#Momo (DTDF)
mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
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“Don’t Look At Me!”
Oh Momo my beloved please stop sucking up to Fuse he is going to kill you forever until you die except he won’t because he wants you alive forever. GIRLIE GET OUT OF THERE. Oh wait you’re trapped in the lab forever nvm
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
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*Step On Me by The Cardigans begins playing*
Momo please I swear
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
How would you go about designing fusions?
Like, I think my design for Razor looks more silly than scary (mainly the beak face why are beaks so hard) and I don't know if it fits with the rest of them.
Im honestly not 100% sure about the process of how I do it! 😭 I guess I just do?????? But I’ll try my best to explain my thought process even if it might be what you were already thinking/doing
I think mostly what I do is look for very prominent features on the Pokémon first, like for example, the legs of a Zoroark, its claws, and its face markings. That, and its ears. I also take notice of how on some parts of the body there’s longer fur jutting out of places like the elbows or the hips. With Mutt, who to be honest I haven’t made art of in a long time but I don’t feel the need to change him that much, I just compiled all of the features I thought defined the Pokémon and found ways to incorporate them into/onto the human body.
With Alexandra (Dragonite girl) I took the antenna, wings, and big tail as main points of the design I wanted to incorporate into her and found ways I liked it. I used them in pretty basic ways, but I did replace her ears with miniature Dragonite wings as well, as I was inspired by some art (of which I don’t know the fandom of) where there were bird-people with wings for ears.
If a Pokémon has distinct legs I will incorporate those by replacing the human legs entirely, and if the Pokémon has claws I’ll replace their fingernails with those instead. Pretty basic stuff though
I think almost all of the fusions that I’ve posted about so far aside from Parasect Girl have tails too, so that’s a little funny to me.
Also, I don’t always make every Pokémon part completely proportionate to the human body, with a certain fusion that will go unnamed, instead of shrinking fhe Pokémon’s “tail” to be how a normal sized tail would be for a human, I made the tail big and thick, which would no doubt get in the way of normal living, but that’s one thing that’s consistent with most all of the fusions. It disturbs their ability to live “like a normal human would” even if they tried their hardest.
Fusions can also take away senses and disable you to some degree. Like for example, Parasect Girl has extremely low vision and relies mostly on hearing to tell where things are/what’s happening. As a result her hearing has gotten very very good.
I think my main thing when designing fusions is that I’m not afraid/hesitant to make their bodies impractical/take away vital limbs for living/adding limbs that actively inhibit them. If you got your legs replaced with a dogs or a birds, wouldn’t you feel disoriented too?
One fusion I made also has a beak, a tentacruel fusion, but for that one I ended up making the squid beak act as weird lips. The actual “beak” design parts on the tentacruel ended up going other places, like jutting out of her arms.
ALSO another thing I like to do is spare no expense when it comes to adding details. Fuck “over designing” do what you want forever. Though that doesn’t mean that designs can’t get incomprehensible, it’s a somewhat delicate process (I guess??? It comes easy to me so I’m not sure.) ANYWAYS if you see an empty spot on the body and you’re not sure if you want it to stay empty or not, go ham and try out as many things as you want until you’re happy with it!! It might take a bit but what doesn’t when it comes to character design?
For a clearer example that might show my line of thinking more, I’ll generate a random Pokémon and brainstorm what a human fusion of it might look like.
Okay so I generated a Pokémon and I swear to god
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SLUGMA BA- [gets shot]
This one is a little difficult since it doesn’t have too many distinct details if you just look at it at a glance.
let’s list off some features of it first!
Okay, so: Yellow pointed eyes, antenna like features coming from the head, very goopy, and also RED.
Also taking into account how hot the temperatures slugma gives off.
So. Let’s take a human, and try to fuse them together. More often than not when I get a pre-evolution fusion, I make them a child/just generally a younger person. However I think that for this we’ll just go with no age in particular.
So! First, I think the extreme temperatures wouldn’t fuse well with the human body, it would make them very melty/goopy. I would likely add little drips of their skin at their lips, and maybe even take away their legs in their entirety. Maybe they could just be a torso and melty pile of searing hot goop/flesh/magma beneath them? I think i would make it magma just to keep more of the Pokémon incorporated into the design. I would make the whites of the eyes yellow, make their eyes a more almond/pointed shape, and their irises either black or piercing bright red.
I think their hands would be a little goopy as well. Perhaps their hair would be melting/dripping over their head/face or maybe even acting similar to those visual heatwaves you see when it’s super hot outside! Now for someone who is literally searing hot and melting, I don’t think they would have any resemblance of clothes, but since their body is so melty, I don’t think it’d matter to be covered up too much. I think at some point as the flesh melts and drips off, it turns into magma. It’ll never be anything but complete magma when it falls off of the fusions body unless you actively take it off. (Looking at you FUSE. He’d probably be very curious how they’d taste.).
I think they’d have fire jutting out of their forehead in the shape of the fire antenna, or maybe it’d be their hair instead standing up and waving like flames in a strange way. I think they’d leave a constant burn/melting trail behind them, melting the floors as they slug around, and melting anything if they get too close. They’d likely have to be fed/given water similar to water tribe prisoners in ATLA (That one girl who taught Katara blood bending). Speaking of water, I don’t think they’d be able to get anywhere near it, it would hurt them severely, but that would mean they couldn’t drink water whatsoever. Maybe they don’t need water to live? Would they even have blood anymore? Or would it have all been boiled out of their body? Questions like these, questioning how Pokémon anatomy/natures would pair with humans/human behaviours is also important to designing fusions for me. I’m not sure exactly how important it is for it, but it’s definitely a part of what I think about when designing fusions.
Let’s try another shall we?
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Wartortle! This is a nice design.
Something I immediately take notice of is the feathery ear like projections out of its head, along with its feathery tail. Boom, replace their ears with the feathery protrusions, and give them their feathery tail. I think their hair would also look similar to their ear protrusions, a wavy ocean look. Their arm hair, if they have any, would probably look the same, same for their leg hair. Wartortle’s also got white claws coming out of its hands, so those go onto the humans hands as well.
Then of course there’s the shell. You could make it look like a weird backpack, but that’s not something I would do personally. Especially since I’d want them to have the ability to hide in their shell. I would make the shell larger than their body, which would probably limit their movement quite significantly. Now about the front of the shell, I’m not sure how that would work out. If it’s proportionate to the back of the shell, then that would limit their movement even more. But if we strike a good balance of size, they can still move around decently while still being able to hide away in their shell. Now I like that a lot better. Their mouth would likely be wider than normal human mouths, and they would have decently sharp canines poking out of their lips. Their eyes would also be decently slanted and red, or atleast instead of slanted, would be in a permanent “im pissed off” look.
Okay so I actually really like the Wartortle concept a lot so I think I’ll keep them. TEEHEE >:3c
Oh yeah! Also another thing, specifically with Momo, is that Furfrou’s ears are pretty large/long compared to their head, so I exaggerated that to an extreme for her, making them go down to her middle-upper leg.
ALSO when it comes to clothes, pretty much all of the fusions have clothes that they wear, even if it’s just a shirt (See Mutt and Momo.). Unless it’s a Slugma fusion situation, they will pretty much always have atleast one article of clothing. I don’t put distinguishable human nudity in any of the fusions, the closest you’d get to that is Mutt if he didn’t have a shirt on, or like I mentioned, the Slugma Fusion.
I hope this helped literally at all!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m not even sure if this made sense in any way at all aside from the impromptu fusion design brainstorming
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Momo (Furfrou Fusion) 🤝 Moro
Are in/Used to be in an abusive relationship
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mewintheflesh-2 · 6 months
Hiiiiiii The song Step On Me by the cardigans is literally Momo (Furfrou fusion) at Fuse it’s SO TOXIC
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