#Los Angeles Wildcats
theusviral · 2 years
Falcons and Seahawks predictions: Expert picks for two Sunday NFL games
Falcons and Seahawks predictions: Expert picks for two Sunday NFL games
Commercial content 21+. The Wildcat returns for his 26th season in The Post. Including the 1997-2021 seasons in the Bettor’s Guide, Cat’s NFL record in print stands at 674-582 (53.8 percent) against the spread.  ATLANTA FALCONS (+3) over Los Angeles Chargers The state of the Chargers’ secondary provides the Falcons an opportunity to continue to perform above expectations in this surprise-laden…
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robeight · 2 years
L.A. Lakers’ Anthony Davis Donates $350K To Kentucky Flood Relief
Former University of Kentucky basketball player and current L.A. Lakers power forward Anthony Davis donates $350-thousand to Eastern Kentucky flood relief. Earlier this week, University of Kentucky basketball coach John Calipari tweeted that Davis had been in touch with him to see how he could help following the devastating floods in Kentucky.
“This is what makes you proud as a coach,” Calipari tweeted. “I didn’t want to ask any of our former guys for help since six months ago they gave to the tornado victims in west Kentucky, but without my asking, [Davis] got in touch with me tonight.” Even though the NBA All-Star player was only at Kentucky for one year a decade ago, he still feels a deep connection to the state.
After the Kentucky basketball team held an open practice as a fundraiser and hosted a flood relief telethon, Calipari followed up his first tweet with another announcing a sizable donation to relief efforts by Davis. “After watching all of the devastation and, knowing what our players did tonight - he has offered to give $350,000 to the Kentucky Flood Relief,” the tweet reads. “That’s servant leadership in action, that’s staying connected to this program and this state. Love you, Ant.”
Source: ON3
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theodoradove · 8 months
SF Silent Film Festival winter program!
Saturday, December 2, Castro Theatre
More information, tickets and passes at silentfilm.org
10:00 AM
A collection of animated shorts, 1908–1928
Some of the most creative films from the silent era came out of an inkwell! Our collection includes animated shorts from 1908–1928, films that outshine much of what followed. For sheer audacity and pure joy, these films by cartoon masters Including the Fleischer brothers, Pat Sullivan, and Walt Disney, can’t be beat!
Fantasmagorie (1908, d. Émile Cohl)
How a Mosquito Operates (1912, d. Winsor McKay)
Adam Raises Cain (1922, d. Tony Sarg)
Amateur Night on the Ark (1923, d. Paul Terry)
Bed Time (1923, d. Dave and Max Fleischer)
Felix Grabs His Grub (1923, d. Pat Sullivan)
A Trip to Mars (1924, d. Dave and Max Fleischer)
Vacation (1924, d. Dave and Max Fleisher)
Alice’s Balloon Race (1926, d. Walt Disney)
Felix the Cat in Sure Locked Homes (1928, d. Pat Sullivan)
12:00 NOON
THE WILDCAT (Die Bergkatze)
1921, d. Ernst Lubitsch
Pola Negri, Victor Janson, Paul Heidemann
Before director Ernst Lubitsch left Germany to ply his famous ‘Touch’ in Hollywood, he made a series of comedies that gave hints at what was to come. The Wildcat is his last German comedy and his most riotously zany. Subtitled ‘A Grotesque in Four Acts,’ Wildcat makes use of extravagant set design and eccentric frame shapes that lend a surrealistic edge to its antic energy. Pola Negri’s Rischka leads a gang of mountain bandits who ambush Lieutenant Alexis (Paul Heidemann) on his way to the local fortress, leaving him pant-less (and smitten) on the ice. Film writer John Gillett called the film “both an anti-militarist satire and a wonderful fairy tale.”
2:15 PM
1925, d. Clarence Brown
Rudolph Valentino, Vilma Banky, Louise Dresser
Clarence Brown's rousing film displays a perfect blend of elements—romance, swashbuckling, a modicum of humor, and the great Rudolph Valentino! Not to mention the splendid production design by William Cameron Menzies and gorgeous camerawork by George Barnes. After Valentino's Russian lieutenant rejects the amorous attentions of Catherine the Great (Louise Dresser), she orders him arrested. Instead, he flees and becomes a masked avenger intent on righting the wrongs visited upon his father and his countrymen by loutish nobleman Kryilla Trouekouroff (James A. Marcus). But the nobleman has a beautiful daughter (Vilma Banky)...
Live music by WAYNE BARKER
4:15 PM
PAVEMENT BUTTERFLY (Großstadtshmetterling)
Germany/Great Britain, 1928/1929, d. Richard Eichberg
Gaston Jacquet, Anna May Wong
Luminous Anna May Wong goes from a fan-dancing carnival act to an artist garret and finally to the French Riviera where she accompanies a wealthy art patron around Monte Carlo, draped in haute couture. Wong left Hollywood in search of roles more fitting her talents than the racially-circumscribed ones at home. This Weimar title showcases her magnetism—when Wong is onscreen, you can't look away.
7:00 PM
1923, d. Fred C. Newmeyer, Sam Taylor
Harold Lloyd, Mildred Davis
Harold Lloyd's bumpkin salesclerk comes up with a publicity stunt that will bring attention to his department store and earn him the money to marry his sweetheart—scale the 12-story building like a human fly! Shot in downtown Los Angeles, the stunt has given us one of the most iconic images of the silent era—Lloyd precariously hanging over the city street, dangling from a broken clock. James Agee wrote: "Each new floor is like a new stanza in a poem; and the higher and more horrifying it gets, the funnier it gets."
9:00 PM
1928, d. Victor Schwertzinger
Clive Brook, William Powell, Olga Baclanova
Heliotrope Harry (Clive Brook) and Froggy (William Powell) are partners in crime—genteel armed robbery—at least until the cuckolded Harry commits an even bigger offense. Before Harry goes to prison, he leaves his baby girl on the doorstep of a wealthy couple to keep her out of the clutches of his no-good wife Lilly (Olga Baclanova) and tasks Froggy with keeping close tabs. But Froggy is no match for Lilly...
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macbethz · 8 months
oh man i would love more transmetropolitan-adjacent 90s comics recs.....
omg i got you. I will be bleeding a little into the late 80s and early 2000s here (as transmetropolitan itself did with the early 2000s) but I do think they full of a similar kind of gross edginess (affectionate).
THIS GOT SO LONG SORRY I GOT EXCITED. also sorry for grammar etc i am kinda falling asleep but YAYY comics
first of all i will say MANDITORY DISCLAIMER that Warren Ellis is an awful person and you can find all his works online if you know where to look and/or used on eBay. HOWEVER he has unfortunately written some of my favorite comics, including transmet. which means of course a lot of the best transmet adjacent stuff is written by him. So some Ellis comics:
Desolation Jones: ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVES! which is unfortunately forever unfinished at 8 issues. It follows an ex-MI6 operative working as a private eye in Los Angeles, which acts as a secret prison for the discards of the intelligence community. Jones was put through the desolation test for a full year, which was a form of torture where, among other things, he was exposed to images of violence and death 24/7 without sleep, leaving him with little emotion and a very broken mind. Beautiful page composition and art. Be warned though it is just straight up unfinished
"Superhuman Trilogy": This is the name for 3 completely unrelated comics Ellis wrote that all deal with twisted takes on the creation of superheroes: Black Summer, No Hero, and Supergod. Of these I think No Hero strays a little too much into edge for the sake of it, the other two are very good and unique explorations of different aspects of the genre.
Stormwatch: Ellis' Stormwatch run is basically the lead up to the Authority. You CAN skip it and i recommend most people do because it is VERY 90s and not necessarily the good kind. but if you have a passion for 90s nonsense it is very fun and its cool to see the beginnings of the subversions of the comic industry that come to fruition in the Authority. I cannot emphasize enough that this run is fucking insane and of debatable quality. I believe his run goes from vol 1 #37 through the end of vol 2. and don't forget to pick up wildCATS/Aliens if you want to see the true craziness of 90s comics, where a cash-grab crossover is simultaneously essential to the windstorm universe. yeah they just did whatever back then
The Authority: The superhero comic that defined superhero comics for the next 2 decades. Coined the widescreen comic, unfortunately indirectly led the the creation of the MCU. Superheroes as anarchist gods. The end of the century as the end of the world. A lot of stuff that reads to modern eyes as cliche or overdone because the Authority made it so goddamn popular afterwards.
Now for some non Ellis!
If you enjoy transmet you will probably enjoy the other British Invasion writers. Basically there was a period in comics post-Alan Moore where a lot of British writers started getting hired in American comics and writing weird shit.
Sandman: I don't think I need to describe this one. A lot edgier and more directly goth subculture inspired than the netflix adaptation conveyed
Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol: What if instead of making you a superhero your "superpowers" were more like disabilities? And also you were constantly fighting the most batshit enemies possible? That is this comic. Weird, surreal, and very influenced by modern and postmodern artistic movements.
Peter Milligan's Shade, The Changing Man: imo this is such a British Invasion sleeper hit. No one talks abt this one. A being from another dimension with the power to control capital-M-Madness possesses the body of a serial killer right before he is executed on death row. He then teams up with the daughter of the serial killer's victims to stop a plague of Madness from spreading across the US called the American Scream. All about being weird, gross, and awesome.
Now, I have not read Preacher myself. HOWEVER I have seen the show and really enjoyed it. I am naturally suspicious of Garth Ennis but he is a staple of 90s edge so I feel like I have to say something. I can definitely recommend the show and have heard good things about the comic but again. It's Ennis.
Non british invasion and a little later, but I also really recommend Invincible! A lot of that same early 2000s satire and ultraviolence expanded over a MASSIVE storyline that loves superheroes as much as it parodies them
ANYWAY im probably forgetting some but i am sleepy and got excited abt this lmao. A lot of this is pretty popular so might not be anything new but i hope it helps!
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This collection of impressive photos captures the street scenes and everyday life of Los Angeles in the 1930s.
Most of the pictures were taken by Ansel Adams who was commissioned to document the city’s industry as the country was shoring up its air power.
Many of his photographs focused on the lunchtime rituals of factory workers, along with everyday street scenes he encountered as he ambled about the rapidly developing region.
Adams visited a bowling alley, a forest of oil derricks, and a trailer park, one of many that popped up to meet a fierce demand among the workers for temporary housing.
But only a handful of Adams’ images were published by Fortune magazine.
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Historian Carey McWilliams wrote that Los Angeles’s growth is “one continuous boom punctuated at intervals by major explosions.”
By 1920, southern California’s population had surpassed that of northern California, and in the next several years, Los Angeles experienced “the largest internal migration in the history of the American people.”
Hundreds of thousands of people arrived by automobile.
It was a frenzied period of wildcat oil drilling, intense business speculation, religious excitement, extensive suburban development, the birth of the aircraft and film industries, and civic corruption.
The charismatic Pentecostal minister Aimee Semple McPherson captivated audiences with her dramatic preaching.
Droves of starry-eyed young people arrived hoping to follow in the footsteps of such movie actors as Mary Pickford, “America’s Sweetheart,” and her daredevil husband, Douglas Fairbanks.
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Los Angeles was very much a white-dominated town in the 1930s.
Housing and public facilities were segregated, and job discrimination was widespread.
The Great Depression caused high unemployment in the region and exhausted the resources of private and public assistance.
To slash welfare lists, public officials repatriated thousands of Mexicans—and their U.S-born children.
Amid this dire situation, Los Angeles built facilities for and hosted the 1932 Olympic Summer Games as planned.
The city’s remoteness from Europe and from much of the rest of the world contributed to reduced international participation.
Nevertheless, the Games were a great success and showcased Los Angeles to the world.
Meanwhile, the corruption in City Hall led to a recall movement against Mayor Frank L. Shaw and his close associates.
Police misconduct and the mayor’s mishandling of public funds forced Shaw from office and led to the election of reform mayor Fletcher Bowron in 1938.
Economic recovery was relatively swift in the late 1930s, owing to the prosperity of the film industry, the tapping of electrical energy from Hoover Dam, and the production of airplanes for Britain and France at the outset of World War II.
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(Photo credit: Ansel Adams / Los Angeles Public Library, via The California Sun / Library of Congress / Wikimedia Commons / Flicr / Pinterest)
Updated on: January 13, 2023
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bandzhoe9194 · 6 months
All 11 chapters (and information page) are up! <3
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Daithi de Wildcat, Terrornuckel, Krii7y, H20 Vanoss, Scotty/Chrissy, Marcel/Kris
Against his friends wishes, Daithi moves into a new apartment complex in Los Angeles. What he didn't know until he talked to the landlord, was that nearly every apartment was taken by some kind of Supernatural being.
Daithi makes friends though, being the cheerful asshole he is, but there's one who stands out the most. A man who always showed up at the most random of moments. Tyler.
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drrubinspomade · 7 months
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#wildcat #mark wall photo
YES, yes.
We post pinups daily! If you dig this pic we’ve found online, u should investigate the creator/subjects of the above work and fan them, follow them, hire them.
If you’d like us to remove, or you know who made this so that we can credit, DM. Thanks. Greetings from Los Angeles.
Dr Rubin’s Pomade
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dzgrizzle · 4 months
Flannery O’Connor movie to release in New York and Los Angeles on May 3rd with a national rollout to follow!
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rinisbowen · 2 years
kyla talks about the season 3 trailer time... 
okay, let’s go. i just made a smaller post about the two things in the instagram trailer that i didn’t see in the main one, but if i missed something, i apologize in advance haha. 
i went through literally the whole thing- just less intensely than the season 2 trailer when i wrote it down the other day. still can’t believe we actually got the trailer today lowkey... 
i guess i’ll go in chronological order bc idk how best to go about this
ej picks up gina last (presumably with ashlyn, but who knows), and he’s driving their little group (carlos, kourtney, gina, ashlyn, and ej himself), in his little blue car. different car than season 1, but y’know. changed locations so they needed a new vehicle for him. it makes sense. 
ej’s so excited to take everyone to camp because it means a lot to him (instagram trailer) and like- love and friendship, go wildcats, etc. everyone else in that car is excited to go to camp because there’s a secret celebrity. who we already know is corbin bleu. 
when they all walk into camp and they blur that section on the side... i know that’s the pool area, and i’m going to go ahead and assume it’s so we don’t know there is a pool so we don’t conflate nini being in front of a pool with nini being at camp (nini’s definitely at camp in that shot where she’s in front of the pool, it’s definitely the same pool). they don’t want us to know she’s visiting. mark my words- she will. 
it’s VERY interesting that they frame maddox’s greeting everyone with the clip of ricky looking with interest at someone (or something i suppose)... and the shot of maddox that comes before the shot of ricky is from a different day than the “welcome folks” voiceover is from... ricky’s blue shirt in this shot is from episode 2 i’m pretty sure, idk about saylor’s dark grey shirt with the hot pink undershirt yet. maybe they’ll be from the same moment, but really- we don’t know. it’s just interesting that they’re cut together there, even if it’s not the same scene. might be, might not be.
and then we get maddox where her dialogue is actually from. episode 1, collecting phones, snacks, and electronics. maddox’s badge labels her a CIT and not a counselor. kourtney suffers having to give up her phone, which is apparently named sasha. (i would not be surprised if carlos turns in a phone but also brings a secret phone, i’m shocked the show would give up the facetime call mechanic, but at a summer camp it does make sense.)
they introduce corbin and frozen, we’ve all seen the sneak peek, this is a shorter section of that from episode 1. i don’t think i need to say anything there.
we see gina dancing on stage in a gold outfit- that should be fun
nini shows up at miss jenn’s door saying “surprise”- i know it’s 100% miss jenn by her pink sweater. she’s got a parasol and a massive sunhat. as a side note, her outfits in the trailer are way more nini than that solo promo photo which i appreciate. 
more on stage dancing, this time featuring corbin and people in gold and white basketball uniforms. my guess? showing off for his glory days in hsm. 
ej with gina from episode 1 when they’re arriving at camp- “best summer ever”. this boy is so excited and i love that for him truly. 
ricky throwing his arms up standing on some stumps on the edge of a cliff, overlooking what i’d assume is meant to be los angeles, (camp’s in california, but we don’t know where in california), standing next to big red’s orange car. (lowkey very curious about all this- but i think he’s likely going to sing a solo out here, just a matter of what the song is)
the summer camp car crew in the car- doing carpool karaoke to what time is it. shocker. then it turns to them taking selfies in front of the camp shallow lake sign. 
we’re 47 seconds in now, gina’s delivering a talking head. “it’s my first camp”- 
transitions to her in the cabin with ashlyn and kourtney also in episode 1, “should we spread out our bed assignments or do the new girl cluster”. (gina’s both super familiar with being new to things/places, and has never been to camp. shall be an interesting mix of feelings there). 
“my first boyfriend”-
transitions to her and ej on day 1, he kisses her, and presumably goes off to do counselor stuff (side note: we’ve only ever had a kiss in a trailer and it was between ej and nini in season 1. rini didn’t get one in either season, and neither has any other couple), carlos says “it’s just hitting me now that you two are gonna be a thing all summer”, he looks disgusted, gina looks flustered and all cutesy. it’s her first boyfriend. (i honestly don’t blame people for thinking this is not actually a good sign for them. it’s lowkey giving ‘i’m never breaking up with nini ever again’, rip rini)
“my first time really going out for the lead in a show”
i would like to start out by calling bs on that, but oh well. let’s continue... it shows gina auditionin on stage from episode 2. she looks happy and cute. 
okay- out of the talking head segment. we get the exterior of ‘the barn’ established 1978. so not just a family owned theatre camp, but one that’s been around a good while. 
everyone comes in, val announces “it’s time to introduce you to, your director”... the camera focuses on carlos, kourtney, gina, and ashlyn
transition to the sports day type scene where they’re doing some sort of big group song and dance number, color war thing. val’s cute she’s wearing both colors, the others are on teams with wearing one color. 
more dancing, but from episode 1, the car group, out of and then back in the car, THEN
val finishes her line- “ej caswell!” EJ IS DIRECTING FROZEN. he looks nervous and excited, the campers don’t visually react a ton besides gina who looks happy for him as she claps a little and ashlyn seems to start to clap too. (honestly- this might be the biggest reveal of the whole trailer i’m ngl. or at least the one with the most implications for the greater storyline. like there were other things that were definitely surprises, but didn’t have the same weight on the bigger story as a whole.) i have a LOT of thoughts here, we can talk about it later in another post if y’all would like. only one of which is the fact that that’s DEFINITELY a conflict of interest when he’s making casting decisions. 
scene changes to another episode, maybe episode 3 or 4? idk. gina’s in a red top and a red and white headband and ej’s wearing a deep blue camo athletic hoodie. ej: “just freaking out a little bit”, gina looks at him awestruck and idk if she’s concerned, confused, scared, or all of the above. 
shift to carlos and the others (ej, gina, ashlyn, kourtney) around a campfire from that same camo hoodie episode. ej is holding a guitar. YEAH- EJ. is playing the guitar.  carlos says “shake that money maker caswell”. kourtney visibly shimmies, carlos sort of does. (this was certainly a moment.)
we hear start the party (from camp rock) start to play in the background, as ricky dances with an air guitar type of move on that cliff overlooking la from before. i think he’s doing a solo out there, what it is, goodness knows. but yeah. 
we see jett for the first time, singing something holding a script in the barn in front of a little wooden table.
corbin basketball number returns.
carlos is steaming his vocal chords in the cabin with ricky. this whole scene with carlos and ricky is from episode 2. carlos: “i cannot focus on anything but auditions right now” ricky: “what are the two main guys’ names in frozen again?” carlos looks at him judgmentally, bc how the heck... disney- ricky like everyone else would’ve been inundated with frozen, i’m sorry this is just unrealistic. ricky: “one is... i wanna say... gary?” carlos, shaking his head: “none of them are gary...” ricky looks sort of worn out, laying back on the bed. carlos: “you can’t just zefron your way through auditions this time” 
it seems he takes this to heart, given in the next shot he’s on stage auditioning in like- a snow suit i’d call it. some have said perhaps he’s channelling kristoff. idek what i’d say. then we see visuals of kourtney, carlos, then ashlyn, auditioning, like we saw gina doing earlier. this is all episode 2, like i said before. they’re probably going to show the kids all singing bits from the same song, like montage style similar to belle. 
then we see nini again- playing her guitar this time. i’m pretty sure this is the same outfit from the pool clip we see later, but who knows. the v.o. is done by marvin, nini’s family friend, who says “i promise you, the best is yet to come”. he finishes the quote on screen, talking to nini.
then it changes to ashlyn, gina, and kourtney hugging in their cabin on day 1, more car gang carpool karaoke vibes, then gina dancing on stage in the gold (or green, but it’s shiny) outfit again. suffice it to say gina’s dancing a lot- good for her, bc that’s where she shines. 
we change to ashlyn and kourtney saying “scream!” excitedly. from the glimpse at channing’s yellow shirt, we know this is from the episode titled “no drama,” from the corbin still, from the glimpse at ricky’s blue and orange shirt behind the girls, we know it’s the same episode as the gina and ricky giggling and ej potentially being jealous scene.
then we get jojo siwa aka madison with maddox at the camp prom! this is from the aptly titled episode, camp prom. seventies themed dance. we see madison and maddox slow dancing together in the middle of the room, and for y’all who love seb and seblos, he and carlos are singing with one other person on the stage in the back if you look closely. madison says “sup wildcats” in the close up of her and maddox coming in, and then the image changes to carlos looking super excited. it’s definitely from the same episode from his outfit, but idk why he’s so thrilled to see maddox’s love interest. i’m sure we’ll find out later, otherwise it could be a misleading editing choice. 
corbin in his black jacket comes into the barn trailed by channing in the yellow shirt. this is from the ‘no drama’ episode, but i’ll bet this is what they’re pretending carlos is gasping about
nini’s voice over starts over the last clip, but now we see her talking to miss jenn (from the scene i mentioned towards the beginning, her outfit is the same and again we can see miss jenn’s pink sweater) nini: “it feels like these last few years have been leading up to something big...” we see miss jenn on screen smiling at her as she talks. 
transition back to camp, ej talking to gina in episode 1 in the evening, it’s dark, he’s in the jacket from the sneak peak, “nothing is gonna ruin our perfect summer together”. this is intercut with a visual of gina and ricky fussing over a piece of notebook paper gina steals from him and he tries to steal back, they’re giggling and having a good time, but the focus quickly shifts onto ej who is very much noticing and does not look at all pleased. jealousy... could be interesting. (this is from the episode “no drama”). tbh even just the quote itself doesn’t bode well, again if we look at it next to ‘i’m never breaking up with nini ever again’, and the fact that their sweet moments in the trailer are all pretty much from the one first episode. but i mean time will tell... 
intros of notable guests (aka corbin bleu, jojo siwa (as madison), jesse tyler ferguson (as marvin), and meg donnelly, listed as “zombies star, meg donnelly” (as val), and then “and our wildcats”. 
we see the earlier campfire scene, with carlos, ashlyn, kourtney, and gina wrapped up in blankets, then- gina and kourtney together from “no drama” in gina’s red floral dress, they seem happy, ej giving an auditioner a thumbs up in episode 2 (could be gina or ashlyn, or a particularly nervous auditioner, though he looks fond, so idk)
carlos and kourtney in pajamas outside from early morning, episode 2 (based on these being the same pajamas he has on with ricky in the cabin)
then a quick moment of ricky in his snow suit (presumably watching someone audition, a bit awestruck)
nini at the POOL- aka nini at CAMP. (my rini heart was lighting up when i saw nini at the pool... especially bc it looks like that might be the scene with her guitar... that pool is DEFINITELY at camp, particularly bc they went out of their way to blur the pool at camp when the group was walking in. ricky and nini proper goodbye moment- perhaps featuring nini playing him the song she wrote or them singing some sort of duet...  their last goodbye? we shall see.)
ashlyn, in the girls cabin in pajamas, morning of episode 2. “one could say the stakes have never been higher”
then we get some clips quickly flashing by, maddox with her polaroid camera, seemingly taking a photo of a posing ashlyn, jett winning the color sports day thing and raising a golden oar over his head, nini blowing a kiss and waving as she leaves presumably also miss jenn’s house, a spotlight shining on miss jenn as she stands presumably in camp spinning around, 
camera back on ashlyn but a wider shot, we see gina making her bed maybe, and kourtney under on her bunk as ashlyn sits atop hers, hand raised, “and one will- the stakes have never been higher”
a few quick notes, but i’ll talk more later if anyone’s curious about anything
i think they’re purposely hiding something about ricky’s storyline this season. what that is- no idea. but they definitely are. he doesn’t have enough screen time in this trailer for him being first billed and being literally front and center on the poster. (maybe he’s the bi character, but it could also easily be something else entirely.) i just know they’re trying to avoid telling us something, but i have no clue what that could be. if anyone has ideas- feel free to pop in my askbox... 
madison (jojo siwa’s character) and maddox seem to be romantically involved which is fantastic to see. i’m curious to see if maddox is the promised bi character or if maddox is out however she identifies, and leads someone else to sort of... go on that journey. i do hope it’s the latter and i think it would be fun if it were ashlyn. 
jesse who plays marvin said on his instagram story he’s only in the season for about 7 minutes. obviously this is an estimate on his part, but it’s something interesting to think about in terms of nini’s screentime and what her story looks like. he also said he shot his stuff seven months ago, so like- the VERY beginning of january probably, maybe even in december. so olivia was definitely taping her stuff separately due to her schedule... at least separate from the main cast, bc obviously she shot with kate and jesse, and maybe some others individually, we don’t know yet. 
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tinblossomsboutique · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: LA Embroidered Black 47 Cleanup Adjustable Wildcats Cap.
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cvcteeshirt · 3 months
Kerning is pretty equivalent {title} to tracking, but with just one significant variance: instead of changing the normal spacing across an whole vary of letters
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Anthony Marshon Davis Jr. (born March 11, 1993), nicknamed “AD”, is a professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers. He played for the New Orleans Pelicans. He plays the power forward and center positions. He is a nine-time NBA All-Star and has been named to four All-NBA First Teams and four NBA All-Defensive Teams. In his first season with the Lakers, he won the 2020 NBA Finals. He was named to the NBA 75th Anniversary Team. He won the inaugural NBA Cup in 2023 with the Lakers. He is regarded as one of the greatest power forwards of all time.
He played one season of college basketball for the Kentucky Wildcats when he was a first-team All-American and the Consensus National Player of the Year. He won the USBWA National Freshman of the Year, NABC Defensive Player of the Year, and the Pete Newell Big Man Award. He led the NCAA in blocks and set Southeastern Conference and NCAA Division I freshman single-season blocked shots records. He led Kentucky to a national championship and was named the most outstanding player of the 2012 NCAA Division I men’s basketball tournament.
He was named to the NBA All-Rookie First Team. He became an All-Star for the first time and led the NBA in blocked shots per game. He has become the youngest player to score at least 59 points in an NBA game. He was named the recipient of the NBA All-Star Game MVP Award after setting an All-Star Game scoring record of 52 points. He has won gold medals with the US National Team on their 2012 Olympic team and 2014 World Cup team, making him the first player in basketball history to win an NCAA title, NBA title, Olympic gold medal, and FIBA World Cup.
He is the son of Anthony Davis Sr. and Erainer. He has a twin sister and an older sister. His cousin Keith Chamberlain played professional basketball in Germany.
He married Marlen Polanco (2021). They have three children together.
He trademarked his unibrow sayings “Fear The Brow”, “Raise The Brow,” and “Street Clothes Davis”. He launched AD’s Flight Academy, which holds charitable events in the Greater New Orleans area. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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lovelyfurioushologram · 5 months
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lalakersblog · 7 months
2023-24 Lakers Roster
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#23 LeBron James – SF
LeBron James is currently 38 years of age and is playing in his 21st NBA season. Those seasons have been divided playing for Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Lakers. James was drafted #1 pick in the 2003 draft, selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers. He has won 4 NBA champions, 4 NBA Finals and regular season MVPs. These are only a few of the current NBA all-time leading scorer, only recently surpassing former leading scorer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the 2022-23 season. James has been with the Los Angeles Lakers for the past 5 years and has led the Lakers to a Championship in the bubble season in 2020 (ESPN, n.d.). He has made a huge impact for the Los Angeles and the NBA league and he will continue to do so in the next couple years of his career.
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#12 Taurean Prince – PF
Taurean Prince is currently 29 years of age and is playing in his 8th NBA season. These seasons have been played at Atlanta Hawks, Brooklyn Nets, Cleveland Cavaliers, Minnesota Timberwolves and is now at the Los Angeles Lakers. There was also a season where he played at the Long Island Nets in the NBA G League. He has multiple awards from his experience in college at Baylor which include, first-team all-big 12, second-team all-big 12 and the big 12 sixth man award (ESPN, n.d.). He will be a valuable asset to our starting line-up and off the bench as well as being a crucial member of the 2023-24 Lakers team.  
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#3 Anthony Davis – PF
Anthony Davis is a 30-year-old, currently playing in his 12th NBA season. These seasons have been played at the New Orleans Pelicans and the Los Angeles Lakers. Alongside LeBron with multiple awards being won, Davis has been an NBA all-star 8 times, been included in the all-NBA first team 4 times and has won an NCAA champion with the Kentucky Wildcats. This then led to him being drafted as the #1 pick in the 2012 draft to the New Orleans Pelicans, where he played for 7 seasons before getting traded to the Lakers in 2019 (ESPN, n.d.). Whilst at the Lakers Davis was also a part of the 2020 NBA championship team and has continued to make a huge contribution to the former and current Los Angeles Lakers teams throughout his 4-5 seasons at the Lakers
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#1 D’Angelo Russell – PG
D’Angelo Russell is currently 27 years of age and is playing in his 11th NBA season. Russell has played at the Brooklyn Nets, Golden State Warriors, Minnesota Timberwolves and has also previously and is currently playing at the Los Angeles Lakers. He has been an NBA all-star and was included in the NBA all-rookie second team in 2016. Russell was drafted as the 2nd pick in the 2015 draft to the Los Angeles Lakers, where he played his first 2 years before being traded to the Brooklyn Nets (ESPN, n.d.). He had recently come back to the Lakers in the 2022-23 season and continues to add value to the Lakers team as his is a current starter and the leading guard.
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#15 Austin Reaves – SG
Austin Reaves is a 25-year-old who is currently playing in his 3rd season in the NBA. Reaves went undrafted in the 2021 draft due to not wanting to play for the Detroit Pistons. This led to him being signed to the Los Angeles Lakers in 2021 and making his NBA debut in the 2021-22 season. Prior to playing in the NBA, Reaves went to both Wichita State and Oklahoma colleges, which led to him making the first-team all-big 12 and the big 12 all-newcomer team throughout his last two years of college (ESPN, n.d.). Reaves has become a great asset for the Lakers as he is the starting shooting guard, getting some important minutes.
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#35 Christian Wood – F
Christian Wood is currently 28 years of age and is playing his 9th NBA season. Within the 9 seasons, Wood has played for the Philadelphia 76ers, Charlotte Hornets, Milwaukee Bucks, New Orleans Pelicans, Detroit Pistons, Houston Rockets, Dallas Mavericks and now, the Los Angeles Lakers. He has also played a few seasons with G League teams, Delaware 87ers, Greensboro Swarm and the Wisconsin Herd. Whilst playing in the NBA G League, Wood has won the all-NBA G League second team and the all-NBA G League third team. Similar to Austin Reaves, Wood also was undrafted, which led to him signing with the 76ers after a summer league with the Houston Rockets in 2015 (ESPN, n.d.). Wood will be a significant addition to the Lakers 2023-24 team with his ability to score, rebound and block as a tall centre.
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#7 Gabe Vincent – PG
Gabe Vincent is a 27-year-old guard playing in his 5th NBA season. Vincent has played his last 4 seasons with the Miami Heat and now currently plays for the Los Angeles Lakers. He has also played for the Stockton Kings and the Sioux Falls Skyforce in the NBA G League where he won the NBA G League MVP award. Vincent also went undrafted in 2018, which led to him signing a 10-day contract with the Sacramento Kings, then went to start his professional career in the G League (ESPN, n.d.). This was followed by him being signed to the Heat in 2020. Vincent will be coming off the bench throughout the 2023-24 NBA season and will provide a versatile player in the point guard position for the Lakers.
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#5 Cam Reddish – SF
Cam Reddish is 24 years of age and is playing his 7th NBA season. These seasons have been played at the Atlanta Hawks, New York Knicks, Portland Trail Blazers and the Los Angeles Lakers. Reddish was drafted 10th overall in the 2019 after completing one year at Duke. Prior to his short college career, Reddish had been chosen to play in the McDonald’s All-American game in 2018 whilst attending Westtown School (ESPN, n.d.). Reddish will most likely be coming off the bench but will bring scoring assets to the line-up for the Lakers.
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#11 Jaxson Hayes – C
Jaxson Hayes is currently 23 years of age and is about to play in his 5th NBA season. These seasons have been played at the New Orleans Pelicans but now has progressed to the Los Angeles Lakers for the 2023-24 season. Hayes was the 8th overall in the 2019 draft taken by the Atlanta Hawks but was then traded straight to the New Orleans Pelicans. During his NBA career, Hayes had also played for the Birmingham Squadron in the G League. Prior to the NBA, Hayes went to Texas College for a year, which led to him being selected in the second-team all-big 12, big 12 freshman of the year and the big 12 all-defensive team (ESPN, n.d.). Hayes brings another tall body coming off the bench for the Lakers.
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#28 Rui Hachimura – PF
Rui Hachimura is a 25-year-old power forward playing in his 6th NBA season. These seasons have been played at the Washington Wizards, whilst the last two seasons have/will be at the Los Angeles Lakers. Hachimura was taken as the 9th pick in the 2019 draft selected by the Washington Wizards and was in-between Cam Reddish and Jaxson Hayes which were picks 8th and 10th in the same draft class of 2019. Hachimura was born in Japan and was acknowledged as the first Japanese player in the NCAA, where he played for Gonzaga and was the second Japanese born players in the NBA. In his second NBA season, Hachimura was also named in the NBA all-rookie second team (ESPN, n.d.). Hachimura has already become an all-round player for the Lakers in the 2022-23 season, which will definitely be continued into the 2023-24 season.
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wuwahei · 8 months
My Largest UCLA Bruins Basketball Lesson
In the heart of Los Angeles, the iconic UCLA Bruins basketball team has captured the attention of basketball enthusiasts with their thrilling performances, showcasing each resilience and determination all through the season. The Bruins have pushed their limits, remaining a formidable force and asserting their dominance in the college basketball arena https://www.uclabasketballjerseyonline.com/evan-manjikian-jersey-c-10.html. Under the cautious guidance of head coach Mick Cronin, the group has shown tremendous improvement and a notable shift in functionality compared to earlier years. With a strong roster and a robust emphasis on teamwork, the Bruins have worked tirelessly to establish themselves as one of the prime contenders in the Pac-12 Conference. Despite the challenges they faced early in the season, which includes injuries to key players, the Bruins' determination by no means wavered. They exhibited their unwavering resolve, relying on their depth and versatility to hold their dreams of achievement alive. This resilience was epitomized in their intense matchup against the Arizona Wildcats, exactly where the Bruins fought tirelessly until the final whistle Dylan Andrews Jersey, securing a difficult-earned victory. Led by the dynamic duo of guards, Johnny Juzang and Tyger Campbell, the Bruins' offense has been a force to be reckoned with Russell Stong Jersey. Juzang, a transfer from Kentucky, has been a revelation, regularly delivering scoring performances that have left crowds in awe. His capability to navigate through defenses and obtain the bottom of the net has been crucial to the Bruins' success, earning him accolades as one of the brightest stars in college basketball. On the defensive finish, the Bruins have been equally impressive, regularly disrupting opponents' strategies with their tenacity and agility. Cody Riley and Jaime Jaquez Jr. have emerged as formidable defensive assets, intimidating their adversaries and producing life hard for opposing offenses. Their skillful shot-blocking and potential to study the opponents' plays have played an integral part in the Bruins' ability to shut down their opponents' scoring possibilities. Furthermore, the unity and camaraderie amongst the players have been vital to their achievements this season. They have displayed trust in 1 yet another, forging a bond that extends far beyond the basketball court. This cohesion has been visible in their seamless passing, flawless coordination, and the palpable chemistry that resonates via their gameplay. The Bruins' journey has not been devoid of its obstacles, with injuries and a grueling schedule testing their mettle. However, they have emerged victorious, each in their challenging physical battles and in the unyielding belief they have in themselves and their teammates. With the standard season drawing to a close, the Bruins have their sights set on the upcoming NCAA tournament. Confident in their skills, they are determined to make a deep run and etch their names in the annals of college basketball history. As the Bruins gear up for the culmination of their season, the city of Los Angeles stands behind them, prepared to rally and support their beloved group. The UCLA Bruins basketball program has captured the hearts of fans across the nation with their grit, determination, and relentless pursuit of victory. In a season marked by resilience and unwavering determination, the Bruins have redefined what it indicates to be a basketball team. They have emerged as a formidable force, ready to take on any challenge that comes their way. The stage is set, and their sights are set on glory.
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bandzhoe9194 · 6 months
The Prey In The Dark - DDW
Chapter 1/10
Daithi de Wildcat/Terrornuckel/H20 Vanoss/BasicallyIDoWrk & Kris/Scotty & Chrissy
Against his friends wishes, Daithi moves into a new apartment complex in Los Angeles. What he didn't know until he talked to the landlord, was that nearly every apartment was taken by some kind of Supernatural being.
Daithi makes friends though, being the cheerful asshole he is, but there's one who stands out the most. A man who always showed up at the most random of moments. Tyler.
Updated daily!
⚠️violence, character death, manipulation⚠️
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