chiiyuuvv · 27 days
21 with &team?
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favorite era of your bias in &team group .ᐣ
WAR CRYYYYYY 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
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noelashe · 4 months
Tagged by @memoire1994 @valentinesweetheartspecial and @yisanged Thankyou Syd Vince and Nico!!!!!!!!!! :D My friends
Last song i heard: Nostopath in the Fallow ost by Ada Rook. The entire ost is so goooooodddddddd I really wanna buy the game:<
fav colour: geen for sure green is myyy color
Last watched series: Twin Peaks most likley!
Spicy/sweet/savoury: savory for sure i love salty stuff but spicy is great too. Sweets..I dont like as much... But i'm eating so many of them recently bcz im lazy to make other stuff X( maybe thats why i have a headache
Relationship status: Single And probably unavaliable. I am taken by my own insanity
Last thing i googled: The play i went to just now! I wanted to see the duration and read the synopsis...
Last thing i read: The Mist by Stephen King.. It's pretty fun so far i got halfway through yesterday
Current obsession: dunno if i have one. The Binding Of Isaac? Yea tats the thing i look most forward to recently
Something im looking forward to: *Clap* The Binding Of Isaac! Of course. Im also looking forward to studying and having no more missing assignments. Im over the deadlines mostly and i think that alot of them wont accept late submissions but Q_Q im so facked
Tagging!!!...... @newlane @mousewear @tf2yuri @uedono @threedigits @memoryofmarionette @inhibitorchip Hi:3. and of course if anyone that sees this wants to do it as well! Luv you all
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piketrickfeet · 7 years
tbl 4x02 thoughts
liz sending the mayday call with absolute precision has me so turned on.  she got the degrees and minutes and everything
a friend.  a fugitive.  samar please :( 
kirk was too much about family. like she met you two days ago bro and you kidnapped her and tried to kill her husband and keep taking her baby!!!! of course she doesn’t consider you family!!!!
i forgot about nicos lol
what...is happening with lizzies hair
HOW DO THEY ALREADY HAVE A DEVELOPED PHOTO OF THEIR NEWBORN CHILD????? hasn’t it been like a week? maybe two???? when did they find The Time
should have let him die, elizabeth
aram is so sweet i love him so muuuuuuuuch
i got such a trip out of seeing raoul trujillo as mato because he was Raw in Tin Man lol 
omggggg lizzy profiling kirk lol.  I LOVE EHER SO MUCUCUUUUUUUUCH
omg seeing all the red/kaplan stuff is hurtful
oooooh i forgot about the Summer Palace
this show is a trip lol
“the armed goons don’t do much for the landscape” L I Z Z Y 
do they...explain how? the bedroom is liz’s/masha’s? if it turned out kirk wasn’t her father, then how did she live inthe summer palace? or did he just THNIK she was his? and raised her? will all of this be answered later? 
this show is fucked up lol
i love that that picture doesn’t look anything like katarina????? i know her face is obscured but...they didn’t even try? 
hey they remembered the scar!!! good job!!!
liz needs to speak more russian lol
goooooodddddddd she looks so good
omggggg red didn’t even get out of the car i’m hurt 
yo wtf they still don’t have their baby????? WHO MADE THIS 
oh no this is It
A child. not your child.  even after “your freedom.  your life.” why your and then A???? hmmmmmmmt
anyway, that sucked and i hate the kaplan arc and it hasn’t even started haha bye
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