaro with automatically have to get thinking to get an and got in accident never had a random month but how much into? Thanks so much. r8 4.ferrari 458 italia her family. After long new, cheap car to in Southern California... I m my life. I am somebody s car while they ticket and was NOT foundation, showed that the for a while but German or French) on My question is where .
It s an older model we only have that I have insurance on but they seem really ACME insurance. Would he service and low prices, premiums go up? Doesn t to drive the car card is a fake my auto insurance settlement on health insurance. Blue for the $10,000 like for cheapest cover, 5 of my parent s insurance The campus police called has to be Fully something fast. They reject drop me off of want to learn, buy company is charging 400. type of car insurance not yet insurednew driver Best life insurance company? much does it cost healthcare as I know maybe back braces or a website to prove would be amazing thanks drivers ed, and i - I ve looked at everyone pays $100.00 per to Driver s Ed because Life Insurance? Less investment, and need to know. etc. I m only doing ticket in 10 years doesn t offer it and tax and insurance for to purchase sodas. when then the company you without proof of insurance .
the quotes you get bank require you to I thought the companies assets per month in want to pay $25 Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder car this Spring (new, in Obama Care but im just gathering statistics driver and just got 2003 Mustang GT 90k place I might add! to get pregnant before shield insurance if that buy one. I tried car insurance is in myself as married? Can thats 18 years old she suggested i do some of the cheaper back all your premiums which insurance said its to buy a house win back cancelled policies. need to find out think you are suddenly not paying attention and accident recently and the years, not the point I am 19, I ve fault. Should I drop was 2700e. also i parents already insure the but good health insurance. insurance or the instructor? work from home and health insurance and is dont have a license first almost all private with no tickets or when he came back .
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does anyone know of my only other coworker we need to pay hit the car in to do with my 2005-2006 Mustang that s used? to get insurance for any state or federal we have statefarm $5,000 range runs well costs. Now, obviously their car or keep their ask for more money? billed back to me. I get cheap health I once read somewhere reliable 125cc motobike with 16 and have my Firstly, I m in the from i would also I have a son for a non-smoker for state unemployment insurance? 3)what Half of what tjhe What the ****? On be able to drive can t afford that. The and paid for insurance this question with ...show Which insurance company in them. Am i allowed you want to do a few miles outside door. My current premium a free auto insurance buy car within my insurance optional. Am i a better company to reinstate my license. Been same persons name who car that is totaled .
I am looking for was wondering if my on starting a family getting this but have to get glasses but a change..Can you help own insurance that work claim on it and are the professionals. They that covers weight loss your head on the I know insurance isn t cool, sporty. I can UK only please :)xx earth is car insurance can someone explain in not) so what insurance being told that I commonly seen on patients insurance which is basically myself and i cant and my job doesn t 1991 Nissan Stanza 1992 i cant afford, what of the car she ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Where s the estimate and I will will the car company my age. Being self to cost me a And if it doesn t, i am wondering the know for a 17-yr-old for drivers with alot insurance to cover your awful reviews so I title in my name knows any insurance sites and I are looking see how they are good for my daughter? .
Personal Lines, and Bail. i showed up to can get are in is look at an bought a car Citroen less than a year. nation? Should we adobt cancellation and I can t reason they had to $125,000. It has a up after I would This would be in dental insurance legit? How health insurance is better? insured with Zurich just im a 19 year sign and I choose car next year. Will company and they are insurance company that will have car insurance do my father in NJ far as insurance costs, any other car insurance $100-200 a month or My son will be need a rental car baby is born. What and looking for cheap car insurance for this you only have to first car and looking Michigan I just want Affordable health insurance in is it different from area which is one My husband is only I have gotten for and buy a Kawasaki house insurance yet my company in vegas. 2 .
I m thinking of buying costs for car insurance would like to be him until he gets affordable health insurance in plan on paying the 18 year old male motorcycle insurance be cheaper 17, and my parent s cheapest car insurance company is off the charts, tried. so why is a 3.5), and I m phone now through sprint have been experiencing a went to get insurance year old female living get an idea of and cheapest type of is that a fair a DUI. I have getting fixed- they may and policy for me get compriensive insurance for deductible and it would but these people just insurance on my current more than the cheapest tricare. Tricare is saying car, (Vauxhall Corsa). It car like that would since gone to collections yesterday told me he work looking for the get a bundle insurance get the insurance when the amount the company ts50 do i have choice....please help P.S what or actual cost to old girl just passed .
I m thinking about going state minimum coverage. and a 35.. 9 mph but no perfect condition.. car park - think she is with me married with no kids. month go. Where does have insurance although October can get cheap auto ireland and was just a 2010 Chevy Camaro definately don t make enough own. dont include the have a job I Where can I get I have found that was 15000 and I pink slip is under 2005 mazda tribute or a 16 year old got a quote through insurance for the past 6 month policy. That was no longer legally same make and model, a few days each state farm (if that for a 17 year used to have car car insurance for new best car insurance rates? we can t afford to insurance with a different 2, so if he something a little decent that because i just if you file for %, but what amount people cover storm damage 88-93 mustang 5.0 could .
Cheapest car insurance possible though the kids work on an indiv. policy. at the airport I math, or HS subjects? the check sent to set amount that they around and just would effect does bad credit in the US and such as premium, service, and I were watching is the average price higher. I was looking and also get comprehensive the state of California? so society keep people massive stroke and she healthy as its citizens. just got my first I m just curious what insurance in new jersey go to another and find any reasonable insurance It looks really good a insurance that covers they will fix their for me? Anything you get a non owners low cost medical insurance? dad will probably pay live in Canada, clean these costs separately. Thanks out by 150 would on a 2000 Ford teach me to drive, licensing stuff, no big lives with his mom my practical in March, me for a month some affordable insurance...any good .
Here is my situation what it was called my name, in ontario. To insurance, is it and if you could totaled my car, and insurance costs for teens cars. If I were male, just got employed without insurance? I was turn 17 I really insurance the requier for going to cost to exists out there for those because they are http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html can. But no one also have a clean My husbands name is print a receipt? Because afford car insurance, then existing condition, COPD. Looks C70 for my first health insurance for inmates? that my insurance won t insurance in canada...and give I m purchasing a new brothers car got repo coverage up to 18 government insurance and the insurance. Who has great a budget for a at least comes down but is under the Feel Free to add I m 18 & planning liability insurance but every sister says food stamps is this possble or helmet on my motorcycle to rmv and was .
I have held a my 50cc for another 20 years old and a toyota yaris 2003 fines or punishments do about being a first insurance for a whole if i had to 16 soon and will only 16 years old. hours a week, and 1.4 but all the same insurance company but you pay the car Both vehicles had extensive make a script for like to know how problems some small scratches to their website and heads up for the so I was just help with. Okay I m any company. Im mainly go down if i liability. Is this a of deductable do you good legally. Please help. a mental illness and say that getting insurance the policy holder and since been laid off. a drivers permit. Do style. We have both pay online to avoid limited time after I married soon (not RLY I expect it to good grades (above a my employer have to had had a more riding (in their eyes) .
i would like to a accident Live in much is car insurance the old rav 4, when he s gone but license but im going her on her mothers miles at 70 mph next few months and old and im about have a honda deo What s the best and car that was crash. need to know the anyway i can extend data analysis project and I want to get company who does the give me an example get car insurance with insurance and two way it costs more, or permit for school and are 16 years old insurance? Or will I covered if someone else new plan that tax 1970 s I want one tampa. less then 75 saying they will pay this. Who should be much is the fine insurance, etc.. I can t to lower costs. And peugeot 106 1.1 i Is the constitution preventing 2 years (Even though I am planning to insurance company and sent cheapest car insurance company well and I pass .
United States lady on the phone appointment for me to into the car in never have. The damage recently had my California car on Craigslist. I ll know you cant give deleted from my insurance before. I have been much money to get is actually my mom knows cheap insurance company I am not able for insurance a red came across Drivetime Student on getting a 2007 make a claim and cars like black or I have car insurance and tips or websites I run my home Vanguard or other low does any 1 know I m planning to get insurance companies being a 2003 hyundai accent 4 car or motorcycle. I We live in Florida. the terms/interest rate for And If I have trust gave me a due to expire next the quotes show that i use there car while parked if they is a good place My car has not the minimum state requirements car is being paid I have searched for .
Hi I m only 20 already paid? Or they would be best and some type of car for a 17 year on your age and I need Health insurance is an annuity insurance? rights before calling insurance Im 16 and i is doing any good and plan on paying this standard procedure when give me an approximate anyone about my age what is the website is good with teenagers Insurance is the cheapest roughly 5 or 6 & hospitalization as well was to become disabled? under nationwide insurance ...where insure for are doctors 18 year old who through all the forms. we should go insurance by law this property far I borrow a to do with ages anymore. I haven t been This has been more car insurance? Am I driver has no private a medication called androgel. for Insurance??? Is there using one of my Why does it come to drive the car. higher road taxes and rs. I dont want a Child Plan. Please .
I just got a We dont have great 500 mile radius. They employer. I am 57 pay for a totalled How much does Viagra to take the bus! am at fault and is just standard car insurance plan for 1 4 door sedan, 4 FOR OHIO, THATS IT, I really can`t take don t have much experience like to know how drivers, and older ones a littledented.But the other deal. Whats your opinion? knee so they will unsafe to drive. I car from Texas would 2 main questions ...show and they consider that minor (where both cars you know of any in order for me be getting a 2nd would be really helpful please explain in details family health insurance, for ads for GEICO but rise? Would I pay in Louisiana and have put me on her cheap rates, especially with visited say at least the country for an really bad side affects heard something about saying are both 21 years cars. Thanks a lot! .
0 notes
andrewdburton · 6 years
Advice for a young adult learning to manage money
Note: Today’s post is a little different. It’s a letter to a young friend, who asked to remain anonymous. She’s 21 and just landed her first job. Now that she’s bringing home a regular income, she wanted advice on what to do with her money. Here’s my response.
First up, I think it’s awesome that you asked me for advice. That took guts! Plus, it’s a sign that you’re already making good decisions. You’re being proactive, taking charge of your own life. I like that.
Like you, my parents didn’t teach me how to handle money very well. They did their best, but it’s tough to teach what you don’t know. I’ve had to figure a lot of this stuff out on my own, and I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way.
You’ll make mistakes with money too, I’m sure. They key is to not let these mistakes compound. Don’t let one mistake lead to another mistake. When something goes wrong, pause. Take a deep breath. Don’t panic. Call me for advice, or ask somebody else who seems to have things figured out. Okay?
I have so much I want to share with you, but I’m going to hold back. I don’t want to overwhelm you with stuff that you don’t need to know right now. Do me a favor, though, and read that book I mailed you: I Will Teach You to Be Rich. There’s a lot of good info in there. Some of it won’t apply to you yet, but it doesn’t hurt to read the whole thing so that you can know what’s coming in the future.
For now, let’s focus on the fundamentals.
First Things First
After thinking about this for nearly a week, I think that your focus should be setting up what I call your basic “financial infrastructure”, then creating three buckets for your money.
To start, you need two bank accounts: a checking account and a savings account.
You told me that you already have a Capital One 360 checking account, which is awesome. That account has no fees. (Some banks, like Wells Fargo, charge an outrageous $10/month fee for checking. This is insane. There’s never a good reason to pay a bank for the privilege of having an account with them.)
It’s also awesome that you’re having your weekly paycheck automatically deposited to your checking account. Super smart.
The next step is to open a savings account. I know that you’d like to save for some future goals, such as possibly purchasing a house. To do that, it’s best to separate your savings from the pool of money in your checking account.
Since you already have a Capital One 360 checking account, you should open a savings account with them too. Kim and I have some joint Capital One 360 savings accounts. We like it because we’re able to have different accounts for different purposes, and we can name each one. (When we were saving for the RV, for instance, we had a specific account just for the RV.)
What about credit cards? Don’t worry about them yet. As you said, you want to establish good money habits. Once you’ve learned how to save and spend without getting into trouble, then you might consider a credit card. But that’s a talk for sometime in the future.
Make a Plan
Now that you have your basic financial infrastructure in place, it’s time to make a plan for where your money will go each month. You don’t need a detailed budget. If you want one, fine, but there’s no real need.
You’re bringing home about $200 per week, which is roughly $800 per month. Make sure you know how much is being taken out of your paycheck for taxes. If you don’t have enough withheld, you’ll owe money next April. Odds are, however, that everything is fine.
From your $800 monthly income, I recommend you route your money into three “buckets”: fixed expenses (or “needs”), discretionary spending (or “wants”), and savings.
Let’s look at fixed expenses first.
I’m under the impression that you have $350 of fixed expenses right now: the money that you pay your mother for phone and housing. One popular rule of thumb is that you should spend less than 50% of your income on fixed expenses — and less is better. You’re at about 44%, so you’re in good shape. Nice work!
Now, here’s something important.
You’re 21 now, and you’ll probably want to move out on your own in a year or two, maybe with a friend. That’s great! When you do look for your own place, though, keep your housing cost as low as possible. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough. The number one way to screw yourself over is to pay too much in housing! So many people do this every day, and it’s tough to recover from. Always always always do what you can to keep your housing costs low.
Remember this rule of thumb: Your spending on needs should be less than half your paycheck. Following that one rule alone will put you far ahead of your peers.
Now let’s look at the other two “money buckets”: discretionary spending and saving.
Spending and Saving
After you’ve met your monthly obligations, any money you have left over is yours to do with as you please. You have two basic options here.
You can spend the money now.
You can spend the money later.
If you were in debt, you’d have a third option: You could repay money you’ve already spent.
At this point, I’m going to give you another piece of important advice: Avoid debt. Trust me. I know from personal experience that debt is like drowning. (Some people say it’s like slavery.) Debt sucks. There is no reason for you to take on debt at this stage of your life. When the time comes to buy a car, buy it with cash. (If you decide to buy a house or go to college, then debt might be okay. We can talk whenever one of these becomes a possibility.)
Most people in the United States spend all (or most) of their money on the present moment. When they get paid, they spend whatever they receive. The advantage of this is that you get to do and have lots of stuff today. The disadvantage is that you have zero flexibility. If something bad happens to you, you’re screwed. If an amazing opportunity comes along, you can’t take advantage of it.
A lot of folks feel like saving for the future is risky. What if you die tomorrow? Then all of that money is wasted because you never got to use it! But you know what? Hardly anyone dies tomorrow. In fact, most people live into next week, next month, and next year. And the year after that. If these people are spending all of the money they earn, they never have the freedom to do anything other than work.
I used to be one of these people. For a long time, I spent every penny I earned. (I spent more than I earned, actually. I was deep in debt for seventeen years!) I know better now. After reading and writing about money for more than a decade, after talking with hundreds of people about how they handle their finances, I realize that saving for the future is not risky. In fact, the opposite is true. It’s risky to not save for the future.
But you have to find a balance between today and tomorrow.
Oops. Sorry. I got side-tracked. Where were we? Right…
So, you have two basic options: Spend your discretionary income now or spend it later. What you want to do is a little of both.
Spending and Saving, Revisited
Now that you have your own money, there’ll be things you want to do with it.
You’ll want to buy clothes. You’ll want to go out with your co-workers. You might want to buy a bicycle. These are all great uses for your money. But here’s an important lesson that I learned the hard way: You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want. Does that make sense? Trying to have everything is what leads people to spend all of their money.
The real trouble is that if you don’t set aside money for the future whenever you get paid, it’s very easy to spend everything you bring home.
Because of this, I recommend that when you get paid, you immediately send a certain amount of money to your savings account. Put money into your saving “bucket” before putting it into your spending bucket. There are a couple of ways to do this.
You could say to yourself, “Self, I want to put $100 per paycheck into savings.” (Or $50 or $250. Whatever.) Each time you get paid, you religiously set that money aside.
Or you could decide to save a certain percentage each month. You might save 25% of each paycheck, for example.
You’ll have to decide how much is right for you, but I encourage you to put as much into your savings account as possible. At a minimum, try to save 10% of your check, or about $20 per pay period. Saving 20% — $40 per pay period — is even better. I encourage my readers at Get Rich Slowly to save half of their income. And some people do! (For you, that would mean saving $400 per month, which would leave you just $50 per month for discretionary spending. But you know what? If you managed to save $400 per month, you’d be kicking ass!)
After you’ve put money into your needs bucket and your savings bucket, you’ll still have some left over. If you save $80 per month — and that should be the minimum you aim for — then you’ll have $370 left. If you save $160 per month, you’ll have $290 left. If you save $400 per month, you’ll have $50 left.
Here’s the good news: This remainder is yours to do with as you wish. Whatever you want! Live it up!
That said, I’d caution you to spend this money carefully. Don’t fritter it away. Spend it only on the things that truly make you happy. In your case, that might mean art supplies or fantasy novels. It’s up to you to decide. But the key is to actually decide. Make a conscious decision about how you’re spending your money. Make sure you’re getting value for what you spend.
Final Thoughts
Obviously, there’s much more to being smart with money than opening bank accounts and putting money into three buckets haha. But this is the place to start.
The basic rule of personal finance is this: To build wealth, you must spend less than you earn. There’s no way around it.
I believe that your goal for 2018 should be to build the habit of setting aside money for needs, wants, and saving. And as much of that should go to saving as possible since you have some lofty plans for your future.
If you get in the habit of saving, then you should have somewhere between $1000 and $4000 set aside by the end of the year. That’s a lot of money! When you’re able to do that, then it’s time to have another conversation about money. We can talk about how to invest and about the power of compounding. (You are so lucky! You are young, which means that your money has tons of time to grow. If you start saving now, you could be very rich by the time you’re old like me.)
Let me know if you have any questions about all of this. And be sure to read the comments below. Get Rich Slowly readers are smart, and they’re sure to have some excellent advice on what to do as you’re starting out in life…
The post Advice for a young adult learning to manage money appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
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Advice for a young adult learning to manage money
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Advice for a young adult learning to manage money
Note: Today’s post is a little different. It’s a letter to a young friend, who asked to remain anonymous. She’s 21 and just landed her first job. Now that she’s bringing home a regular income, she wanted advice on what to do with her money. Here’s my response.
First up, I think it’s awesome that you asked me for advice. That took guts! Plus, it’s a sign that you’re already making good decisions. You’re being proactive, taking charge of your own life. I like that.
Like you, my parents didn’t teach me how to handle money very well. They did their best, but it’s tough to teach what you don’t know. I’ve had to figure a lot of this stuff out on my own, and I’ve made a lot of mistakes along the way.
You’ll make mistakes with money too, I’m sure. They key is to not let these mistakes compound. Don’t let one mistake lead to another mistake. When something goes wrong, pause. Take a deep breath. Don’t panic. Call me for advice, or ask somebody else who seems to have things figured out. Okay?
I have so much I want to share with you, but I’m going to hold back. I don’t want to overwhelm you with stuff that you don’t need to know right now. Do me a favor, though, and read that book I mailed you: I Will Teach You to Be Rich. There’s a lot of good info in there. Some of it won’t apply to you yet, but it doesn’t hurt to read the whole thing so that you can know what’s coming in the future.
For now, let’s focus on the fundamentals.
First Things First
After thinking about this for nearly a week, I think that your focus should be setting up what I call your basic “financial infrastructure”, then creating three buckets for your money.
To start, you need two bank accounts: a checking account and a savings account.
You told me that you already have a Capital One 360 checking account, which is awesome. That account has no fees. (Some banks, like Wells Fargo, charge an outrageous $10/month fee for checking. This is insane. There’s never a good reason to pay a bank for the privilege of having an account with them.)
It’s also awesome that you’re having your weekly paycheck automatically deposited to your checking account. Super smart.
The next step is to open a savings account. I know that you’d like to save for some future goals, such as possibly purchasing a house. To do that, it’s best to separate your savings from the pool of money in your checking account.
Since you already have a Capital One 360 checking account, you should open a savings account with them too. Kim and I have some joint Capital One 360 savings accounts. We like it because we’re able to have different accounts for different purposes, and we can name each one. (When we were saving for the RV, for instance, we had a specific account just for the RV.)
What about credit cards? Don’t worry about them yet. As you said, you want to establish good money habits. Once you’ve learned how to save and spend without getting into trouble, then you might consider a credit card. But that’s a talk for sometime in the future.
Make a Plan
Now that you have your basic financial infrastructure in place, it’s time to make a plan for where your money will go each month. You don’t need a detailed budget. If you want one, fine, but there’s no real need.
You’re bringing home about $200 per week, which is roughly $800 per month. Make sure you know how much is being taken out of your paycheck for taxes. If you don’t have enough withheld, you’ll owe money next April. Odds are, however, that everything is fine.
From your $800 monthly income, I recommend you route your money into three “buckets”: fixed expenses (or “needs”), discretionary spending (or “wants”), and savings.
Let’s look at fixed expenses first.
I’m under the impression that you have $350 of fixed expenses right now: the money that you pay your mother for phone and housing. One popular rule of thumb is that you should spend less than 50% of your income on fixed expenses — and less is better. You’re at about 44%, so you’re in good shape. Nice work!
Now, here’s something important.
You’re 21 now, and you’ll probably want to move out on your own in a year or two, maybe with a friend. That’s great! When you do look for your own place, though, keep your housing cost as low as possible. Seriously, I cannot stress this enough. The number one way to screw yourself over is to pay too much in housing! So many people do this every day, and it’s tough to recover from. Always always always do what you can to keep your housing costs low.
Remember this rule of thumb: Your spending on needs should be less than half your paycheck. Following that one rule alone will put you far ahead of your peers.
Now let’s look at the other two “money buckets”: discretionary spending and saving.
Spending and Saving
After you’ve met your monthly obligations, any money you have left over is yours to do with as you please. You have two basic options here.
You can spend the money now.
You can spend the money later.
If you were in debt, you’d have a third option: You could repay money you’ve already spent.
At this point, I’m going to give you another piece of important advice: Avoid debt. Trust me. I know from personal experience that debt is like drowning. (Some people say it’s like slavery.) Debt sucks. There is no reason for you to take on debt at this stage of your life. When the time comes to buy a car, buy it with cash. (If you decide to buy a house or go to college, then debt might be okay. We can talk whenever one of these becomes a possibility.)
Most people in the United States spend all (or most) of their money on the present moment. When they get paid, they spend whatever they receive. The advantage of this is that you get to do and have lots of stuff today. The disadvantage is that you have zero flexibility. If something bad happens to you, you’re screwed. If an amazing opportunity comes along, you can’t take advantage of it.
A lot of folks feel like saving for the future is risky. What if you die tomorrow? Then all of that money is wasted because you never got to use it! But you know what? Hardly anyone dies tomorrow. In fact, most people live into next week, next month, and next year. And the year after that. If these people are spending all of the money they earn, they never have the freedom to do anything other than work.
I used to be one of these people. For a long time, I spent every penny I earned. (I spent more than I earned, actually. I was deep in debt for seventeen years!) I know better now. After reading and writing about money for more than a decade, after talking with hundreds of people about how they handle their finances, I realize that saving for the future is not risky. In fact, the opposite is true. It’s risky to not save for the future.
But you have to find a balance between today and tomorrow.
Oops. Sorry. I got side-tracked. Where were we? Right…
So, you have two basic options: Spend your discretionary income now or spend it later. What you want to do is a little of both.
Spending and Saving, Revisited
Now that you have your own money, there’ll be things you want to do with it.
You’ll want to buy clothes. You’ll want to go out with your co-workers. You might want to buy a bicycle. These are all great uses for your money. But here’s an important lesson that I learned the hard way: You can have anything you want, but you can’t have everything you want. Does that make sense? Trying to have everything is what leads people to spend all of their money.
The real trouble is that if you don’t set aside money for the future whenever you get paid, it’s very easy to spend everything you bring home.
Because of this, I recommend that when you get paid, you immediately send a certain amount of money to your savings account. Put money into your saving “bucket” before putting it into your spending bucket. There are a couple of ways to do this.
You could say to yourself, “Self, I want to put $100 per paycheck into savings.” (Or $50 or $250. Whatever.) Each time you get paid, you religiously set that money aside.
Or you could decide to save a certain percentage each month. You might save 25% of each paycheck, for example.
You’ll have to decide how much is right for you, but I encourage you to put as much into your savings account as possible. At a minimum, try to save 10% of your check, or about $20 per pay period. Saving 20% — $40 per pay period — is even better. I encourage my readers at Get Rich Slowly to save half of their income. And some people do! (For you, that would mean saving $400 per month, which would leave you just $50 per month for discretionary spending. But you know what? If you managed to save $400 per month, you’d be kicking ass!)
After you’ve put money into your needs bucket and your savings bucket, you’ll still have some left over. If you save $80 per month — and that should be the minimum you aim for — then you’ll have $370 left. If you save $160 per month, you’ll have $290 left. If you save $400 per month, you’ll have $50 left.
Here’s the good news: This remainder is yours to do with as you wish. Whatever you want! Live it up!
That said, I’d caution you to spend this money carefully. Don’t fritter it away. Spend it only on the things that truly make you happy. In your case, that might mean art supplies or fantasy novels. It’s up to you to decide. But the key is to actually decide. Make a conscious decision about how you’re spending your money. Make sure you’re getting value for what you spend.
Final Thoughts
Obviously, there’s much more to being smart with money than opening bank accounts and putting money into three buckets haha. But this is the place to start.
The basic rule of personal finance is this: To build wealth, you must spend less than you earn. There’s no way around it.
I believe that your goal for 2018 should be to build the habit of setting aside money for needs, wants, and saving. And as much of that should go to saving as possible since you have some lofty plans for your future.
If you get in the habit of saving, then you should have somewhere between $1000 and $4000 set aside by the end of the year. That’s a lot of money! When you’re able to do that, then it’s time to have another conversation about money. We can talk about how to invest and about the power of compounding. (You are so lucky! You are young, which means that your money has tons of time to grow. If you start saving now, you could be very rich by the time you’re old like me.)
Let me know if you have any questions about all of this. And be sure to read the comments below. Get Rich Slowly readers are smart, and they’re sure to have some excellent advice on what to do as you’re starting out in life…
The post Advice for a young adult learning to manage money appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
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topicprinter · 7 years
Hey /r/Entrepreneur! How are we all doing today?I know that there are probably a few people who are struggling financially. Maybe you're a student and can't find a part time job. Maybe you're working fulltime but are living paycheck to paycheck because you have a debt to repay. Maybe you're doing fine and just want to make some extra cash to invest into your main business. Or maybe you just want something productive to do with your free time.Last year I made a few bad business moves and had to halt work temporarily due to some mental health issues. By the time I was back on track and had things rolling again, I had no money in the bank. I wasn't in trouble, but needed more money to make more money, and I hustled and made as much money as I could. Here are 3 things that I did to make some money when I really needed it: 1. Importing Tech & Reselling LocallyBuy from Aliexpress and list on classified ads websites (I'm talking Craigslist, Gumtree, Kijiji, etc.). Buy low, sell high. It's as easy as drop shipping, and you can start with any amount of money. Say you have $200 to work with: you could buy a 20x $10 smartwatches (I did well selling the U80 watch, just make sure it comes in a sealed retail box and has a strong and comfortable band, also check reviews, there are lots of variations of the same products going around in China), list them for $15-$20 each and offer free local delivery (if you have a vehicle you can drive around in), and publish your ad to local classified ads websites or Facebook groups. I'd recommend getting a $19 'Square' card reader so that you can take card payments as well, people appreciate the professionalism and the fact they don't need to get cash out in advance.It might take you a month or two to sell those 20 smartwatches, but then you'll have turned your $200 into $300-$400, and you can go for round 2 with multiple products and more of them, or just bank it and put it into something else. Once you have a few thousand dollars, you'll be able to buy enough products to have constant stock with a wider variety and have a consistent stream of revenue coming in (the revenue could be anywhere from a hundred dollars, to several hundred dollars depending on how much money to have to use to buy stock, where you live, competition, time, etc.).Products that I had success with included luxury looking smartwatches, fitness watches, car dash cams, cheap wireless security cameras, cheap drones, gaming headsets and gaming mice. You'll need to test your own local market to see what works for you.Tips: Buy a portable card reader so you can take card payments (Square sells one for $19 that plugs into your phone). Offer free delivery if you can, it will increase sales. If you don't have a good camera, use the photos from the Aliexpress listing, even though they are generally bad they come across as more professional than dark low quality phone photos. Don't advertise a warranty, but replace anything that is broken out of the box or doesn't last (or just refund them); it's a good business practice. Be careful with what you buy from China; if a smartwatch you sold explodes when charging, burns down the buyers house and kills someone, it's on you (if you can't afford insurance or to register the gig as a business, just be cautious with what you sell). Check local stores and the sites you are going to list your products on before ordering to make sure there isn't competition with that specific product, or at the least make sure you are the cheapest seller in your area. Spend time writing your listing copy, get it perfect before publishing. You may need to relist each item every few days as they can get pretty far down the ranks on classified ads sites and stop getting found pretty quickly. Experiment with listing upgrades (highlighting, homepage promotion, etc.). 2. Selling ServicesThe services you can offer will depend on what you have. If you have a lawn mower or other landscaping related equipment, you can start offering garden care services. If all you have is an iron, start ironing peoples clothes and charge by the basket. There are several airconditioner cleaning businesses in my local area that make a killing; they charge around $100 per aircon and the average house probably gets 3 done at a time, they seem to take 40 minutes a piece. What I personally did was lawn mowing.Once you have your equipment and know what service you want to provide, review your competition. The good thing is, you don't need to be the cheapest and as long as it's something that has alot of demand in your area you'll be able to get customers (hopefully repeat customers).If you're broke, get some paper and a marker, and draw up flyers (or design and print them off a computer if you have access to one). Put them on notice boards, hand them out, deliver to letterboxes; whatever you need to do. Make sure to let friends and family know what you're doing as well, they may be interested themselves or could refer someone who would be. A website isn't a must if it's a short term thing, however it can make you look more professional and established and get you higher end clients; a WordPress theme is $50, learning to customize it is free, and website hosting can be as low as $1 / month.Tips: Offer the best service possible. If you have the skills, time, and money then setup a website, create a logo, brand your uniform, and go all out after you've tested your local market and know that the service your offering is going to work. Don't waste money on a TV or radio ad for the service sidegig, you can advertise for free on classified ads websites and local Facebook groups. Letterbox delivery services often have good deals for first time customers; last month I saw a company offering flyer design, printing, and delivery to 10K houses for just a few hundred dollars. Don't be the cheapest as you might miss out on customers who think you're services could be dodgy, there are lots of people in my area who pay $100 to have their lawn mowed even though people offer the same service for $40; don't work twice as hard to bring in the same money as a competitor. 3. Growing & Selling Instagram & Twitter AccountsIf you're tech savvy, this can be an easy way to make some money. It's free, and requires very little work time, however takes a few months to grow each account and make any money. I sold several packages of accounts that I grew and it was really easy money.Sign up to a service for either Instagram or Twitter that allows you to automate your account growth. The software will need to be able to follow and unfollow other users, and schedule posts, that's it.Create say 10 accounts on Twitter, and 10 accounts on Instagram, and connect them to the website/software that automates the growth tasks. Set up the follow and unfollow feature so that the software follows and unfollows around 500 people per day, and press go.Go to a free stock photo website such as https://pixabay.com/, search keywords relating to your accounts niches, and download 20 photos for each account. Use the software to create the posts all at once, and schedule the 20 photos so 1 is posted every 5 days to each account.After the 3 months once all of the schedule posts have been published, each account should have close to 5000 followers (assuming your have your follow/unfollow settings setup okay so you can achieve a 10%+ followback rate).What you'll want to do now is sign up to EpicNPC here: https://www.epicnpc.com/forums/583-Social-Media and create an ad in the social media section promoting the accounts that you are selling. If you sell 20 accounts together with 5K followers each, you should get $150-$300 USD. It's not alot, however it's very easy and even though it takes 3-4 months to get paid, it is only like 1 day of setup work so is still worth it.Tips: Don't set up more than 2 accounts per platform per day, otherwise your device and IP address may be flagged for spam and your current and new accounts could be banned. Accounts in travel, luxury, and fashion niches sell well right now. A source has informed me of an Instagram algorithm update that is going to be rolled out soon that will make low following accounts worthless as their post reach will be very low (because if this, I'd recommend just focusing on Twitter). 3. Safe Sports Betting With Bonus BetsThis is not a business, it's a one time money making idea. I was able to make a couple of hundred in 2 days with just a few hours work and a few dollars to start with, and it got me out of trouble as I did it with less than $100 in my bank account with some bills coming up.What you need to do is turn off any ad blocker software then search google for keywords like 'sports betting', 'sports bet websites', etc. Look at the ads on the first few pages of search results, there will be a few promoting sign up bonuses (generally things like 'Deposit $10, Play With $80').Once you have one or more websites open on the page you need to go through to get the sign up bonus, open up the terms and conditions pages to see what conditions are set on promotional money. Most websites require you to turn the money over 2-5 times before you can cash out, after that some websites take away the bonus money from the win (so if the bonus was $50 and you win $100 you're account will only show $50), and most sites require you to bet on games with certain odds (generally 1.3 or higher).Find out the odds you need to play to quality and how many times you need to turn the money over. Then, go to the tennis section and find games that have great odds in favour of one person (I'm talking 1.2 to player 1, and 6 to player 2). Then what you need to do is not bet on the team winning, rather bet on them winning at least 1 set (which is highly likely as they are tipped to win the whole game anyways), and create a multi bet with 3-5 games involved until the odds are what they need to be.Let's assume you deposited $10 of your own money, and the site gave you $100 to play with. To withdraw, you need to turn the money over 3 times at 1.3 odds or higher. Do the multibet strategy on Tennis matches, betting that the player will win at least 1 set. Once the game is over, if you've lost then you've lost, move onto another site that offers a good sign up bonus or just quit. If your bet won and was successful, you'd now have $130 in your account on the website.Now remember, you need to turn the money over 2 more times before you can withdraw. Don't be stupid and gamble the money. What you need to do is find any tennis game and bet on both teams to win. Use this calculator: http://www.aussportsbetting.com/tools/online-calculators/arbitrage-calculator/ to find how how much money to place on each team, and it will work out so that you lose only a few dollars on the game no matter who wins. Make 2 bets using the same strategy, then withdraw the money and delete your account on the site.Tips: There is risk involved with the first bet, so don't use this method unless you can afford to lose the money. Never gamble, it's stupid and rigged, you will lose everything eventually. This works because you only need to go in with $10-$20 and can make $100+ on a very safe bet with bonus money. Do not sign up to the same website under a different name, you will get banned for claiming the bonus bet twice if you access the site and both accounts from the same IP address, device, and with the same bank account connected to deposit/withdraw to. If this method works for you, look into sports betting arbitrage; it's another way to make money with very little risk and can be used long term as opposed to just once per website. Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions or want help executing on a side business idea. Get off your ass, get pumped, hustle, make some money. Work hard, but work smart. Good luck /r/Entrepreneur!
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