#Morlock 2001
adoomado · 4 months
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mediaomnivore · 6 days
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The first issue of Morlock 2001 is among the Atlas comics in my collection. Atlas was one of the predecessors of Marvel. This particular issue is from 1975.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 years
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Morlock 2001    #1 - #3    1975
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
It's a couple other things too happening people are continuously being rude and don't give a crap about it and I mean it doesn't crap and they get arrested and they get taken to jail come out except for they go the wrong way and disappear
-couple other things along with this massive number of campers is a huge number of trucks and trailers coming and they're flat pants less than 40 in and it's enormous it is ginormous there are probably about 50,000 an hour coming to Southwest Florida and coming to Southeast Florida and they are coming down here for mobile homes and tons of them it says he has a car and he is apparently threatening himself. That is a lot of trailers and they came down this morning and last night a total of about 500,000 and they are leaving now now they left early this morning and throughout the day that number is going to increase to about 1 million an hour from now until probably Monday and it will go until they move out and everybody who wants to leave it's probably going to be about 25 million mobile homes and it's true that's a lot of people but there's not that many here that's that's the thing as well as about 40% is all of them and Mack more locks are now about 16.8% and the rest are minority more luck and miscellaneous and pseudo empire I'm saying nothing you have to some of them will exit we think by Monday 5% of them will Monday we think that there will be about 10% remaining of Max morlock which would give you about 30% and then less the 5% 25% so it's still quite a bit here.
Informers will start coming in as minority Milwaukee exit and the minority will be exiting because of the pseudo empire and this would happen the first time in the United States and the second time in 2001
-another news the evacuation is beginning all over the world in all areas but the middle areas evacuate in Ernest now it will be Florida next to the areas like it usually islands and peninsulas that are near the mainland or too close it's going on now and it will begin to increase daily right now we'd say that they have only 30% left or out of there hundred percent it's not much and that they represent only 10% or less in the middle areas they're going to come out of there pretty quick now and they will go to the South and West the most areas
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
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ourtimewarps · 9 months
Morlock 2001 comic book by Atlas Comics
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shefancdotcom · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Atlas Comics Morlock 2001 Feb The Worlds Strangest Super Hero Comic Book.
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frischdvhrevolt · 1 year
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Redesignber Day 13: Morlock 2001 #FrischDVH #FrischDVHonDA #REVOLT # #atlascomics #atlasseaboard #superheroes #COMICBOOKARTISTSOFINSTAGRAM #COMICBOOKARTISTS #comics #redesignedcharacter #redesigns https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGwQKuLfvW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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browsethestacks · 5 years
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Atlas Comics #01's (1975)
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demonsee2 · 4 years
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Morlock 2001 - 1975
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70s-pop-80s · 2 years
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Morlock 2001 / 1976
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fkukso · 6 years
El viaje que soñamos todos
Cargado de una rica historia, los viajes en el tiempo no les pertenecen exclusivamente a escritores y guionistas de ciencia ficción. La idea es aterradora para muchos físicos, que los encuentran desafiantes como una herramienta intelectual para conocer la naturaleza del espacio y el tiempo.
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En un amplio salón de la Universidad de Cambridge, Inglaterra, un pastel se derrite. Sobre un mantel blanco, bandejas de canapés le hacen compañía a decenas de copas de las que miles de burbujas de champagne escapan desesperadamente. Globos azules y violetas adornan este antiguo comedor de profesores. Un gran cartel de bienvenida se extiende de pared a pared. Las agujas de un reloj antiguo acaban de dar las 12 del mediodía. Es domingo, 28 de junio de 2009. El anfitrión aguarda sentado mientras mira fijamente la puerta. Pasa un minuto. Y otro. Y otro. Y nada. Nadie la abre. Nadie la atraviesa. A Stephen Hawking lo acaban de dejar plantado.
El famoso astrofísico recuerda una y otra vez la anécdota: “Organicé una fiesta para viajeros del tiempo. Esperé ahí durante mucho tiempo, pero nadie vino”.
La invitación, enviada no antes sino después del evento, decía: “Está usted cordialmente invitado a una recepción en el pasado. Universidad of Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College, Trinity Street, Cambridge. Ubicación: 52° 12’ 21” N, 0° 7’ 4,7” E. Hora: 12.00 UT 6/28/2009. No RSVP”.
Pero nadie se presentó. En verdad, no fue del todo una decepción. Se trataba más bien de un experimento, evidencia tangible de una vieja hipótesis formulada por el científico en 1991: la llamada “conjetura de protección de la cronología”. En un paper publicado en la revista Physical Review, Hawking concluía que las leyes de la física no permitirían viajar al pasado, al menos a nivel macroscópico. “Si fuese posible —decía por entonces— ya habríamos sido invadidos por hordas de turistas procedentes del futuro”.
Unos años antes, en 1985, el escritor Arthur C. Clarke se había pronunciado también al respecto: “El argumento más convincente contra la posibilidad del viaje en el tiempo es la llamativa ausencia de viajeros". O sea, para el autor de 2001: odisea en el espacio no se trataría de una cuestión tecnológica sino de una imposibilidad física: las leyes que gobiernan nuestro universo prohibirían viajar al pasado. Al fin y al cabo, si fuera físicamente factible, una civilización lo bastante avanzada podría en un futuro lejano inventar máquinas del tiempo e invadir toda clase época y lugares. Entonces, ¿por qué no lo han hecho? ¿O ya lo hicieron y no nos hemos dado cuenta?
Hay también otras circunstancias que explicarían por qué los viajeros del tiempo no se presentaron en la fiesta organizada por el científico más famoso del mundo. Quizás en estas travesías temporales haya estrictos protocolos que impiden cualquier alteración del transcurrir de los eventos. O peor: tal vez ninguno de los viajeros se molestó en asistir a un almuerzo en el año 2009 porque, simplemente, tenían mejores épocas que visitar.
Hawking aún hoy se ríe al recordar el día en que los viajeros del tiempo lo dejaron solo. Es uno de los tantos físicos que está convencido de que viajar en el tiempo es imposible, pero también sabe que es divertido hablar y pensar en ellos como experimentos mentales en los cuales testear las más esotéricas ideas sobre el funcionamiento y el tejido del cosmos, el espacio-tiempo y los grandes monstruos que tanto nos fascinan, los agujeros negros.
Porque, a pesar de lo que comúnmente se cree, los viajes en el tiempo no les pertenecen exclusivamente a escritores y guionistas de ciencia ficción que invaden las pantallas con sus siempre atrapantes historias de desplazamientos cronológicos y “paradojas del abuelo”. Ultimamente, los científicos también los han adoptado como propios.
“Los viajes en en el tiempo pueden parecer divertidos para los fanáticos de la ciencia ficción, pero la idea es aterradora para muchos físicos. El problema está en parte en la gran cantidad de paradojas que el viaje hacia el pasado desencadenaría —explica el físico británico Paul Davies de la Universidad Estatal de Arizona y autor del  libro How to Build a Time Machine—. Hace cien años, pocas personas creían que los seres humanos pudieran viajar al espacio. Los viajes en el tiempo, como los viajes espaciales, eran simplemente fantasía. Hoy en día, los vuelos espaciales son casi un lugar común. ¿Es posible que algún día los viajes en el tiempo se conviertan también en cosa de todos los días?”.
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Mitologías moderna
Los enredos de Marty McFly (Volver al Futuro), Arnold Schwarzenegger y su eterno “I´ll be back” (Terminator), Charlton Heston sollozando al pie de la Estatua de la Libertad en ruinas medio enterrada entre el mar y las rocas (El planeta de los simios): las historias de viajes en el tiempo se sienten antiguas, como si estuvieran arraigadas en ancestrales mitologías y tradiciones. Pero no lo son. Como recuerda el escritor James Gleick, autor de Time Travel: A History, los viajes en el tiempo son una fantasía de la era moderna. Se trata de una idea que no tiene más de 122 años: solo dos años mayor que Drácula y ocho años más joven que Sherlock Holmes.
Cuando un joven escritor de 29 años llamado H.G. Wells imaginó en su habitación iluminada por una lámpara una máquina capaz de saltar de un año a otro, también inventó un nuevo modo de pensar. Influenciado por las ideas de tiempo profundo del geólogo Charles Lyell y Charles Darwin, este extraño híbrido —un hombre de ciencia y un hombre de letras— reflotó un viejo cuento titulado The Chronic Argonauts —que apareció en 1888 en la revista universitaria The Science School Journal— y en la primavera de 1895 publicó La máquina del tiempo. Su “romance científico” —tal cual se llamaba el género antes que académicos le estamparan la etiqueta de ciencia ficción— fue un éxito inmediato. Todos hablaban de él y de su obra, que secretamente guardaba una advertencia.
El protagonista de la novela de Wells, a diferencia de antiguas historias, no se trasladaba al futuro a través de un sueño, o hadas o fantasmas. El anónimo crononauta se internaba en el año 802.701 utilizando un artefacto —una versión mecánica de la alfombra mágica— para descubrir allí un mundo devastado, en donde la humanidad se había bifurcado en dos especies: los ociosos eloi —pacifistas e ingenuos— y los morlocks, subterráneos, caníbales.
Ahí se escondía la clave del secreto y originalidad de Wells. Si bien continuaba la tradición de viajes maravillosos, le agregaba un toque especial, maquínico e industrial, aquel que llevan a escritores como el belga Jacques Sternberg e historiadores de la ciencia ficción como Darko Suvin a decir que fue en ese año, 1895, cuando H.G. Wells fundó de una vez por todas el género: a fines del siglo XIX, sus relatos, además de expresar el clima de la época como el positivismo acérrimo de Augusto Comte, ponían de manifiesto el poder de la tecnología y sus posibles consecuencias sociales y políticas.
Si se le pregunta a los españoles “¿quién inventó el concepto de la máquina del tiempo?”, ellos dirán: el diplomático Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau en su zarzuela El Anacronópete (1887). En cambio, los franceses responderán: Eugène Mouton en su cuento L’Historioscope (1883). Ambos autores se le habían adelantado por unos años al inglés. Se habían inspirado en el mismo clima de época. Pero, sin dudas, fue H.G. Wells quien se encargó de echar a correr lo que podría llamarse una fiebre temporal: en pocos años, los viajes en el tiempo se instalaron en revistas, libros, canciones, publicidades. A nuestra obsesión por querer medir el tiempo, controlarlo, cuidarlo, no perderlo, se sumaba ahora la de desear visitar otros tiempos, nuevos continentes a descubrir y conquistar, nuevos destinos donde escapar.
A comienzos del siglo XX, el término “viaje en el tiempo” pegó tanto que ingresó al Diccionario inglés Oxford en 1914, junto a las palabras “pantalla grande”, “velocidad de la luz”, “multiple choice”. “De alguna manera —señala James Gleick—, la humanidad vivió durante miles de años sin hacerse las preguntas: ‘¿Y si pudiéramos viajar al futuro? ¿Cómo sería el mundo? ¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos viajar al pasado? ¿Podríamos cambiar la historia? Nadie se lo planteó hasta fines del siglo XIX”.
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Bienvenidos al futuro
H.G. Wells no se esforzó mucho en explicar los detalles técnicos de la máquina o la energía necesaria para viajar en el tiempo. “No hay diferencia entre el tiempo y cualquiera de las tres dimensiones del espacio —dice el protagonista anónimo de la novela, 'El Viajero'—, excepto que nuestra conciencia se mueve a lo largo de ella. El hombre civilizado puede vencer la gravedad utilizando globos, ¿por qué no le sería entonces posible también detener o acelerar su fluir por la dimensión temporal, o incluso revertirlo y viajar hacia atrás en ella?”.
Como un virus, la idea infectó las mentes de los lectores, entre los que se incluían filósofos y científicos como Albert Einstein. Con solo 26 años, en 1905, el alemán destrozó las ideas de un tiempo único y absoluto de Isaac Newton. Tanto en su Teoría de la Relatividad especial como diez años después, en noviembre de 1915, en la Teoría general de la relatividad, Einstein, además de regalarnos una nueva visión del espacio, establecía que el tiempo no era universal sino elástico. O sea, no solo es inseparable del espacio (el espacio-tiempo), también se distorsiona. El tiempo es relativo a quién lo mide y a su estado de movimiento.
Por ejemplo, cuando el astronauta estadounidense Scott Kelly volvió a la Tierra en marzo de 2016 después de vivir un año en la Estación Espacial Internacional, que se mueve a una velocidad considerablemente mayor a la de la rotación terrestre, era 8,6 segundos más joven que su hermano gemelo Mark. Fueron los efectos de la llamada dilatación temporal por lo que comparativamente el tiempo ha transcurrido más despacio para él.
Einstein, de alguna manera, demostró que los viajes en el tiempo eran posibles. El tiempo pasa más lento cuanto más rápido nos movemos. Si pudiéramos construir una nave capaz de acercarse a la velocidad de la luz podríamos viajar al futuro. Por ejemplo, 24 horas en una nave viajando a una velocidad al 99.99999996 % de la velocidad de la luz serían cien años en la Tierra. O sea, al salir de la nave estaríamos en el año 2117.
“Viajar en el tiempo es fácil. Einstein nos enseñó cómo hacerlo —dice el escritor James Gleick—. Solo debemos acelerar a casi la velocidad de la luz o acercarnos a objetos extremadamente pesados como un agujero negro. Y listo: bienvenidos al futuro”.
De hecho, para los físicos, las máquinas del tiempo existen y son los agujeros negros, capaces de deformar el espacio-tiempo. Para una persona a bordo de una nave espacial que orbita un agujero negro, el tiempo pasaría mucho más lento que en la Tierra. Así viajaríamos al futuro. El asunto sería sobrevivir al encuentro con tal monstruo galáctico y no ser devorados.
En principio, alcanzar altas velocidades no sería un problema, sino una dificultad práctica que se podría superar algún día. El principal inconveniente es la energía necesaria. Acelerar una nave de diez toneladas al 99,9% de la velocidad de la luz requiere un gasto energético de 10 billones de millones de joules, lo que equivale a toda la producción de energía de la humanidad durante varios meses.
Mientras que el viaje en el tiempo al futuro está permitido por las leyes de la física, es mucho más problemático viajar al pasado. Según las teorías de Einstein, es imposible.
Pero, de hecho, si aún así se pudiera sería más algo más complejo que elegir una fecha y mover una palanca. “Nuestros organismos son estructuralmente muy complejos para poder volver atrás la flecha del reloj sin que nuestras moléculas se vuelvan inestable”, dice el físico argentino Horacio Pastawski quien en sus experimentos manipula el tiempo a escala microscópica.
También está el problema no solo del cuándo sino de dónde: nuestro planeta no está quieto en el espacio y sería necesario calcular su posición exacta en su órbita alrededor del sol (y del sol alrededor del centro de la Vía Láctea). No sea que la máquina salte al futuro o al pasado y se materialice en el vacío espacial.
Y otro asunto sería el oxígeno. No siempre hubo la misma cantidad de O2 en la atmósfera terrestre.
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Instrucciones para el viajero del tiempo frecuente
En una carta enviada a la familia de un colega recientemente fallecido llamado Michele Besso, en 1955, Einstein escribió: “La distinción entre pasado, presente y futuro es sólo una ilusión obstinadamente persistente".
Pero no fue siempre así. Para todo el mundo, el futuro no está adelante ni el pasado atrás. Los antiguos griegos, por ejemplo, creían en la concepción del tiempo cíclico, el eterno retorno. Los miembros de la cultura Aymara, en los Andes, apuntan hacia adelante para hablar del pasado. Para ellos, el futuro aguarda detrás, ya que todavía no es visible.
Así visto el tiempo no es solo un fenómeno físico sino también un hecho cultural, varía de comunidad en comunidad. “Cada cultura tiene sus propias huellas digitales temporales únicas —escribió Jeremy Rifkin en Guerras del tiempo—. Conocer un pueblo es conocer los valores del tiempo por los que se rige su vida”.
Prohibido por las leyes de la física, deseado por historiadores y ansiosos por el mañana, los viajes en el tiempo existen: en nuestros sueños, en las películas, en los papers científicos. Viajamos en el tiempo a través de las cápsulas que enterramos para abrir dentro de 200 años. Y también viajamos en aquellas máquinas del tiempo portátiles que llamamos libros.
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El viaje en el tiempo ha fascinado a las masas desde la obra de H.G. Wells en 1895. Pero eso no quiere decir que haya sido la única obra que lo ha explorado. Ni antes ni después. Estas son algunas otras exploraciones de esta atrapante idea de escapar de la cárcel del presente.
Memorias del Siglo XX (1733) de Samuel Madden: un ángel del año 1997 que viaja 200 años al pasado para entregar unos documentos sobre el futuro a un embajador británico.
Anno 7603 (1781) del noruego Johan Herman Wessel: un hada manda a dos jóvenes al año 7603, donde los roles sexuales han sido invertidos, con hombres actuando como mujeres y viceversa.
Un cuento de Navidad (1843) de Charles Dickens: En un sueño, tres fantasmas acompañan al desalmado Scrooge al pasado y al futuro.
Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (1887) de Edward Bellamy: En el siglo XIX, un tal Julian West se duerme y despierta 113 años después.
Un Yankee en la corte del rey Arturo (1889) de Mark Twain: un hombre del siglo XIX viaja al año 528.
Armageddon 2419 A.D. (1928) de Philip Francis Nowlan: Una cueva de gas transporta a Anthony Rogers al año 2419.
Palamás, Echevete y yo o el lago asfaltado (1945) de Diego Cañedo (seudónimo del arquitecto Guillermo Zárraga): primer viaje en el tiempo de la literatura mexicana. Sobre un profesor universitario del futuro que, a través de una máquina, se detiene en varios episodios de la historia de México.
El sonido de un trueno (1952) de Ray Bradbury: en el año 2055, un hombre emprende viaje al pasado en un safari temporal. Allí se sale del sendero produciendo toda clase de paradojas que alteran su presente.
El fin de la Eternidad (1955) de Isaac Asimov: trata sobre una organización llamada Eternidad, compuesta por personas de todas las épocas, que se encarga de estudiar los horrores de la historia y evitarlos .
El Eternauta (1957) de Héctor Germán Oesterheld y el dibujante Francisco Solano López: clásico de la ciencia ficción argentina. Narración que un viajero del tiempo hace de una invasión extraterrestre.
Doctor Who (1963): serie inglesa protagonizada por “el Doctor” que explora el universo en su TARDIS, una nave espacial con conciencia propia capaz de viajar a través del tiempo y el espacio.
Matadero Cinco (1969) de Kurt Vonnegut: sobre un soldado hecho prisionero llamado Billy Pilgrim, capaz de viajar involuntariamente en el tiempo, habilidad que lo lleva a presenciar su propio nacimiento y muerte.
Seis días con Max (1977) de Angélica Gorodischer: un ginecólogo y su sobrino adolescente viajan en el tiempo para conocer a Cassandra de Troya.
Timeline (1999) de Michael Crichton: un equipo de arqueólogos queda atascado en pleno año 1357.
11/22/63 (2011) de Stephen King: un profesor viaja en el tiempo a través de un portal para evitar el asesinato de Kennedy.
El Ministerio del Tiempo (2015): serie española sobre una institución secreta que busca detectar e impedir que cualquier intruso del pasado llegue a nuestro presente con el fin de cambiar la historia para su beneficio.
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mediaomnivore · 6 days
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Some interior images from the first issue of Morlock 2001 from Atlas Comics in 1975.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 5 years
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Morlock 2001 #1     April 1975      cover by (pencils) Al Milgrom and (inks)      Dick Giordano 
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
There's a lot of things going on and it's tonight Bill Skarsgard and yes it's Luke George is Dave from space Odyssey 2001 and space Odyssey 2010 and they go to the Moon to investigate something and the movies are backwards and they see it and they don't believe it and I see it with equipment and they do trace it and they do see what it is and it came from Saturn they say and it's really not supposed to be there and they forced it and they made it and then they followed that's coming up pretty soon they find signal coming from the Moon and it is a relay and they do find something coming from the Moon to that thing and it looks like one of Garth ships. Other events are coming up but that apparently might be coming up pretty soon and it's because his father finds the transformers and not here since Chicago and they find a signal relay and it's most likely Bill's stuff and that's what they're fighting over already and that's why he's in Chicago and Bill shows up in California
-there are a few jokes going around and Bill is joking with his grandkid it's really the other way around a little they both started it on it
-there's some other things happening and they're pretty horrendous the morlock decided to attack the max and the Mac bases they struck the bases overseas in the eastern hemisphere and they're really tan of size and they hit all 10 and about 20 small ones and about 500 real small ones they hit a lot of stuff and it actually plus a couple navy bases and about three subterranean that were only sub training and that's about half of the basis of that kind they really don't have that many but they're looking for easy Intel tonight and they met with fierce resistance and then they started the Counter-Strike already and they started wiping out these forces that were gathering to go after the basis and they started to wipe out areas with them in it but specifically where they knew they were and they wanted fairly aggressively in the Western hemisphere they went to New York and Cincinnati and pretty much every major city and with spaceships too and they hit about 500 spots in each City and it's like a block each and that's a lot in the city is a mess in this fires they also hit the suburbs and they hit the Oscars in the Oscars they hit 300 areas they're bigger and all together and they're probably four by four miles and this is an almost every major city I should say it's about half the cities to strike the suburbs areas and they know where they are there and it's mostly just them it's a weird enclave and they hit like madness and those areas are big like 20 by 30 and they hit probably half of them they're still hitting them and we hate to say it but they're going to hit the eastern hemisphere there's only a few more places where these guys are and they're going to lay into them tonight
There's several other items they were attacking and yes her son fell asleep for about an hour and he is woken up and my he is harassing those who are harassing him just now they were tendium some kind of daydream. Nothing really happened it's just what they're doing and the more like are down and they are poor, they're giving a pizza by their boss no they are hit by the max and they're in a lot of trouble and the macks are on the tirade here in the east coast they started hitting and it hit five out of the 10 very large and so on in this case it's the morlock hitting the Mac baces. There are a lot of hits going on right now globally and it is the max.
Turns out the max hit 300 bases of cork and warlock really and that was in the Western hemisphere. Those bases were about 10x10 they hit them out 500 that are 8x5 and 3,000 that are 4x4 and they hit 10 that are about 20 by 20 and those are special bases down below the morlock had bunker systems that were probably by 40 by 60 they're pretty big and they had plans for those for the rest of society and they also destroyed 20 by 30 basis the bunkers below a 6x70x80 there there the empire proper and they're going nuts on them and they're hitting bases of operation 20x50 MI probably about three of those. Their time the tax in the Western hemisphere are Non-Stop. They're loading up for more attacks shortly and they will continue they said until the attitude changes and yeah the attitude is really stupid from our perspective as well.
There's a war in space waging and the morlock sent 400 million ships more to Venus and they were intercepted by the empire they said it too we all look like jackasses because of these losers they're hugely stupid they said the boys been giving orders to try and save his wife I'm not really getting what he's saying those people are somehow so they decided it was just stupid to let them continuously do that and it was another 400 million ships they lost they only have 400 million left and the empire is going to go after them and whatever is left of Tommy f and these people are idiots and just sit there waiting for it.
-there a couple more things we're going to publish
Thor Freya
This one's pretty huge the stuff in this is important
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ourtimewarps · 3 years
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Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Atlas Comics Featuring Morlock2001 #vintagecomicbook #comicbook #atlascomics #morlockcomic #vintagecomic #ourtimewarp https://etsy.me/3kUiIZ4
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Enchanting Best Laundry Basket
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21 . 2017 . Laundry basket organizer Great idea for a small space! . Best 20 Laundry Room Makeovers Organization and Home Decor Laundry room. Buy Neatfreak Slim Space-Saving Laundry Hamper, Beige: Laundry Baskets Amazon.com FREE . Doryh Small Plastic Storage Basket, 4-Pack Best Sellers Rank, #507,985 in Home & Kitchen (See Top 100 in Home & Kitchen) #300 in. Discover the best Laundry Baskets in Best Sellers. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Home & Kitchen Best Sellers. 11 . 2018 . Oh my goodness, this is so much more than a laundry basket. . There is plenty of room in the basket to hold all my supplies, a good sized. Read reviews and buy the best laundry baskets from top companies . People will small laundry spaces will undoubtedly benefit from stackable laundry baskets. Best Overall: BirdRock Home Round Laundry Hamper With Lid and Cloth . wash-safe) liner, which makes lugging your load to the laundry room a little easier. Lean Laundry: 7 Slim Laundry Bags For Small Spaces. By Sarah Morlock December 4, 2017. best hampers. Image courtesy of Amazon. This is e-commerce. Give your laundry a new life, by choosing one of our top fifty picks for unique laundry . to behold in your laundry space, bedroom or en route to the local launderette. . Rev-A-Shelf Pull-Out Polymer Laundry Hamper: Want a little something for. Top laundry baskets and hampers to keep your space looking organised and . Woven from soft cotton, and perfect for the little ones dirt-smeared clothes.
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13 . 2015 . Keep it locked down with our pick of the best baskets bins, boxes . Our testers children enjoyed it so much that a few clean clothes found their way in, too. Buy now. 9. Minky Coloured Stripe Laundry Hamper: 18, very.co.uk. Encourage good habits in young children with laundry baskets featuring fun designs and bright coloursthey cant ignore their laundry basket when its so pretty! Beldray LA034816 Oval Collapsible Laundry Basket, White/Grey. DOKEHOM DKA0811G Round Laundry Basket with Drawstring, Cotton Underbed Storage. Results 1 24 of 74 Wham Casa Hipster Laundry Basket, Ice White 10091 . 56L Plastic Rattan Laundry Basket Clothes Hamper Linen Storage Lidded Encourage good habits in young children with laundry baskets featuring fun designs. Free delivery over 40 to most of UK Great Selection Excellent customer . a slow close hinge lid makes this a delightful and versatile item to have around the. Storing clothes away will be easy thanks to this Laundry Hampers open top,. 11 . 2018 . Oh my goodness, this is so much more than a laundry basket. . While weve covered the best laundry bags, clothes drying racks, and a certain Japanese washbasin that makes This is so freeing and safe and fun! Shop for Laundry Baskets, Bins & Bags from our Home & Garden range at . is great for the bedroom, while a square rattan box looks good in the bathroom. Results 1 48 of 2186 Kids Laundry Basketball Hoop Door Hanging Fun Overdoor Novelty Bedroom Gift Game Laundry Basket Medium White Resin Box With lid-Lock By Arpan UK Stock*Fast & Free Delivery*Best Price*With Handles. Results 1 48 of 1368 Kids Laundry Basketball Hoop Door Hanging Fun Overdoor Novelty Bedroom . Laundry Basket Fabric Bag Collapsible Hamper Foldable Clothes Washing Bin UK Stock*Fast & Free Delivery*Best Price*With Handles.
4 . 2018 . Stock up with the 7 must haves for college laundry in the dorm or a laundry mat. . Plastic baskets are always a good choice because they can be . it to keep that familiar fresh laundry smell while youre away from home. Get the free wood project plans for this tall laundry basket dresser. Its perfect for Home Eleven Best Finished Basement Ideas in 2019. See more. Laundry hampers for college are among the most vital laundry supplies for college! Dont forget a Dual Hamper Whites & Darks Separate For Best Washing. 28 . 2017 . Urban Outfitters Clean/Dirty AF Standing Laundry Bag Hamper . Theres no mincing words this cotton tote bag was made to carry your less-than-fresh threads. (For you neat freaks, . Laundry Express College Laundry Bag. You searched for: college laundry bag! Etsy is the home to thousands of handmade, vintage, and one-of-a-kind products and gifts related to your search. Find the best laundry basket for dorm based on what customers said. . This is quite good for a college dorm room, saves a lot of time sorting out your laundry.. 25 . 2018 . Weve spent more than 150 hours evaluating the best dorm bedding, appliances, and other essentials. . Going to college for the first time can be daunting, but having a dorm room that feels . Closet, laundry, and cleaning . out reviews, and then conducted our own testing to find the best laundry basket. Products 1 24 of 316 Laundry & Cleaning. . OXO Good Grips Expandable Wall Mount Organizer. Add to Idea Board. Quickview. $24.99. OXO Good Grips. 8 . 2011 . Amazing Grades, 101 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades Forever. Amazing . There are a variety of college laundry baskets and bags available. From pop . Keep your clothing static-free and smelling fresh with dryer sheets.
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Read reviews and buy the best laundry baskets from top companies . Best Rolling: Whitmor Round Commercial Hamper White & Chrome With Wheels at . Basket has all the features you expect, and it comes at a super affordable price. 11 . 2018 . Best plastic laundry basket on wheels . Im a cheapskate, so I just needed something cheap but sturdy in order to be organized and haul. Buy products related to laundry baskets on wheels and see what customers say about laundry baskets on wheels on Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY possible. Discover the best Laundry Baskets in Best Sellers. . Best Sellers in Laundry Baskets . WISHPOOL Slim Rolling Laundry Basket with Wheels Narrow Laundry. 25 . 2017 . Material: Inexpensive, basic laundry baskets and hampers are typically . The best laundry basket overall . The best wheeled laundry sorter. 29 . 2017 . Best Cheap Laundry Hamper: Mesh Pop-Up Laundry Hamper . The laundry hamper is on wheels, so you can wheel it between your bedroom. 13 . 2015 . No one wants their dirty laundry on display. Keep it locked down with our pick of the best baskets bins, boxes and hampers to stash your smalls. I know a few top notch laundry baskets with wheels and I have listed them below. . In terms of affordability and capabilities, the products I will highly recommend. Products 1 40 of 4280 Shop Laundry Baskets. Browse Laundry Baskets. . Product TitleSterilite Laundry Hampers with Lift-Top, Wheels, & P . Product Image Best Choice Products Water Hyacinth Double Laundry Hamper Basket W/ 2. 24 . 2014 . After 20 hours researching and testing models, we think the Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket is the best for most people.
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25 . 2017 . Although the White Stackable Laundry Basket is our top pick, . For a laundry tote, the Household Essentials Double Hamper has a fair amount. Best Overall: BirdRock Home Round Laundry Hamper With Lid and Cloth Liner at Amazon Comes in three colors and four shapes for decorative, functional use. 11 . 2018 . Oh my goodness, this is so much more than a laundry basket. 13 . 2015 . No one wants their dirty laundry on display. Keep it locked down with our pick of the best baskets bins, boxes and hampers to stash your smalls. This contemporary shaker-inspired super large Cabinet Laundry Bin is Overall: 53cm H x 33cm W x 33cm D; Lid Type: Lift top; Overall Product Weight: 1.6kg. 8 . 2017 . Really, your best bet is to accept your adulthood and buy a laundry hamper. Get all your harrumphs and heavy sighs out now and just do it. Shop for Laundry Baskets, Bins & Bags from our Home & Garden range at John Lewis & Partners. . the room you plan to keep it in: rope storage is great for the bedroom, while a square rattan box looks good in the bathroom. John Lewis & Partners Chambray Stripe Laundry Bag, Pale Grey . John Lewis plc 2001 2018. African Woven Laundry Baskets & Hampers Use as a: Laundry Basket, Laundry Hamper, Storage Basket The Baba Tree Basket Co. is the supplier of quality,.
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24 . 2014 . After 20 hours researching and testing models, we think the Sterilite Stacking Laundry Basket is the best for most people. Weve reviewed the best organization tools and supplies for keeping your laundry and closet neat and clean. 25 . 2018 . In our tests, it was simply the best overall detergent, great at getting out It actually beat all the other detergents at removing chocolate stains,. 25 . 2017 . Although the White Stackable Laundry Basket is our top pick, for various . The Sweethome chose this basket as its number one pick, saying its The best . duty, the Household Essentials Pop-Up Mesh Hamper cant be beat. 29 . 2017 . Unlike baskets, laundry hampers are decorative and can have easy sorting compartments . Read on for our breakdown of the best laundry hampers, listed in no particular order. . You cant beat the durability of solid wood. 11 . 2018 . Oh my goodness, this is so much more than a laundry basket. Best Overall: BirdRock Home Round Laundry Hamper With Lid and Cloth Liner at Amazon Comes in three colors and four shapes for decorative, functional use. Hit If You Want View Another Laundry Basket Wirecutter Wire Hamper The Alluring Best. laundry basket wirecutter the best stain remover of your digs engaging.
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Still the best laundry basket of all, IMHO. Laundry hamper for dirty washing, wicker basket for clean washing. . But I did want to comment that this is a delightful thread and that everyone is lovely which has cheered me right. 1. [A foldable double hamper with removable liners you can simply detach and drag your presorted clothes to the laundry. We have three where we do laundry (colors, white, delicate) each person simply put their laundry sorted in . I made a linen laundry bag with a cord and a loop so it hangs on a hook in my closet. . That might be a good place. 8 . 2017 . Well theyre just delicious. permalink . The clear ones are the best. permalink At my billing rate this would be a $700 laundry basket handle. I have 4 laundry baskets in the house and 3 of them have busted handles. . and found the best laundry basket and hamper for most people. Ive tryed them all, woven wood, plastic baskets small and large. . Fill it up, roll the top closed, pressing out air, carry it by the have loop the top. 17 . 2015 . What happens is overflowing laundry basket filled with clothes that arent even . put all tights in another! best things ever. dont separate laundry; just dont If its delicate enough to not be able to survive the dryer, I probably. 21 . 2018 . This laundry basket has the meanings of all the symbols on the care label Dry flat makes sense, somethings can stretch out and its best to Drip dry is usually reserved for delicate garments that wrinkle easily, like linens. Give your laundry a new life, by choosing one of our top fifty picks for unique laundry bags and . Slim White Wicker Laundry Basket: After an elegant look?
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Toy Storage Bin, Large Size Folding Cylindric Waterproof of Coating Canvas . OrganizerLogic Toy Storage Basket For Kids Room 15 X 15 X 13 Baby . 3 Sprouts Laundry Hamper Baby Storage Basket Organizer Bin for Nursery Clothes. 3 . 2017 . Best Baby and Nursery Laundry Hampers, Baskets, and More Cactus . still look good for years to come once they transition to a big-kid room. 11 . 2018 . Oh my goodness, this is so much more than a laundry basket. . I live in a double-wide trailer and there is very little space in the bathroom. This hamper fit perfectly right next to my . Best baby laundry basket. Sea Team 19.7. Best Overall: BirdRock Home Round Laundry Hamper With Lid and Cloth Liner at Amazon Comes in three colors and . Reviewers say it looks high-end, despite its low price tag. . Need a well made, functional hamper, but short on space? Theres no denying that babies are cute, but they sure do create a lot of laundry. Enjoy Free Shipping & browse our great selection of Baby & Kids Dcor, Kids Rugs, . This Floral Laundry Hamper will help complete the look of your room. . collar to keep the top always wide open and ready to receive soiled laundry. Shop Wayfair for the best baby laundry basket. . This Upright Hamper is an elegant storage space used to store laundry, toys, large wicker laundry basket 25 . 2017 . A tall, thin hamper is a good choice for a dorm room or tiny apartment. . in the babys nursery, while a multi-sectioned, large, rolling laundry. Products 1 24 of 184 Get a blue or pink hamper, 3 Sprouts storage bin and more at buybuyBaby.com buy now. . Sweet Jojo Designs Watercolor Floral Laundry Hamper in Pink/Grey . Taylor Madison Designs Dream Big Little One Hamper in Natural/White Dazz ABC I Love Your Flip-Top Laundry Hamper. Find great deals on eBay for Baby Laundry Basket in Nursery Dcor. . AM_ Large Capacity Kids Baby Room Toys Storage Cotton Linen Laundry Basket Bag H. 5.92 . *UK Stock*Fast & Free Delivery*Top Quality*Best Price*. 6.89.
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Find the best laundry basket for dorm based on what customers said. . $26.99$26.99. Great dorm hamper, stylish and collapses flat, very happy. Sal. 4 . 2018 . Stock up with the 7 must haves for college laundry in the dorm or a laundry mat. . But most students find laundry a necessary evil at best. . premium in a dorm room or apartment, collapsible hampers are a great space saver. Find the right laundry solutions for your college dorm with directions, videos and advice from The Container . Which Laundry Hamper, Bag, Basket is Best? view details Great Space Saving Design Collapsible Fold-Up Laundry Hamper Vibrant Colors . Dual Hamper Whites & Darks Separate For Best Washing. Make laundry day easier and faster with this college dorm laundry essential, the Portable Hamper on Wheels . Dorm Room Decorating Ideas + Dorm Essentials for Bac (Top For Teens Room Decor) . Great for vertical storage in your dorm. Laundry basket dresser so that it uses less floor space in your college dorm room. Best Finished Basement Ideas in 2019 entering college or returning for another semester, here are some great dorm hacks youll wish you knew sooner! 25 . 2017 . A tall, thin hamper is a good choice for a dorm room or tiny apartment. as the best pick for an attractive laundry hamper, calling it nice to look. 18 . 2017 . Top Ten Best Dorm Laundry Must-Haves. December 18 . Laundry baskets are sturdy and great, but for dorms, laundry bags might be better. Shop Wayfair for the best laundry hamper for dorm. . Great for apartments and dorm rooms, the flex hamper flexes back to its original shape when not in use to.
The idea behind the design of the Vipp laundry basket was to re-interpret this everyday . Our Lavanderie laundry basket has a gorgeous vintage finish to it. May 14, 2018- A-Tisket, A-Tasket a Pretty Laundry Basket . See more ideas . The best online selection of Design Accessories Ferm Living. SoHo Laundry. 11 . 2018 . Oh my goodness, this is so much more than a laundry basket. . While weve covered the best laundry bags, clothes drying racks, and a certain Japanese washbasin . It needed to look pretty, so I didnt feel it was actually my laundry. . We didnt find another design that comes close to this Sterilite hamper. Top laundry baskets and hampers to keep your space looking organised and clean. . Assorted baskets from Bloom & Co Homewares and Interior Design. 13 . 2015 . No one wants their dirty laundry on display. Keep it locked down with our pick of the best baskets bins, boxes and hampers to stash your smalls. Why bother purchasing a well-designed laundry basket or hamper? . six colors, The Land of Nods canvas hampers feature a rolled top, as well as sturdy sides. Give your laundry a new life, by choosing one of our top fifty picks for unique laundry bags and baskets. Suited to a myriad of interiors and styles, theyll be a. This contemporary shaker-inspired super large Cabinet Laundry Bin is versatile Smart design lid that hooks onto the rim of the barrel; Ventilation holes to . Overall: 53cm H x 33cm W x 33cm D; Lid Type: Lift top; Overall Product Weight: 1.6kg The lovely and modest grid construction made of oiled walnut wood is sturdy. 25 . 2017 . Although the White Stackable Laundry Basket is our top pick, The open-mesh design lets laundry breathe, so youll have less chance of . the lovely hand-woven Water Hyacinth Oval Double Hamper from Seville Classics.
Doing laundry is not everyones cup of tea. And also, nobody hates freshly cleaned clothes that smell nice. Therefore, shopping for a laundry detergent that. Moms Super Laundry Sauce-Here is an amazingly simple Do It Yourself detergent that doesnt leave any residue on clothing, gets nearly every stain known to. Read reviews and buy the best smelling laundry detergents from top brands . When laundry day has a tendency to be stressful, that sounds like a pretty nice. Yes, yes, I know, its Friday and its a very boring subject. But please recommend to me a nice washing powder / liquid. At the moment we use Fairy. 25 . 2018 . Laundry detergent has to simultaneously attract and repel dirt, then rinse . and odors as well as our top pick, but its cheap and pretty available,. 21 . 2017 . How to Choose the Best Smelling Laundry DetergentBest Smelling Laundry Has a lovely clean and fresh scent that makes clothes really. 13 . 2018 . The Best Laundry Detergents for Lifes Most Stubborn Stains . essential oil-scented Caldrea erases stains, while leaving behind a lovely scent. 2 . 2018 . HE detergents have pretty much replaced regular detergent on stores . Even the best detergent cant make up for bad laundry practices.
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