#Morrigan and Cassandra both deserved a cool leader GF that would've made their storylines interesting
wylldebee · 1 month
As much as I love Origins and Inquisition—Dragon Age 2 is always my favourite. There's just something, you know? Besides the bisexual romances (which Bioware should have more of I'm still salty over Male-locked Morrigan and Cassandra). It's literally about a refugee trying to find safety for themselves and their family in one of the most oppressive city states of the Free Marches. Your companions aren't with you because they're joining in on some world saving mission—they're with you because of you. The stuff that happens in the first two acts is relatively small scale compared to final act, and even then you're not saving the world so much as kickstarting a rebellion whether you approve of it or not. Story-wise and companion-reason-wise, I enjoy the second game a lot more. Because you're just trying to survive and help your family, and you get a bunch of people who've either never had a home or lost one or have one but don't feel like it is, and they're just as cracked as yourself, and Kirkwall is the shittiest place to live but it's your shittiest place to live. There's no world to be saved; you and your companions are just trying to have a good time where you can, be it killing a bunch of bandits in caves that look too much alike or tagging along with you as you try to help the others in your group with their problems.
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