skenpiel · 4 months
i love you kyubey i dont care what anyone says
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kwonhochi · 9 months
just finished the last episode of the untamed…:(
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unsleepingtales · 10 months
Mentopolis Ep 3! We have life things so this is late but we press on
Freddie said the whole thing!
Just a damp damp man 😐
Once again. We need Stacy Fakename merch pls.
I love the wonkaness of Gobstopper Industries
The heart being the Boston to the brain’s New York is interesting
Phrenology lmao
I slap him. I kiss him.
Hunch keeping so much stuff in his pants is such a Choice
I really think it’s a phone buzzing and not a sexy thing because Elias is so convinced he doesn’t deserve pleasure that I don’t he would do that
If not ___, ___? is such a great sequence I’m gonna rewatch that several times probably
Turn yourself in to who???
Every part of the brain can notice conscience but pleasure. Sometimes the dice do really cool things.
The Fix being vaguely southern always cracks me up
Conrad not wanting to say fucks aw
He’s the only one who can DRIVE
Hank why
Ooh yay psychometer info
This thing could alter thoughts. Ok.
I love lengthy lore drops. I love them so much.
That wave is designed to create impulses maybe?
The editing is simultaneously really cool and gonna give me a headache
This thing erases color from the mind? Does it erase memory?
This boiling down to ‘has the government been corrupted by external capitalist forces or was the already corrupt government merely enabled by this capitalist presence’ is incredibly interesting
Cool! Very convenient!
OH the reflexive switchboard yay
F for freezer!
Hunch why do you wanna see Anastasia’s apartment
Trapp is so great I don’t think I’ve appreciated him enough
I think killing the conscience will probably not save the life of someone who has been thrown out of a window
Hank what
“It’s about what happens when you’re the next age” I’m gonna cry?
Babe what
(a ballad of balls on tracks)
Oooh does the Fucks family also have keys
(everyone getting a kick out of the foot fetish joke)
Hank jostling Freddie because he’s so delighted <3
Splitting the partyyyyyy
fLiGhT 😉
Uncle Hunch and Uncle Fucks 🥲
So many hats!
Imelda Pulse supportive cousin of the year <3
The cops. Great.
Something that ladies wear … …
Imelda Pulse coat rack of the year <3
Oh nooo
She’s just sooo estranged from her faaaamily she doesn’t know her cousiiiins
The commitment Siobhan has keeping her arms like that for the whole scene
The Police 😐
Incredible sneak skills
Threw a robe over her trench coat I’m dead
Yeah a newspaperwoman would have to get pretty good at lying lol
Iconic trio
Why is he the only one who can drive 😭
He really just lives to make people uncomfortable
Oooh d20 explosion
Why does he drive like that
Put that tongue back in your mouth SIR.
(group trying to hold back laughter to keep it tense…)
(and failing)
The word fight is losing all meaning
I was gonna say Gilear energy but he’s honestly more confident than Gilear.
Self doubt is so strong and dominance is so weak.
I feel like dominance being weak is a trick tho. It feels too simple.
Also. Self Doubt isn’t even a pun of any kind his name is just straight up his job.
I just was busy.
Why is fight russian
Conrad is so sassy today
The fuck just happened
The poor Fakename family
Box of Doom!!
The one thing that always bugs me is the box is never level and I don’t know if that affects how the die rolls
What a power
How are the fakenames even a family. What concept are they.
Dice are cool
One of those inflatable clowns that are weighted at the bottom so they bounce up whenever you hit them
(the crowd goes wild for Stacy Fakename)
I love character feats!
Flight was in control when Elias got hurt. Interesting.
I love how Hunch just has cartoon logic
I also forget that I’m playing and not just watching a story sometimes
You like my facts right?
Oh god
Hank leaning into being intimidating is so good to watch
Man. Okay.
Oh that’s so cool. Focusing on breathing lowers the pressure. That’s so good.
What are you close to achieving
That’s SO fucked up
Who are you
Is this fucking adderall or something
Probably the psychometer. But it would be an interesting take for it to be meds lol.
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strgrlxox · 1 year
━━ 🐇 ・・・  send me a tumblr game (like: would you rather, fmk, this or that, etc.) ⋅ メ ⋅ 
wyr picnic date with james or night in with homemade dinner with remus xxxx
omg!! this evillll
i have to say picnic date w james just because he is my baby boy but remmy is such a good cook i jus know it!! 😭
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my mother is soooo mean i try 2 defend my baby boy kitty cat bc shes always like ohhh hes so evillll ohhh hes sooo dumb he only thinks of us as food providers and only thinks in terms of territory and hes got no idea of us as family and hes never felt an emotion in his lfie and im like SHUT UP HES NOT LIKE THAT HES GOT A COMPLEX PERSONALITY AND HE COMMUNICATES RLLY INTELLIGENTLY WITH ME IN THE BEST WYA A CAT CAN AND HE UNDERSTANDS GAMES AND THEIR RULES AND HE UNDERSTANDS THINGS AND CAN RECOGNISE PATTERNS AND HES GOT SO MANY EMOTIONS AND HES NOT DUMB AND HES NOT JUST A TERRITORIAL BEAST HES MY BABYYY BOYYYYY
0 notes
lovekeis · 2 years
oh i walked alot of hills (bc that’s literally how the city is built 😍) and had only ate like breakfast which in my opinion shouldnt be a valid reason like?? ppl work out b4 breakfast and im out here fainting 😵 im thinking ab getting tested to see if i hv something bc its just embarrassing at this point like it genuinely would make me relieved to know i have something and its not just me yk?
hi baby i’m replying to all ur asks in one bc adhd brain BUT … please drink water omfg it could be bc it’s so hot n ur dehydrated!! but i’m glad u didn’t pass out 🥺 ALSO YES IM EVILLLL ANDKOXOC I ROASTED MY FRIENDS SO BWD BJT ID BE KICKING MY FEET WHEN I GOT HOME 🤭
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pheraescourage · 5 years
👻, 🚼, 💅
From Thought-Provoking Headcanon Meme.
👻 - Does your muse believe in an afterlife? What do they think it’s like?
Eliwood absolutely believes in the afterlife. Aside from being a religious person, he often reflects on his late wife’s passing. He likes to believe that she is in heaven, where she lives without pain and happily. He believes she watches over him and their child, as well as protects them in spirit. Eliwood also faithfully believes that he will see her again in the afterlife.
🚼 - How would your muse react to losing a child? How would they cope?
Losing a child would be absolutely devastating for Eliwood. Completely and utterly devastating. He already endured the pain of losing his wife and his heart honestly couldn’t bear losing one of his children. His sobs would be wrecked with pure agony and he would likely be in a complete mental breakdown. It would take Hector to pull him through, though he would likely develop severe depression and drink.
💅 - How does your muse feel about gender roles? Do they conform to them, or do they play by their own rules?
Eliwood honestly doesn’t conform to gender roles, nor does he pay them any mind. He has always been one to show his emotions, even though men are expected not to display any sign of weakness. He does not expect gender role conformity out of his partner either. All he expects from those close to him to be kind. As for his children, he would not expect them to behave in one way or another as long as they are morally sound.
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Happy birthday LOSER! (Mortal Instruments)
It was Jace's birthday, and the ex hunter was happy and excited as well as nervous. He'd been living with his boyfriend for half a year now, and 2 months ago Alec had found out about Jace's little kink. Jace was a humiliation junkie little, who had some rather fucked up little stories he'd written on his computer and Alec had found them, then with a little bit of snooping around their place had found a pack of teddy bear diapers and a dino print onesie. Alec made it clear he wasn't exactly a fan of the whole fetish, but had made it clear Jace could wear the diapers if he wanted..but Alec wasn't changing his ass and he expected Jace to keep being a adult in the bedroom. Jace had agreed, though it just wasn't the same but today, after a little bit of whining (ok, A LOT of whining done over the past week) he'd gotten Alec to agree to ONE night of baby play, but Alec warned him he might not like what was coming as much as he thought, since Alec would be taking inspiration from Jace's story's. Knowing just how insane his stories could get, Jace was a little worried but seeing the playpen and high chair that Alec rented for the night, he figured he was just being a silly head.
Alec smirked, Jace looked so happy/scared and he wasn't even dressed for the night yet. Part of him was having doubts about what he was planing on doing, but the truth of the matter was Jace wasn't really much of a boyfriend as of late. He was always too busy shooting his seed into his diapers or watching baby shows.  Add in what a PAIN it was to get him to do any of the chores around the house despite the fact that Alec was the one paying the rent (their original deal was Alec paid, Jace cleaned) and well the brat was just becoming more and more baby like by the day. Alec was sure on some level, Jace was going to love the surprises he had in store for him, and even if he didn't, tough. it wasn't like widdle baby Jace was gonna be able to find someone else to put up with his shit. with his doubts cleared, Alec came over as Jace finished setting up the playpen and patted the brat's butt, and confirmed a crinkle. "Didn't I tell you to wait till I was ready to put you back in huggies to wear today?" Alec asked. "Oh Uh..well see..there was this evillll witch.. and-" Jace started blushing and squirming. "A evil witch huh? How about there was a horny baby who decided NOT to listen to daddy so he just earned baby food tonight instead of Chinese from golden dragon." Alec said and smirked. "W-what? but..but..That's not-" "Does somebody wanna go to bed without din din?" Alec asked and smirked. "..No daddy." "that's what i thought.. well come on DIAPER BOY.. let's get you dressed like the BIG STUPID BABY you wanna be.." Alec said, oddly having fun as he slipped into mean daddy mode. and judging from the look on Jace's face and the way he was squirming..the birthday baby didn't mind it either. As Alec lead the way to the bedroom, Jace went to suck his thumb, only to be stopped and have a paci popped into his mouth.
Sucking big time on the paci, Jace was torn between being pouty over having to eat baby food while Alec was gonna be eating take out..and thrilled he was going to be eating baby food instead of take out. It was a scene from a lot of his stories and he had a sneaking feeling Alec had been just waiting for any little thing to give him a reason. Alec guided him over to his kitty cat print changing mat which was on the floor and Jace nodded and laid down, closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of daddy striping him of his grey sweat pants and white t-shirt, though his eyes flew open when Alec slipped a finger in the leg guard of Jace's diaper. "Just as I thought, soaked. Silly baby, why didn't you tell daddy you were wet?" Alec scolded Jace. Jace, who knew for a fact he was bone dry tried to mumble out a excuse around the paci, but course all that came out was gibberish. "I suppose I can't expect someone who gets his rocks off crapping himself to know when he's wet or dry, I'll just have to check you lots on my own. it's my burden to bear." Alec said in a over the top dramatic fashion sighing. he untapped the dry diaper and then gave anther mock gasp. "Jace! why didn't you put on any baby powder? do you wanna get a icky rash around that joke you call a dick?!?" Alec asked, shaking a finger at Jace who was blushing BIG time now. His less then stellar manhood had been mentioned a few time, but Jace made up for not being able to fuck his boyfriend with his 3 inches rock hard cocklet with having a super skilled mouth and a nice tight hole that milked dick like a pro. Jace hadn't put on any baby powder because he'd been trying to hide the diaper he wasn't suppose to be wearing yet, Alec had a bloodhound sense of smell for baby powder these days. "well if you WANT a diaper rash I'm not going to argue with you. your the birthday boy after all. just don't come bitching t me when you're all itchy from being trapped in poopie diapies with no powder." Alec said running a finger on the stiff and twitching tiny dick. "of course if you WANT baby powder all you have to do is tell daddy..but the second that paci comes out my finger stops. and well, if you cream yourself like the little quick shot loser you are..I'll know you wanna be a dumb baby with diaper rash." Jace mewed and squirmed, the finger felt SO good and part of the deal for today was Jace had to goon for 6 hours yesterday and 4 hours this morning. he buckled his hips and whimpered sucking, nursing on the paci and closing his eyes as he felt his balls tighten and when pew pew. His backed up load firing out and landing on his tummy. "Diaper rash it is." Alec chuckled, and then tugged out a bag of new diapers. jace was still riding the post orgasm bliss,  coo'ing as Alec rubbed the cum in as a form of diaper cream and didn't have time to notice these weren't his normal diapers..at least not until Alec had taped him in one of them and he noticed  how stupid thick it was! His teddy bear diapers weren't exactly thin, but this damn three was like four of them in one diaper..and Alec was unfolding a second one! the material on the instead was the soft pillowly smoothness Jace was used to either, it was a harder matiral that kinda itched a little. "Butt up little guy..heh..somebody noticing these aren't his little pussy teddy diapies?" Alec asked, getting the second diaper under jace who nodded and whimpered. "These are little brats punishment diapers. guaranteed to help bratty big babies get diapie rash and leave him squirming all night long. you're suppose to use them on big babies who keep removing their diapers, but i think using them on a stupid diaper bitch who'd rather crap himself then get fucked works too." Alec said, and taped the diaper up then kissed his index and middle fingers on his right hand and tapped them on the front of the diaper. "I know you're suppose to be getting a blowjob tonight, but don't be shocked if thats as close as you get loser." Alec chuckled and jace started to get worried he might of created a monster.
The original plan called for a onesie and then a pair of shorts over the diapers, but Jace's diapered ass was just too massive and it had been touch and go to just get the onesie over the thick diapers.the buttons looked ready to pop at any time as was and the big stupid baby couldn't even walk with the massive bulk between his legs. Watching jace crawl around and whine, the paci still in his mouth Alec felt himself getting hard and found himself wondering why he had fought this for so long..though it was safe to assume when jace had pictured Alec getting involved, Alec likely hadn't of been this mean. Taking note of the time, Alec smiled at Jace and leaned down, using a sweet mocking baby talk voice. "Well now mister diaper dumper, does daddies stupid widdle baby wanna get him's nums nums in him now so daddy can eat in peace, or does daddies widdle woser wanna come and play pretend..and be daddies foot rest while he waits for him's supper? if you want num num's crawl over to your high chair, if you wanna have daddies stinky feet on you crawl over by daddies chair." jace wrinkled his nose at the idea of the second choice and started to crawl for the high chair, only for alec to pick him up and turn him around, in the direction of his chair. Jace got a confused look on his face and turned around to head for the high chair again, and again Alec turned him around. "Somebodies not quite getting what the correct answer is, is he?" Alec asked. jace suckled and whined, and pointed at his high chair, he HATED the smell of Alec's feet, and would bitch up a storm when Alec would leave his socks around the apartment. "If I have to smell your shitty diapers later, your huffing on my feet now. now you can sit up like a good boy over there and have my feet on your shoulders..or lay down on your back and get them in your face. If i have to turn you around again, it's face." Alec said. Jace whined and looked ready to cry, but as quickly as he could he scampered over and took a seat by the chair. "good boy~" Alec said coming over and smirking. "oh no, face the tv little man, that way daddy can get his stinky feet right in your dumb little face with ease."
Ok, this wasn't what Jace had wanted at all. Sure he like a kinda mean and evil daddy, but his buns and crotch were already getting sore, his knees were getting scuffed up and now he was gonna have to -UGH- Huff foot stink! Still Alec was giving off a very clear aura of 'don't fuck with me' so baby jace did as he was told, and whined as the stinky smelly sock clad feet of Alec were pressing on either side of his face. "I hope you don't mind, but daddy went for a nice long run today. Oh, i bet you can tell huh buddy?" Alec teased and then rubbed the top of his left foot against Jace's nose. Jace whined and thought about spitting his paci out so he could just breath though his mouth, the funk was strong with Alec's feet but that thought was dashed as Alec spoke up. "bit of a friend heads up baby boy, if that paci comes out daddies gonna assume you wanna suck on his toes." Alec chuckled. jace whined and whimpered, and started to hope the take out would hurry up and get here,even if it meant watching Alec wolf down all the adult food.
The rush of power Alec was feeling as he made the diaper dork suffer was giving him major wood, and he toyed with rubbing one out and coating the back of the babies head with cum, then got a look at the time. 'Shit..even with jace's amazing mouth skills I don't have time to nut.' Alec thought with a frown and took out a bit of his frustration lightly kicking Jace's in the face. The big baby whined A LOT at that but before he could follow up, there was a knock at the door, and Alec took his feet off of Jace. "Well, go get the door silly. don't worry, Daddy pre paid for the din din.But if the delivery boy wants a tip you can suck him off." Alec laughed. Jace whimpered but crawled over, his big fat diaper butt swaying and almost making Alec have a accident as he got to the door and then slowly opened it. "Happy birthday diaper bitch!" came Simon's voice and Jace's Pacifier fell out of his mouth, though it was thankfully clipped to his onesie. "W-What are y-you.." Jace started to ask, but Simon pushed the big baby over and walked past him, carrying dinner for two and Alec got up to greet him, the two MEN kissing while the BABY watched.
After watching his ex and his current boyfriend make out for a little bit, which despite the pain had Jace rubbing the front of his diaper, the big baby finally found his voice. "W-What's..what's going on here?" he asked in a small voice. "oh? isn't it clear little one?" Simon asked, smirking. "Likely not. he IS a big dumb baby after all." Alec laughed, then looked at Jace. "you see baby Jace, when two adults love each other VERY much-" he started. "CUT THE CRAP!" Jace huffed and closed the door, then tried to get to his feet. "How long have you been fucking around on me behind my back!" "oh, we started right about the time I found out my boyfriend who i thought was a MAN, was just a diaper filling loser. One who can't even be arsed to wear undies to bed anymore and just wants diapers all the time. Then i found out that Simon here used to baby you..but he got sick of wiping your shitty ass."  Alec said. "We both realized that while your cute, and it IS fun to torment you, neither of us wanted the responsibility's of being a full time single daddy, and honestly, it's nice to have a partner who can fuck you now and then without wearing a strap-on over his huggies." Simon went on. "So really, we decided to have the best of both worlds. and you get to live out your cute wittle fetish. I'm dumping you as a boyfriend, but you can stay here and live with me and Simon as long as you promise to be a good little fucktard diaper cuck. Before you go to get al high and mighty, it's only MY name on the lease for this place, so I can and WILL kick you out the SECOND you try and get uppity. Furthermore your bank account is officially at zero, I let Simon have your bank card yesterday and you never even noticed it was gone." Alec said cheerfully. "so to recap, you have NO money, NO where to go..and we donated al of your adult clothes earlier while you were out having a birthday coffee with what's her name..who knows what a diaper slut you are and was only too happy to get you out of the house for this." Simon finished. "i..but..You.." Jace whimpered, his legs getting weak and giving out on him as he plopped onto his butt, the onesie popping open and tears started to leak down his cheeks. "awww, is the widdle baby gonna cry cuz he fell down and went boom?" Simon asked, coming over and leaning down. "or is it your realizing this is just like all those stories you write, where you or anther boy would find himself trapped in baby land?" Alec asked. jace was full on bawling now and the new daddies laugh and picked him up, and cheeked his tear stained cheek.s "Happy birthday LOSER." they said in unison.
One good long sob later, and Jace was in his high chair (and it actually WAS his.. Simon had paid for it in full using Jace's bank card and there was a no return policy.) they had tugged his onesie off and tied a bib around his neck, white with 'big dumb baby' in multi colored baby blocks on it, and had his arms pinned down by the tray so he couldn't feed himself. Simon was busy setting his and Alec's plates while Alec was dumping 3 jars of baby food into a big bowl, mixing brussel spouts with prunes and broccoli. the mixture didn't smell all that good and Jace had no illusions it was gonna taste any better then it smelled as Alec set the bowl on the tray and then got out a table spoon. "Ready to fill up on fart fuel diaper baby? this is gonna have your tummy cramping alll night, Since i made sure to get baby food that had expired. Don't worry, it's not gonna kill you or make you super sick..just like I said, you have a longggg night ahead of you~" Alec chuckled and scooped up a heaping amount. "I don't suppose I could just get a happy meal instead?" Jace tried, and got his mouth stuffed with the foul tasting muck instead. "I think that answers your question." Alec chuckled. jace just gagged and swallowed.
Alec signed, if there was one thing making feeding Jace the disgusting mush not so fun..it was the fact he had to spell it and put up with the foul smelling burps that were coming out before they were halfway done the bowl.he switched up with Simon so he could start on his food and smirked as Simon let out a belch right back in jace's face. "mmm, Mu Shu Pork..can you taste it on my breath?" Simon teased, knowing it was the babies favorite food. and also knowing Jace would NEVER have it again. "G-Guys come on..this..this is too much..Please..it's my bir-" Jace tried to whine but Simon stuffed his mouth again. "We know what day it is, that's why we waited till today to doom you to permanent baby hood. best birthday present ever, right?" Alec called over, between mouthfuls of noodles. Jace whined and started to sob again, some baby food coming out of his mouth and like a 'good' daddy, Simon scooped it up off his chin and back into his mouth.
with the MEN fed and the BABIES belly cramping and bloated, the little gas machine was plopped in the playpen and then it was set so the daddies could see him, and he could see the daddies, but no tv for widdle diaper dorks. instead, in the cramped playpen he had some soft blocks and a stuffed bear to amuse himself with, and Jace quickly became half bored out of his mind and just stuck seething with rage as he watched Simon and Alec make out on the couch. for the most part they just ignored him, save for when they'd make eye contract and flip him off. Just as Alec had predicted, Cramp's were soon hitting baby Jace's tummy tum and he found himself on his knees, rocking back and forth slightly and rubbing his tummy, belching lots and whining. Simon apparently had enough of said whining and grabbed Jace's paci and popped it in his mouth,and then added a warning as Jace went to spit it out. "if that comes out of your mouth, I'm replacing it with my gym socks, and duct taping your mouth." Jace wasn't sure if Simon would actually follow up on the threat but at this point he didn't wanna push his luck and suckled on the paci, closing his eyes as Simon patted his head. "Awww, there's a good widdle cuck~"
making out with Simon in front of his now EX boyfriend was driving Alec crazy, and he was grinding against his new  boyfriend moaning like a bitch in heat. he could feel just how excited Simon was too and was about to suggest that they retire to the bedroom when a loud painful sounding fart, barely muffled by the diapers blasted out of the babies backside and a rotten smell filled the room. "sheesh, way to kill the mood stinker!" Alec teased. jace whined behind his paci and gave a helpless shrug, as if to ask what did they expect, but then closed his eyes as two more atomic farts blasted out of him. "Heh, this is the downside of those punishment diapers.. well fr us i mean. clearly for him the fact their giving him diaper rash and are so massive already suck..but they also do basically NOTHING to block stinky smells so dumb big babies have to suffer they're own stench." Simon said. "Geez no wonder the company that made these went tits up." Alec said, holding his nose and waving at the air. Jace seemed to perk up at that. "Don't get your hopes up stinker..I brought out the last of their stock." Simon teased then went on. "here's a math puzzle for you..If daddy Simon got 20 pallets of these diapers, and there are 30 boxes on each pallet, with each box having 3 packs, and every pack having 12 diapers..how many punishment diapers is baby Jace gonna hafa fill to the brim before he gets his stupid teddy bear diapers back?" Jace's eyes went wide and -adorably- he was doing the math, moving a finger in the air and then a long wet fart came out of him even as a hiss was heard. "if baby Jace thinks it's 21,600 then he's right! your butt and balls are gonna be permanently coated in diaper rash before your even though 100 diapers." Simon laughed. The made even more farts come out of the bloated cramping baby and Alec groaned. "Jace I'm warning you right now, if I have to change a shitty diaper before I get to fuck Simon or he gets to fuck me, I'm locking your sad excuse for a cock up in permanent chastity and you'll NEVER cum again!" Sadly, the threat did nothing to help and Jace's bowels gave way as he filled his diaper to the brim with a hot stinky load.
Having to pause their love making to change the baby understandably left Alec and Simon less then happy on the outside, but on the inside they were thrilled. they would of normally just of left Jace stinky and put him in his new nursery but since they were eager to lock him up and keep him for don't more then leak pre for the rest of his stupid big baby life, they were willing to give him a early bum change. cleaning up the stinker wasn't a picnic but had to be done to ensure the best fit and then as Alec held the crying and hysterical Jace down, Alec started to cast a rune with on hand, fitting a small pink cage on Jace's cock. "No! No please! you can't do this! At least let me cum one last time!" Jace bawled, trying to get free. "It's my fucking cock! Daddies please!" Sadly the babies plea's fell on deaf ears, and with a lock click that made Jace shut up even as tears flowed down his cheeks, Jace realized he was getting everything he ever had begged for..and yet he didn't want it. "Happy Birth LOSER!" Both of his new daddies said together, and kissed his cheeks.
the end
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akajustmerry · 7 years
The Lying Detective: A Summary
toby jones as disposable villain who isn't moriarty #5: I am SUPER EVIL
sherlock: i'm high and suicidal and apparently that's humorous! come fellow suicidal friend, let's tell my brother to fuck off
therapist: how's the baby?
john: I HAVE A BABY?? oh wait yeah :(
mary apparition: honestly bro u trippin ballz
sherlock, also trippin ballz: to quote hamlet, fucking nope?????
mrs hudson: *is suddenly james bond, shoves sherlock in the boot, drops him into john's lap* you forgot this
john: i don't care
sherlock: *drinking from a flower vase* apparently my abusive suicidal drug use is still v humorous at this point!! lmao i'm gonna die in 2 weeks
toby jones as disposable villain who isn't moriarty #5: *holds up a bowl of cornflakes* i'm a CEREAL killer! get it?? do you tho???? imagine if my bff the queen murdered people anyway i'm really evil in case u forgot
kids in hospital: and spider-man couldn't come visit us because????
faith: hi :)
sherlock: shit i did the bad decsioning oh well i'll do it more btw i'm STILL suicidal and overdosing
john: ...
john: you waNNA FKN GO M8???
sherlock, bleeding, still suicidal and now bashed by his best friend: this is all my fault and totally portraying a healthy friendship between two people that isn't abusive
toby jones as disposable villain who isn't moriarty #5: btw guys i am still over here being EVIL
mary: sherlock my guy my pal, if you could lean into your fatal manic abuse of drugs and depression so you can be pals with my husband that'd be tight of u go get wrecked lov u
sherlock: i wanna die
toby jones as disposable villain who isn't moriarty #5: murdering people IS SO FUN!! I AM CLEARLY SO SO EVIL RN!
john: fuk u m8
sherlock: omg thanks for coming to save me at the last minute even tho i have been suicidal and overdosing from literally the start of this episode.
john: ur a dick
mary ghost: lol he should wear the hat
sherlock: *apparently still has irene's orgasm as his text alert even tho he apparently never texts her back and it would expose her as still being alive*
john: aw thats cute! happy birthday btw speaking of texting i too was texting a hoe
sherlock: aw damn :( sucks bro :(
john: yeah ikr??? mary's dead but i still wish i'd done more than text my side-hoe i am literally saying that ur relationship with irene adler is the same as this
sherlock: *literally does and says nothing*
mary apparition: lmao i'm dead!
john: basically, life is short so u should text her back anyway i'm gonna cry now
sherlock: aw :( life sucks :( let's hug it out while a montage revealing that your bus-hoe and therapist was my secret sister who has literally never existed before now and that my brother gets laid apparently these 2 things are relevant to the montage
john: *sobbing* btw i don't think u killed mary
sherlock: that's okay! u only beat the living shit out of me for it so badly i had to be hospitalized before!! this is literally gaslighting but whatevs its okay we're hugging i guess
toby jones as disposable villain who isn't moriarty #5: lolololololol i am still EVILLLL
mary apparition: wear the hat
sherlock: kay :p
sherlock: btw bestiie it's totally okay that u bashed me and cheated on ur wife like.... me texting the only person i romantically love and u being a cheating asshat are basically the same we r all human and i have been psychologically abused and traumatized to the point where i think that's totally fine :)
john: cool! anywho!! i just remembered i have a kid and i've left it with friends even tho one of the main points of this ep was that i have no one so ig2g
euros/sherrington/whateverthefuck: bye now time for u to have the death i am another classic case of moffatiss villainizing women, showing their mysogyny and incapability of creating female characters independent of male ones :)
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