#Não tem jeito todo mundo é rei na antiga Archie akakakakakak
one-half-guy · 1 year
No, serious doubt here...
How much are you guys bothered by the "everyone is royalty" stuff from Archie Comics?
It seems like if the character were important, they would become royalty in some point! THAT'S SOO BORING!!
We start it good having only Sally and later Sonic because he's her destined boyfriend or some nonsense... And Antoine being only highly related to the royalty because royal guard father and stuff.
But then comes Amy, who's cousin of Rob, who's a king.
We had an entire issue focused only in reveal that Charmy is a prince 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and I can't be serious talking about it.
We had also Khan, I won't lie, I liked him... Until the point when he was revealed as the "King of the Free People" or some bullshit
We had Shadow becoming King Shadow in the Light Mobius alternate future.
We had Scourge becoming King Scourge, doing in Moebius what Shadow would do if wasn't Sally's interference.
Being the guardian of the Master Emerald seems a political role equivalent to monarchy, because God, they had even a council formed by the predecessors.
Espio is son of the leader of a clan (Bride of whatever), what's almost a queen since together they had enough impact to REJECT Snively's girlfriend's reign.
I wonder how it would follow 🤔🤔🤔...
Like, would later be revealed that "Silver's the, for long waited, destined king of the Knights of Kronos and that's why he's above time alterations and distortions"?
Honestly, in the pace the stuff was following, I wouldn't get surprised if Vector's "huge secret" was that he was a denying prince from Downunda all along.
Weren't the Babylon Rogues related to the Battle Bird Armada and the BattleLORD Kuku _insert roman numerals_ ?
LET'S NOT FORGET THAT BUNNIE WAS NIECE OF ONE OF THE GRANDMASTERS OF THE EGG LEGION!!! "But that's not equivalent to king in anyway, Eggman was already emperor" Yes, buuuuuut, if Eggman had ever succeeded in world domination, his empire would be the whole globe... Who do you guess that would manage the countries for him?
Julie-Su was daughter of the leader of the Dark Legion, right? He was like an emperor, wasn't he?
Tails' parents' arc was basically being jealous from the king's power and wanting a little and you can't change my mind.
And then they allowed Naugus to become the king 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pais do Ano.
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