#Me: hork hork hork MBLARGH there you go
pastafossa · 1 year
I just saw the start date of TRT on AO3. 2017!
I only just got into the Daredevil Fandom in December 2022. I just binged the fic over the course of a week and now I'm in Jane/Matt withdrawal.
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It did start it late in 2017! I wrote the first 4 chapters over a year and a half or so, before took a hiatus for a few years due to some life stuff.
The good news is I kept thinking about TRT. It was constantly rolling around in the back of my mind, and every now and then I'd write down ideas, gradually filling in my outline while everyone basically thought I was dead and TRT slowly faded from memory. I bided my time until all was ready.
Cue me in Jan 2021 appearing in the inboxes of everyone who forgot they'd subscribed like
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I'm not sure what those that had stuck around were expecting (there was a lot of joy but also a lot of confused screaming) but I'm fairly certain Jan 13, 2021 was not the day they expected my feral, Matt-obsessed ass to suddenly reappear from the ether after 2 years of radio silence and feverishly begin dropping 6-10k words of plot on them every week for roughly the next two years (happy belated 2 year end-hiatus anniversary everyone!).
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Anyway, I'm so so happy to welcome you to our little side of the Marvel fandom! I can promise we'll absolutely get some more Jane/Matt this week, I gotta keep ya'll fed and me too tbh i like reading trt. 😂
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