#NM ordered Killer to not speak to him like ever
lunarreaper-ut · 3 years
How exactly did killer loose his arm? Was it cuz he got distracted or was it tactic to prevent something even worse?? ;-; how did nightmate take that sight? How did he get the idea to give killer some of his magic to make an artificial arm for him, did he knew it would work? Was it a hard or painful process for any of them?? (God i love the idea of killer getting a shadow arm from nm >w< makes him even cooler! Kyaaaaa~ still a sad thing tho uwu)
Was nightmare ever in the mood/need/curious to ask killer sing somehing (for him~)??
What ships will happen in kingdomverse??
Alsoo... Uhh dont know if thats an OK question but can they get pregnant? I wanna know if babybones are an possibility in the future? qwq
Ah yes... the Incident.
Allow me to explain the unfortunate event in which Killer almost failed at his job.
(This is gonna be heckin, and I mean HECKIN long. We got some worldbuilding ahead!)
How did Killer lose his arm?
This event happened several years after Killer began his duties as Royal Guard. Dream had already told Nightmare he no longer needed a Royal Guard, and Killer already expressed his wish to stay as one. Nightmare and Killer were frequently having their nightly visits, and things were going well.
One night, however, after Killer had returned to his room and the two had settled in for bed, something happened.
Now I haven't mentioned this before, mainly cause your questions have thankfully not uncovered it >w< During Nightmare's reign, there was much despair in the Kingdom. Negativity brings out the worst in people, as we're all aware I'm sure, and it's no wonder that some people would be driven mad by the results of Nightmare's actions.
Some people began to believe that if they worshipped Nightmare, they would be spared from his wrath and from the destruction his crafted creatures wrought. These people formed a cult dedicated to Nightmare, praising his actions and renouncing their loyalty to the Sun King. They called themselves The Corrupted.
Cults are a very hard thing to get rid of, especially if you weren't aware they existed. When Dream returned and cast Nightmare into the Void, the Corrupted hid themselves in the shadows, vowing to return only once their "True King" returns as well.
The issue arose when Nightmare did return from the Void. Nightmare, throughout his reign, was most often seen as his "transformed" self, and it was that self that The Corrupted worshipped, not Nightmare.
The Corrupted believed that they could bring back the "True King", and to do so they needed to remove the "Imposter King". The cult spent time learning the routines of the castle in order to break in to Nightmare's quarters when they were certain no one was around.
They had acquired a drug meant to incapacitate monsters and suppress their magic, and modified it to be several times as strong. Nightmare certainly wasn't at his strongest either, the Kingdom was a naturally positive place when Dream was around.
A few cult assassins threw a smoke bomb filled with the drug into Nightmare's room while he slept, and unfortunately it worked well enough. Nightmare wasn't unconscious, but he didn't have as fine of control over his magic or his own body.
The assassins came into the room, intending to kidnap Nightmare, but it's rather fortunate that Killer is a light sleeper, isn't it? Killer came into the room just as one of the assassins was about to grab Nightmare.
There was quite a few of them, as they'd been prepared for resistance, and though I hate to say it, they were skilled too. They weren't just some guy picked off the street and given a weapon, it was as if they'd been trained for years just for this moment.
It's likely they had been. Killer was having difficulties, but holding his own well enough. He would only really need to hold them off long enough for the guards to get to the room. Well, that's what he thought until he saw another assassin coming towards a practically immobile Nightmare, and he clearly wasn't intending to just kidnap the King.
Killer moved without thinking, and without his armor he was much more vulnerable to attacks... but getting injured wasn't an issue. He had to protect Nightmare at all costs, even if it meant he got hurt. That was the moment he lost his arm.
Killer didn't have time to register the pain, and slew the assassin who dared attempt to harm Nightmare. Killer was outnumbered still, and if he was having difficulties before, it was going to be impossible to hold out now.
He was lucky he didn't have to though, as several Guardsmen burst into the room. Seems they'd finally heard the commotion. The Guardsmen drove out the assassins, only managing to capture two. Killer was tended to, and he refused to leave Nightmare's side until the drug wore off.
How did Nightmare handle it?
Nightmare was half conscious in the moment, and so most of what he saw didn't register properly. It was only when the drug had worn off and he saw Killer by his side, sans one arm (Hehe), that it hit him.
Nightmare was angry first and foremost. He was angry it happened, angry Killer was dumb enough to get hurt, angry he wasn't able to resist the stupid drug, and angry that Killer seemed completely unbothered.
Nightmare didn't react well at all, and he ended up putting Killer on temporary leave. When Killer tried to refuse Nightmare said he was useless with only one arm, and Nightmare didn't need a useless Guard. Killer shut up pretty quickly.
Killer was still allowed to stay at the castle of course, but he was forbidden from coming near Nightmare's office, or taking part in any Guard duties. Nightmare believed that what happened was the stupidest thing Killer could have done, and refused to think otherwise.
It was during Killer's leave that Nightmare did research. He interrogated the cult members, and utilized glamours (Which we all know he's not fond of) in order to leave the castle without issue. Throughout his research, he spoke with the Court Apothecary regularly about Killer's injury. How was he fairing, is he at risk of dusting, is there anything to be done, stuff like that.
The Apothecary had made an offhanded comment that Killer is going to be without his arm for the rest of his life, since skeletons don't regenerate. Not unless he got enough magic to replace the missing arm at least.
He mentioned just getting a prosthetic for Killer, but that went in one ear and out the other, so to speak. Nightmare began to think about the suggestion (even though it was a joke). Nightmare had a large surplus of magic, and he thought about whether or not it was possible to somehow weave his magic with Killer's and form a new limb.
By the time Killer had returned to Nightmare, asking to return to his duties, the King had already figured out a way to properly do the procedure. He of course asked Killer if he would be allowed to do so, that he wasn't certain if it would work and that it certainly wouldn't be pretty.
Killer agreed without issue. The process was indeed a painful one... fusing Nightmare's magic with Killer's was difficult, and it was akin to taking a freezing cold needle and sewing a constantly shifting mass of energy directly to his soul. (Not actually how it worked, it's just how it felt).
The only reason Killer got through the procedure was because of Nightmare's intent. We all know that intent comes through to Monsters when involving magic, and Nightmare's intent made the process a lot less painful. Heal, fix, help, care, all those things came through to Killer.
It helped that Nightmare had a good relationship with Killer. His magic was much more willing to accept Killer's and vice versa. If this had been done between Nightmare and a stranger, it wouldn't have worked.
It took Killer a few days to work the arm properly. It was almost dead weight for a while. After that, it took even longer for him to properly fight with it, and longer still for him to be able to utilize the magic it was made with.
Has Nightmare ever asked Killer to sing for him?
Nope, Nightmare doesn't even know Killer can or that he has a good voice XD Killer has never sung in front of anyone, nor does he care to. It's just not something he does, but I imagine there could be a few scenarios where he gets coerced into it. Singing with friends, soothing a wounded animal (Yes Killer would do that, he likes small animals. They're cute.), that kind of stuff.
Nightmare's never had a reason to think Killer could sing. >w<
What Ships are going to be canon in Kingdomverse?
Well we've already got Cream, Killermare and Afterdeath as being confirmed.
Honestly I've kinda decided to leave the others more open for interpretation! If you want, you can say Errink is gonna happen, Lust could probably be someones s/o, it's all up to interpretation >w<
Theres quite the cast of characters in Kingdomverse?, and there might be more added later (if I can think of them), so honestly I'm sure there's no issue with some other ships coming to life!
Basically theres no other planned canon ships >w<
Can the skellies get preggers?
I don't see why not! Nightmare and Dream being immortals doesn't stop them from having kids, but I would say that if they did it would probably be through a different process than mortals.
I'd say that monsters need to make the conscious, or unconscious decision that they want a child or that they are ready for a child before they can have one.
Nightmare and Dream would probably be a bit difficult to have a child with purely because they have an immense amount of power and magic (even after a bond), so it might be a bit risky even for them to have kids.
(if any of you do make ship kids I want to see them though, I love baby bones >w<)
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secret-time-is-here · 4 years
Safe and Sound
Error x NM Prompt from my personal prompt list:
“Don’t you dare die on me- NOT NOW!” The dark King cried out, putting pressure on the bleeding wound, “Please... Don’t leave me too…”
HE was trying desperately to keep the destroyer alive, mentally cursing whatever was keeping his boys from securing a safe hospital. Refusing to notice or acknowledge the dust flaking from around the wound.
The glitch opened his mouth, attempting to speak but only static coming out.
“No-Save your strength… Please Ruru-” Suddenly his boys burst through a portal, stretcher behind them, yelling words at him he couldn’t hear, mind only focuses on getting Error into the stretcher.
Carefully but quickly he put the hated skeleton on the cot, every minute so long, seeming wasteless but oh so precious at the same time.
He couldn’t think at all, only remembering doctors taking the stretcher away and nurses telling them to wait. Pacing for what felt like hours until one of his boys, he couldn’t even remember who, forced him to sit down and held him still. Someone holding him in their lap and another two at each of his side, his other two boys nearby and keeping watch for any danger.
Time passed and nothing happened.
Eventually, he was gently shaken awake and handed a bit of food and a strong mug of coffee, only able to sluggishly eat and sip at the food still too worried over Error.
Quietly, everyone ate, still waiting on any news of their close friend, and for Nightmare-even closer.
“Excuse me?” They all looked over at the nurse, “Are you the ones that brought in the errored skeleton?”
Nightmare jumped up, “Yes-how is he?”
“We had to keep him unconscious for some time so we could properly heal him-but he’s better now... Poor thing.”
“Can we seem him?”
“Yes, he is very fragile right now and asleep, however, so be careful with him. Room 04, down the right hall.” The monster smiled, the first genuine smile the gang had ever honestly gotten, but Nightmare didn’t get to see it. He had rushed off and transformed into a shadow as soon as he heard the room number, shooting down the hall.
Doors flew by the King as he shot down the hall, only slowing to a sprint when he made it closer to the end, to the room where his destroyer was.
Slowling further to a jog as he reached the twenties, he looked back and forth constantly, seeing each number long enough to know it wasn’t the right one.
As he reached room 04, his boys caught up to him, he didn’t hesitate to go inside. No matter how bad Error looked, he needed to see him.
The destroyer looked terrible and heavily bandaged across the while of his body, his chest having layers upon layers in order to hold his ribcage together.
A doctor stood next to him, doing several last checks before going to check on other patients, but paused shortly after Nightmare and his gang came in.
“Sci.” Nightmare greeted with a nod, knowing that the sans was neutral, but still keeping his emotionless mask for paranoia’s sake.
“Nightmare,” The sans nodded back, “Everyone,” He greeted to the rest of the gang, “We were able to save him, seeing as his SOUL refused to fall down, but a little later and we may not have been able to salvage his body.
“The bones were near dust by the time he got to me, but, with some months of rest, nourishing food and medicine-he will get better. IF all goes well, he can leave to heal at home in a week.” Science elaborated, Nightmare letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “Understanding your situation, a few of you may stay the night, but I can’t allow any more than that.”
With that, the doctor left the room. Letting them decide what to do next.
“I’m going to stay.” Nightmare said as soon as Sci closed the door, “That leaves one or two more of us to be able to stay.”
“Then I’ll stay,” Killer, one of his boys, started, “Dust, Cross, Horror, and Fresh can all go back to the base and get some rest. Horror so all of us will be able to eat, then Dust and Cross will make sure Fresh actually sleeps and the three of them can get a room ready for Error. I’ll stay so you-” He pointed to Nightmare, “can actually sleep while I keep watch.”
The dark King gave a short nod, pulling up a chair next to Error’s cot, focusing his attention on the errored skeleton in front of him while his boys talked further.
Coal, pencil colored bones and opaque tear marks, white glitches sprinkled across his body like a yin and yang cake. Gently, Nightmare let his hand rest near the glitched skeleton’s, only their pinkies touching. The King being careful of the destroyer’s haphephobia.
A hand on his shoulder made him jump, Killer’s worried expression meeting his.
“I’m going to keep watch outside, alright?” Nightmare only gave a small nod, “Get some sleep, Nighty.” He spoke softly, walking out and closing the door shut behind him.
Using one of his tendrils as a pillow, he settled in, letting himself fall asleep as he watched his glitch breath in and out. Safe and sound.
Nightmare belongs to @jokublog
Error and Fresh belongs to @loverofpiggies
Cross belongs to @jakei95
Killer belongs to @rahafwabas
Dust belongs to @ask-dusttale
Horror belongs to @sour-apple-studios
Sci belongs to @talkingsoup
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inevitable-anna · 5 years
Escape The Night Spoilers S4X10
Here it is, guys! My final S4 reaction post. It’s been a long, funny, yet sad journey.
Anyway my series review should be up at sometime tomorrow.
For now, I hope you enjoy this post.
Is that the society lady? Jael? Or Ryu? Who is she with?
So this lady went into the museum for a mission.
Whoever this is, she is a badass!
Uh oh, here's The Collector.
Don’t open it! It’s what The Collector wants you to do! Don’t listen to her!
Oh no. What’s happening?
Waaahhhhh? She's the Gorgon?
Well, I didn't see that coming. Although I do like that they’ve given The Gorgon a backstory.
Watching the intro just hurts now that pretty much everyone is dead.
The way Colleen's smile falls when The Sorceress betrays them.
Oh sh*t, The Collector is alive again.
OMG it's Benjamin, Lucy, High Tower, The blue harpy, a vampire from S2, the guardian from S1, and The Carnival Master!
"It's like bloody Christmas everyday!"
Ohh yes! The Sorceress vs The Collector round 2!
The Collector definitely is gonna win.
Okay, they can kill The Collector by turning her to stone. Pity that The Gorgon is dead.
Egyptian exhibition is first up.
1/7 emblems found!
Joey: "The plan is to stick together."
Monsters: *come running in*
The group: *screams and runs in different directions*
Joey: "The plan has failed. And now it's every man for himself."
Now they have to help Garuda pay his penance in Hell? Hell naw, he bludgeoned Tim to death!
I wasn’t expecting Colleen to burp when she's scared.
Colleen got captured! :(
Joey: "If one of us gets captured we need to stick together and rescue them."
Colleen: *gets captured*
Joey: "Nm, lets go get the note."
Colleen trying to volunteer to be evil is actually sad to me, she's so scared of dying for a third time, that she offers to betray her friends.
Carnival Master, please don't sacrifice Colleen! She's the only the one left that I like. :(
Colleen: "you speak a very similar language to my newborn baby. I have a newborn baby."
Carnival Master: *chanting*
Colleen: "I have a newborn baby."
Carnival Master: "Shut up!"
Okay, Colleen trying not to get murdered/sacrificed is sad yet sort of funny?
Bretman: "Look, right here. Right here. I've got your back."
Colleen: "This is really uncomfortable, so maybe... we can, you know, this is not a good angle for him over there. You know, there's... it's a mess down there. You don't want people to see that, but that could be my power that I kill people with, just show em the vag. It's terrifying down there now."
Carnival Master: "Do you ever stop talking?" I love how the CM doesn't actually sound angry, he sounds genuinely curious.
Bretman: "The warrior statue is probably the one that looks the most warriorie, like obviously." No, Bretman, really? I thought it would be the one holding a ton of grapes!
Colleen: "I'm telling you, it's like a reflex, like I'm terrified so I can't stop talking. I also desperately need water, I have like cotton mouth."
Colleen: *in confessional* "I know I'm like p*ssing off these monsters and that means they're probably gonna kill me even sooner, but I literally can't stop talking." Well, at least, it’s stalling for time?
Yay, they saved Colleen!
Omg! Joey, Bretman, and Colleen are hiding under the table and they are so squashed together! How did they even fit under there?
The Collector and The Sorceress are still fighting?!?!?? I guess it keeps them both occupied from trying to find the guests
3/7 emblems found!
"Where flesh becomes stone." So Mortimer or the Gorgon's lair?
I feel like the whole ETN fandom just forgot that Mortimer died... again
The Gorgon's killer? So The Minotaur?
Wait! If that's The Minotaur's severed head, then who killed The Minotaur? Because Alex ordered The Minotaur to go back to the labyrinth and stay there.
Joey hiding behind that statue is hilarious! It reminds me of that scene in 'Aladdin' where he hides behind the strongman.
Joey ducks down under the statue and immediately sees its butt.
4/7 emblems found!
To get the sword that will turn The Collector to stone, they have to cover Excalibur in the Gorgon's blood. Lovely!
Yes! The Gorgon is gonna get revenge... even if it is from beyond the grave.
5/7 emblems found!
That map is the challenge grounds where Tana and Justine where for the first challenge. The Black steps are the stepping stones they need to use to get to the red one, where the emblem will be! I think? Are the flesh-eating scarabs still there?
Yeah, I was wrong.
6/7 emblems found!
For the final emblem they have to play a tune on the drums
7/7 emblems found!
I feel like the reason it's so quiet is that the monsters are gonna try and ambush the group.
Oh, they have to trap the monsters to get them out of the way, so the groups can turn Excalibur into The Sword Of All Legends.
It worked!
The monsters are now inside the exhibition cases! :D
Since we see a close up of all the monsters in the exhibition cases, I think the woman playing the harpy is quite pretty.
Although at 25:23 am I the only one thinks that Lucy looks scared?
Spell time... and they messed it up already...
*Spongebob narrator voice* “1 year later”
Yay! They did the spell! And it worked!
The Sword Of All Legends looks amazing! I want one!
The Sorceress is dead... again.
Joey: *stabs The Collector and turns her to stone*
Me: "YEAH! That's for Liza, Gabbie, Destorm, Tana, Justine, Alex, Tim, and... and Ro..."
The vault is open!
Is that the box that corrupted the Gorgon?
Grab the sphere and RUN!!
That box has the same Cthulhu looking thing as the 'Cursed God' statue last episode. The one that the caveman touched and I think got possessed by.
Joey just opened the soul jar... but what is going to happen to those souls now? Are the guests from this season in there or... like what was the point?
Aww that soul was Liza! At least she's not in Hell like I thought she was.
They opened the portal!
Bretman and Colleen are through!
Me: “Hoe, don’t do it!”
Joey: *runs back inside the museum*
Me: “Oh my god.”
Yep, he's going back for that stupid box.
Joey! You idiot! (No hate on real life Joey.)
29:42 Mat realising that Ro isn't with them... it’s so sad, I wanted her to live and be reunited with him.
Mat: "What happened?"
Bretman: "I don't know."
Colleen: "He didn't come through."
Me: "That's because he has to leave this season on a cliff hanger so they can make S5"
Joey opened the Cursed God's box... like a dumbass. (Again, no hate on real life Joey.)
And he's gotten sucked into the box. Like The Collector said to the Gorgon, "Looks like there's a trace of evil inside you."
Although I think that I would like to see a series where Joey is actually the big bad.
And that’s my final reaction post done! Woah, this has been a journey, and it’s been lovely to share it with you all. :D I hope you all enjoyed my posts about this season.
Hopefully, I shall be able to do another reaction series for S5, if there is one. My series review should be up tomorrow if everything goes according to plan.
But if any of you have an ETN questions for me, whether it’s about my favourite characters or something completely different, I would love to answer them! :D
I hope you have a lovely day!
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