sumitsharma03 · 4 years
Top 10 Algorithms which Google Crawler followed in last Decade, by Sumit Sharma
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Google is updating its algorithms almost every Year. Some changes are minute & some are so effective that it change the Google SERP drastically. SERP means Search Engine Response Page.
Since 2011, we have seen 10 major Algorithms which affected the Website’s Rankings & Traffic. Some Sites which were topping the tally with following one algorithm, all of a sudden, fell into ‘No Data’ zone when another algorithm came in the picture. Lets check these 10 Algorithms which came in the last decade:
Panda Algorithm
Penguin Algorithm
Pigeon Algorithm
Mobile or Mobilegaddon
RankBrain Algorithm
Possum Algorithm
Fred Algoithm
Google EAT &
Google BERT
Recently, In Jan 2020, Google Broad Core Algorithm has come with an update about ‘Featured Snippet’. What are these Algorithms, when they were introduced & what were the loopholes in these Algorithms. Lets Check it out.
Ist Algorithm which came in the picture was Panda. It came in Feb 2011. It used to give high rating to the websites on the basis of Quality Score. If your Website has PA (Page Authority) good, it ranked your website high in Google Searches. In Jan 2016, this Algorithm was obsolete because of 4 Factors:
Keyword Stuffing
2nd Algorithm which came into picture was Penguin. It came in April 2012. It was targetting over-optimized text. It was downgrading those sites which had Manipulative Links. If we take the example of India Vs New Zealand. If someone creates a post targeting India vs New Zealand One Day Series. He writes post’s Title, Description, Tags, Alt Txt Image, Keywords, Snippet, Body of the post targetting ‘India Vs New Zealand Series’ and write altogether a different story after that, which has no link to this Context; Still Google will show this page in the rankings. That was the loophole and by Late 2016, this Algorithm was also obsolete.
For Complete Post: http://www.buddhaslearning.com/top-10-algorithms-which-google-crawler-followed-in-last-decade-by-sumit-sharma/
Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o09y905f5GM
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w3developersdigital · 4 years
Top 10 Algorithms which Google Crawler followed in last Decade, by Sumit Sharma
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Google is updating its algorithms almost every Year. Some changes are minute & some are so effective that it change the Google SERP drastically. SERP means Search Engine Response Page.
Since 2011, we have seen 10 major Algorithms which affected the Website’s Rankings & Traffic. Some Sites which were topping the tally with following one algorithm, all of a sudden, fell into ‘No Data’ zone when another algorithm came in the picture. Lets check these 10 Algorithms which came in the last decade:
Panda Algorithm
Penguin Algorithm
Pigeon Algorithm
Mobile or Mobilegaddon
RankBrain Algorithm
Possum Algorithm
Fred Algoithm
Google EAT &
Google BERT
Recently, In Jan 2020, Google Broad Core Algorithm has come with an update about ‘Featured Snippet’. What are these Algorithms, when they were introduced & what were the loopholes in these Algorithms. Lets Check it out.
Ist Algorithm which came in the picture was Panda. It came in Feb 2011. It used to give high rating to the websites on the basis of Quality Score. If your Website has PA (Page Authority) good, it ranked your website high in Google Searches. In Jan 2016, this Algorithm was obsolete because of 4 Factors:
Keyword Stuffing
2nd Algorithm which came into picture was Penguin. It came in April 2012. It was targetting over-optimized text. It was downgrading those sites which had Manipulative Links. If we take the example of India Vs New Zealand. If someone creates a post targeting India vs New Zealand One Day Series. He writes post’s Title, Description, Tags, Alt Txt Image, Keywords, Snippet, Body of the post targetting ‘India Vs New Zealand Series’ and write altogether a different story after that, which has no link to this Context; Still Google will show this page in the rankings. That was the loophole and by Late 2016, this Algorithm was also obsolete.
For Complete Post: http://www.buddhaslearning.com/top-10-algorithms-which-google-crawler-followed-in-last-decade-by-sumit-sharma/
Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o09y905f5GM
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successtechnohub · 4 years
8 Google algorithm updates
1. Google Panda algorithm 2. Google Penguin algorithm 3. Google Hummingbird algorithm 4. Google Pigeon algorithm 5. Google Mobile algorithm 6. Google RankBrain algorithm 7. Google Possum algorithm 8. Google Fred algorithm
google algorithm, Google algorithm updates, SEO Tips In Gujarati, Panda algorithm, Penguin algorithm, Hummingbird algorithm, Pigeon algorithm, Mobile algorithm,
RankBrain algorithm, Possum algorithm, Fred algorithm, Google Panda algorithm, Google Penguin algorithm, Google Hummingbird algorithm, Google Pigeon algorithm, Google Mobile algorithm, Google RankBrain algorithm, Google Possum algorithm, Google Fred algorithm
#GoogleAlgorithm #GoogleAlgorithmUpdates #SEOTipsInGujarati #SuccessTechnohub #NayanParmar #PandaAlgorithm #PenguinAlgorithm #HummingbirdAlgorithm #PigeonAlgorithm
#MobileAlgorithm #RankBrainAlgorithm #PossumAlgorithm #FredAlgorithm
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