imedzelaberia · 4 years
I’m Edzel John Aberia, 17 years old. I love reading books, watching different kinds of movies and writing a poem and story. I love writing because I can express my thoughts,feelings and emotions. I love convincing and revealing the truth in order for everyone to be aware on what is happening in our society.
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Alliah Darlene is my name Loves to read and listen to music Lives in Bacoor, Cavite I am 17 years old  Avid fan of a few groups Has a lot of siblings
Daydream a lot Attorney in the making Really sleepy in the morning Lazy at times Eats a lot Night owl End. 
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littlepotchi · 4 years
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I am franchezka rouen bondesto  a person who is positive about every aspect of life There are many things I like to do to see and to experience, im a person who like to see the  moonlight at night.and also im a sleepy person I like to be alone I like listening to blackpink song :) 
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alvin-coronel · 4 years
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I wake up: I am mental, I go to bed I am mental, 
I am mental within my dreams, I am mental in my normal state.
I’m out of my mind.
-Joey Jordison
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abainciakylililie · 4 years
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“May your heart remain breakable… But never by the same hand twice.” 
 Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. This is why we can’t have nice things. 
 “I took a chance, I took a shot. And you may think I’m bullet-proof, but I’m not. You took a swing, I took it hard. And down here from the ground I see who you are.” - Taylor Swift 
 Random thought: Public speaking is very easy. Like sleeping in your bed with your eyes open. ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ  (☉_☉) char. 
 Random thought 2.0: Dark chocolate digestives are better than milk chocolate digestives.
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itsjuliannebadilla · 4 years
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Bloom beautifully, dangerously,loudly
Bloom softly however you need just bloom
- Rupi kaur
Hello there! Welcome to my world! If you are looking for someone spectacular... I guess that can't be me, I barely manage to run my life and to give purpose with it. But hey I'm trying! I'm still working out for the betterment of myself, I figured it will take a lot of time, so just like other people, I'm still patiently waiting.
To give you an idea of who I really am, not that you are really curious about it, I am a 17-year-old girl who loves tomatoes so much. I eat a lot far from what my stomach can cater - tell you, a messy eater too. My mom often asks where do my money usually goes? Aside from foods, I am an impulsive buyer too.
Does anyone here a kdrama addict too?! I usually spend my free days watching Korean dramas; sometimes American series but for me, Korean dramas just hit differently. Books, also, are my daily dose of happiness. Whenever I read, I feel calm and peaceful. Most of the time, I prefer staying at home; but traveling is an essential thing for me. It adds fuel to my soul. It reminds me of my purpose.
These are the few stuff about me. Just like a normal teenager. I am still struggling with a lot of things. I grow every day, I matured gradually. I'm still planting the seed of my mistakes hoping that one day, they will grow flowers from it, gaining experiences that would strengthen who I'll be as a person. Once again hello, I am Julianne A. Badilla, thriving, waiting to bloom.
Some pictures were retrieved from Pinterest.com
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ianbalintong · 4 years
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In these times of uncertainty, the news becomes our assurance with everything that is happening around us, but what if news itself is controllable by our own government that seems to be so foreign to its own people? Where do we go to? Who do we trust? Where do we find assurance? Are we still a democratic country?
illustrations by  @hanchi28 on twitter
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hnnhdlg · 4 years
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You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works.
You have to read every line, meet every character.
You won't enjoy all of it.
Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks.
You will read the things you don't want to read.
You will have moments when you don't want the pages to end.
But you have to keep going.
Stories keep the world revolving.
Live yours, don't miss out.
-Shreyanshi Kansara
I'm Hanna Bantinan, just turned 17 last January 15. I grew up together with my cousins and fighting my three brothers lol. I love playing billiards, watching kdrama or some documentaries, outdoor activities, mind and card games in short I'm a future sugarol lol. I have a sharp-tongue and high pride. Especially when there's nothing to left, I make sure I still have my pride because that's only thing they cannot take away from me. I can say that I'm a fast learner but a fast forgetter too. They say I'm kuripot and somehow its true because once it started, I don't know how to end it haha. I love reading fictional books and I write sometimes. I have a sister she's my father's cousin what do I call her: Aunt? Nah, I'm not used to it so bear with me. She's a book lover and one of those reason why I started to read books although I'm impatient and easily get tired. So up until now, I still don't know what path to take/what craft my really is. I just want to travel or explore the world. I want to work for Nat. Geo. Going to different places and getting to explore? Its like a work and pleasure combined. I also want to enter business world or law school but who am I kidding I'm super lazy and I want to own my time, so screw that. Maybe I'm just gonna be a freelancer or a random picker would be fine just kidding and I have nothing to say now.
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lanhzaggabaosstuff · 4 years
"How to use social media properly"
1. Think before you post
Before you post something you need to make sure that your post is appropriate and will give benefits for the others avoid posting a content that will offend others.
2. Stop creating fake news
We should avoid sharing fake news to avoid misinformation and panic to people that can read it.
3. Do not post personal information
Do not post too much personal information because it may lead into serious crime like hacking.
4. Use citations
It is important to give credit to the owner of the information that you get to avoid plagiarism.
5. Control feed
We must control ourselves from sharing nonsense content and we must control our feelings and not get too emotional because not everyone can relate or understand on what you share in your feed.
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russelcaacbay · 4 years
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Hi I am Russel I really like to play games any time any where everywhere every time and also I like to sleep so much and eat then study and finish all my task at night : >
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karen-samson-arana · 4 years
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I'm just a simple girl named karen arana and my middle name is samson. I'm 18 years old. And i live in bacoor city. You call me ayen or karen but don't use my middle name. I'm only girl in the family. I'm just a simple girl appreciate my family and love to Talk and Sing.
• I love eating
• and playing badminton
It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re not worth anything.” – Nick Vujicic
I believe that god has a purpose for your pain. Reason for your struggle and reward for your faithfulness
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imedzelaberia · 4 years
Aberia, Edzel John B. HUMSS 12-01
How to Use Social Media Responsibly
          We need to be aware on what we are posting and sharing especially  on social media where everyting is just one click away. Being aware on what we are posting is very relevant because it helps us to become conscious on what is happening around us, what are the news,informations,announcement and etc. We need to use social media responsibly to spread the informations and ideas that media imparts to us.
          Being responsible on what we are liking and sharing on social media is very important because it helps us to enhance our values by being responsible on what we are sharing and what we are posting. Our post,likes,comments in social media matters. That is why we need to be responsible at all times.
          We need to be factual at all times, where fake news is everywhare we need to check the sources,author or if the link or sites are really credible. We should only share informations and facts that is applicable. Being factual can help other people on what are latest issues and topics that they need to know in our society.
          Being sensitive should be done at all times, there are times that we do not know that maybe other people are being hurt on what we are saying or posting. Each and everyone of us are has different personality and attitude that is wy being sensitive shoud be done at all times.
          We need to be knowledgeable on what we are liking,commenting,posting and sharing. Being knowledgeable is very important because from that specific topic we can share our insights and opinions regarding on the topic. We can also impart our knowledge to other people.
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banayjade · 4 years
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In the middle of a pandemic, they did something. They did something that us, commoners, won’t be able to stop. Because they know we are controllable. They took over the current situation and took advantage of it. Passed a anti terror law, and shut down the biggest and most influential entertainment company in the country. Why is that? because they are scared. They know people are more powerful than them. They are cowards who only does the job if people are behind their cage. We should be enraged and prepared. This should start the revolution. We, will never be silenced. Never. 
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mayithaccad · 4 years
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"They can imitate you but they can't duplicate you"
Hi im Mayith Accad 18 yrs. old from Bacoor cavite.
When I was in elementary I have a circle of friends that always make fun of me just because of my body size and also I'm not pretty like them. That's why I lost my confidence in everything.Then I learn to use makeups too, to be creative and to accept my self for being me . 
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abainciakylililie · 4 years
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“If you're insulting people on the internet, you must be ugly on the inside.” ― Phil Lester
Before you Post, THINK
T: Is It TRUE?
H: Is It Helpful?
I: Is It Inspiring?
N: Is It Necessary?
K: Is It Kind?
It only takes one click to ruin a kid’s life. Problem with cyber bullying is everything. If you have something mean to say, look in the mirror & say it to yourself. Maybe you’ll think twice.
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jhyrilljoiceguayan · 4 years
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"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." -George Bernard Shaw
"Social media is a dangerous place to seek affirmation, acceptance, identity, and security." -Cornelius Lindsey
Performance task 1
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