I'm also tempted to make Lowan in BG3 just so I can see how Gale responds to having another wizard in the party
When I made Kay her own save file, I used the ring of change tags mod to give her the wizard tag before she got any levels in the class (since she was a wizard before becoming a warlock), but since I decided to convert Tav's save to Kay (so I wouldn't have to go through half the game all over again making similar choices with Kay that I did with Tav) when I was almost done with Act 2 I didn't get to go through the Weave lesson scene with him as a wizard. I really wonder how that scene in particular changes if the player is a wizard (does it adjust to be not so much a lesson as just two wizards bonding through the Weave? Does any wizard dialogue options you chose make it so you don't experience the Weave with Gale?)
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