helmort ยท 8 months
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Listen up, mate. I've got a proper London tale for ya, one of them stories that only gets passed 'round in the underbelly of this city. It's the kind of story that's kept hush-hush among chefs, owners, waitstaff, and us kitchen porters, 'cause it's a secret that ain't meant for the common ear.
Now, this story ain't some ancient legend; it's fresh, and it's exclusive, ya see. You'd never catch wind of it unless you're part of the restaurant world. We keep these stories locked up tight, and you'll soon get why. Remember ZenSavor Sushi Lounge? That swanky joint in Mayfair where the high rollers and stock exchange blokes used to rub shoulders? You had to have a fat wallet to set foot in there; a single piece of fish cost more than a Rolex. Ah, Mayfair, where the rich are always rich and the poor are stuck being poor, no two ways 'bout it. Ever wonder why it shut down?
Well, here's the tale, mate. One fine day, the bobbies got a tip-off, and what they found was a right proper spectacle. There was this Food Standards Agency inspector, a fella who's usually made of stern stuff, but on this day, he was bawling like a newborn. He'd been doing a routine inspection, and everything seemed squeaky clean as usual. But by some twist of fate, he stumbled on a hidden door in the ceiling that led to an old pub. And, of course, his curiosity got the better of him. What he found was enough to make any tough nut's jaw hit the floor. There, hanging upside down like massive tunas, were 30 women, frozen solid, like tuna. And to top it off, there were ten Chinese blokes working on 'em. When the police had a word with these chaps, the whole ugly truth spilled out. Turns out, the rich and mighty from all over the globe were payin' these fellas to prep human flesh for their bizarre, esoteric antics right here in London.
They'd lure poor girls from Westminster, promising 'em waitressing jobs for a pretty penny. But, by the heavens, those gals were ending up as ingredients for the feasts of the wealthy. These toffs believed that munchin' on human flesh would give 'em some sort of immortality. You can bet that fancy restaurant got shut down faster than you can say "Guv'nor."
As for why it never hit the papers or the telly? Well, the clientele, you see, they were the cream of the cropโ€”UN officials, ambassadors, Hollywood stars, crooners, and some even reckon that John Lennon, the bloke some say never really kicked the bucket, was seen tuckin' into his 'Ningen no josei no niku sushi,' which translates to "human female meat sushi." Proper twisted, innit?
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