#Meltpoint Campaign
katthekatt · 4 months
Okay time to introduce my original military campaign for transformers IDW
You know how there are the constructed cold ? Yeah, we got to hear about some of the reasons they were made, but I want more angst with it, so que in me making a campaign for that.
It all begins with Autobot General Meltpoint,
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pre-war, he worked as an engineer and constructed cold designer for the council. After the war started, he would much the same work in his field, by recommendation of Prowl non the less. Making the designs for the Made to Order soldiers was one of his biggest responsibilities, with him being involved in most, if not all of them in one way or another. However, he viewed the MTOs as nothing more than tools, either because of the years spent working for the functionist government or something else.
It would come to no surprise when he finally began to implement flaws in the designs so the soldiers would not live past the finish of their intended missions. That would come later in the war, and by the time of the Meltpoint Campaign, he would be sure to implement flaws in every design. Most issues like that would be fixed by other mechs on the team of designers before the order for the soldiers would be placed but not for the Meltpoint Campaign.
The Meltpoint Campaign was the nickname placed upon the military campaign against an alien race that began to push both autobot and decepticons back. The alien world was very *flammable, so to speak and General Meltpoint was specifically commissioned with the making of the MTOs due to his own body mods that made use of fire and acid, that he made himself. For this reason, no one questioned the designs that came from his hand, and thousands of constructed cold were created with lethal flaws.
The MTOs were made in three groups: fire, acid, and bombs. The fire specialists made more than half of the order. They were the bulk of the campaign and served in every field, from scouts to tanks to spies and fliers. The acid carriers were mostly fliers that would rain acid on the enemies, destroying them and their constructions. The bomb experts were the smallest group and mained in reconnaissance and traps. Many of them were later reworked for underwater missions with the aliens' bases going in the oceans.
The flaws in the designs were not seen right away, but by the end of the campaign with less than a thousand survivors and more dying by the day there was no room for doubt, there was something wrong. The fires and acids had their energon polluted and would burn or melt from the inside when they used it or their emotional state would spike. The fires were able to counter this by using external fuel and gas to control the flames to be created by them and not their energon. Meanwhile, the acids had no such luck and would be left with the fewest numbers, unable to sort that issue in most cases. The bomb experts were the ones spared with their weapons being based on using their energon and were spared such fates, but they would be more prone to heavy ptsd that would drive them to true madness with time. They also would sustain injuries that without brand new parts or heavy surgery would leave them deaf, blind, or destroy their senses of feeling and balance.
The MTOs were intended to serve like any other, but Meltpoint's sabotage would destroy that intention. Many of the ones who survived only had because of a different flaw that kept their frame intact or made them stronger in resisting the other ones that were placed to destroy them.
The constructed cold went to Prime with their questions, and Meltpoint was found guilty in the following investigation and subsequent trial. Many of the MTOs would want Meltpoint executed but would also settle for his imprisonment. However, all would be disappointed and outraged when his sentence was pronounced as exile. This injustice would spark for most of the surviving MTOs to turn neutral or switch to the decepticons altogether. The sentence was given by Prowl, who planned on using Meltpoint's talent for the rest of the war but Meltpoint had made it clear there would be no cooperation in the event of him being imprisoned so they struck a deal.
So this is the short of it, the main thing I explore with my ocs of the Meltpoint Campaign is the difference in anger and the feelings of being made with the intention of dying as part of your purpose. Some of the more prominent characters I have are:
TireBuster , she was a scout and later a platoon leader of mixed soldiers from the campaign towards its end. She was one of the representatives of the MTOs during Meltpoint's trial. She is now a neutral working as a bounty hunter with a decepticon.
Manicwire, they were created later in the campaign and were part of the bomb experts that would be reworked for underwater missions. They turned neutral shortly after the end of the trial and after a bit of black stop in their memory would end up on Earth with a base on the South Pole.
Ka-Boom, he was also a part of the bomb experts, but with work on reconnaissance and later trap placemets after going deaf. He would stay on with the autobots for a while, changing work stationing time and again, even being a Wrecker for a bit, but ultimately leaving in favor of serving the decepticons.
Acidity, she was a flier like many of the acid wielders. She would be the representative of her part of the order and would be the most vocal of the way their should execute Meltpoint. Her overwhelming hatred stems from the belief she is the last one of her people for the other acid carrier from the campaign, she knew, would die during the trial. She switched sides to the decepticons right after the sentencing.
That's as much as I've got right now. If anyone is interested in making a character based on that, they are free to do so, and I'm open to any questions about it.
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katthekatt · 4 months
Quick note:
I want to see more constructed cold transformers oc with original battles or campaigns or working purpose. Come on guys! Canon didn't expand on that, we need more! It's an amazing concept! Or at least more fanfiction centered on it... I just need more of this my lone original campaign and ocs for it are not enough.
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