#NewEgg Deals
if everyones right and nvidias got like a stock disaster on their hands and they DONT deal with it by dropping prices and they just hot potato the problem between nvidia and the distributors and the customers trying to figure out who they can trick into spending enough money to offset it. well ill tell you ill be a little peeved
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fazar234 · 7 months
Since we're boycotting Israel-supporting brands, now's probably a good time to mention that Amazon is one of the many companies currently in contract with Israel (a lot of the employees are calling for the company to server ties with them)
So if you're looking for a good alternative for the time being, I recommend using the ones below:
eBay - The most popular competitor to Amazon. A great place for good deals on used items.
Overstock - An online store dedicated to selling items from handcraftian artists around the world.
Newegg - A dedicated webstie for electronic goods.
AliExpress - An online store with many guarentees and protections in place to prevent scams.
These are just the ones I was able to find. Feel free to reblog if you've got any others!
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saphushia · 1 year
please be careful if you're buying flash drives, especially from sites like amazon! a lot of them are scams that can completely corrupt in a matter of months -- i know you've posted that you've already bought one, but i would make sure in the future that you go with reputable brands (samsung is pretty much the only company i personally trust fully in terms of flash drives, and i prefer seagate for larger hard drives aka 1tb or up). i'm speaking as someone who deals with large large files daily and has lost an immense amount of work because of flash drive scams :(
oh for sure, i know better than to buy the cheapest possible option sold by some brand i've never heard of when it comes to things like this lmao. got a sandisk one that has good ratings on newegg 👍 thank you for your consideration though!! very kind of you ^-^
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okay-computer · 9 months
hello, i'm looking for a new gaming laptop (to play baldur's gate 3 on lol) and i was wondering if this one is a good deal? www . newegg . com / p / N82E16834156430
Given all the specs on that, yeah, that's a pretty good price! I'd plan on probably upgrading the RAM after a while, but for sure see how the games you want play on it before you decide to commit to more.
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tussive · 3 months
So I don't know if I posted much about it, but back around the beginning of December my external hard drive died and it was a huge pain in the ass. I got a replacement and all of my data is backed up via Carbonite, so it's not a huge deal, just an inconvenience. But the drive was making weird noises from the beginning, which was alarming but I ignored. Now the drive is fucking up all kinds of weird ways. After being on for so long, it slows to a crawl and actually brings all Windows functions with it. Even restarting, it will eventually boot but it sits at the screen for probably 5-10 minutes. As soon as it's unplugged, it boots immediately. Usually turning it off and back on resolves this temporarily though.
That seems to have stopped, but last night it just randomly stopped working. I eventually managed to get it recognized in Disk Management again, but it was changed to Read Only for some reason. So I fixed that and tried to run CHKDSK and it just gives me an unspecified error. But, it is working for the time being.
I was kind of annoyed because I ordered it from Newegg and their replacement period has passed. But I checked into Seagate's warrant and it'll actually cover the drive until something like September 2025. I highly doubt this is going to last into 2025 even, so I'm good. Kind of a pain in the ass to have to recover all of my files again, Carbonite's download speeds aren't the best so it takes a little over a month, but at least it can be replaced for free and won't cost me anything.
So annoying though.
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mikerickson · 5 months
I understand why they do it, but I still hate getting "You have a new item to review" reminder emails from Etsy purchases. Like, I gave you my money, why are you giving me homework?
Meanwhile, you buy one thing from Newegg, and then they start sending you, "Special Deal! This graphic card is only going for (4-digit price tag)!" emails every day.
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gemstone-gynoid · 6 months
its funny having a newegg account, as i now have tons of emails offering frivolous computer part deals as if it was just some pizza hut weekly special or something.
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spacenutspod · 6 months
Get two free gifts with a Meta Quest 3 purchase with this surprise Black Friday deal from Newegg.
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pom-friend · 7 months
I finally said "fuck it" and just got a new computer. Newegg had a very nice one marked down a good deal for Black Friday and I can upgrade individual parts as I need it. IT JUST SUCKS because it's been a lot of time and grief for three laptop motherboards that just didn't work out and now it's been over 2 months. :')
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andmaybegayer · 2 years
Did a quick exercise of building a roughly equivalent system to the one I recommended here from a local (South African) online store to see how the price comes out. I had to swap the memory, HDD, and case for availability, and move to a different but similar GPU board partner, which all in all shakes out to around USD 1800 equivalent, some R30 000.
That's still a little more than an entire month's net salary for me at the moment but it used to be way, way harder to get components here at anything approaching international prices. Admittedly some of that is just due to high international prices : / but some of it is a genuine drop in prices for parts, especially processors and motherboards. If I shopped around for a better deal especially on the GPU and disks I could probably hit the $1700 price point. I think once you include American state taxes you'll come out basically the same because I don't think NewEgg pricing is tax inclusive.
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sasquapossum · 2 years
As many of you know, my daughter is heading off to college in less than a month. 🤩 but also 😢. Anyway, that has meant a lot of time scrambling about for things she'll need to have - the right size sheets and blankets (she'll have to get used to a smaller bed again), a mini fridge, space-efficient storage, that kind of thing. One of the biggest things dollar-wise is a new computer, and as the family IT person that's my department. So this might only be interesting for the more computer-inclined folks out there. Think of it as a case study.
She already has a computer, actually, but it's really for gaming so it's pretty darn big and the proprietary power brick makes it even worse. She'll probably take it anyway, with an 8GB -> 32GB memory upgrade that we hope will extend its useful life until we can get a good price on the next generation, but there's no way she'll be lugging that thing to and from classes. Besides the size and weight, there's the issue of battery life to consider. My priorities for computer number two - based on my own experience traveling a week per month for over three years before I retired - are low weight, good battery life, and preferably USB-C rather than proprietary charging.
As it turns out, Lenovo pretty much rules the roost for this category. I go to NewEgg, plug in a couple of dozen parameters, and half of what pops out - especially at reasonable prices - is Lenovo. Go to B&H, same thing. Go to Best Buy, same thing. They're just impossible to ignore. I guess that's why I'm typing this on one of theirs. They don't do too badly in the low-to-mid gaming segment either, which is why both of the gaming computers in this household are Legion 5s (of different vintage). On the other hand, her BF asked me to find a deal on a gaming laptop and what eventually popped out was a Dell, so Lenovo's dominance isn't absolute.
So now I have computer envy. Daughter has a brand new thin and light 2-in-1 (Yoga 6 if anyone cares). My Slim 7 has served me well for about two years, but it's showing its age. My 'T' key is missing, because it broke when I was trying to remove some tiny particle that had gotten under it. Good thing I'm a "bare metal" kind of guy, since I've been typing on the exposed contact for a couple of months. Even more worrisome, my touchpad seems to be getting flakier and flakier. Some day it's likely to give out entirely, so I'll be stuck using an external one if I haven't procured a new laptop by then. I kind of hate how we've gotten to the point where two years is considered a decent lifetime for a computer (maybe even a bit long according to many in my circle), but that seems to be where we are.
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actowiz-123 · 9 days
Price Matching Play in the Current Retail Sector | Retail Scraping
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In today's fiercely competitive retail landscape, price matching has emerged as a vital strategy for retailers to attract and retain customers, stay competitive, and maximize profitability. Price matching has become a cornerstone strategy in retail, allowing businesses to offer competitive prices while maintaining profit margins. In an era where consumers have easy access to price information and are increasingly price-conscious, retailers must adapt their pricing strategies to remain relevant and competitive.
What Exactly is Price Matching?
Price matching is a competitive retail strategy where a retailer promises to match a lower price offered by a competitor for the same product. This policy aims to attract and retain customers by assuring them they will get the best price available without needing to shop around. In practice, customers typically provide proof of a lower price from another retailer, such as an advertisement or a website listing, and the retailer matches this price at the point of sale.
In the realm of eCommerce, it has evolved with the help of advanced technologies. Retailers now use price matching for eCommerce by leveraging ecommerce scraping services and data analytics to monitor competitors' prices in real-time. These services facilitate the collection and analysis of vast amounts of pricing data, enabling retailers to dynamically adjust their prices to stay competitive.
Moreover, integrating price matching with analytics provides deeper retailer intelligence. By analyzing data trends and consumer behavior, retailers can make informed pricing decisions that optimize profit margins while satisfying customer expectations. This strategic approach helps retailers maintain a competitive edge in a fast-paced market where pricing plays a critical role.
Leading Retailers Maximizing the Benefits
In today’s competitive retail environment, price matching has become an essential strategy for many top retailers. By promising to match lower prices offered by competitors, these retailers can attract and retain customers who are constantly on the lookout for the best deals. Let's explore how some leading retailers are leveraging it, particularly in the eCommerce space.
Walmart is renowned for its comprehensive policy. The retail giant promises to match the prices of identical items from selected online retailers and local competitors. Walmart uses advanced ecommerce scraping services and ecommerce data collection techniques to monitor competitors' prices continuously. This data-driven approach enables Walmart to adjust its prices dynamically and remain competitive. The company’s sophisticated use of price matching with analytics ensures that customers always find the best prices at Walmart, fostering strong customer loyalty and trust.
Best Buy
Best Buy has implemented a robust policy, especially in its eCommerce operations. Best Buy’s policy includes matching prices from major online retailers like Amazon, Newegg, and others. The retailer uses price matching for eCommerce by employing retailer intelligence tools to keep track of competitors’ pricing strategies. This proactive approach not only helps Best Buy stay competitive but also provides valuable insights into market trends and consumer behavior.
Target’s matching policy is designed to provide customers with the assurance that they are getting the best deal. Target matches prices from both online and local competitors. The retailer integrates price matching with analytics to understand pricing patterns and consumer preferences better. This integration helps Target optimize its pricing strategies, ensuring competitive pricing while maintaining healthy profit margins.
Amazon, a leader in the eCommerce space, uses an advanced algorithmic approach to match prices. While Amazon does not have a formal matching policy, it continuously monitors competitor prices and adjusts its prices in real-time. This strategy relies heavily on ecommerce scraping services and extensive ecommerce data collection. Amazon’s use of retailer intelligence and analytics allows it to remain highly competitive, often offering the lowest prices without the need for explicit guarantees.
Home Depot
Home Depot offers a matching policy that includes an extra 10% off for items found at lower prices from competitors. This aggressive stance on price matching is part of Home Depot’s broader strategy to attract price-conscious consumers. The retailer uses advanced data collection and analytics tools to track competitor pricing and ensure they can offer the best deals. This approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives increased traffic and sales.
Effective Price Matching Strategies for Online Retailers
Optimizing price strategies for eCommerce is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and customer loyalty. Retailers need to implement dynamic, data-driven approaches to ensure their pricing strategies are effective and efficient. Here's how:
1. Leverage eCommerce Scraping Services: Use advanced ecommerce scraping services to continuously monitor competitors' prices. This real-time data collection allows retailers to adjust their prices dynamically, ensuring they remain competitive.
2. Utilize Price Matching with Analytics: Integrating price matching with analytics helps retailers gain deeper insights into pricing trends and consumer behavior. By analyzing this data, retailers can identify optimal pricing strategies that balance competitiveness with profitability.
3. Enhance Retailer Intelligence: Retailer intelligence tools provide a comprehensive understanding of the competitive landscape. These tools help retailers track competitor pricing, promotional strategies, and market movements, enabling informed decision-making.
4. Implement Dynamic Pricing Algorithms: Use dynamic pricing algorithms to automatically adjust prices based on competitor data, demand fluctuations, and other market factors. This ensures that prices are always competitive without manual intervention.
5. Focus on Customer Experience: Ensure that the price matching process is seamless and transparent for customers. Clearly communicate the policy, simplify the verification process, and offer prompt adjustments to build trust and satisfaction.
By adopting these strategies, retailers can optimize their price matching efforts, leveraging data collection and analytics to stay competitive in the fast-paced eCommerce landscape.
Fine-Tuning Price Matching Tactics for eCommerce
Automating price matching with analytics is a game-changer for eCommerce retailers aiming to maintain a competitive edge. By leveraging advanced analytics and ecommerce scraping services, retailers can continuously monitor competitor prices and adjust their own pricing strategies in real-time. This automated approach utilizes retailer intelligence to gather extensive ecommerce data collection, providing insights into market trends and consumer behavior.
With price matching for ecommerce integrated with analytics, dynamic pricing algorithms can be employed to automatically adjust prices based on competitor data, demand fluctuations, and market conditions. This not only ensures that retailers remain competitive but also helps optimize profit margins. Furthermore, automating this process reduces the need for manual intervention, saving time and resources.
Overall, automating price matching with analytics allows retailers to respond swiftly to market changes, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve operational efficiency, solidifying their position in the competitive eCommerce landscape.
Keys to Success with Price Matching Tactics
Implementing a successful strategy can significantly enhance customer loyalty and competitive edge. Here are some essential tips to ensure your price strategy is effective:
1. Clearly Define Your Price Matching Policy:
Ensure your price policy is transparent and easy to understand. Clearly outline which competitors are included, the types of products eligible, and the required proof of lower prices. This clarity helps build trust and minimizes customer confusion.
2. Leverage Ecommerce Scraping Services:
Utilize advanced ecommerce scraping services to continuously monitor competitors' prices. This real-time data collection enables you to stay informed about market trends and competitor pricing, allowing for timely adjustments.
3. Integrate Price Matching with Analytics:
Combine price matching with analytics to gain deeper insights into pricing trends and consumer behavior. Analyzing this data helps identify optimal pricing strategies and ensures that your prices remain competitive while maintaining profitability.
4. Use Retailer Intelligence Tools:
Deploy retailer intelligence tools to gather comprehensive data on competitor pricing, promotions, and market movements. This information allows for informed decision-making and strategic adjustments to your policy.
5. Implement Dynamic Pricing Algorithms:
Adopt dynamic pricing algorithms that automatically adjust your prices based on real-time competitor data, demand fluctuations, and other market factors. This automation ensures your prices are always competitive without requiring constant manual updates.
6. Focus on Customer Experience:
Make the process seamless for customers. Ensure that the verification process is simple and quick, and provide prompt adjustments when a price match is requested. Excellent customer service in this area can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
7. Monitor and Evaluate:
Regularly monitor the performance of your strategy. Use ecommerce data collection and analytics to assess the impact on sales, customer acquisition, and profitability. Continuously refine your strategy based on these insights.
8. Balance Profit Margins:
While it's important to stay competitive, ensure that your strategy does not erode your profit margins. Set clear limits and conditions for price to protect your bottom line.
By following these tips, you can develop a robust strategy that leverages data and analytics, enhances customer trust, and maintains a competitive edge in the fast-paced eCommerce environment.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Price Matching
Price matching is a powerful strategy for retailers looking to attract and retain price-conscious customers. However, like any strategy, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a detailed look at the pros and cons of it, especially in the context of eCommerce.
Advantages of Price Matching
1. Attracts Price-Sensitive Customers:
One of the most significant benefits is that it appeals to price-sensitive shoppers. By offering to match lower prices from competitors, retailers can attract customers who might otherwise shop elsewhere.
2. Builds Customer Loyalty:
Price matching for eCommerce can build strong customer loyalty. When customers know they can always get the best price from a retailer, they are more likely to return for future purchases, fostering long-term relationships.
3. Enhances Competitive Edge:
Price matching helps retailers stay competitive in a crowded market. By continuously adjusting prices to match competitors, retailers can prevent losing customers to rivals and maintain their market share.
4. Utilizes Retailer Intelligence:
Price matching with analytics and retailer intelligence tools provides valuable insights into competitor pricing strategies and market trends. This data-driven approach enables retailers to make informed decisions and refine their pricing strategies.
5. Boosts Sales:
Implementing a price strategy can lead to increased sales as customers are more likely to purchase from a retailer that offers competitive pricing. This can also result in higher conversion rates.
Disadvantages of Price Matching
1. Erosion of Profit Margins:
One of the main drawbacks is the potential erosion of profit margins. Continuously lowering prices to match competitors can lead to reduced profitability, especially if not managed carefully.
2. Risk of Price Wars:
Price matching can lead to price wars, where competitors continuously lower their prices to outdo each other. This can create a downward spiral, hurting all involved parties and reducing overall market profitability.
3. Increased Operational Costs:
Implementing a strategy requires significant investment in ecommerce scraping services, data collection, and analytics tools. These operational costs can be substantial, especially for smaller retailers.
4. Complexity in Execution:
Managing a price strategy can be complex, particularly for eCommerce retailers with large inventories. Ensuring accurate and timely adjustments to prices requires sophisticated systems and continuous monitoring.
5. Potential for Abuse:
Customers may attempt to exploit price policies by presenting fraudulent or outdated competitor prices. Retailers need to establish robust verification processes to prevent such abuses.
Price matching plays a crucial role in the current retail sector by enabling retailers to offer competitive prices, attract customers, and maintain profitability. With the rise of eCommerce and increasing price transparency, implementing effective strategies has become essential for retailers to thrive in today's competitive landscape. Actowiz Solutions can help you leverage eCommerce scraping services, retailer intelligence tools, and automation with analytics to optimize your strategies and stay ahead of the competition. However, it is important for retailers to carefully weigh the pros and cons of price matching and implement strategies that align with their business goals and objectives.
Ready to take your retail strategy to the next level? Contact Actowiz Solutions today for expert guidance and cutting-edge tools! You can also reach us for all your mobile app scraping, instant data scraper and web scraping service requirements.
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shahtechsolution · 16 days
Unlocking the Digital World: The Ultimate Guide to Buying Computer Components Online
In today's fast-paced digital era, having a powerful and efficient computer is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Whether you're a gamer, a creative professional, or someone who needs a robust machine for everyday tasks, building or upgrading your own computer is an exciting and rewarding venture. With the advent of the internet, buying computer components online has never been easier. This guide will help you navigate the vast world of online computer stores, ensuring you make informed and satisfying purchases. Computer Online Store
The Rise of the Online Computer Store
The internet has revolutionized the way we shop, and the realm of computer components is no exception. An online computer store offers a plethora of benefits that traditional brick-and-mortar stores can't match. From a wider selection of products to competitive pricing, and the convenience of shopping from home, the advantages are substantial.
Extensive Selection: Online stores often carry a broader range of products compared to physical stores. Whether you're looking for the latest graphics card, a specific motherboard, or high-performance RAM, chances are you’ll find it online.
Competitive Prices: Due to lower overhead costs, online retailers frequently offer better prices than physical stores. Many online platforms also provide special discounts, bundle deals, and flash sales that can save you a considerable amount of money.
Convenience: Shopping online means you can browse through different products, compare prices, read reviews, and make purchases at any time of the day or night, all from the comfort of your home. Buy Computer Components Online
Customer Reviews and Ratings: One of the significant advantages of buying computer components online is the wealth of customer reviews and ratings. These insights can be incredibly valuable in making an informed decision, helping you avoid potential pitfalls and choose the best components for your needs.
Steps to Successfully Buy Computer Components Online
When buying computer components online, a strategic approach can help you get the best deals and the right parts for your build.
Research Thoroughly: Before making any purchase, invest time in researching the components you need. Understand the specifications, compatibility, and performance of each part. Websites like PCPartPicker can help you ensure compatibility between different components.
Choose Reputable Stores: Stick to well-known and reputable online computer stores. Websites like Newegg, Amazon, and Micro Center are reliable sources for high-quality components. They also offer robust return policies and customer support.
Compare Prices: Use price comparison tools to find the best deals. Keep an eye on major sales events like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Prime Day for significant discounts.
Read Reviews and Ratings: Pay attention to both professional and user reviews. Look for patterns in the feedback to gauge the reliability and performance of the component.
Check Return Policies and Warranties: Ensure that the online store has a clear return policy and warranty coverage. This is crucial in case you receive a defective part or change your mind about a purchase.
Popular Online Computer Stores
Several online stores have gained popularity due to their extensive selection, competitive prices, and reliable service. Here are a few top choices for buying computer components online:
Newegg: Known for its vast selection and competitive pricing, Newegg is a favorite among tech enthusiasts. They frequently offer sales and have a robust customer review system.
Amazon: While Amazon might not specialize in computer components, its extensive inventory and competitive pricing make it a convenient option. Prime members can also benefit from fast shipping.
Micro Center: Though primarily a brick-and-mortar store, Micro Center’s online presence is robust. They offer excellent deals and in-store pickup options for those who prefer to get their hands on their components quickly.
B&H Photo Video: Known for excellent customer service and a wide range of tech products, B&H is a reliable choice for buying computer components online.
Building or upgrading a computer is an exciting journey, and buying components online can enhance this experience by providing more options, better prices, and greater convenience. By following the steps outlined above and choosing reputable online computer stores, you can ensure that you get the best components for your needs and budget.
So, whether you're assembling your first PC or looking to upgrade your current setup, embrace the power of the internet to unlock a world of possibilities. Happy building!
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ramtracking · 1 month
This AMD GPU deal just keeps getting better [ AMD Radeon RX Series ]
This AMD GPU deal just keeps getting better [Highlights] Another GPU deal has landed for the RX 7700 XT as a further $10 saving is available via Newegg, creating yet another new lowest-ever price. It is now $40 below already-lowered MSRP. It hasn’t even been a week since we reported that Radeon RX 7700 XT cards had hit an all-time low price below $400… If you are an AMD GPU fan and want to game,…
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cavenewstimes · 2 months
Exploring the Truth Behind Newegg's Refreshed Offerings
Greetings, dear readers! Today, let us delve into the captivating world of technology and online shopping as we explore the truth behind Newegg’s refreshed offerings. In this enlightening YouTube video, we will uncover the secrets behind the popular online retailer’s latest products and deals. So sit back, relax, and join us on this insightful journey as we unravel the mysteries of Newegg’s…
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govindhtech · 2 months
Nvidia RTX 3080 Review: Still Worth It?
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Best Nvidia RTX 3080
A decent gaming experience can be had with the Nvidia RTX 3080 despite its age. Once rare, it became readily accessible and somewhat more expensive in 2024, making it an excellent value. As the RTX 40 series arrived, it was no longer one of the best graphics cards, but if one was available at a reasonable price, it was still worth a look.
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 Price
In 2020, the Nvidia RTX 3080 cost $699, but the pandemic made it hard to find until Ada architecture graphics cards were debuted two years later. 2024 Amazon and Newegg RTX 3080s cost $500 new or used. At that pricing, this GPU with 10GB or 12GB VRAM is worth consideration.
The pricing of the 3080 seems affordable in comparison to the RTX 4080, whose MSRP has climbed to $1,199. This makes 80-class hardware more difficult to defeat. Better deals on the RTX 4070 Super and 4070 Ti Super, which retail for $599 and $799 respectively, are comparable. This could enable the generation of DLSS 3 frames.
Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 Specs
The GA102 chip’s Nvidia RTX 3080 features 8,704 CUDA cores and 10GB or 12GB of 320-bit GDDR6X VRAM. AI-powered Nvidia DLSS 2 upscaling uses 272 Tensor cores and 68 second-generation ray tracing cores. This GPU promised 4K performance with 760.3 GB/s bandwidth and 19 Gbps effective memory.
At 1,440 MHz for base clock and 1,710 MHz for boost, the top-tier Ampere GPU in the Nvidia Founders model model may run at speeds up to those of select partner cards. The ASUS ROG Strix RTX 3080 allows for an overclock to 1935 MHz, including the review unit. When making your selection, be mindful that certain companion cards are more expensive than others.
ASUS Nvidia Geforce RTX 3080 ROG Strix
Nvidia’s RTX 3080 Design
Measuring 11.2 x 4.4 x 1.6 inches (LxWxH) and sporting a 320W TDP, the dual-slot Nvidia RTX 3080 Founders Edition GPU necessitates a minimum of 700W PSU. A partner card will determine this, since the ASUS ROG Strix is a triple-slot GPU designed for overclocking that has a larger heatsink and triple fan arrangement.
Originally, Nvidia used a special converter in their Ampere graphics card family. Instead of using standard PCIe power connectors in this specific case, a 12-pin power adaptor was used. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to remember that certain partner cards could need two or three conventional power connections. There are many of options available to you whether buying new or refurbished, with brands like Gigabyte, MSI, EVGA, and others offering 10GB and 12GB variants.
Nvidia RTX 3080 gaming performance
In tests conducted over four years after its introduction, the Nvidia RTX 3080 has not slowed down. Ray tracing enabled at 2160p, it achieves much more than 60 frames per second in 4K in popular games like CS:GO, Dirt 5, Doom Eternal, and Fortnite. In other words, it’s impressive and suggests that you won’t need DLSS 3 Frame Generation to play smoothly.
Synthetic RTX 3080 performance
In demanding virtual benchmarks like as 3DMark and Blender, the Nvidia RTX 3080 exhibits exceptional performance, proving its potency in these domains. Though it can’t quite match the performance of its predecessors from the Ada architecture family, there’s no denying the level of knowledge this graphics processing unit (GPU) can boast. It seems that both artists and filmmakers will surely be able to get some use out of this GPU, which is to be expected given the cheap pricing it is now giving for this year.
To sum up
The Nvidia RTX 3080 from Nvidia is a great improvement over GTX models thanks to its second-generation RT cores, which enhance real-time ray tracing over the RTX 2080 Ti. Native and DLSS frame rates are far higher even on the best game screens with DisplayPort and HDMI. It may be almost impossible to get a Founders Edition card these days, but there are still certain partner cards that can be purchased at a discounted price.
Ampere architecture’s memory bandwidth is still beneficial for personal computer games even when Frame Generation is absent. Particularly when considering Deep Learning Super Sampling, even the most well-known games are still being designed with the older models in mind. Apart from that, you should not have to worry about upgrading for a few years at least. Just remember that you should pair it with a high-end Intel Core or AMD Ryzen central processor unit to avoid any potential bottlenecking. When apps like Nvidia Reflex and others made specifically for broadcasters and video producers are included, this is compounded by two.
Nvidia RTX 3080 substitutes
As previously said, the best substitutes for the RTX 3080 are the RTX 4070 Super and 4070 Ti Super, which bridge the mid-range price difference between Ada and the product while maintaining/improving performance. Performance is provided by an AMD RX 7700 XT, which costs $450. Costing $999, the RTX 4080 Super offers additional power and playability comparable to that of an 80-class GPU.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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