hirokiyuu · 1 year
what are ur pc's + qtip and aya's tarots (major, and minor if you have them)
HMMMM ill just do major wwww
yukina is the moon obviously. anxiety/illusions/lies u kno hte drill. my little liar <3
merriment is the lovers! support and love and relationships...... guy whose ability to love and care for others was so strong it literally gave him a powerup (in tears remembering this)
freyja was the wheel of fortune. cycles/karma etc u kno. it vibes. calliope was probably death? i never thought abt hers much WWWWW pizazz was star i think
and as for teenexo ocs.......
lin is temperance i think. balance/patience vibes right. guy who solves problems and is Good at it wwwwww hes too even-tempered to be anything else
aya is...... judgement actually i think? wwww changing yourself, rising up to your calling etc etc. the judgement aspect is like..... rising up and realizing how damaging her childhood was wwwww judgement upon the ppl in her life who were meant to care for her and instead were using her
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