#Not saying that there isn't a place for fucked up fiction on the wiki. it's not everyone tea
scp-admissions · 1 month
HATE saying i like montauk bc i have to very very quickly go "THE VERSION ILLUSTRATED IN THE FEAR ALONE TALE + Tufto's proposal" like that damn spongebob image otherwise people will think i am a type of freak that i am Not. and the chances theyve actually read Fear Alone or Tuftos Proposal is extremely low so i then i have to explain it. your honor he did do some shit but the shock horror crimes against humanity were rumors used to generate fear to potentially contain 2317 . your honor i promise im normal
Oh yeah Fear Alone totally changed the meaning of Project Montauk.
Furthermore there are so many other scps that continuous develop and build upon the Scarlet King mythos, so it's a shame that all of it gets overshadowed by the how messed up original 231 is. Like there is a lot more to the entire Scarlet King side of SCP stories, but people still reduce all of it to "haha edgy".
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cr1mson5returns · 8 months
I fell down a sudden and spiky rabbit hole wondering where exactly in my home state of Kansas the fictional town of Smallville is supposed to be. I checked the DC Wiki for comic book information and got nothing. Kinda pissed me off, because I didn't want to have to randomly assign a plot of land to Smallville. But when I checked the Smallville Wiki (TV series Smallville, that is), I found out that the show gave it the zip code which corresponds to Chase, KS. Chase is in Rice County, which is a few hours west of Wichita on the highways, putting it pretty solidly in South Central Kansas.
And guys.....as a bitch who was born and raised in South Central Kansas, you have to know that we're some characters out here. I can't speak for Rice County, never lived there, but there's this hilarious smattering of accents scattered about the south central part of the state. Some people have that flat Midwestern/Wichita way of speaking, where you can almost pretend they're not Midwestern if they didn't unironically say "lemme just squeeze by ya" so much. But other people have that Rural Kansas drawl that isn't quite as Southern as you can hear the closer you get to the Ozarks, and despite that you'd still be able to pick them out in a crowded room because they sound a touch out of place amongst everybody else. They say "color" like "collar" and talk about "y'all down on Green Street" and they warsh their clothes while they're drawling some pictures. And that's just the way we talk, don't even get me started on the very rigidly Baptist morality and the tense feelings about whether we should even root for the Kansas City Chiefs since they're Missouri's team, anyway.
Armed with this knowledge and context, I present to all of you: Clark Kent who hauled hay in severe thunderstorm warnings as a teenager because fuck, it had to get done somehow and half the time the National Weather Service was just being cautious. Clark who learned to drive at age 12 on the farm and the county sheriff saw fit not to ticket him when he was 14 and took Pa's truck into town to pick up some last-minute ingredients for a birthday cake at the store. Clark who went to Wichita State for a journalism degree and thought Wichita was a big city and complained about the stupid ass layout of the streets between clearly historic districts and newer developments. Clark who got on a domestic flight at Eisenhower Intercontinental Airport and took off for Metropolis intent on getting out of Bumfuck Nowhere. Clark who comes back to Smallville when it's all too much because the city's great, and Lois and Jimmy and everyone else are just as great, but Kansas has the most beautiful full moon nights and not as much light pollution on the horizon, and he can fly through the Flint Hills and pretend he's a kid again and things aren't so noisy and weird and terrifying.
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thattimdrakeguy · 8 months
I Can't Think Of A Good Heading.
I saw a Damian stan complain that Tim fans (In fairness I'm definitely included in this type of Tim fan, but for a reason) keep wanting Tim to be short and have a babyface.
It is literally only because (At least in my case) there's so many different times where it's referenced in some way or another. Hell, he was months way from 18-years-old, and he was specified by even a character his own age as looking like a 'cub scout'.
Asking for some consistency is a basic desire when you like a long-lasting character. If they start to lose their consistency, it's hardly the same character anymore. It's why people prefer anime, they will typically keep the same creator so it's almost always consistent. With comics, ya pretty much have to hope someone will give enough of a shit to keep a character consistent.
I'm not sure if it's a trolling effort or what, because I never see anyone really agree with the idea Tim isn't both of those things that's not a total fuck wad to the fictional character Tim Drake.
Also, I think the most annoying part of it is people saying it infantilizes Tim. Infantilizes him. How does it infantilize him? People can be short and look young. It's not about trying to keep him an infant or something, it's literally just how he fucking looks.
Fuck I am literally in my 20s, and I get confused for a 15-year-old on a regular bases. Even at places where I've seen the same people for years, genuinely assumed I been a child the entire time they've known me. They met me when I was 18-years-old, and this still happens years later.
No one is infantilizing me. It's just how I look, and I am fine with it. It's a thing that can happen with people. It's reality. Tim Drake is representing reality, and since he's a natural underdog character it also fits super freaking well for him.
It's rude to say, I am aware, but after a while I think you're just a fucking idiot who has a some kind of unexplainable hatred towards a character you hate having traits you like. While the only time your fav has them is during the era of comics that are known for having shit inconsistencies that directly contradict previously known information.
Not all of them, but the ones I see still pressing this nonexistent issue are those kind. You can always tell by how they talk. The vagueness in which they speak, while thinking they're subtle by bringing up their headcanons as actual canon, when it's obviously not the case. That sort of thing. Their attempts to provide evidence may also be purely by things based in the forever-and-probably-always inconsistent things about comics, such as the art.
Damian is 15-years-old now, has been for a while. And he's taller at this age, than Tim was also at 15-years-old. In the pre-flashpoint timeline (saying there's a difference, because even then I feel like going back on what was said here is out of character, but I'm tryna be a little less strict on what i say), he was only an inch shorter than Tim at their different ages when they met, according to official DC material, even if it didn't seem like it in the art. Damian was ten, while Tim was months away from eighteen.
Tim's just naturally like that, and Damian had his DNA modified to be a warrior. There was even an issue of Batman around that time where it was into a dark future and Damian is an incredibly massive man that was definitely more than the generic 'adult' body artists may give a character seen in the future, before one is figured out for him. Making it a distinct purposeful choice.
And I've rarely seen Damian fan art that didn't make him look eight no matter his age.
In fact Wayne Family Adventures MADE Damian eight, when he's NEVER been eight as an active character in the main universe. People literally made that up in an active effort to infantilize him.
I remember there was even attempts to change the fan wikis to make Tim taller and Damian shorter, but it was changed back because it clearly wasn't the case when you looked at the books.
When I was around more, I was around. I've seen the shit happen.
It's just hypocrisy at it's most obvious.
I've seen this sort of thing many times over the years, and it is now 2023. Why is this still a fucking talking point? There's nothing to talk about, the case has been settled long ago. That's the reason I'm rambling here.
Most of my frustration comes more from how this fandom still does this stuff. I'm a lot calmer in real life than it probably seems. I have a hard time expressing how I actually feel in text, but trust me I'm in a calm mood, that's just dumbfounded.
You're really willing to waste your time, trying to convince people you're really just not a jackass like that?
Nowadays I simply feel bad for people that do it.
And it's not only Damian stans, it's every stan. That was just the post that gave me flashbacks to stuff I seen nearly TEN YEARS AGO now.
I still see Tim stans tryna convince everyone he's a skater-boy stoner, that ran Wayne Enterprises. Given that first part is a little more recent of a debacle, the point still remains.
He has never been that. One arc he was in the skater-crowd for a specific criminal, he hates drugs like a square, and has NEVER ran Wayne Enterprises. Lucious Fox did.
What kind of a fandom wastes time complaining about stuff they do right (Which even then, a lot of art still doesn't bother drawing Tim as anything more than a generic dude), while praising stuff that breaks what there was before?
Do you really like this stuff then?
If you have to change so much stuff to suit your desires. Why are you even here?
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zwoelffarben · 1 year
It's wonderful that you're studying/archiving tumblr culture vis-a-vis fictional film Goncharov (1973) - just wanted to send it to ya in an ask bc any act of archiving can be thankless work. and while I don't think I personally can really help bc I'm not on the gonchposting train I think what you're doing is really, really important to Internet and offline cultures (for reasons you explore really well in academic terms on your blog)
Thank you very much. This isn't meant to be pressure, I'll say that a removed perspective can be helpful when doing archival work; I've gonchposting myself, so my perspective will bias my archival records, and I admit, there have been some points where the archival process prompted me to make a kayfabe on gonchpost, which I then cited on the wiki (looking at you shipping diagram), which is questionable documentary integrity, but I do think as a part of the moment I have a right to both participate and archive at the same time, but if I'm the only one doing the work, historians ain't gonna wind up with a balanced reading of the events.
I'm currently in the process of cateloguing all the people who've made music to the wiki, but like, the compositions masters post just fucking keeps getting longer (affectionate), and I'm not well equipped to analysize musical works, cause I don't have the expertise required to lexicon at them correctly when analysizing. I had the names written down from the post when it had twenty-two entrys and thought I was in a good place. The post now has 62 entries.
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I love it here.
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(1)Dunno who else to talk to about this but I don't watch bnha (only saw a handful of eps from s1 and read stuff on wikis) and I don't like bkdk. I mean, I'd probably like it on other circumstances but I guess my actual reasoning is selfish? I wasn't bullied but just teased a lot cause I was easy target. The stuff that happened to me isn't as bad as what Bakugo did to Izuku but I'm still affected by them and so I couldn't forgive the people who did me wrong even years after we all graduated.
(2)Many of them never apologized or was just told to by the teachers and I can tell they didn’t mean it as some continued to make me cry cause it was funny. Unlike Izuku who never asked for an apology nor cared to get one and still likes Bakugo as a friend, I’m the opposite so it just makes me feel uneasy cause he’s different than me and I can’t understand why. And bkdk shippers saying that it’s good and all makes me feel… idk? Bad about myself? Like, my problems aren’t as bad as his yet he
(3)is totally okay with that and everyone just says he’s a precious cinnamon roll and Bakugo should be forgiven and whenever I see pro-bkdk post that talks about this I feel ‘personally attacked’ as others would say. I feel like I’m a bad person for not being able to forgive and not forgetting and I hate Bakugo cause he reminds me of those who made me cry and I feel like I’m a terrible person cause he got better and he did worse than my old classmates but I can’t be like Izuku and I feel guilty.
(4)Also with this reasoning in mind, I can’t help but feel like an anti even though I’m not and I can’t talk to anyone about it cause the only ones who may understand are antis. It’s frustrating and all the more cause I know people would hate me for well, hating it as I’m not even in the fandom and don’t even watched the show or read the manga…
So first off, no one’s going to hate you just for not liking a ship or a character, not anyone around here at least. People have NOTPs, even ones from things they might not have totally consumed and that’s fine, it’s not wrong to dislike ships. What separates a person with a NOTP from an anti is whether you harass the people who like your NOTP for liking it (and you didn’t exactly come spitting into my inbox about how gross I am for shipping bkdk or that I’m an abuse apologist or whatever, so you’re already doing good on that front).
Now, I’m not meaning to sound patronizing or anything so apologies if it comes off that way, but you gotta remember that Deku and Bakugou are just fictional characters. The reason Deku never hates Bakugou or asks for an apology is, at it’s base, because that’s how he’s written. He’s written to be this kind of unattainable ball of pure sunlight, and much as I love best boi for how perpetually sweet and heroic and selfless and full of the best intentions he is, trying to compare yourself to him is a losing game.
You are a person, a human being, not a fictional character. Your emotions and feelings are so much more complicated and varied than any author could ever write. If Deku were real I honestly doubt he’d be as unflinchingly on Bakugou’s side as he’s written to be, even the sweetest people will break if pushed too hard, and there’s probably been dozens of times in the years we don’t see where Bakugou’s pushed way too fucking hard.
You not wanting to like or forgive the people who fucked with you is not a bad thing. It’s normal and it’s so, so very valid. There are people in my life who I’d never want to see again because of how they treated me, and I’m not obligated to forgive just as they are not entitled to my forgiveness. You’re not a bad person for that, not by a long fucking shot.
I know it’s hard not to take positive posts about things you dislike as a personal attack, but you really do have to remember that just because I’m sitting over here in my little “BakuDeku is amazing and I love Bakugou so much!!!” corner doesn’t mean that I’m implicitly saying “and anyone who thinks otherwise is Wrong and a Bad Person!!!” We just get a lot of shit from people who actually harass shippers so it’s nice to send out some positive vibes. We just love our boys and the development we’re watching them go through and sometimes it makes us wanna shout it from the front steps of our blogs :D
BakuDeku took a long time to grow on me. I didn’t even really like Bakugou as a character until halfway through season 3 of the anime. His character in the beginning of the series is pretty weak in my opinion, just another rival character that’s also just super weirdly aggressive, which in general is a huge turn off for me. It was only when his actual character development started happening that I was like “oh this guy is way more interesting than I was giving him credit”. And even then, it wasn’t until one of the last episodes of season 3 that I fully jumped aboard the S.S. BKDK. So if you’ve only watched a handful of S1 and read some wiki stuff then I can totally understand and relate to not liking him (though I admit I don’t have the negative real life associations with that kind of vicious bully character that you do).
I would tentatively recommend giving the series another shot (I mean just in general tbh, it’s one of my favorites regardless of my opinion on bakugou and bkdk) and seeing if watching his development ends up making you come around on him. And if it doesn’t that’s fine too! There’s are tons of people who don’t like the character or the ship for various reasons, some similar to yours, and that’s totally 1000% fine and valid.
And if you don’t want to watch the show/read the manga because it’s just not your thing or whatever, then I genuinely just recommend blacklisting all the bakudeku and bakugou stuff and forgetting about it. It’s just a ship and a character you didn’t like, curating them out of your space and focusing on the stuff that makes you happy is always the best solution.
I hope I helped a little ^-^; My inbox is always open if you need a place to talk, anon, I hope you have a great week 💙💙💙
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