#No esperis res..
juliaridulaina · 6 months
Si aprens a meditar...🧘‍♀️If you learn to meditate...🧘‍♀️Si aprendes a meditar...🧘‍♀️
🧘‍♀️Si comences a entrar al món de la meditació, vés poc a poc, no vulguis córrer, vés pas a pas i si no tens expectatives descobriràs el que mai havies imaginat. No esperis res.., només espera… i gaudeix✨🧘‍♀️If you start to enter the world of meditation, go little by little, don’t want to rush, go step by step and if you don’t have expectations you will discover what you never imagined. Don’t…
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zzukkummi · 2 years
Ok... so @sally-for-sally took me to watch the new Dragonball Super movie. Thanks bestie♡
I promised a review so here it is~
WARNING: Spoilers! Rambling! Disorganized fangirling!
All the characters are so cute!!! I have no idea how to write a review about this one. It's going to be very scattered and I'm just going to ramble and word-vomit all the feels that I do remember!
Here we go!
Dragonball Super: Super Hero
First off, I really liked the "montage" intro. Perhaps more like a tribute/flashback/review. It definitely served its purpose in setting the tone. It felt more like a nod to the OG db vibes and I loved every bit of it.
Speaking of OG db, they brought back the OG villain, Red Ribbon! I am aware RR is featured in the newer DBZ games, but it was still nice to see that old logo on the big screen.
The main villain is Magenta, the son of Commander Red. Red... Magenta... lol I will always appreciate the never-changing naming preference.
Magenta is this short mafia-head-looking dude. He hires another shortie. A superhero fanboy who is actually a genius, De. Hedo, the grandson of Dr. Gero.
Dr. Hedo is soooooo cute!!!!! We first see him leaving prison, so we are lead to believe he's a bad guy. But he was serving time for successfully reanimating the dead (think Frankenstein's monster). His crime was for unethical medical/scientific studies/esperiments. Ok. Still a crime...but we know he's a genius. He knows it too! He said his grandpa was a genius, but he's a SUPER genius. Lol so cute~
He's not only a super genius, he's also a hardcore superhero fan! He likes the oldschool superhero costumes, the aesthetic, everything! He even modified his own skin to make it more tough. Kind of like classic superheros where even if they get shot, they're daijyokay.
I liked seeing the son of Commander Red and the grandson of Dr. Gero interacting. They're both short so it's extra cute. The entire time, I was like "awww these two shorties~~" I was particularly amused when Magenta kept feeding Dr. Hedo oreos lol. So cuteeee!!!
Magenta successfully tricks the super genius Dr. Hedo into thinking the saiyans are the bad guys. So in order to save the planet, Dr. Hedo creates superhero androids, the Gammas!
Now look. I am not a seiyuu fan... but MAN.... why did they cast such amazing voices for these androids???? Gamma 1 and Gamma 2... their design is super cute! Gamma 1 has 1 fin on his head and Gamma 2 has 2 fins on his head. Idk if they are fins or horns. But they kinda reminds me of sharks so I'm just going to call them fins. Anyway, I like their designs!! Simple and non-human. BUT THEIR VOICES!!///// Why make their voices ikemen???////////// I was not ready for that.
Anyway, the Gammas were designed to be the best superheros. They, at first, blindly listen to Dr. Hedo's commands, believing that they were fighting villans (the saiyans + Piccolo). But when they realize the saiyans area the villains, they "re-program" themselves to be true superheros.
I like Dr. Hedo and the Gammas. They aren't villains, just a bit naive. I always love the classic trope of genius but naive. Dr. Hedo didn't disappoint.
Other than the Gammas, Dr. Hedo also made another Cell, Cell Max. Nothing too interesting to say about Cell Max, to be completely honest. His design is mainly the same, just more red. He's just supposed to create a "dangerous" atmosphere so that the heros can level up a bit before they save the world. He was "released" prematurely, so it's not like he is cognitive. He's just a brat that is big mad that someone woke him up from his sleep.
Ok. So to summarize the entire movie with 1 description... it's a Piccolo Movie.
He's the main character.
We see Piccolo being a great babysitter, as always. Not only did he babysit Gohan, now he's babysitting Gohan's daughter, Pan. He trains her and also picks her up from school. But just because he's Pan's teacher, it doesn't mean he ever stopped being Gohan's teacher.
Biss gets attacked by Gamma 2, and what does he do? He goes above and beyond to make a training regime for Gohan.
He stops by for the dragonballs to wish for latent potential (Shenron gave him a little extra as well), goes undercover into RR HQ SEVERAL times.... and even makes Pan pretend to be kidnapped. All of this to make Gohan understand that training consistently is important because you never know when we will need to save the planet.
The entire movie is about Piccolo being extra.
I always liked Piccolo in the manga because he was always so darn cute. But it was great to see him depicted in a cute manner in animation too! His place of residency is very barren because he doesn't like to keep unnecessary things. He's also like a houseplant because he only really needs water to live. Because his basic needs are met, he has no use for monetary assets.
We learn that Videl has been "paying" Piccolo for his babysitting with plushies. Piccolo clearly does not need anymore (or any at all) plushies... but I'd like to think he can't get rid of them because they were gifts. It's super cute. And since he doesn't get rid of them, perhaps everyone just thinks he likes them. It's extra cute. The cycle doesn't break. More plushies!!!!!!!
Anyway, with Shenron's extra boost, Piccolo gets his first visual upgrade. His skin turns golden, very much how the saiyan's hair turns gold when going super. But then he had to go and slap a boring name on it: Orange Piccolo. This dude needs a better naming guidebook.
Piccolo not only helps the villains grab Gohan's attention, but he also helps to escalate the villains' plans, but it's all gucci because he ends up being the main drive to successfully save the planet. So yeah. A one-man show. A one-Piccolo show. Bless.
The Saiyans:
So many things I want to comment on!!
There was a great lack of ChiChi here. But looking back, it makes sense to take out ChiChi's presence. Gohan is too influenced by his mother. That's a whole 'nother can of Asian tiger mom worms. Not sure if that was the correct setting for this kind of movie. As much as I love ChiChi, for the vibes of this movie, it was right to leave her out.
Speaking of leaving out. I thought it was great how they sent Goku and Vegeta over to Beerus's planet to have them train under Whis with Broly. It was necessary to remove those training-obsessed grandpas from this "disaster."
Beerus crushing on Chirai is canon lol. I think I need some time to process this choice too. Pretty sure that was just added randomly so that there is an excuse to keep Goku, Vegeta, and Broly from being forced to return to Earth. I ship Chirai with Broly so kitty kat needs to just end it at the crush state.
I just want to say.... Goten's glow-up tho~~~ ahh so cuteeeeee I def love his new hair!~
I thought having Goten and Trunks mess up the fusion was a great move. Every small detail happened so that Gohan and Piccolo could level up. If Trunks and Goten successfully fused, they could have easily floored Cell Max.
We then have Krillin and Android 18. I absolutely loved how Krillin actually stayed back with Bulma to "protect" her. Bros been through a lot these many years. He's only human. Give him a break. No cap tho, I found myself hoping Krillin didn't get killed. It would be too much. And yay! They kept him alive! Good job, Krillin! You made it to curtain call!
I spoke about Videl a little bit, but sounds like she's also a girlboss. As much as people diss DBZ female characters, I kind of appreciate how Toriyama makes his female characters strong. No, I don't mean "can they solo Goku?" strong... but in the real world, Bulma, ChiChi, and Videl are all top tier.
Bulma: CEO of Capsule Corp. Certified genius. She has beauty, brains, and money.
ChiChi: Literally a princess. She comes from money, yet she settled for Goku. She's good at whatever she wants/needs to do. She's stubborn, sure, and has a bad habit of only seeing what she wants to see, but she's just super goal-focused. She's smart, pretty, and knows what she wants. I'd assume she also has money as well.
Videl: She's the daughter of Mr. Satan. Meaning... she also comes from money. She's also very efficient with her job. She knows how to ask for favors too (shown with Piccolo). Videl's EQ is probably the highest in the entire DBZ cast.
It's because of these fierce women then the saiyans are able to do whatever tf they're into...
Which brings me to Gohan.
This biss.
At least he doesn't train all day like Goku and Vegeta.... at least he stays home... sure. He stays cooped up in his room... only interested in his research. ChiChi wanted you to study to land a good career! Not so you could continue the cycle of being a negligent father!
Dude really pushed all his fatherly dutied onto Piccolo. Like father like son... One would think that because he couldn't spend a lot of time with his dad growing up, you'd think he would want to be in Pan's life more... nah. Bro straight-up was like "I didn't need a dad, so you don't need a dad either, Pan!" Bruhhhhh
Which... kinda maybe yeah. Maybe Piccolo should just open an official academy. Get paid in sensu beans?
Pan was probably my favorite character in this entire movie. She was so cute!!!! Her lovely acting reminded me of Anya from Spy x Family too. "Papa!!! Tasukete!!!!" Was too cuteeee~~~!!!
But honestly... how does Gohan not know how strong his own kid is? At least Goku was like "nah, my son will be fine! He's 3 now, but he's strong!" Meanwhile, Pan's about to learn how to fly and our man Gohan is just like "oh no! Humans have kidnapped my saiyan daughter!" Lol. It's just extra sad and shows just how much of a negligent father he is.
Am I done with this review? No idea... I think this is all of my feels at the moment. It was a super cute movie. I loved Pan, I loved the shortie villains duking jt out, I loved the Gammas, I loved Krillin trying to stay alive, I loved Goten and Trunks messing up fusion. I loved Piccolo and his plushies.
Arigathanks for reading!
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copadevidre · 5 years
a l'ana del futur (i del present)
sigues conscient d'aquelles coses que et fan feliç, creu més en tu, explota parts de tu que tens vergonya a treballar-les per inseguretats, no deixis que comentaris d'altres persones et facin sentir malament per coses que a tu et fan feliç, construeix la teva vida en funció del que t'està fent feliç ara (amb les teves ambicions, els teus objectius), no esperis res de ningú (fes les coses perquè les sents i punt), crida collons que va bé, ostia treu-te ja el putu carnet de cotxe (i pirat amb algú que li vingui de gust estar al teu costat, amb una guitarra, menjar, paper de water i poca cosa més, de copilot, d'acompanyat, o de lo que collons vulgui, al final estem aquí per disfrutar no? pues anem a gaudir coño..)
ja m'he cansat una mica la veritat.. de no aprofitar aquests anys tan bonics i llocs i persones que m'envolten (de fet sí q ho aprofito, però només a vegades, m'he adonat q malgasto temps en algunes coses)
ana que t'acompanyi qui vulgui en aquest camí, disfruta cooooooñ
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laiabertran · 5 years
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La Filla del rellotger
Ara feia temps que no llegia res de Kate Morton. Tot i que els seus primers llibres em van agradar desprès se’m va fer una mica repetitiva i havia abandonat la lectura de les seves darreres novel·les. Aquesta, però, em va resultar prou atractiva i em vaig endinsar en la seva lectura.
Aquesta és una història narrada en dos temps. Per una banda, trobem la història del passat, quan a l’estiu de 1862, l’Edward Radcliffe, un pintor, viatja amb una colla d’amics a la mansió de Birchwood Manor, on tenen previst passar l’estiu. Per altra banda, en el present, hi ha l’arxivera Elodie Winslow, que accidentalment troba en una cartera un parell d’objectes que li criden l’atenció, una vella fotografia d’una dona molt bonica i un quadern de dibuix amb l’esboç d’una casa que li crida molt l’atenció.
Secrets, aventures, crims, misteri, tots ells ben barrejats per construir una història prou interessant. Entretinguda i amena, una bona lectura per a qui no esperi gaire cosa més profunda.
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freedomtripitaly · 5 years
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Sfilate, presentazioni, eventi: due volte l’anno, la Milano Fashion Week illumina la capitale lombarda. Non solo per i suoi abitanti, ma soprattutto per i numerosi turisti, addetti ai lavori e gli appassionati di stile che qui arrivano da ogni parte del mondo. Ph. marisa Arregui Il cuore della manifestazione rimane il Quadrilatero della Moda, dove modelle e personaggi famosi si aggirano tra il Duomo, Palazzo Reale, via Montenapoleone e la zona della Scala; sempre in fermento in queste occasioni è anch e il Teatro Armani, che non ospita solo le linee del Re della Moda italiana, ma anche una serie di designer emergenti che lo stilista accoglie sotto la propria ala. PPer un weekend sotto le luci della ribalta dei si parte da un luogo impensabile: presso lo Spazio Cavallerizze del Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci viene per l’occasione allestito il Fashion Hub di Milano Moda Donna; mentre, spostandosi un po’, si può tentare di raggiungere la prestigiosa Sala delle Cariatidi di Palazzo Reale. Prada, Max Mara, Fendi, Armani, Moschino, Versace, Ferragamo e Gucci purtroppo sono untouchables se non si è provvisti di pass, ma è possibile seguirli durante un gradevole shopping sul maxi schermo in corso Vittorio Emanuele, angolo piazza San Babila. Come da tradizione, Milano durante la Milano Fashion Week si riempie di eventi esclusivi, anche questi per lo più a invito, ma non mancano le iniziative a cui tutti possono partecipare: oltre al Fashion Hub Market a settembre si tiene il White dedicato al womenswear e ai brand emergenti in quattro location di via Tortona. E diversi showroom aprono le loro porte anche ai non addetti a lavori, per permettere loro di sbirciare tra le tendenze che verranno. Ph. Nadiamik Dopo il rigoroso giro tra i negozi, quando avanza la notte è tra Corso Como e Piazza Gae Aulenti che ci si deve spostare: qui party e vip in libertà sono all’ordine del giorno, sebbene la maggior parte delle feste sia su invito. Un luogo top per concludere la giornata? La Terrazza Martini, al 16esimo piano di Piazza Diaz: la vista da lì è qualcosa che va oltre l’immaginabile, e i cocktail sono davvero buoni. Terrazza Martini Ph. Marco_Bonfanti I fashion addicted doc non possono poi lasciarsi sfuggire le mostre a tema: durante la MFW di questo settembre, ad esempio, è possibile ammirare l’esposizione “Rosanna Schiaffino e la moda: abiti da star”, aperta fino al 29 settembre, ma anche la mostra a cura di Wes Anderson e Juman Malouf “Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori alla Fondazione Prada”, che sarà attiva invece fino al 13 gennaio. Solo per la fashion week apre al pubblico la mostra fotografica “Milano e la moda: omaggio a Gian Paolo Barbieri” a Palazzo Pirelli, fino al 30 settembre e, in piazzetta Reale, la Louis Vuitton Time Capsule Exhibition Milan racconterà la storia della celebre Maison e fino al 20 di ottobre. Dopo le estenuanti giornate, dove dormire? Semplice, per essere cool la scelta è immediata: la lussuosa Maison Milano / UNA Esperience si trova nella posizione al crocevia degli eventi più glamour, mentre il Contessa Jolanda Hotel & Residence Milano è l’ideale per un soggiorno breve. Tra i top trend ci sono anche l’Hotel Spadari al Duomo, ubicato a soli 150 metri da Piazza del Duomo, l’Armani Hotel Milano dove lo stile e la filosofia Armani definiscono in ogni minimo dettaglio le 95 camere e suite, e l’Hotel Manzoni Milano in via Montenapoleone, proprio nel cuore del Quadrilatero della Moda. Ph. AleMasche72 https://ift.tt/2ABBiie Un weekend glamour nella Milano di top model e influencer Sfilate, presentazioni, eventi: due volte l’anno, la Milano Fashion Week illumina la capitale lombarda. Non solo per i suoi abitanti, ma soprattutto per i numerosi turisti, addetti ai lavori e gli appassionati di stile che qui arrivano da ogni parte del mondo. Ph. marisa Arregui Il cuore della manifestazione rimane il Quadrilatero della Moda, dove modelle e personaggi famosi si aggirano tra il Duomo, Palazzo Reale, via Montenapoleone e la zona della Scala; sempre in fermento in queste occasioni è anch e il Teatro Armani, che non ospita solo le linee del Re della Moda italiana, ma anche una serie di designer emergenti che lo stilista accoglie sotto la propria ala. PPer un weekend sotto le luci della ribalta dei si parte da un luogo impensabile: presso lo Spazio Cavallerizze del Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci viene per l’occasione allestito il Fashion Hub di Milano Moda Donna; mentre, spostandosi un po’, si può tentare di raggiungere la prestigiosa Sala delle Cariatidi di Palazzo Reale. Prada, Max Mara, Fendi, Armani, Moschino, Versace, Ferragamo e Gucci purtroppo sono untouchables se non si è provvisti di pass, ma è possibile seguirli durante un gradevole shopping sul maxi schermo in corso Vittorio Emanuele, angolo piazza San Babila. Come da tradizione, Milano durante la Milano Fashion Week si riempie di eventi esclusivi, anche questi per lo più a invito, ma non mancano le iniziative a cui tutti possono partecipare: oltre al Fashion Hub Market a settembre si tiene il White dedicato al womenswear e ai brand emergenti in quattro location di via Tortona. E diversi showroom aprono le loro porte anche ai non addetti a lavori, per permettere loro di sbirciare tra le tendenze che verranno. Ph. Nadiamik Dopo il rigoroso giro tra i negozi, quando avanza la notte è tra Corso Como e Piazza Gae Aulenti che ci si deve spostare: qui party e vip in libertà sono all’ordine del giorno, sebbene la maggior parte delle feste sia su invito. Un luogo top per concludere la giornata? La Terrazza Martini, al 16esimo piano di Piazza Diaz: la vista da lì è qualcosa che va oltre l’immaginabile, e i cocktail sono davvero buoni. Terrazza Martini Ph. Marco_Bonfanti I fashion addicted doc non possono poi lasciarsi sfuggire le mostre a tema: durante la MFW di questo settembre, ad esempio, è possibile ammirare l’esposizione “Rosanna Schiaffino e la moda: abiti da star”, aperta fino al 29 settembre, ma anche la mostra a cura di Wes Anderson e Juman Malouf “Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori alla Fondazione Prada”, che sarà attiva invece fino al 13 gennaio. Solo per la fashion week apre al pubblico la mostra fotografica “Milano e la moda: omaggio a Gian Paolo Barbieri” a Palazzo Pirelli, fino al 30 settembre e, in piazzetta Reale, la Louis Vuitton Time Capsule Exhibition Milan racconterà la storia della celebre Maison e fino al 20 di ottobre. Dopo le estenuanti giornate, dove dormire? Semplice, per essere cool la scelta è immediata: la lussuosa Maison Milano / UNA Esperience si trova nella posizione al crocevia degli eventi più glamour, mentre il Contessa Jolanda Hotel & Residence Milano è l’ideale per un soggiorno breve. Tra i top trend ci sono anche l’Hotel Spadari al Duomo, ubicato a soli 150 metri da Piazza del Duomo, l’Armani Hotel Milano dove lo stile e la filosofia Armani definiscono in ogni minimo dettaglio le 95 camere e suite, e l’Hotel Manzoni Milano in via Montenapoleone, proprio nel cuore del Quadrilatero della Moda. Ph. AleMasche72 Tra eventi, mostre e cocktail party, la Milano da bere è solo per fashion addicted: ecco tutti i luoghi da non perdere in città.
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sweetmojojojo · 7 years
Qui anava a dir que tants anys de relació poden arribar a crear aquest buit. El problema està en que tanta confiança ha generat que inconscientment esperis, esperis, esperis. I potser no reps. I ningú té la culpa, perquè ningú està obligat a absolutament res. Però el sentiment de decepció i melancolia juro que és inconscient i inevitable. T'esforces en aportar, en buscar encara que sigui una petita part del teu temps en trencar amb tants de dies, mesos sense quedar. I no parlo d'anar de festa, ni d'anar a sopar. Això és secundari, o fins i tot terciari. 
Parlo d'eternes xerrades, de tardes sense fer res, de dormides, de que no calgui explicar com et va la vida perquè ja ho saps. I no. No ho saps. No es pot. És més, fa tant que no visc algo així amb elles que quan ens retrobem, sento que no estic sent jo mateixa al 100%. Em sento forçada, distant, com si em veiés des de fora del cercle, en tercera persona. I em fa mal.
Ja no sé res de ningú. Suposo que així es la vida, per molt que no ho vulgui les relacions canvien amb el temps, i no sempre com ens esperem que ho facin. Potser és una petita etapa, o potser és l'inici d'un decreixement, qui sap.
Sento que estan marxant
i em fa por acceptar-ho
és per això
que primer me’n vaig jo.
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decoderrecordings · 5 years
Tracklist: 01 Gary Holldman - Celina 02 Robin Kampschoer - Rattling Sticks 03 U-SRD - Gradual 04 Concentrate - Absence (Heiko Laux Remix) 05 Mooz - Mechanical Heart 06 Re-Axis - Devotion 07 Mari Mattham - Light Esperiment (d_func. Remix) 08 Robert S - Blood Receiver 09 Reeko - Bad Mood 10 Kwartz - Breakage 11 Mooz - Incomplete 12 Secus - Redshift 13 Kessell - Sensorium (Reeko remix) 14 U-SRD - Subconscious (JX-216 7AM Mix) 15 Dyspal - Wrong Treatment 16 Sleeparchive - Frost 17 Sramaana - Harmonic Diversion 18 Casual Treatment - Luminary Comunications 19 SLV - Dust (Setaoc Mass Remix) 20 Sleeparchive - Trust (V.2)
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Advices against impotence
1. Deixa passar el temps 2. Sigues productiva perque el temps passi més ràpid 3. Anima’t a tu també (et pots fer post-it’s) 4. Enten que l'espai és necessari 5. No t'avancis 6. Valora la salut que tens 7. Accepta que ara mateix no pots fer res més 8. Cuida la teva família 9. No et comparis 10. Plora quan vulguis plorar 11. Apren a dir que no als plans que no et fan estar bé 12. Menja quan vulguis, no et forcis 13. Amb ser-hi és suficient 14. Compta fins a 10 abans d'escriure 15. Breathe in. Breathe out (x5) 16. No estàs sola. Gens 17. Abans de dormir distreu-te amb lectures teves o endreça’t l'agenda 18. No esperis el suport dels que no te'l dónen 19. Escolta la música que t'alegri 20. Demana ajuda quan la necessitis
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Assaig sobre la industria farmacològica
Primer faré una breu explicació del que passa a la industria farmacològica i exposaré xifres reals de aquesta gran tragèdia de el que està succeint als laboratoris, on es torturen i assassinen animals en nom de la ciència. El que passa a la industria farmacològica és que s’utilitzen animals per testar nous medicaments per l’èsser humà a costa d’aquesta investigació es tortura a innocents, a innocents que no tenen res a veure amb això i que mai s’haurien imaginat acabar en mans d’una indústria que fa tant de mal als animals. És impossible saber quants animals són maltractats, torturats, mutilats i assassinats anualment. Resulta impossible perquè molts científics, sabedors de que les seves activitats son molt impopulars mantenen el secret de quants animals maltracten, rebutgen facilitar detalls sobre els animals que utilitzen. Però utilitzant xifres disponibles a la web podem saber que als Estats Units, els investigadors utilitzen entre disset y vint-i-dos  milions d’animals anualment, però la reste del món no es salva, a països europeus com a Gran Bretanya els científics utilitzen entre tres i quatre milions d’animals a l’any, ara per oferir-vos una xifra més descriptiva i mundial, la industria farmacològica utilitza al voltant de vint mil animals cada hora. Ara us presentaré un del esperiments fets al regne unit en nom de la ciència, els investigadors recolzats pel Consell d'Investigació Mèdica del Regne Unit van subministrar una droga a diverses fures que els provocava vòmits cada mig minut en intervals de cinc minuts. Tals investigadors van subministrar llavors una altra droga a les fures i van arribar a la conclusió que sota algunes circumstàncies les fures no s'alçaven per a vomitar, i que sota la influència de la segona droga els vòmits eren menys violents. Això es aberrant, ara us argumentaré uns dilemes morals comuns en la majoria de gent desinformada sobre aquest tema, el primer dilema es, si no es il·legal com pot estar tan malament? La veritat és que el que és legal no té per què ser necessàriament moral, de la mateixa manera que el moral no té per què ser legal. Fa unes poques generacions era legal el segregacionisme, era moral? No, no era gens moral. Lo moral no te a veure amb lo legal en molts cassos. El segon dilema moral es que cada any es "sacrifiquen" milers d'animals perquè estan malalts o abandonats. Sembla lògic utilitzar aquests animals en lloc de malgastar-los. El que els científics a favor d'aquest argument no adverteixen és que hi ha una diferència considerable entre acabar amb la vida d'un animal sense dolor i sotmetre-ho a una sèrie de procediments científics dolorosos, humiliants i degradants. Si aquest argument fos acceptable, també resultaria lògic utilitzar éssers humans moribunds, solitaris o "no desitjats" per a l'experimentació. Com podeu observar no es ni lògic ni moral experimentar amb animals em pogut veure que les xifres son desmesurades, conjuntament amb el atrossos experiments i arguments inmorals de la industria farmacològica.
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mcanosan · 7 years
33 Lliçons de Vida
  1. La vida no és justa, però tot i així és bona. 2. La vida és massa curta per perdre el temps lamentant-se. 3. El teu treball no et cuidarà quan estiguis malalt. Els teus amics i família si. Estigues-hi en contacte. 4. No has de guanyar cada discussió. Has d'estar d'acord amb no estar d'acord. 5. Plora amb algú. Alleuja més que plorar sol. 6. Quan es tracta de xocolata, la resistència és inútil. 7. Fes les paus amb el teu passat perquè no t'arruïni el present. 8. No comparis la teva vida amb la d'altres. No tens ni idea de com és la seva travessia. 9. Si una relació ha de ser secreta, millor no tenir-la. 10. Respira profundament. Això calma la ment. 11. Elimina tot el que no sigui útil, bonic o alegre. 12. Mai no és massa tard per tenir una infantesa feliç. Però la segona només depèn de tu. 13. Quan es tracta de perseguir allò que estimes de la vida, no acceptis un "no" per resposta. 14. Encén les espelmes, utilitza els llençols bonics, posa't els vestits cars. No els guardis per a una ocasió especial. Avui és aquest dia especial. 15. Sigues excèntric ara. No esperis a ser vell. 16. L'òrgan sexual més important és el cervell. 17. Ningú és responsable de la teva felicitat, només tu. 18. Emmarca tot suposat "desastre" amb aquestes paraules: "D'aquí a cinc anys, importarà això?" 19. Perdona-ho tot a tothom. 20. No t'afecta el que els altres pensen de tu. Ni et preocupis per això.   21. El temps ho cura gairebé tot. 22. Per més bona o dolenta que sigui una situació... algun dia canviarà!!! 23. No et prenguis res massa seriosament. 24. No qüestionis la vida. Només viu-la i aprofita-la al màxim avui. 25. Arribar a vell és millor que l'alternativa... "morir jove". 26. Tot el que veritablement importa al final és que hagis estimat. 27. Surt cada dia. Els miracles s'esperen a tot arreu. 28. Si ajuntéssim els nostres problemes i veiéssim els munts dels altres, voldríem els nostres. 29. L'enveja és una pèrdua de temps. Tu ja tens tot el que necessites. 30. El millor està encara per arribar... tingues fe i endavant. 31. No importa com et sentis... arregla't i presenta't. 32. Cedeix. 33. La vida no està embolicada amb un llaç, però segueix sent un regal. Regina Brett http://www.reginabrett.com/50-life-lessons-god-never-blinks/
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