antrusimbol · 3 months
Random Digimons: Mercuremon ⚙️💚❤️🩶
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Just DigiAdv-02 Standom Things
Some DigiAdvs Stan @ Me: You HAVE to accept Everything (Every Single Little Detail) about Adv-02 Lore in order to be a gOOD DIGIADVS / 02 FAN, even when it uses (and gets wrong) details specifically from Jud@ism!---
Me: No.
Me: :)
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sabedilemon · 1 year
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Mirrormon Level: Perfect (Ultimate) Attribute: Vaccine
A Mutation Digimon with the appearance of a looking glass. Its lustrous body, which reflects back all malicious data, allows it to stay a Vaccine-type in spite of all the Virus-type Digimon it has absorbed. It hunts them down devoid of any emotion, purely driven by its instinct to purge and consume. Its reflection shows the worst aspects of things, magnifying and twisting them, so only the most virtuous paragons of righteousness will see their image unchanged on its surface. Though it is often used by holy Digimon as a security device, it will sometimes join particularly powerful Virus-type Digimon to slowly feed off their negative energy, influencing their minds and driving them further into darkness until it completely purges them out of existence. Its Special Moves are trapping the opponent inside its reflection, where their data is broken down and neutralized ("Quarantine Capture") and reflecting the enemy's attacks back at them ("Divine Symmetry"). Suggested pre-evolved forms: Mimicmon, Mercuremon, D'Arcmon, Nefertimon, Bushkamon, Maildramon, Soulmon, Clockmon, Mechanorimon
Suggested evolved forms: AncientWisemon, Enchantmon, Ophanimon, Ophanimon Falldown Mode, BlackSeraphimon, Lampmon, HolyDigitamamon, LordKnightmon, Quartzmon
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otakween · 24 days
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 28
American title card this time because the fansub one was badly cropped. Although this was basically a repeat of the Koji/Duskmon fight in some ways, it still had a lot of interesting moments and visuals (thanks to Mercuremon's theatrics). Plus we get the satisfaction of the ending of an arc with the defeat of the final bad guy warrior (Duskmon no longer counts) and the birth of Patamon. Let's goooo!
I was grateful for Takuya asking "how can Mercuremon and Sephirothmon exist at the same time??" Finally someone acknowledges the weirdness of the digimon inside him! Of course Mercuremon is like "that's my secret ;')"
Mercuremon has theater kid energy, especially in the dub. He had a whole set design for his battle complete with special effects.
Lol at the Christian symbolism. Typical anime. This isn't the first time I've seen a crucified digimon btw (one of the games did that too).
Finally we see a digimon actually do something with the code they scanned! Mercuremon is able to use Seraphimon's data to digivolve into BlackSeraphimon. It's cool that BlackSeraphimon combines bits of Mercuremon and Seraphimon's designs. I would have liked to have seen more fusion-like designs like that. I looked up BlackSeraphimon and he does look different in other franchise entries. Apparently I fought him in DW3 and forgot about it lol.
A little silly how after Takuya does his double spirit evolution he's just suddenly impervious to damage and basically all powerful. Ya know, until the next time he uses this digivolution and probably can take damage.
When Takuya's goggles break I was like "oh snap, not the goggles!" but of course they're fixed moments later through...fire magic? Sure...
Aldamon is just as underwhelming as Beowolfmon was. I feel like he has the exact same face as Agnimon and the fact that this show is doing close ups most of the time makes it feel like he barely changed at all. (At least he's got a cool Hindu name)
The final blow against Mercuremon was pretty badass and violent, with Aldamon shattering the mirror on his torso. Very satisfying.
It kinda feels like the kids have forgotten all about Koji? Takuya doesn't question the fact that he's missing and they're all joking around about Bokomon giving birth at the end. Lol, poor Koji
In the Japanese episode, Bokomon calls Patamon his "son-daughter?" IDK why tho. I know in Tamers that digimon were genderless but in this series they've called digimon "female" before, so that's not the case. Maybe only some digimon are genderless (the less humanoid ones) or maybe he just said that because he doesn't know Patamon's gender? Either way he can just say child lol
Patamon inheriting Bokomon's haramaki is silly and cute
I get to experience the excitement of having no idea what's going to happen next! I guess they'll probably go looking for Koji so I guess it's time to figure out who Koichi is?
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aurum-k-chatters · 7 months
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Revisiting Reflectmon, a decade+ old OC.
Was talking to my friend about my TTRPG character, Mercutio, and we got to discussing fictional character digimon partners. The questions was odd for me because Mercutio was technically a spin off of a decade+ old digimon OC, Reflectmon.
We got to talking about how different the two characters ended up being, and I realized... I made that original design over 10 years ago with very few changes. I'm better at character design now, and should take another crack at it based on the original concept I was going for! So here is a redesigned Reflectmon!I don't think I'd change there name, but if I were to choose a name now "Flectiomon" would work too. (Like reflection, deflection, inflection, etc.)
I've very please with how it turned out. I know some people might prefer the original, But I think what was lost from the original is still mostly present in the spin-off/spiritual successor TTRPG character mentioned earlier.
I'll leave some rambling notes below the post for anyone curious! (Warning. I repeat myself a lot.)
So the original Reflectmon was designed around 2013. (It might have been even earlier, however a lot of my early art work is unfortunately lost to time.)
I have a better understanding of character design now, and I wanted to make the new design more conceptually cohesive.
Here's what worked: - Marionette + Ball jointed doll themes - The mirror mask that emotes in fun ways like a TV screen. - Eyeless face underneath that is a little creepy. - More humanoid appearance.
What Could Be Improved: - The devil tail was an x-men reference, because I really loved Nightcrawler when I designed this character, and the Mercuremon line were listed as "Mutant Type" digimon (haha). However, it is only vaguely related to the actual character concept (via shadow Seraphimon) and really didn't make that much sense by itself. I didn't want to removed it completely as it was good for the character silhouette. So I replaced it with a Marionette string that acts like a tail instead! We go more with the theme, AND we still have a sort of tail. - The hat, while a reference to AncientWisemon & Wizardmon, went too far in a different direction. Now it references AncientWisemon's hat and Mercuremon's helmet more closely. - Design was a bit busy over all and needed some toning down and streamlining. - Pushed the Marionette + Ball jointed doll themes further with more obvious ball-joints and puppet-like aspects. - Adjusted face and hair colors to have a more faux-porcelain-doll look that a lot of ball-jointed dolls have. They also now have a ball-jointed doll bowl cut. - I don't remember why I put X's on the eyelids under the mask? I think I just thought it looked cool? My best guess is I was going for a "see no evil" thing since Mercuremon had a bunch of church stuff in Digimon Frontier, but I have no idea. Anyway those are gone now since they didn't help the design read any better. - Other minor color adjustments to help with contrast.
Reflectmon, as the spirit of steel (a man made alloy), is supposed to be depicted as a toy made of synthetic material (as opposed to the wood spirit, who is made of natural material). This is why I wanted to really reference the look of ball jointed dolls, which are usually made of plastic, and can have a porcelain look. I'm over all happy with the new look!
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exp123mon · 8 months
Frontier watching
27 - The Double Spirit Miracle! Beowulfmon is Born -DOUBLE SPIRIT!? Ohoho so seems like maybe we're getting Frontier's equivalent of Ultimates(Mega)/Jogress??? -I love when Izumi contacts Takuya via the Digivice, the first thing Tomoki and Junpei do when he asks if anybody's spoken to Koji is to take their own devices out and get straight on it. Aww I love these kids looking out for each other. -I like the Fire vs. Ice and Light vs. Dark thing they had going here hehe. -Cool shot of the Light symbol behind Koji when Duskmon holds him up and attacks him. -bruh the florist in Koji's memory was so rude lol "Why have your parents only been married for three years?" um that's called my personal business now wrap my friggin bouquet haha -Bokomon goes into labour lol did I just walk into a fanfic?? -Beowulfmon appears! So he's visually a fusion of the Human and Beast 'mons, but it's not a literal DNA/jogress. -BOKOMON WHAT IS YOUR DEAL. The evolution song stops and they just have Neemon like sniffing after he asks Bokomon how he knows Beowulfmon's name. SUSPICIOUS. I literally half-joked in like episode 3 or something that Bokomon was secretly the ultimate evil this seris. Maybe I'm right rofl. (I'm sure it just means "it's in the book how do you not know that by now") -We end on Koji asking himself… "Who was that kid who looked like me?" OH WELL THEN. That's even more intriguing then just "omg it's (insert brother's name)!" I would've suspected we'd have gotten some comments from the other Cherubimon mooks about Duskmon specifically being "the new guy" if this guy were Koji's relative/friend/whatever but it still wasn't impossible. Seems like it's not that simple. -By sheer coincidence I skipped the intro this episode and I went back to see if it had changed, even just to include the double spirit digimon, it hasn't. Kinda cool they've actually left a bit of mystery with the evolutions this time. Although maybe they figured people would've thought Beowulfmon was just Wolfmon if he was only on screen for a brief flash haha -NEW OUTRO… which I don't think I will watch since I feel like it has the potential to spoil too much at this point hahaha
28 - Takuya' Fusion Evolution - Ardhamon's Explosive Techniques! -We open on Mercuremon's haughty chortle -In retrospect I don't remember much about this episode just because I was pretty invested and not really thinking much about the tiny things -Mercuremon's ability to appearing in any reflective surface is cool -There was some good music this episode--I didn't mention it for the last ep but the Double Spirit theme (like when the light beams out of Seraphimon's egg, not when they're actually evolving) is really nice -BlackSeraphimon! This feels like the first time a Digimon anime has done the actual "changed its form based on the data it absorbed" thing that Digimon is kinda supposed to do lol (I mean there was something like-ish in Tamers with Beelzebumon but that was more a "don't get power hungry, idiot" symbolic thing). I've never even heard of it before so it was a cool surprise. -Honestly this episode had the vibe of a final confrontation, like ultimate or penultimate episode level stuff, I dig it -OMG BABY IS BORN!! Make sense since Seraphimon's data is finally released. I'm curious what Patamon and Bokomon's relatioship is gonna be like haha -I enjoyed these episodes inside Sephirotmon but I'm glad we're moving on now. Can't wait for what happens next, I really like this series.
29 - Escape! The Phantsmagoric Sephirotmon -Sephirotmon floats away, then returns seemingly in better shape. Patamon speaks!! And doesn't just say "pata pata" like when he was first hatched, I was worried about that haha. All the kids love the baby, and Beowulfmon is seen chasing Duskmon who vanishes… That's a lot before the title drop. -Sephirotmon has the energy of a boss in an RPG who wipes the floor with you and you're like "oh okay unwinnable boss fight" and then you just get the game over screen lol -Nice to see Takuya learning from the Duskmon fight and directly taking into account his friends' feelings in the midst of the fight when he considers fleeing the best option -The scene where Sephirotmon chases the kids into the crevasse then through the tunnel actually made him seem really gross and creepy haha ew -The darkness scene was really well done here. Soooooo many games and anime harp on and on about darkness but like… never explain what it is or how it manifests. Here it's literally just as simple as darkness makes you dumb and submit to more basic instincts. It robs you of your intellect and rationality, making you lash out. Amplified, this extends to being actively cruel and violent to other people. Nicely done, Frontier. This puts you ahead of like 99% of all anime ever lol -Fortunately Takuya is really stepping up as a good leader and brings the team together. I love the comeback against Sephirotmon too. You can copy their attacks, but can't take into account their growth. Like, yeah, it's kind of on the nose but that's literally just it haha -I like how it wraps around that even with all his power, Sephirotmon was alone when they defeated him. He was never friendly with the other Cherubimon mooks (evil Legendary Warriors?? I dunno how to refer to this group lol) and maybe not being so callous to each other might've saved them in the long run… (sidenote I really wish some anime story sometime would take the "power of friendship" thing but apply it to everyone, including the villainous group(s); friendship doesn't mean virtue and goodness, it means bonds between people, even if those people are the opposite of virtuous and good, but that's a ramble for another day) -Okay all the Cerubimon mooks are DOOOOWN and we end on Cherubimon ominously saying about breaking a seal--a seal on itself?? Or another Digimon/power?? And once again we see Beowulfmon a final time… KOJI AND NOT-KOJI WHO ARE YOOOUUU -I didn't think I'd write this much about this episode, between it being combat heavy and me being very tired but here we are!
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melancholywally · 6 months
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Digimon Anime Evolution 37/?
Digimon that possess the Spirits of Steel, derived from the power of AncientWisetmon. In Digimon Frontier, Mercuremon is one of the main antagonists and a servant of Cherubimon. Note: BlackSeraphimon has been used as a Fusion between Mercuremon + Sephirothmon.
Stages: Human: Mercuremon (eng: Mercurymon) Beast: Sephirothmon Ultimate: AncientWisetmon (eng: AncientWisemon)
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jthedrake2 · 8 months
Total drama file Island
After tons of work thinking, redoing and analyzing. I have redone my Digimon total drama crossover, and in this one every contestant and host gets a partner. It’s not much a serious au as if it was, it would be a much smaller cast and have a more interesting plot.
Also if this were to be a competition fic, then l would have it like this.
First boot- Rookie only
Premerge- Rookie -> Champion
Merge- Rookie -> Ultimate
Finalist- Rookie -> Mega
The main exceptions to this would be
The hosts- All would have access to all their levels, Commonly staying in ultimate level and be at mega in the finale.
Ezekiel, He would be Rookie only in island, Champion in world tour, Ultimate in Revenge and Mega in All stars
Scarlett would also achieve mega due to taking over the island and the contestants would have to fight her off.
Ridonculus race, It doesn’t have a merge so it would be
18th: Rookie only
17th -> 10th: Rookie to Champion
9th -> 3rd: Rookie to ultimate
Finalists- Rookie to mega
For all the partners, I’ve tried to make sure that all of them match their personality, reference a talent they have, the team they’re apart of, an episode they play a part in, or I just think they look good with the Digimon I chose. Also keep in mind that Digimon can become anything and isn’t linear, so yeah some lines will get very weird at times. Also yes, I’m also using appmon for some of them cause they fit and if I didn’t we would have even more repeats.
Chris mclean: Monmon -> Targetmon -> Etemon -> Kingetemon
Chef Hatchet: Ebiburgamon -> Burgamon -> Digitamamon -> Titamon
Ezekiel: Gizamon -> Nohemon -> Zamielmon -> Diablomon
Noah: Igneetmon -> Namakemon -> Wisemon -> Ancientwisemon
Justin: Mirrormon -> Mercuremon -> Knightmon -> Bloomlordmon
Katie: Pawnchessmon black -> Knightchessmon black -> Rookchessmon -> Queenchessmon
Tyler: Pulsemon -> Dogmon -> Shootmon -> Banchomamemon
Cody: Luxmon -> Aegiomon -> Monzaemon -> Jupitermon
Beth: Chuumon -> Opossumon -> Cho-Hakkaimon -> Lovelyangemon
Sadie: Pawnchessmon white -> Knightchessmon white -> Bishopchessmon -> Kingchessmon
Courntey: Kudamon 2006 -> Darcmon -> Hippogriffomon -> Ofanimon falldown mode
Harold: Kotemon -> Igamon -> Fumamon -> Justimon
Eva: Candlemon -> Meramon -> Deathmeramon -> Shroudmon
Trent: Otamamon -> Gekomon -> Shogungekomon -> Plesiomon
Bridgette: Swimmon -> Dolphmon -> Whamon -> Ancientmermaimon
Lindsay: Tinkermon -> Kazemon -> Shutumon -> Venusmon
DJ: Terriermon -> Rabbitmon -> Luminamon -> Anubismon
Izzy: Keramon -> Airdramon -> Orochimon -> Nidhoggmon
Geoff: Kamemon -> Gwappamon -> Shaujinmon -> Neptunemon
Leshawna: Pomumon -> Parasaurmon -> Ajatarmon -> Bancholilymon
Mr. Coconut: Mushmon -> Woodmon -> Jyarimon -> Xuwanumon
Duncan: Impmon -> Flawizardmon -> Baalmon -> Beelzemon
Heather: Funbeemon -> Flymon -> Ladydevimon -> Lilithmon
Gwen: Renamon -> Youkomon -> Doumon -> Kuzuhamon
Owen: Perorimon -> Burpmon -> Gerbemon -> Bacchusmon
World tour
Blaineley: Kodokugumon -> Dokugumon -> Arukenimon -> Parasimon
Josh: Demidevimon -> Blackgatomon -> Mummymon -> Pharaohmon
Sierra: Monitamon -> Pteramon -> Weddinmon -> Junomon
Alejandro: Patamon -> Pidmon -> Astamon -> Daemon
Staci: Bacomon -> Numemon -> Black king Numemon -> Puppetmon
B: Junkmon -> Kenkimon -> Valvemon -> Vulcanasmon
Dawn: Floramon -> Kiwimon -> Delumon -> Ceresmon
Sam: Herissmon -> Filmon -> Stefilmon -> Rasenmon
Brick: Spadamon -> Leomon -> Grapleomon -> Bancholeomon -> Chaosmon
Anne Maria: Syakomon -> Ranamon -> Calamaramon -> Mervamon
Dakota: Lalamon -> Sunflowmon -> Blossomon -> Hydramon
Mike: Gammamon -> Betalgammamon -> Canowiessmon -> Siriusmon
Svetlana and Vito: Klausgammamon
Chester and Manitoba: Wezen Gammamon
Mal: Gammamon -> GulusGammamon -> Regulusmon -> Arcturusmon
Jo: Goblimon -> Orgemon -> Rebellimon -> Darkdramon -> Chaosmon
Scott: Tyutyumon -> Vilemon -> Jokermon -> Piedmon
Zoey: Guilmon -> Growlmon -> Wargrowlmon -> Gallantmon
Lightning: Elecmon violet -> Bulkmon -> Footmon -> Kazuchimon
Cameron: Morphomon -> Butterflymon -> Andromon -> Hiandromon
Fang: Gaossmon -> Tylomon -> Marinekimeramon -> Regalecusmon (a bonus)
Beardo: Musimon -> Mediamon -> Entermon -> Ouranosmon
Leonard: Neemon -> Wizardmon -> Mistymon -> Dynasmon
Amy: Lopmon -> Wendigomon -> Antylamon -> Cherubimon vice
Rodney: Hawkmon -> Cockatrimon -> Sinduramon -> Boltmon
Sammy: Lopmon -> Turuiemon -> Antylamon(deva) -> Cherubimon virtue
Ella: Biyomon -> Unimon -> Sirenmon -> Magnadramon
Topher: Monmon -> Hanumon -> Makuramon -> Metaletemon
Dave: Gomamon -> Gesomon -> Marinedevimon -> Cthyllamon
Scarlett: Hagurumon -> Mechanorimon -> Datamon -> Chaosdramon
Max: Protogizmon -> Gizumon AT -> Gizumon XT -> Ebemon
Jasmine: Dorumon -> Dorugamon -> Dorugreymon -> Alphamon
Sugar: Gazimon -> Boarmon -> Vikaralamon -> Gulfmon
Sky: Gaomon -> Blackgaogamon -> Blackmachgaogamon -> Achilliesmon
Shawn: Bearmon -> Porcupamon -> Ghilledhumon -> Eldoradimon
Ridonculus race
Don: Penmon -> Frigimon -> Locomon -> Aegisdramon
Leonard: Neemon -> Wizardmon -> Mistymon -> Dynasmon
Tammy: Bokomon -> Witchmon -> Warudamon -> Crusadermon
Tennis Rivals
Pete: Panbachimon -> Mojyamon -> Giromon -> Jijimon
Gerry: Panbachimon -> Jungle Mojyamon -> Tekkamon -> Babamon
The Geniuses
Mary: Kokabuterimon -> Kabuterimon -> Megakabuterimon -> Herculeskabuterimon
Ellody: Tentomon -> Bladekuwagamon -> Metallifekuwagamon -> Tyrantkabuterimon
The Vegans
Laurie: Pillowmon -> Sheepmon -> Pajiramon -> Mitamamon
Miles: Armadillomon -> Bullmon -> Vajramon -> Sleipmon
The Fashion Bloggers
Tom: Palmon -> Togemon -> Lillymon -> Rosemon -> Rafflesimon
Jen: Aluramon -> Vegiemon -> Lilamon -> Lotusmon -> Rafflesimon
Mother and Daughter
Kelly: Salamon -> Meicoomon -> Meicrackmon -> Rasielmon
Taylor: Salamon -> Mikemon -> Bastemon -> Raguelmon
The Adversity Twins
Mickey: Dokunemon -> Snimon -> Jewelbeemon -> Grandiskuwagamon
Jay: Kunemon -> Kuwagamon -> Okuwamon -> Grandkuwagamon
The Step Brothers
Chet: Vorvomon -> Lavorvomon -> Lavogaritamon -> Volcanicdramon
Lorenzo: Jazemon -> Jazardmon -> Jazarichmon -> Metallicdramon
The Rockers
Rock: Shoutmon -> Kingshoutmon -> Volcamon -> Omnishoutmon
Spud: Dondokomon —> Balistamon —> Atlurmonbalistamon —> Ancientbeetlemon
Father and Son
Dwayne: Dracomon -> Coredramon green -> Groundramon -> Breakdramon -> Examon
Junior: Dracomon -> Coredramon blue -> Wingdramon -> Slayerdramon -> Examon
Reality TV pros
Owen: Perorimon -> Burpmon -> Gerbemon -> Bacchusmon
Noah: Igneetmon -> Namakemon -> Wisemon -> Ancientwisemon
The Goths
Crimson: Dracumon -> Sangloupmon -> Matadormon -> Grandracmon
Ennui: Tsukaimon -> Pipismon -> Myotismon -> Venommyotismon
The Daters/Haters
Ryan: Ludomon -> Tialudomon -> Raijinludomon -> Bwyludramon -> Ragnalordmon
Stephanie: Zubamon -> Zubaeagrmon -> Duramon -> Durandamon -> Ragnalordmon
Best friends
Devin: Agumon -> Greymon -> Metalgreymon -> Wargreymon -> Omnimon
Carrie: Gabumon -> Garurumon -> Weregarurumon -> Metalgarurumon -> Omnimon
The Sisters
Emma: Lunamon -> Lekismon -> Crescemon -> Dianamon -> Gracenovamon
Kitty: Coronamon -> Firamon -> Flaremon -> Apollomon -> Gracenovamon
The Ice dancers
Jacques: Blucomon -> Paledramon -> Cryspaledramon -> Hexablumon
Josse: Snowgoblimon -> Icedevimon -> Skullsatamon -> Done Devimon
The Police cadets
MacArthur: Commandramon -> Hi-Commandramon -> Tankdramon -> Brigadramon
Sanders: Kokuwamon -> Deputymon -> Assaultmon -> Magnakidmon
The Surfer dudes
Geoff: Kamemon -> Gwappamon -> Shaujinmon -> Neptunemon
Brody: Sangomon -> Tobiumon -> Divemon -> Surfmon
Caleb: Liollmon -> Liamon -> Panjyamon -> Marsmon
Axel: Monodramon -> Sealsdramon -> Captainhookmon -> Olegmon
Nichelle: Gotsumon -> Starmon -> Superstarmon -> Ancientirismon
Scary girl: Ghostmon -> Bakemon -> Metalphantomon -> Reapermon
Damien: Toyagumon -> Tyrannomon -> Mastertyrannomon -> Spinomon
MK: Psychemon -> Fangmon -> Cerberumon -> Merukimon
Wayne: Falcomon -> Owlmon -> Yatagaramon -> Frostvelgrmon
Raj: Falcomon 2006 -> Peckmon -> Karatenmon -> Valdurmon
Ripper: Loogamon -> Loogarmon -> Helloogarmon -> Fenriloogamon
Zee: Phascomon -> Coleamon -> Metalmamemon -> Belphemon sleep mode
Chase: Petimamon -> Boogiemon -> Phelesmon -> Barbamon
Emma: Labramon -> Siesamon -> Caturamon -> Duftmon
Julia: Cameramon -> Publimon -> Oleamon -> Murmukusmon
Millie: Wormmon -> Searchmon -> Dinobeemon -> Ancientvolcamon
Priya: V-mon -> V-Dramon -> AeroV-dramon -> Ulforce V-dramon
Bowie: Espimon -> Exermon -> Climbmon -> Shivamon
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rex101111 · 2 years
the differences between English dubs (4kids especially) and Hebrew dubs keeps throwing me off here.
Like here we have like, a couple dozen people who have been dubbing cartoons and anime for decades now. The way it goes is that each one has a “role” that they keep reprising while trying to vary their voices a little. But if you hear enough Hebrew dubbed material you keep hearing the same voices.
The general attitude of the One company that dubs stuff into Hebrew is that they take the original script, and try to translate it as directly as they can without it seeming too clunky. And voices play into that, sometimes they add accents if its supposed to be super obvious but otherwise? Not really.
English dubs, especially early ones, have a tendency to add accents to characters so they fit a certain archetype more smoothly or to make them more distinctive. And really thick accents too.
My meandering point here is that Ranamon being a Southern Belle and Mercuremon being Shakespeare In The Park keeps making me laugh because...well because they weren’t like that in the Hebrew dub!
Mercuremon was calm and calculated, Ranamon was prissy and haughty. I said it before but this feels like a bunch of team rocket grunts from all over who really don’t like each other but are forced to work together.
I know its partially because 4kids digimon dubs always try to lighten up the mood, but i remember being actually creeped out by Mercuremon when i was a kid. But here? 
Forsooth! And, so forth...
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last-blueknight · 2 years
"Miragemon of Steel"
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Level: Hybrid / Child Type: Angel Attribute: Variable "A Digimon that transformed into a half-beast, half-man form when Silvermon lost some of its power, yet adult-type Digimon are no match for it due to the data inherited by the 10 Legendary Warriors."
"Miragemon is the child form of the DigiSpirits of steel (Mercuremon/Sephirtomon) after they were purified from the evil of cherubimon, they changed their mutant attribute to angel (Silvermon/Shikagamimon) due to the seraphimon data that they still kept in their body. inside."
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with Steve and Frigimon
Sometime post-DigiAdvs+02, Steve and Frigimon encounter a ... certain... Mercuremon: Mercuremon: Steve: Mercuremon: Steve, raising eyebrow: Mercuremon, not moving: Steve: You're the one who becomes "Se-phi-roth"mon? MercurEMON: . . . Steve, to Frigimon: (Yeah, it's definitely not "that".) Frigimon: (right.) Steve: (If it was, it'd start debating me. And we'd probably be here forever) Frigimon: (right) Steve: (But we'd still win---) Mercuremon, about to move: Steve and Frigimon, JUMPING into Position: MercurEMON: . . . . . Steve: (Well, these kinds of 'wins' are always for the both of us, aren't they?) Frigimon: (You got it.) Steve, about Mercuremon: (But, I wonder if this one's ever actually met a rabbi. Or, just, contemplated about its other "form"... Or crossed over to our world at all--) Frigimon: (I can guarantee you it hasn't met a rabbi, at least.) Frigimon: (...Though, I did always wonder about the presence of certain, "beings" here...) Gennai, very far away, SNEEZING: Gennai: (Someone's talking about---)
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quealboroto · 2 years
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otakween · 23 days
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 29
A very blah episode visually. There have been a few episodes of Frontier that suffer from being too dark and desaturated. I get that that was sort of the point of this one, so it gets a pass.
I'm starting to suspect they designed Sephirothmon like that because he's really easy to draw (just a buncha circles).
I didn't realize that when they defeated Mercuremon they didn't defeat Sephirothmon. Guess it's kinda hard to defeat someone when you're inside them.
They totally ruined Sephirothmon's design with those giant, red lips. Now he just looks stupid. Also, his evil laugh was really annoying in this episode. He's dead to me (on top of being actually dead lol).
It's kinda like...did anything even happen in this episode? It was just one big battle I suppose. The gang experimented with combined attacks and then had flashbacks about being afraid of the dark. Takuya realizing Sephirothmon's weak point was very Zelda boss battle lol.
Wonder how long we'll have to wait for the rest of the gang to get a double evolution? Considering the first two were lackluster, I guess I don't really care lol
Although I'm mad they gave Sephirothmon candy lips, he was effectively nightmare fuely when he was wiggling after them in a tunnel. No thank you...
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desklang · 3 years
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Sometimes I draw things, and when I do it’s one mood here or the other
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exp123mon · 8 months
Moar Digimon Frontier
17 - Blizzarmon - Blow the Snow, Call the Glaciers! -Arbormon napping at the bottom of the sea. I wonder if his quirk is a reference to some Japanese thing or if the writers just thought this callous monster villain being like "brush your teeth kids!" would be funny. -Everybody's still gliding along on the raft and nearly get themselves… iced hehehehe. -During the looking-for-Toucanmon montage there's a Dukemon casually thrown in there. That's so funny. "omg Dukemon!! One of the Holy Knights!" "Oh no that's my cousin I just stock the shelves in this armoury." -All you need is the power of VIDEO GAMES!! I love Tomoki he's my fave character I think. Him trying to trade his hat and shoes for the Digivices was cute. It's sad when he cries (god that sounds so stupid lol) when Nanomon's fiddling with the Digivice. I mean, that feeling of being a small kid totally out of your depth and trying SO HARD to do something right or useful or stop something bad but it's just not working out no matter what. Poor kid. -CURRY EATING CONTEST!! I love how they actually brought this back around later in the episode. Honestly this entire ep felt really cohesive and well-written. Every time I see an anime curry I want to eat curry though haha. -Blizzarmon is really cool, this is the first time I've seen it (outside of the OP) -Love Koji and Takuya beating Petaldramon with literal sticks and pipes lol. It was also good that they HELPED Tomoki in the fight after getting their Digivices again, but didn't overshadow him or take away his victory. -Good episode. I like it.
18 - Choo-Choo! The Fierce Trailmon Race -Digimon Frontier suddenly becomes Wacky Races lol. Nice seeing all the Trailmon again. -Izumi you literally just ate 30 servings of curry the day before WHY ARE YOU HUNGRY NOW haha. -OMG EBIBURGAMON AAAAAAAAAA My third favourite species after Mummymon and Tokomon. LITTLE BURGER MONSTERS. I literally just finished my first sketches of my Burgamon OCs last night too. Burgers burgers burgas. oh my goshness -This was a super goofy episode (in a good way). Not much to say since the bulk of the events were just race shenanigans and danger, but it was pretty entertaining. -WAIT OMG THE PRIZE IS GOING TO THE HAMBURGER VILLAGE OMG OMG OMG MORE BURGAMON YES YES YES!!
19 - Save the Burgamon! Tomoki's Pure Heart -THE LITTLE BURGER VILLAGE. A shame it's under siege from the get-go. It would've been nice to see all the little burgers being happy… -Chamelemon is here! Another Digimon I've never see outside of the official artwork. -Bruh this episode is just… so good, so funny. The mother Burgamon fainting all the time, the little baby Torikaraballmon. Everybody taking HAMBURGERS so seriously. Peak Digimon tbh. Just a silly fun time. -Okay so Takaya's burgers sound good to me?? What's the issue??? Especially the second one. Kimchi, curry and chorizo? Sounds tasty AF. sounds of copious notes being taken Koji however should never be left alone in a kitchen. -Honestly I can't think of anything to else say I just really liked this episode. It was fun and silly. AND BURGAMON WAS THERE.
20 - The Mysterious Warrior Lurking the Darkness - Duskmon! -Arbormon: I will do whatever I can to be useful to Cherubimon. spends at least several days tormenting a tiny village because he wants burgers -Mercuremon makes the worst mistake a villain can make and LOUDLY MONOLOGUES HIS PLAN OHOHOHOHOHO! …and Duskmon hears, ooo. -Cherubimon's first real appearance. And he can smell Mercuremon's BS a mile away haha. -Trailmon can just decide not to follow tracks. Makes sense since they're autonomous. It probably sounds horrifying to Japanese viewers by my English arse is like "yeah makes sense the train would just. not go where it's supposed to" -Aww, the whole scene with Pipismon and Bokomon being encouraged to be the one to fill in the book's blank pages was nice! -Aaand Arbormon shows up again. We get our first mass simultaneous beast Spirit evolution, but even that can't quite cut it against Petaldramon at first. In the end the kids overcome him and give him the option of surrndering only for Duskmon to show up and destroy him. It was only a matter of time before this happened haha. -Duskmon has a really cool design Just all the eyes all over, looks nice and freaky. -I'm getting close to the halfway point! I'm really interested to see where it's gonna go from here given there's still quite a bit remaining.
21 - The Five Warriors Annihilated!? The Terrifying Power of Darkness! -Well now that's a title. -Unsurprisingly, Duskmon wipes the floor with the kids, so they flee. -Some nice moments and scenes here, especially the one between Izumi and Junpei. -Takuya comes up with an AMAZING PLAN that will DEFINITELY NOT WORK. And Koji is not having it. I really like their relationship. -Duskmon seems to recognise Koji somehow. I actually figured a while ago Duskmon is probably related to Koji somehow, maybe like a lost older brother or something. Y'know. Light and Darkness and all that. Plus Koji has that "secret" or whatever. -THAT ENDING THO. The Darkness Terminal bit and Takuya solemnly gets on the train. That was actually a pretty haunting moment. Really felt like a metaphorical death. I know Digimon gets dark sometimes for a ids show but no way they'd literally kill off a 10 year old like that lol. There was some nice atmosphere and animation this episode.
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kiebs · 2 years
FrontierFest 2022
Day 5 - Favorite Main Character (Digimon/Digimon Form)
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Tbf I love Bokomon and Neemon too, but I think there's a big nostalgia factor for me when Patamon hatched. Besides who doesn't want a baby form of the an angel you're supposed to be helping?
Day 6 - Favorite Villain
Okay, so, I actually really enjoy most of the villains in Frontier. Like, the villains were very fun, so it's hard for me to choose a favorite but I think I'll have to go with...
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This asshole✨️
I love love the English dub for him (partly because that's how I first saw the show but also) because of how much personality a simple like accent gives to a character. The combination of the posh Shakespearen accent and then the sheer brutality of Mercuremon was just *chef's kiss*
Probably why I love villains who are put together and then just absolutely ruthless.
Which is why both Duskmon and Lucemon are runner ups for my fav villain
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