spacedoutwitch · 2 years
Tribble Month 2022 Day 16: Nysdrith and Krivrinn
She found the first one wedged between the cobblestones by her front doorstep.  A tiny brooch with a fake gold frame around a smooth river rock.  Cheap, probably, but pretty.  And what good child of dragon’s blood would throw away something shiny?  She pinned it to her shirt, and smiled.
And then she couldn’t stop finding them.  Bracelets hanging on the fence of her backyard, rings scattered along her favorite path in the woods, even a necklace inside her desk at the schoolhouse.  Metal and stone and wood and twine, clumsy and skillful, but always with some way of sparkling.  She thought of looming strangers passing through town, of stories about fae whisking away greedy children, but she still didn’t get rid of them.  She couldn’t, not when they fit her so well.
She found him on the riverbank.  A boy her age, another dragonborn; one she’d seen in the square a few times, but only once at school.  In his hands, he carved a small block of wood into the shape of a dragon and put a tiny gemstone in its claws.  She marched right up to him, demanded answers, made accusations, asked if he knew how creepy he was.  And he…
He spluttered and shuffled, and managed a wobbly “sorry”, and several other things that might have been words, if he could get them out of his mouth right.  He scrambled to his feet, looked everywhere except her, and then shoved his unfinished project into her hands and ran like fiends were at his heels.  
She stared at the little figure.  The careful cuts of its scales, the gentle curve of its wings.  Its hoard of a single green jewel, glittering and winking at her.
She put it in her pocket, and tried to see where he went.
Zenithal's parents needed some backstory, so now they have some!  Emphasis on some.  Still got holes to fill over there.
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spacedoutwitch · 4 years
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Corresponding FFM Story: fav.me/de0tz9o
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