#Miyu and Fay for Smash
fierykitten2 · 10 months
Why I want Robert in Smash:
More F-Zero rep!!! Adding onto that, because he doesn’t have any weapons of his own he’d make a great echo of Falcon (in comparison Goroh is a samurai and Pico has lots and lots of weapons so they would make more sense with their own movesets)
I know there’s a lot of people in the Smash fandom who think Falcon wouldn’t like men in a romantic way (I’m not one of them) but I think having two similar age guys from the same series in Smash would increase the shipping (idk if this says anything but recently I've been rereading about half the fanfics tagged with Captain Falcon/Dr. Stewart (that's my favourite ship btw))
Falcon is currently my favourite Smash fighter and Robert is my favourite F-Zero racer which would mean I’d have a new favourite
If someone like Peach is allowed to join a fighting universe I think they have space for another doctor (this one’s more in-universe for obvious reasons also Robert is so much more badass than Peach sorry)
The comparisons between him and Falcon vs Fox and Falco (ironically in that order)
Seriously I just really want more DouglasxRobert shipping content lol
Also for Walking Wake and Iron Leaves:
Having a duo of mysterious Paradox Pokémon in the crossover game would be amazing but you have to do both and as separate fighters
Even though Meowscarada, Ceruledge and Iron Valiant would make more sense and I prefer them (and in general the next Pokémon fighter is almost certainly either Meowscarada or Eevee), the Imaginary Paradox Duo are the Pokémon I most want as the next fighters
Miyu and Fay:
Enough people consider SF2 to be canon now
I love the ship
Theres probably more you can do with them than the other SF options other than Krystal
The Hunters from Metroid Prime Hunters:
I just really love them I think they’re cool (if it’s too much hassle adding six new fighters just for Metroid I’m fine if they double up with their Affinity Weapons’ opposites ie Kanden and Weavel, Spire and Noxus, Sylux and Trace)
And one for all of them (except WW):
Gimme that future rep!
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coolorbit · 7 years
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“What if Fay and Miyu were in smash?” set of doodles from twitter Fay’s gimmick is that she has different movement options based on her attack animations. She can walk during her blaster (which has light stun) allowing her to put distance between her opponent or move in. She can kick off her opponent with Fire in any direction. Hitting B a second time during her reflector allows her to push it out in any direction and shatter it, launching the opponent. Miyu’s specials let her follow up with normal attacks immediately afterwards. She shoots from the hip and has one hand ready to claw the opponent in all animations. Her reflector stuns/holds opponents at close range leaving them open to the follow up attack. Enemies at high percentages are stunned longer and are vulnerable to a smash follow up. I really like their designs and hope they get included in more games in the future!
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jacscorner · 3 years
So is there a reason for WHY you're shipping Fox and Tiny Kong together?
Oh BOY! I wish I had an answer for you, mate, cause I really don’t.
I mean, I’m a Multishipper who kind of dabbles in a ton of ships for plenty of rhyme and reason-and sometimes none. I like Fox and Krystal, Fox and Miyu/Fay, Fox and Miyu AND Fay. There’s also Fox with Lucy Hare, there’s some good Fox X Samus Aran content out there. So it’s not like I don’t have options for Fox.
Meanwhile, Fox X Tiny Kong is such a random and out there ship that has no real weight to it except that they’re furries that MAYBE share a universe if you believe in a shared Nintendoverse. Tiny Kong’s modern, adult design doesn’t even appear in Smash Bros. Ultimate. as a Spirit. The closest we’ll ever have to these two being remotely in the same game as a Trophy in Smash 4.
So, I guess to answer the question properly, my reason for shipping these two together is just cause I like the aesthetic of them being together. It’s a crack ship, born from nothing substantial and rising from the shallow pool that is lust. Nobody is on this ship, except for me, a lone sailor in a massive sea of content, but I’ll gladly row alone for my own sake.
And if that means constructing a John Carter of Mars parody that turns the world of Donkey Kong into an alien world full of pirates, magic, and super science, then...well, Nintendo did most of the heavy lifting already, so I’m just indulging myself at this point~
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maridiayachtclub · 7 years
but like imagine if star fox 2 came out back in 1995 or 96 or whenever and was canon and Miyu and Fay had been established as part of the team back then, and had had 20 years since to settle into the roster of Nintendo characters, with smash bros appearances and cameos in mario kart n stuff
i’m not saying the world would be a better place for having two more prominently placed lady spaceship laser heroes but the world would be a better place for having two more prominently placed lady spaceship laser heroes
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friendshipismax · 7 years
Fay and Miyu being back in a way is like seeing old family members after a long ass time.
I remember them being one of my top favorite characters as a kid. I love em so much. It makes me so happy that their game is coming out now.
And I hope they get to be in more stuff now because of it. Cuz now the excuse of them not being canon due to their game not coming out is finally over.
If we get another smash game with a ballot you can bet your goddamn ass I’m voting for both of them. 
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fierykitten2 · 13 days
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I was bored and thinking about Smash so I made a tier list meme (when I said I wasn’t gonna make anymore tier list memes this month I really hope I just meant Paradox Pokémon tier list memes. Not that this meme doesn’t have six Paradox Pokémon on it. I think my solution is gonna be that I don’t tag every character on a tier list unless like this one it’s small). I wasn’t gonna include BS or Toxtricity but they were on the template I used (unlike literally everyone else) so I decided shrug shoulders add them anyway (Toxtricity was really last-minute where honestly I didn’t bother making a new tier for it I just put it with Miyu and Fay. I do also want you to know the template only included Low-Key form, not Amped form, but I’m counting it as both). Also originally I was just gonna use Robert, Miyu and Fay’s official artworks rather than closeups of their faces but while visiting the Star Fox (NIWA) wiki I remembered that Miyu and Fay have closeups which would be more convenient than staring at their torsos which was also a problem for Robert so I looked on the F-Zero (NIWA) wiki in his page to get a closeup of his face
Btw I’m not saying Robert, the Proto Beasts and Neo Swords (or BS) are likely to be added to Smash, just that Miyu and Fay (for being from a non-canon game that was originally shelved) are even less likely. Also Toxtricity is just a random choice that I hadn’t considered before making this tier list meme
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fierykitten2 · 1 year
The only reason I’m in a Smash friendship between Falcon, Samus and Fox mood is because last night I saw a post that somehow reminded me I ship Miyu and Fay that for some reason got me back into the Star Fox mood
Does that make any sense?
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