#Martha's father shouting 'you did this!' at his neighbours as he is dragged into an unmarked van 'you voted for saxon!' clear daylight
theskyexists · 3 years
Watched the penultimate episode of years and years.
Was literally trembling throughout. Fam was like - why are you breathing so weird
Because every single thing in this damn series is too close - we're too close
They get it but they really don't get it I guess the way I get hit by it
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thefifthsister · 5 years
Let The Music Play Post Series
He watched as the cursor blinked. His foe. An old nemesis. They’d done this battle, held this stand off before. And it wasn’t that he didn’t have any ideas, that he didn’t have the words to say. His heart and head were in the other room.
He knew he had a deadline and he’d spent a great amount of the morning watching the words scroll across the screen. He’d written pages and pages already. He’d lost himself in his world and time had flown by but now the sounds of laughter and glee had broken through the fictional world he’d fallen into and he couldn’t find it in himself to dive back down the rabbit hole while he was missing out on the fun.
Lily followed her big sister Alexis like a shadow. Had done since she’d started crawling. Alexis had embraced her role as big sister with the same gusto she attacked every aspect of life and so she tried to be there for Lily as much as she could. The two had their secrets, the things that they only did together and sister days were a sacred day for Alexis. Their morning had started with breakfast with Castle and then he’d gone into his office to write. Alexis had stuck her head in to say she thought it was too cold to take Lily out so they’d be playing upstairs in her room.
His girls had bought him lunch and he’d been grateful for the break. But now he wanted to crash sister day and have a Daddy-Daughters afternoon.
He hit save and closed his laptop. Stopping in the door of his office, he watched as Alexis sat with Lily in her lap as the two read together. Alexis sounded out the words and she laughed as Lily would find the pictures and make the noises the animals in her books made.
He chuckled and then he had two sets of eyes on him.
“You’re meant to be writing,” Alexis said.
“I’ve been writing all morning, it sounds more fun out here,” Castle whined.
Alexis shook her head, no stranger to her father’s procrastination tactics.
“Come on. I need a break and I’m missing out time with my kids.”
“How much have you got left?” Alexis asked, knowing he couldn’t be far from being done.
“A chapter. At most.” Castle insisted. “I can take a break.”
“Daddy, you gots to wite! Mommy said!” Lily told him seriously.
“We have one more secret sister thing to do, right Lily?” Alexis and Lily looked at each other and Lily nodded. “Then… if you finish your last chapter you can play with us.”
“You know, I hate it when you’re reasonable and level headed. Takes all the fun out of play hooky,” Castle sulked. “Okay, you two have all the fun.” Castle smiled. He kissed Alexis on the forehead. “Love you, pumpkin.”
“Someone has to make sure you’re an adult sometimes,” Alexis shouted after him as he walked back into his office.
When Kate got home, she could hear music coming down the hall as she stepped off the elevator. The poor neighbours.
She opened the door, not surprised that no one had heard enter, and watched the scene before her. Alexis was bent over laughing as Castle and Lily stood with their backs to her shaking their butts. Well, Castle was shaking his butt and Lily was attempting to copy him. Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” filled the loft and the three of them were lost in the song. Lily had dragged out her costume box, she could tell. Alexis and Lily wore feather boas, a gift from Martha for their tea party dressing, and Castle wore a crown and butterfly wings as he danced with his girls. He was singing wholeheartedly, his girls dancing around him and Kate managed to grab her phone in time to catch the scene without them noticing her.
When the song ended she scared them all by clapping. Castle spun to her and smiled as Lily realised she was home and ran to hug her.
“Productive day?”
“Yeah,” Castle came to give her a kiss as she lifted Lily into her arms.
“Having fun with Alexis and Daddy?”
“We watch Tay Tay and dance. Dance too Mommy!” Alexis joined her with a spare feather boa and draped it around Kate’s neck after giving her a hug as she was dragged into her family’s mayhem before she’d even had a chance to protest.
“I finished the book, we’re celebrating.” Castle told her as he whisked her into his arms.
“You did? I’m so proud of you,” Kate told him. Castle hit play and the room filled with music again as another song started. Castle spun his wife round the room and listened to the sounds of his girls laughing. Kate grinned at the sight of her husband waltzing in butterfly wings.
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