I drew my feisty girl
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A very Wayne Christmas
Merry Christmas to my favorite Tim @thirdbirddown
Rosalie hummed softly walking around Wayne Manor, it was a 3 day weekend at the schools, she was ecstatic that all four of her younger brothers would be home for Christmas this year. She'd informed them that she'd be sending illusions of the three boy wonder turned heroes to their new residence so they could be home the entire two days, the aforementioned two days was a month away and so everyone in the manor was doing what they could to get Tim to snort while laughing so they could reach their 'goal' of 200 dollars seeing as they were only 2 dollars off it'd be easy and they'd have roll over to start for the next year.
"Drake where's my hood?!?" Damian's voice rang out as he got ready for the nightly now family patrol, "you did the laundry you should know where the hell it is" the newest bird snapped from his room.
"Damian stop screaming" Rose groaned going to Damian's room where he was pulling on Robin's boot, "I saw it in the drier and put it on top of it" she told him as she shifted her organic Martian clothes into Nightingale's suit looking at the Boy Wonder as he ran to the laundry room.
Red Robin came jogging down the hall towards his sister pulling on his own hooded cape in the process, "I must've missed it when I grabbed everyone's uniform" he said softly as Nightingale helped him fasten it on.
"Everyone messes up Timbo don't worry" Nightingale soothed him as she got his cape to lay right, "it's also Damian who could stub his toe at home while you were on patrol and he'd blame you" she chuckled kissing his nose.
Red Robin chuckled softly at her comment, "it is" he laughed covering his mouth after he snorted hiding his face in her shoulder when she embraced him.
"Embrace your snort kiddo" Nightingale told her brother digging into his sides playfully smiling when he snorted loudly and laughed into her shoulder, "let's go on patrol" she smiled heading for the secret door with Damian on their heels.
"Alright as usual we're doing teams" Batman spoke as the five joined him in the cave, "Robin with me obviously, Red Robin will go with Nightingale and Red Hood will go with NightWing" he stated ignoring Jason's jab at Tim's hero name.
"Noted" Nightingale stated following Red Robin to his bike, "c'mon Timbo" she grinned as he got on surprisingly willing to let her drive.
Red Robin hummed softly laying against his sister as she drove them to their usual sector of Gotham leaving the bike behind Wayne Tower, "let's get scaling" he told her as they hid his bike.
"Up up and on the Tower" Nightingale joked lifting Red Robin before jumping into the air flying them to the top of Wayne Tower where they sat down to watch the skies, "and now we wait" she said casually as they sat down. "Hey wanna play a card game?"she asked her brother pulling a deck of cards out of the utility belt NightWing gave her, "Go-fish, Poker, war" she listed their usual games.
"How about Red or Black?" Red Robin asked, "or Odds or Evens" he suggested.
"Why not both?" Nightingale smiled, "odds or evens and Red or Black" she shuffled the deck getting ready to make this patrol more interesting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Hey Tim I got a joke for you" Rose flashed up to her brothers side on Christmas eve night, "what is a Jedi's favorite Italian dessert?" she quirked a brow.
"Um… I don’t know?” Tim was confused by her sudden need to tell him a star wars joke. “Gelato? Sorbet? I don’t know.”
“Nope” she shook her head grinning intending to make a dollar before they went to sleep in Bruce's room, “Obi Wan Cannoli“ she informed him imitating Yoda flawlessly making a noise similar to the GameGrumps video.
Oh no that’s a good one,  Oh no he snorted laughing. Abort mission. Tim hated when he snorted but it seemed everyone in the manor loved hearing it, especially his sister.                                                     "Aha funny Joke" Rose chuckled as Tim laughed snorting into his hand, "I love you Timbo" she doted on her little brother as she embraced him from behind. "You know we all love you so much" she pressed a kiss to his cheek blowing air against it making him laugh more, "I love how easy it is to get you laughing and that it continues on it's own even from a single word" she told him as he started calming down.
Jason had been passing the kitchen when he heard his brothers hysteric snort riddled laughter, "DOOKIE!" he crowed from outside the door just as as Tim's laughter died down.
Tim snorted loudly and cracked up laughing all over again, he didn't know why but something about the word 'dookie' always had him busting a gut.
"I got three you got one" Rose told Jason as Tim bent over laughing trying to catch his breath, "c'mon Timbo let's brush our teeth then get our sleeping bags" she smiled at him.
"Let's" Tim smiled at his sister and at Jason who was in the doorway laughing, "I'm tired from all of that laughing" he yawned leaning against his sister as she and Jason walked him to the nearest bathroom since they had toothbrushes in all of them.
"We'll sleep great" Rose smiled at Tim rubbing his stomach as they walked to bathroom, "love you boys" she told her brothers as they got their toothbrushes ready.
"We love you too Ro" Tim smiled at his sister before he started brushing his teeth, "you too but not as much" he jokingly told Jason with a mouthful of sudsy Tooth Paste.
"Geez Timbo thanks" Jason dipped his hand in the running faucet flicking water in his brothers face, "Rose don't start" he laughed when she got her hand ready.
"Than behave" Rose told her brothers as she started brushing her teeth, she rinsed and spit in the sink rinsing her brush.
"I am behaving" Tim pouted after spitting in the sink, "can I cuddle up to you" he asked her laughing when she embraced him rubbing his side softly.
"I'm not" Jason giggled rinsing his mouth out a few times, "I wil behave though since we'll be in Bruce's room" he reassured her.
"of course you can Timbo" Rose told her younger brother as they made their way to the camping closet for their bags since they'd been in the PJ's all day, "thanks JayBird" she smiled pulling Jason to her side where the trio approached Bruce's room with sleeping bags and pillows.
"Took you long enough Nichols" Damian grumbled as Rose entered setting up her sleeping bag at the foot of Bruce's bed with Tim's right next to her, "why're you over there?" he asked her before watching Tim unroll his sleeping bag and lay it next to her eventually curling up in it snuggled up to Rose.
"Tim's snuggling up to me this year Pidge" she said a little apologetically as she held Tim, "you can lay on my other side" she held her free arm to the new boy wonder who 'begrudgingly' laid next to her.
"Night" Damian and Tim said at the same time, they stopped themselves from glaring at each other seeing as they always forced themselves to behave for Christmas especially if Rose was over.
"Thanks for not trying to kill Tim" she smiled at Damian as Stephanie and Barbara entered the room with their sleeping bags followed by Alfred with cocoa sometimes cocoa before bed didn't hurt even if you already brushed your teeth, "pretty sure everyone appreciates it" she chuckled.
"Hot chocolate anyone?" Alfred's slightly softer voice offered, he handed the mugs out sitting on the bed that pulled out of the loveseat in Bruce's room seeing as he wasn't one for sleeping on the floor.
"Thank you" the gratitude echoed around the room as everyone accepted their mugs and settled into their spots, they relaxed and sipped their drinks as Rose opened her laptop to a long video she had of fireplace sounds to they could enjoy the sound without making the room too hot with an actual fire and every human inhabitant of the manor in one room.
As mugs were emptied they were quietly placed on the thankfully tidy desk in the room, it didn't take long for the soothing crackling to lull the large group to sleep in groups of one to three at a time. Periodically throughout the night a kid would get up to use the bathroom or get water, rather than return to their sleeping bags some found their way to Bruce's bed and some found their way to Alfred's bed.
Bruce woke up in the morning to the sensation of a foot digging into his side, looking down he found Damian, Rose and Tim laying on either of his sides with Damian's foot pressed against his side. He looked over at Alfred where Jason, Dick and the girls were cuddled up to Alfred who had an arm around each girl as the boys essentially boxed them in. Noting it was only 6:30 he figured it wouldn't hurt to let them sleep more, he found the stockings littering the room and smiled seeing a thick envelope in Tim's figuring Rose must've flashed around to gather them and of course fill them with her yearly 'hero' plush or in Alfred's case it was himself as a knitted plush toy.
Rose snuggled closer to her Gotham guardian while she held Tim to her heart, she stretched out a little feeling her feet bump against something and figured it had to be Titus with how fluffy it felt. She smiled feeling the way Tim burrowed deeper into her hold with his face hidden in her collarbone, the Fireplace video had been stopped and now warm Glee Christmas music played a little feature she'd asked Dick to set up for her so she could have her music transition for a nice wake-up call on Christmas morning.
"The lights on my tree I wish you could see I wish it ev'ry day Logs on the fire Fill me with desire To see you and to say"
The music filled the room as a soft hum of piano and singing, slowly Alfred was drawn out of his sleep and finally seemed to notice his 'grandkids' cuddled up close to him. He allowed a sleepy smile and sat up getting off of the bed from the end to avoid jostling the children, he let out a soft happy sigh at the music and went to start breakfast. "Young Miss I do hope I didn't wake you somehow" he said noting Rose trailing after him in the full body sock monkey pajamas she wore every Christmas, he smiled softly as she walked beside him on their way to the kitchen.
"You didn't wake me grandpa" Rose reassured Alfred as she followed him and started to set the table without using her speed, "I figured I'd help you prepare breakfast and set the turkey in the oven for dinner" her stomach growled under her pajamas.
Alfred allowed a chuckle as he washed his hands and insisted she do the same before gathering the ingredients and molds for chocolate chip pancakes, he smiled as Rose gathered the tray the Turkey would go in and started setting up the baste for it.
"Merry Christmas grandpa" Rose smiled at Alfred as she started to prepare the large Turkey she'd purchased for the family and may or may not plan to enlarge using a bit of magic once it was ready, she beamed when he pressed his lips to head as they started working on their own meal preparation.
"Merry Christmas Young Miss" Alfred smiled sweetly at Rosalie as she hung a mistletoe in the kitchen entryway, "for your brothers and Master Bruce I assume?" he chuckled to himself before returning to the pancakes.
Rose smiled softly working on basting the Turkey while she waited for the oven to be ready, she started to sing 'Welcome Christmas' from 'How the Grinch stole Christmas' as she started getting everything else ready while she waited for the smell to wake her Gotham family.
After everyone had eaten breakfast and the dishwasher was loaded the family migrated from the dining room to the living room where the tree stood, they all sat down and Bruce handed out their stockings first knowing how important it was to Rose that Tim get the envelope first.
Everyone gathered around the tree accepting their stockings and dug in eagerly aside from Tim who was curious about the thick manila envelope on top the just had his name on it, everyone looked at Tim whose stocking had slipped from his grip after he opened the envelope.
"Who on earth got me $200?" Tim asked curiously tearing up, "seriously who did this" he looked around as Rose embraced him rubbing his back soothingly.
"That can be answered later Drake" Damian told Tim yelping when Rose woman-handled him into her lap, he grumbled but stopped as the gifts were sorted and presented to the kids.
"Thank you" the kids thanked him, Rosalie sat Damian between herself and Dick before the kids turned their attention to their gifts once the camera was on its tripod.
"Youngest to oldest" Rose smiled tweaking Damian's neck with a few wiggly fingers making the 13 year old snort and swat her hand away before grabbing the first gift off of his pile one from her, "Merry Christ Pigeon" she smiled returning the boy to her lap watching him open the box set of Charles Dickens work.
"Thank you Nichols" Damian said softly eyeing the box set of books, he couldn't really hide the childish shimmer of excitement as he looked at the complete set.
Stephanie and Barbara each opened one beaming at the different make-up sets, Rose was bad at shopping for them so it was usually money or make-up.
Jason eyed Tim's pile grabbing one particular gift and handing it to him, he looked to Rose and bobbed his eyebrows.
"Eager much?" Tim quirked a brow at Jason looking at the gift from his brother, shrugging he tore into the wrapping unearthing the puzzle his brother bought him. "You did not, get me a Batman puzzle" Tim laughed looking at the puzzle box with the picture of Batman on it, "why?" he asked jokingly as he pulled his brother into a hug.
"Because that's hilarious" Jason laughed, "okay my turn" he grinned opening his gift and cracking up. "Rose!" he looked to his sister, "really?!" in his hands was a mug with 'worlds okayest son' written on it in curly Black handwriting.
"Yes really" Dick grinned at his brother, "now suck it up" he laughed grabbing his gift opening it. "This is beautiful Damian" he had grabbed a manila envelope off of his stack and opened it, "I can't get over how amazing you are" he smiled holding a sketch of himself and all of the others.
"You should get used to it Grayson" Damian smirked, he didn't put up much of a fuss when Rose settled him into her lap. "Your turn Nichols" Damian told Rosalie leaning against his sisters chest grabbing a gift and handing it to her, "this one" he grinned at her when she accepted it.
"Alright Pigeon" Rose smiled sweetly taking the gift and unwrapping it, "Damian this is amazing, thank you" she hugged the boy pressing her lips to his cheek as she held the copy of Edgar Allan Poe stories and poems.
"I know you love Poe's work" Damian said casually as he rubbed his cheek where she'd kissed him, "father you next" he told the man of the house who had one of the largest piles out of everyone.
"Alright" Bruce chuckled eyeing his pile, seeing the word 'DICK' written on one he laughed and grabbed it while the kids hit Dick with pillows seeing as they'd brought their pillows down from his room. "Dick this is wonderful" he told his oldest 'son' as he held a framed photo of Batman and every Robin along with Nightingale and BatGirl all together, "I have the perfect place for this" he smiled looking at the photo framed beautifully in a Golden frame.
"Is it the one the commissioner took?" Stephanie asked Dick curiously looking at him, she smiled when he nodded.
"Alfred's turn" Rose cheered pulling a gift from behind the couch offering it to Alfred who smiled, "I hope you like this" she smiled at her 'grandfather' as he accepted the gift.
"That was very sweet of you Young Miss" Alfred smiled accepting the present and sitting beside Bruce to open it, "this is...amazing Rose" he said softly opening the box to reveal a clearly handmade Clock with many hands rather than 2 and instead of hours it had destinations. "Would you look at that" he said softly, "Home, 'a walk', work, school, club, Rose's house, Fort 1, Fort 2, Fort 3" he chuckled feeling his heart melt seeing Bruce, all 4 boys, and all 3 of the girls even himself on each hand.
"I saw a clock on FaceBook where you could sync the hands up to an app on someone's phone and GPS connects to it showing where they are on the hand" Rose smiled, "watch" she turned the clock on and every hand moved to 'home' since they all had the GPS on 24/7 so they could always find one another.
"This will give me a great sense of mind Rose" Alfred told her, "thank you, very much" he sat it on the couch and embraced the girl who wrapped her arms around his neck hiding her face in his collarbone a little teary eyed over how happy he was with the clock.
"Well back to the presents" Dick commented, "Damian's getting antsy and that's rare" he chuckled.
Everyone got comfortable in their seats and started opening their gifts once Alfred had sat down as well, soon the manor was filled with Christmas music and a symphony as shredding wrapping paper.
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piisdaemonium-blog · 7 years
Guess who’s bringing back this muse?
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Time to revamp this WHOLE page!
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maddiewilliamsxoxo · 10 years
Time to sit in the corner of my room and doodle because my day has gone bad to worse in the matter of 10 seconds and I;m angry at the world. 
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Have my unfinished never to be finished sketch of @justkennymccormickthings's the fairest maiden in the land the exquisite Princess, the amazing Kenny, and the blessing that is M(ysterion)
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Flareon Sophia
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Mysterion Dear Theodosia pic
I got bored
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Meet the so called artist finally done
I’m sorry
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Happy Birthday Clyde!
My kids and the show crew threw Clyde a party =3
It was going to be his best birthday ever if Jade had any say in it, Clyde Donovan was turning 10-years-old on Tuesday April 10th which was only a week away. Jade Pines had talked to Roger Donovan about letting she and her friends handle planning and preparing for Clyde's birthday party this year and was ecstatic when he gave her full rein, Jade gathered all of her friends and all of Clyde's informing them of the massive surprise party they were going to throw the boy. Marion decided he was going to make Clyde an amazing cake he'd seen on Pintrest while Jade would make the Lemon Bars that Clyde was nuts for.
On Monday night once everyone had gifts ready for wrapping and the cake was frosted perfectly Maria was sent to Token's where she pleaded with the Black's to use their backyard for the party since their property was the largest in town and the party was massive, with their go-ahead after giving her word the yard would be spotless when the party was done everyone got to work moving the decorations to the Black's home while Token kept Clyde distracted by helping the Brunette with his homework at the Donovan house, the kids spent all of last week and the weekend pretending that they didn't know they were closing in on Clyde's birthday and Jade regretted it because the boy always donned a puppy-dog pout.
Tuesday morning after school Token took Clyde to his favorite bakery for something sweet giving their friends time to decorate the backyard while Maria and Lafayette sat upstairs in Token's bedroom wrapping and labeling birthday presents minus one, "why've you been so pouty lately?" Token asked Clyde as he checked the clock on the wall noticing it was about time to sneak the boy to the party.
"You can't tell me you don't even remember" Clyde huffed pulling his hand free from Token's to cross his arms and pout, "I turn 10 today, and literally nobody but my dad and sister remembered" he crowed as Token laid a hand on his back escorting him to the manor.
"C'mere" Token wrapped his arm around the Brunette hugging him until the boy calmed down a little giving him time to glance out back where he saw the table of presents, the table of sweets and even the Coon pinata that Maria made as a joke. "I wanna show you something" Token made Clyde shut his eyes then covered them escorting the emotionally upset boy outside, "okay, open them" he smiled once he could tell Clay's camcorder was recording them.
"SURPRISE!" the second Clyde's Milk Chocolate Brown eyes opened all of his friends popped up all over Token's yard thoroughly startling the birthday boy, the kids pulled small confetti poppers before Jade carefully made her way to the birthday boy where he laughed throwing himself into her arms.
"Did you really think any of us could forget YOUR birthday Clyde?" Jade asked the birthday boy as he cried into her neck, "Never! Never ever never" she twirled the boy until his laughter replaced his tears and it rang out over the yard.
"Happy birthday Clyde" Marion smiled at the birthday boy messing up his hair after Jade sat him down, "so pouty pants, lunch and cake or presents first?" he asked the Brunette who was drying his face trying to stop laughing.
"Ummm" Clyde bit his lower lip before hearing his stomach snarl angrily under his shirt, "what's for lunch?" he asked making everyone laugh.
"I made burgers and hotdogs" Clay announced, he got the plates from the island in Token's kitchen and set them up on the counter by the outdoor grill. "Let's dig in then pig out" Clay smiled rubbing Clyde's head before he grabbed the 'birthday' party hat putting it on the brthday boys head then hunted down the bags of buns he'd brought setting up a table with Kenny's help where they put out the buns, refreshments and condiments using the bottles to weigh down the paper plates.
Clyde beamed getting two hotdogs and a hamburger putting ketchup on all 3 before plopping down on his bottom between Jade and Token where he sank his teeth into the burger, "I appreciate this but you guys are jerks" he told them after swallowing the large bite.
"Jerks are we?" Jade asked watching him set his plate down to accept and drink from a can of soda from Stan, "you hear that?" she looked at Token who smirked nodding.
"Oh I did" Token sat his plate aside cracking his knuckles watching Clyde cower towards Jade, "we'll show you jerks" and quite quickly Clyde's loud hysteric giggling disturbed the party as the two ganged up on him. "Are we still jerks?" Token laughed carefully deflecting Clyde's right arm when the Brunette swung his arm at him, "well that wasn't very nice" he tried to pout but just grinned.
"Let him breathe" Marion laughed, "I think he's learned not insult his two best friends" he smiled watching them stop and pass Clyde his soda which he chugged.
Clyde lit up finishing his lunch with a renewed vigor after a fit of hysterics like that, "more like never insult them on an empty stomach" he said before eating a hotdog in roughly 2 bites emptying his plate.
"Cake?" Jade offered Clyde, "Marion worked hard on it just for you, cause we're jerks like that" she smiled messing up his hair before putting the birthday hat back on.
"I can't wait" Clyde grinned standing with Marion's help where everyone surrounded the cake making sure Clyde was front and center and the camera could see his as Marion uncovered the large Football shaped cake and lit the 10 candles on it, "this looks insane" the Brunette beamed.
"Happy Birthday Clyde" the guests cheered, they knew how much he loathed the Birthday song so they always just wished him happy birthday and he blew out the candles before the cake was cut and dished out.
"Boom" Jade giggled uncovering the tray a Lemon Bars smiling when Clyde grabbed a Strawberry topped one and started eating that before the slice of cake, she claimed a slice of cake then sat down so Clyde was once again between her and Token then took a bite. "This is great Marion" she praised her twin, "looks like he's enjoying it too" she laughed seeing Clyde roughly half way through the slice of cake he'd been given.
"What it's good?" Clyde pouted softly accepting the napkins from Jade under the threat that she'd mother him in front of the others (meaning she wasn't above licking a corner of the napkin and cleaning his face) so he did it himself using his cell camera to avoid missing anything, "you're the best you guys, I couldn't ask for a better party" he smiled at Jade and Token then the other kids all of whom smiled at him before running off and returning with two coolers and a small cardboard box which Jade claimed and settled into his lap as the camera was brought closer to them.
"Craig get yours out so he can open it next" Jade told the boy in the Chullo as Clyde looked at the hole riddled box in his lap, "go on Clyde" she smiled at the boy rubbing the back of his head.
Clyde's yes sparkled a little at the familiar sound coming from the box, "No. You did not" he opened it his eyes sparkling when the little Black and White Guinea Pig peeked out of the box making those cute little chirpy noises that their kind make. "Oh my god Jaaaade" he was torn between hugging his best friend and hugging his new Piggy, he hugged Jade first then picked up his new furry friend who licked his cheek softly making the boy laugh.
"Since Jade beat me to the punch I got you everything you'd need" he passed Clyde the biggest cooler where all of the gifts said they were from him, "a cage, a ball, a wheel, wood chips for the crate, food dish, water bottle, tubes to put around your room, a special coupon for the vet Tweek and I take Stripe #4 to that gets your first visit free and another for a free Micro-chipping" Craig told him helping him open and set up the cage where they put the Guinea Pig so it was out of the way.
"Okay mine next" Stan smiled rifling around the smaller cooler for a medium sized box shaped present, "happy birthday Clyde" he said watching Clyde unwrap the box and open it to reveal a football signed by his favorite player.
"Dude!" Clyde cheered setting the ball in its box where he embraced his friend, "how'd you score this?" he asked him.
"Secret" Stan smiled, "Kyle's next" he told him.
"Okay okay" Clyde giggled accepting the present, it was flat and squared if he had to guess it was a CD. He wasn't wrong, Kyle had bought him an autographed CD of his favorite band. "Dude are you guys trying to one up each other?" Clyde asked them through soft chuckles as he marveled at the CD, "these are awesome you guys" he smiled at them.
"It probably looks like it but only Maria, Lafayette and those that purchased the gifts knows what you got" Marion smiled grabbing a thick large box which he passed to the birthday boy, "this is from me and Alfred" he told him watching the excited 10-year-old tear through the wrapping paper to reveal two decent length boxes taped together most likely to hide the present.
"You...You did not" Clyde had opened the box and unearthed a Red and White Gibson Les Paul with his name on it, "Jesus Christ you two" he said softly strumming a few chords before putting it away and looking to the others curiously.
"I made this myself" Tweek passed Clyde a boxed present watching anxiously as the boy shredded his way through the wrapping paper eagerly making sure it went in the trashcan Token had brought out for him, "Happy Birthday" the blonde permitted a smile as Clyde unearthed the plushtoy of Mosquito and hugged it cracking up when it immitated the annoying buzzing the Brunette made as Mosquito.
"I love it!" Clyde cheered nuzzling the toy softly, "does that make me a narcissist?" he asked laughing when Tweek relaxed laughing as well.
"Nah, Craig has a Super Craig plush" Tweek told him cringing when the boy playfully hit his shoulder, "I had a bunch of fabric" he rubbed his neck.
"Here ese" Maria smiled sweetly grabbing a square but flimsy plush present out of the cooler and passed it to him, "happy birthday" she ruffled his bangs when he smiled accepting the present.
"Maria this is so pretty" Clyde said softly looking at the large quilt in his arms, the patches were littered in things he liked. Footballs, Guitars, Tacos, Cows, Mosquito's and dead center was his name. "I love it" He tucked it into the box from his Guinea Pigs cage and hugged Maria who rubbed his back a little, he smiled and sat down just in time for Sammy to put a slightly heavy looking package down in front of him.
Clyde tore through the wrapping paper curiously peaking at his Guinea Pig from time to time, that was by far his favorite present and he had trouble looking away from it. "Guys....this is the entire series" he gaped looking at the boxset of his favorite book series as it sat before him, he'd begged his dad for this set but was always told it was too much and felt like this may've been why.
Alexis and Clay A Hamilton CD so he can get sucked into the fandom
"We figured you're old enough to be dragged into Hamilton hell" Alexis smiled watching Clyde open the CD, "we got that when we went to see it, I still feel bad that your dad wouldn't let you come because of your wrist" she said sadly.
"I'll have to give this a listen later" Clyde smiled at her, "from how often Jade sings from it, it must be great" he laughed.
"Mine's best" Kenny grinned passing Clyde a thick envelope, he bobbed his eyebrows watching the boy open it a little and see the small collection of porn magezines which he quickly tucked in with the Les Paul for later.
Token and Butters colaborated to make Clyde a A lettermans jacket with 'Donovan' on the back then nothing but meme patches? Pepe, Kermit, the 'I ain't get no sleep cause of y'all' person, dat boi and more that had Clyde in stitches, Timmy was sweet enough to get him his favorite season of Supernatural on DVD the only season he didn't have. And then Jimmy the beautiful bastard, bought him 1001 jokes: the book with Scott Maklinson who sadly couldn't make it and everyone carefully beaned their beloved comedian with mini marshmallows.
"Okay okay how about instead of trying to make Jimmy diabetic, I got get the Coonyata and we beat it to a pulp?" Maria chimed in after she and Timmy helped Jimmy get mini marshmallows out of his hair, "then we have to clean stuff up if we're done, I promised Token's folks the place would be spotless" she got up ruffling Jimmy's hair to run to Token's shed where she'd hidden the 'Coonyata' and listened to Clyde ask their laughing friends.
"What the fuck is a Coonyata?" Clyde asked doubling their laughter, he looked up hearing 'for he's a jolly good fellow' from Maria as she strung up something that had him howling with laughter.
This monstrosity definitely looked like 'The Coon' but it was lumpy and poorly made (on purpose) and over all he just looked ridiculous but that was what made it perfect, "seeing as you are the birthday boy, you get first three swings" Jade told Clyde grabbing her scarf and blinding him with it before everyone formed a sort of human chain that spun him all the way to Maria who handed the blind dizzy boy the bat and angled him perfectly.
"Swing!" Token cheered with the others, he watched Clyde spin around once before he cracked the Coonyata in the side hard enough to dent it but not break it.
"Jesus" Alfred whispered, he watched Clyde swing two more times managing to clip a foot and knock a hand off.
"Next?" A very dizzy Clyde called out removing the scarf and leaning on the bat, he wretched a little but caught his breath and hobbled his way over to Jade after Token took the bat.
"It's not as fun as the real deal" Jade joked kneading her friends stomach to soothe his nausia, "happy birthday" she smiled at him watching Token seem to work on aiming his swing from the ground up only for an untimely sneeze to throw his aim off causing him to knock the tail off.
"Kenny?" Token waved the bat at the second in command of the 'Freedom Pals' flipping it from handle to front skillfully, "y'know you wanna" he tempted grinning when Kenny took the bat and scarf letting Maria blindfold him while the bat sat on the ground. He was spun 3 times before he did something that kind of confused the gang, he tapped areas of the ground with the bat muttering to himself.
"It's a bat not a golf club Ken" Butters giggled, "swing, I wanna hit him" he told his boyfriend.
"Sorry Leo" Kenny chuckled swinging hard and up knocking the left arm off, "here Buttercup" the blonde slid off the scarf then tied it around Butters' head before kissing the blonde. He laughed hearing 'no grab ass at my birthday' come from Clyde before he twirled Butters three times and handed him the bat, "what's life without a little Chaos" he purred in his blondes ear pinching his ass laughing when Clyde threw a mini marshmallow at him.
Butters yelped slightly startled by the sudden pinch and brought the bat straight up listening to the cheers that followed the satisfying 'Crack' after the bat hit, he uncovered his eyes and laughed seeing that he'd split the Coonyata right between the legs and it now lay in two peices on either side of the sea of candy. He gathered up some of what he knew to be Clyde's favorites and ran a little zigzag path to the boy dumping the tiny 'shirtful' into his lap, "happy birthday" he grinned.
By the time the party was over Clyde was passed out pinning Jade and Token to their spots against the wall, he'd turned Jade into a pillow and as usual Token had become a footrest. Once everyone that could move had helped clean Clay came over to get the birthday boy into the house since it looked like it was gonna rain, everyone filled their arms with gifts and food rushing them inside while Clay took Clyde and his Guinea Pig to the living room sofa. The backyard and the house was spotless when Token's parents arrived, his folks were nice enough to take the children home in groups since even for a wealthier family they didn't have enough car space for roughly 18 kids.
Jade definitely felt like she'd out done herself with this party, she'd never seen Clyde smile that much or heard him laugh that hard in all her knowing him. She left the Lemon Bars with his father and thanked him for letting her host the party, since Clyde had been asleep she, Marion and Clay helped get him and his gifts inside they'd call their parents from here.
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I drew Jade
I got bored and drew High schooler Jade
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CAH sketches 1
Starring @ask-theuslesshomosexual-craig @askcollegepark @marjorine-stotch (sorry hers is crap I got stuck) Alexis and @ask-fckn-brovlofski-shit (so so sorry)
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Imp Maria
Digitalized and  colored
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Shitty sketch of Imp Maria
She’s supposed to look uncomfortable/scared
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(this was a sort of self-insert dream during a nap yesterday so I'm not gonna name myself in it just use first person)
I entered the store it had to be new, it was small and smelled new like clean tents and sleeping bags. It was definitely a camping gear store which was perfect for South Park, there were three people inside dressed in the weirdest outfits. They hadn't noticed me because the door had no bells, or at least it didn't yet.
"I followed the Coon as far as I could last night" a deep gravely voice chimed in from up front, "for someone as fat as Cartman, he runs pretty fast when he wants too, my thighs still hurt" he complained and I heard the other two laugh as I looked at the stuff in the back of the store. The wares were fairly priced, tents, sleeping bags and hunting gear minus the guns, Jimbo sold guns these three probably didn't wanna tread on his toes by selling guns.
"You should've waited for us Mysterion" a woman's voice chimed in next, "wait here ya bozo, I got something in my purse" a rustling sound followed her last statement before footsteps tapped the floor and a door opened.
"The Sapphire Fog is right dipshit," a male voice told 'Mysterion' making me flinch and secretly regret not making my presence known earlier, "he coulda killed you, we all grew up with Cartman and we know what he's capable of" I could practically hear the two men shudder at some horrifying memory.
I cringed coughing into my arm, I'd recently been sick and still fought off a persistent cough. I heard Mysterion and his companion both rise and felt a panic swell inside me, 'what're they gonna do?' I asked myself in a panic.
"Miss?" the deep voice of Mysterion made me jump a little as he apparently reached me first, he was a peculiar looking man, to say the least. He wore Purple pants and a long-sleeved Purple shirt with a Green capital M on his chest, he had a black hooded cape on using that and a mask to hide his upper face. I tried to ignore the hero cliche of underwear outside the suit and looked instead to the question mark that topped his hood and the brownish green gloves he hid his hands with before finally taking in his boots, "How much did you hear?" he inquired the stern Batman like Tenor making me flinch.
"Something about the Raccoon and hurting thighs" I blurted out, I took a half step back when he started laughing. "I apologize if we scared you" Mysterion apologized offering me a gloved hand that I didn't dare turn down,
"My friends are on break and we're discussing work from the previous night," he told me walking with a faint bow legged limp as he escorted me to the front of the store his cape billowing like a black fog behind him and partially in my face.
"Oh, Mysterion you found her" the booming voice cheered startling me enough to have me dart under Mysterion's cape as if the black fabric would engulf me like a vast emptiness, "Haha sorry about that, I've been told I'm too loud" he rounded the corner a tall brunette that made Mysterion look short enough to be a teen. He wore a suit of green, yellow and red with a black mask like his friend.
"Behemoth you are too loud" Mysterion snorted as I quickly fought my way out of his cape, I felt a little ridiculous having done that seeing as 'Behemoth' seemed to be one of those gentle giant kind of people.
"Oh shut up underwear boy" Behemoth quipped, "So miss what's your name? My colleague is all 'fight crime and save the damsel' so names are never important" he teased his friend as he offered me a hand the size of my head.
I gave him my name and my hand which he kissed rather than shook before gesturing for me to sit down, "He's perfectly fine, never get on name basis while shopping" I reassured him with a laugh when Mysterion childishly stuck his tongue out.
Behemoth shook with laughter before grabbing the front of Mysterion's hood and yanking it over the heroes eyes blinding him temporarily, "Just because we're adults and you outrank me doesn't mean that I won't take your lunch money" he threatened as they both laughed.
"Customer or not I'll kick your ass Behemoth" Mysterion growled as his friend nearly unhooded him, "Then I'll clean so Sapph doesn't kill me, yeah I'll be back in the morning but it's still tiring" he sighed rubbing his face drowsily.
"You better not fuck up my shop again" the woman entered the area, she was in all black with a blue mask with streamers. She smiled sweetly at me and waved, "Welcome to our little shop, I hope Mysterion and Behemoth didn't scare you" she greeted me and made an apologetic smile.
"Only a little" I laughed, "Behemoth is pretty loud" I rubbed my neck while he laughed.
"Mysterion seems to have a soft spot for her" Behemoth smiled elbowing his friend's side playfully, "I spooked her with my volume and she latched onto him" he messed up my hair a little laughing when I shook out my head trying to fix it.
"I'll get out of your hair"  I stood up dusting myself off, "I've taken up enough of your time, and I've got to find a...Kenny McCormick, I found his wallet and the cop said he'd just mail it to him" I waved before running out.
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sanchezsystem-blog · 7 years
Rich’s weakness
I’d like to state before this gets read,  they are not a couple they’re similar to maybe a brother and sister
Rich looked around the house noticing it was fairly quite even with the kids gone, "Rosie?" he called out walking around in just his Blue shirt and usual Brown slacks.
"I'm in the living room" Rose called out, she was on the living room couch watching 'Home' for the Third time that week. "I just started it so you can watch too" she beamed watching 'her Rick' enter the living room where he sat beside her, she smiled at the routine of the man hooking an arm around her where he held her to his side where she eventually did something different by hugging him around the middle.
'That's new, she never grabs me' Rich thought to himself as Roses arms wound themselves around his midsection where the girl snuggled up to him smiling when he quirked his at her Uni-brow, "Comfy?" he teased her laughing when she nodded at him.
"Of course I'm comfy" Rose smiled laying her head on Rich’s stomach, "of all the Ricks I know you make the best pillow my friend" she giggled laughing harder when he hit her with a pillow playfully.
"Are you calling me fat?" Rich asked her feigning hurt, "I'm offended" he joked playfully going to cross his arms before realizing her head was in the way.
"Awwww Rich no" Rose released him quickly and sat up properly, "I would never insult one of my best friends" she reassured him letting out a sigh of relief when he hugged her messing up her hair.
"Such a sweetie" Rich smiled sweetly hugging the girl to his side where the movie started, "Couldn't ask for a better partner" he told her rubbing her cheek tenderly.
"Couldn't ask for a better Rick that's not my father" Rose smiled up at him hugging him around the middle once again resting against him smiling when he ruffled her hair, "love ya dawg" she smiled nuzzling his side softly stopping when he flinched away. "You okay Rich?" she asked looking up at her friend looking up at him, "I didn't hurt you did I?" she asked worried.
"N-no worries" Rich soothed her, "you n-nudged a bruise that's all" he lied smoothly.
"Oh god you got a bruise?" Rose looked at him worriedly, "let me see, I'll tend to it" she reassured him wiggling free and going to get the first aid kit from the bathroom.
"R-Rosie...you don't have to do anything" he reassured her, "y-you don't have to, I get hurt a lot on solo missions" he commented grimacing when she returned with the First Aid kit.
"Your hurt Rich" Rose said softly sitting next to her friend, "I wanna at least bandage it so I don't risk hurting you again" she whined out when he looked at her.
"Rosie I'm ser-" he stopped himself seeing the way she looked at him, "oh I guess" he sighed reluctantly sliding his top off to expose a nearly gone bruise.
"Looks like it's nearly healed" Rose said softly brushing a thumb over the bruise softly, "I'll just clean and bandage it then we can resume snuggling and enjoying the movie" she smiled happily not seeming to notice the way Rich was snickering.
"Thanks Rosie" Rich said softly trying not to twitch as she rubbed his bruised side with a cotton ball soaked in peroxide, "sorry i-it's tender" he apologized as he twitched away as she started trying to secure bandaging to his side.
"Y-you're not ticklish are you, Rich?" Rose asked wiggling a few fingers against his side being sure to avoid the bruise, "this...this bruise is gone" she said realizing the bruise had been drawn on.
"Rohohohohose" Rich couldn't even dream of stopping himself from laughing, he tended to let himself relax around Rose so he found himself surprisingly ticklish.
"You are!" Rose laughed, "you're ticklish" she giggled tickling Rich's sides watching him howl with laughter. "Oh my god" she went wide eyed hearing Rich, "you are not snorting?" she laughed finding the weak spot on the top of Richs stomach that made him laugh harder.
"Rohohohose!" Rich crowed finally trying to roll away and curl up, "I gihihihihive, Mehehehehercy" he begged her heaving a sigh of relief when she stopped. "Evil little girl" Rich panted out smiling at Rose as she laughed, "vegence!" he crowed pinning her so her back was pressed against his bare chest as he kneaded her stomach sending her to hysteric giggles.
"Rihihihich nohoho" Rose giggled trying to get away from the mans skilled fingers, "thehehe mohohovie is half over" she panted out when he finally let her go.
"You started it" Rich told her laughing when a pillow hit his face, "sorry Rosie go ahead and restart it, I'll behave if you do" he smiled pulling his shirt back on.
"It's a deal" Rose smiled leaning against him like usual relaxing as the movie was restarted, "I love your laugh man" she told him as he held her to his side.
Rich lit up softly, not a lot of people got to hear his honest laugh so to have it complimented caught him by surprise. "Oh um...thanks Rosie" he said softly as they unwound, "um keep this between us please" he requested. When she was quiet he looked down to find her asleep holding his arm like a teddy bear, "g'night Rosie" he chuckled watching the movie while she slept.
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OC dump
Starring Alfred, Wonderstorm, Maria, The Maine Coon, The Mystery twins and the Netherbug
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