#Not Only Kind but a True Gamer as Well (Susie)
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Susie... you... you'd... accept me...? Even if I'm... dumb?
Uh... y... yeah? It's like when your sister gets cursed in Dragon Blazers 2. Even if her stats suck, she's still your party member.
S... Susie!? A REAL Dragon Blazers 2 reference...?
You're not only kind, but a true gamer as well. Perhaps I... underestimated you.
But worry not!!! I have decided!!! I will turn over a new leaf from now... and FIGHT! For the side... OF IGNORANCE!!!
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teruthecreator · 3 years
Krerdly really is just that one post of someone telling their crush to leave town
okay yes True and this joke has been made a lot of times i feel like, but consider the possibilities of: kris having a weird little crush that they can't quite figure out so they just start trying to repel berdly away (bc that'll definitely work right???)
like. bc we already know that kris has a history of pulling kind of intense pranks on the people they care abt through them and noelle's history. now just imagine those pranks turned up to 11 bc kris is doing the mental math of "okay if i'm This much a freak then he'll obviously keep his distance and whatever my body is doing when he sits next to me at lunch will just Stop and i won't have to think about it anymore". but also all of their pranks absolutely backfire bc berdly, resident autismpilled gamer, is Dogshit at deciphering social cues and what is meant as malicious vs. kind
like berdly comes into class and sees his entire desk is filled with moss. but he just looks like "oh boy!!! someone's left me a mid-class snack!!! how generous!!!" and kris is at their seat thunking their head against the desk bc god fucking damnit he was supposed to hate it and throw it out so then I could eat it for lunch. next prank kris hides in the bookshelf at the librarby until berdly's shift and then jumps out and scares the shit out of him, but all berdly does is squawk about "library safety" and then mumbles a very quick thanks for "waking him up" before retreating to his volunteer's desk.
it gets to a point where kris spends more time thinking of pranks for berdly than they do think about the people they Want to hang out with. and people Notice too. like noelle sees kris rigging a fake-spider trap above berdly's desk and is like "um, kris? aren't you, y'know...taking this a little too...seriously? you could just ignore him" and kris just brushes her off bc Obviously she doesn't get it. then susie corners them after school like "bro this is the third week you've ditched coming to the dark world with me so you can follow berdly back to his house and turn his internet off. what's your fuckin' deal with him anyway???? just tell him to fuck off and stop being, like...weird about it." which is when kris has an intervention-style Ah Shit moment and hides in their bedroom for the weekend
like i Enjoy the trope of berdly being the one fumbling through his feelings, but isn't it so much more believable for both of them to??? kris is clearly not well-versed in their own emotional vocabulary. when attempting to give susie advice on the ferris wheel (through soul-magic-manipulation, but still making an honest attempt), both of their options were very....not-emotions-heavy. i think they're both sheltered in very different ways:
berdly is socially sheltered, in the way that he hasn't experienced a lot of complex social situations (due to a fair number of things, one of the most obvious being the "jerky smart kid" which is a front he's put on to keep people away, but is also possibly due to a lack of a strong support system at home that would encourage him to do more with his peers). this makes him a lot less capable of deciphering common social cues (i.e., when someone doesn't want him around, when someone's being sarcastic, etc.) which can extend to his emotions when those things collide (the most obvious canonical examples are the Two Times berdly misinterprets "being nice" as someone having a crush on him).
meanwhile, kris is emotionally sheltered. i think this is partially due to their nature (in canon, they've always seemed to be the weird/quiet kid), but it can also be a result of growing up as a kind of outsider. being The Only Human in a monster community must be very difficult! especially when it comes to family. there are just things they'll Never understand, even if they've been exposed to the culture for their entire life. i also think the divorce and asriel moving away has something to due with the emotional ineptitude--when children have to deal with divorce at an older age, it can often be harder because you have more memories/stakes with the family dynamic in its current state (as opposed to when you're younger or even a baby because you have no real memory of that kind of "normal"). this might've caused kris to pull back to protect themselves, and asriel moving away only made it worse.
so what does this culminate in for them both? well, for one, therapy. but also! i think it creates a very awkward "will they, won't they" situation as the two bounce closer and closer together before the inevitable collision that leads to "AH FUCK I HAVE A CRUSH ON THIS PERSON" and then it takes Even Longer for a confession and susie and noelle are quite literally slamming their heads into a concrete wall trying to get their respective besties to just TALK ABOUT IT ALREADY
anyways those are my thoughts on the thing LMAO feel free to enable me further
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