#Literally anytime I see “the power of friendship” anywhere I just die
yeetusthemighty · 1 month
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This stupid description is way too funny to me
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acosmicdisappointment · 3 months
— enzo.
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is that EMILIO SAKRAYA? oh, no, that’s LORENZO "ENZO" PERNAS, a TWENTY-SIX year old PERSONAL TRAINER AT GIMNASIO O2 AIRE who uses HE/HIM pronouns. they currently live in LAS TIERRAS DEL SOL IN QUILPUÈ, and the character they identify with most is THOR ODINSON FROM THE MCU. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas!
FULL NAME. lorenzo pernas NICKNAME(S). enzo, zolo, lorry (ONLY by his mother) AGE/BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC. 26 / august 16th / leo SEXUALITY. bicurious BIRTHPLACE. berlin, germany HEIGHT. 6'1" EYE COLOR. dark brown ILLNESSES/CONDITIONS. a charismatic manipulative asshole TATTOOS/PIERCINGS/SCARS. eyebrow piercing (left), chest tattoos, minor scars from boxing (faint scar near his left eyebrow now covered by a piercing; facial scar (right side), knuckle scars, large scar from his right shoulder across his back now covered by tattoos) FC. emilio sakraya
fiercely protective brave charismatic loud insensitive arrogant
tw: manipulation, parental neglect if you will, body image — Enzo was a product of yet another forbidden romance between a wealthy married businessman and a singer/waitress. His father was a well-known charismatic yet manipulative public figure while his mother was a simple and humble individual. At that time, his mother wasn't aware of his father's other family (or that they were the other family) — He witnessed firsthand the power of manipulation. His father used guilt trips, gaslighting, and emotional blackmail to control those around him. He kept telling her that he would leave his family for them but he really wouldn’t. — As a child, Enzo became adept at reading people, understanding their vulnerabilities, and exploiting them to his advantage. This early exposure to manipulation shaped Enzo's worldview, leading him to believe that manipulating others was a necessary skill for survival (yikes) — Enzo constantly fought for affection and attention from his father. This struggle has left him with a deep-seated need for control and validation. — Moving to Valparaiso made it harder for Enzo to win his father's favor. The good boy act obviously didn’t work so he did the total opposite. — Enzo became a little reckless and he found out he thrived on attention. He enjoyed the thrill of keeping people guessing about his intentions, often blurring the lines between friendship and something more. Enzo was skilled at creating a sense of intimacy without ever truly committing, leaving those around him unsure of where they stood. — Enzo's inability to be clear about his boundaries left his partners feeling uncertain about where they stood, leading to misunderstandings and heartache (hi luna) — Somewhere in the middle of all that, Enzo found his love for fitness. The work he does for his body is an extension of his mask. He learned that if he works hard enough, he can use that appearance as leverage to get what he wants and he can use that to further whatever serves his narrative.
to read to see to listen
— almost ALWAYS loses his keys (don’t ask him why) — would be the type to randomly challenge you to a fight (literally anywhere and anytime) — absolutely LOVES TO EAT (gym bod who?) — but is allergic to shrimp (the maximum he can eat is 6 pieces) — knows how to sing and play the guitar (y’know boy's down bad when he serenades his partner) — a big attention whore (srsly give him attention and you automatically got him hooked) — often goes shirtless (a way for him to show his bod, he's cocky like that i hate him) — just got back from Germany (he's still trying to get his father's attention poor boy)
tortured man club — a little group chat of men who strive to be better both as a partner and a person (or not who knows) enemies — sigh hello to the members of the 'enlozers (enzo is a loser) club™' make him your villain idc ride or die — enzo's a great friend if you give him a chance more tbd! you can definitely slide into my dms to plot
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mltimse-a · 3 years
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Me remembering ideas for characters I haven’t used yet, they’re under the cut because hella long. If you actually take the time to read theseand give input on which one you’d like to see, I’ll cry??
Archeron. Sea Serpent. He's a sea serpent that has a human form and loves to come annoy humans. He has this gruff way about him and could very well be considered a pretty boy. He can manipulate water while in his human form and if he gets wet while he’s in his human form, scales tend to appear in the spots where water touched. He has no goal really, other than annoy everyone in any which way possible.
Ivy. Poison Ivy plant somehow made human by a burst of magic. Still has the same affect as a human as they did as a plant, likes to be a little touchy just to cause mayhem. Doesn't understand how humans should act so tends to talk way too much and is kind of an ass ngl.
Tobias. Cursed Human. The curse on him to never be able to leave the old home of a witch that he trespassed on many years ago and cursed to never die, or rather, truly die, he can die but he just comes right back, so as the home rots around him, he’s stuck there, feeling hungry and lonely but never being able to die. The house is very haunted but he’s made friends with the spirits, well the good ones, the bad ones love to see him suffer. The home is a hot spot for occult lovers but the minute he appears and tells his story, they never believe him and leave him there. He has no idea how the curse can be lifted but he wants out.
Rivers, magician, A magician who grows tired of the worlds antics, of all the constant fighting and then peace for a tiny bit and then more fighting, is trying to figure out how to make world peace exist. A total pacifist. Specializes in defensive magic, especially light magic.
Yasmin, human, a bubbly little kleptomaniac who gets close with you only to steal all your stuff and then drop your friendship. She’s a runaway and does this to get money to live off of but also because she loves the thrill of stealing from someone that trusts her. She’ll steal everything from her friends, even their s/o. She just lives for stealing.
Ryan, human, owns a bar & smokes way too many cigarettes, gives good relationship advice to say he's never been in one, will honestly flirt with anyone if they're into it.
Gou, human but swears she's a magical girl, throws herself head first into dangerous situations to try and 'save the day' usually ends up in trouble because of it.
Brayleigh, magical being, can tell if a person is good or bad by looking in at their soul, bright souls are pure, shadowy souls are corrupted and horrible, murders the bad & takes the years they had left of their life and adds it to her own
Nym, Elf, monster hunter for hire, became one as a teen after his village was slaughtered by a gang of different monsters, his hunts sometimes lead him to the human realm.
Benjamin or Ben, cursed human, cursed to turn into a cat instantly after being kissed but turns back after 24 hours....But then turns back randomly when his emotions get out of control.
Atsuyoshi, spirit of good luck, being the spirit of good luck comes with a price, he has nothing but bad luck because he’s constantly blessing others with good luck. 
Hiei, tengu, pretends to be human with the help of his magical necklace, disowned by family and wanders around looking for his own way and his own people to be apart of.
Ayer, a demon that got kicked out of hell for falling in love with a soul he was meant to torture forever but instead did the whole fall in love and force reincarnated their soul despite them being a bad person so basically he unleashed evil back into the world
Kibiyo, an alien who has found peace on earth but works at some lousy bar. They are a server and the entertainment(singer) at the bar. They left their war torn planet because they were different for not wanting to just fall face first into a fight despite being born with the instincts and drive to fight, they just focused their mind on other things and wanted people to notice them and give them attention rather than fight in a war that might never end.
Wish. They're the 'wish granter', they're a monster that feeds on peoples souls while granting their wishes, sure you get the things you want but there's always a catch, always a bad bad side to the wishes and then you're losing your soul to the monster that has been fooling you from the very start. They're a sneaky little thing that has been around far longer than they look and well, they have no plans of going anywhere anytime soon.
Jacob. your neighborhood asshole. He likes to go and cause fights and used to be part of a street gang but got kicked out when he just about killed the leader of said gang, now he has to deal with that gangs lackeys coming at him and thinking they can kick his ass when he literally can take any of them. He isn't cocky, he isn't rude(usually), he just likes throwing his fists and likes causing pain and feeling the pain of someone fighting him.
Kii. They're a straight up killer for hire. They enjoy it so its a plus. So many people see their innocent and young looking face when they're hiring them and think that maybe they were blackmailed into their profession and this little shit right here just grins wide before giggling and saying 'oh no i chose this, it's kinda fun havin' that power of who lives and dies.' they just, really don't give a shit and just like to find creative ways to take down their targets.
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What I assume Yugioh is about based on having seen like less than 20 episodes of it
Because I used to do this every time I started reading a new Jojo part, just to see how much I got right and how much I got wrong. I don’t think anything will ever top “Rohan Kishibe is a high schooler who draws Chris Hart-esque anime art and thinks he’s a pro mangaka and his stand, Killer Queens, is made of bees, but maybe this will at least be slightly amusing. (Also I know it’s kinda late for this but listen, they still haven’t even gotten to Yami’s backstory, I still have genuinely no fucking clue what the actual overall plot of Yugioh is)
Anyway so here are the characters
Yuugi Mutotutotototuto
No for real tho is it Moto or Mutou someone explain this to me please
Looks like he’s 10 but is actually 15 and very short, which is relatable
Sunshine goth
So fucking nice and good and loves his friends
I think uh... I think he’s like mixed race and that’s why his hair is like that? Not that that makes literally any sense whatsoever but I feel like I remember someone saying something like that
I think he’s like the reincarnation of an ancient pharaoh, or maybe just his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-whatever-grandson
Was able to solve the Millennium Puzzle because of this and also probably because he’s good at games idk
The pure-hearted chosen one who can win every battle even if he’s at a disadvantage because he Believes in the Heart of the Cards. Still don’t know what the fuck that even means but I support him so much
Just a perfect boy
I’m willing to bet a large portion of the fandom thinks he’s a boring protagonist. I say this entirely based on the fact that he is a genuinely nice and optimistic person and god knows fandoms can’t handle characters who aren’t assholes
If you talk shit about Yugi I will show up at your house and eat all of your Yugioh cards. This is non-negotiable
Yami Yugi
The ghost of a pharaoh who was just Really Good At Games and maybe some sort of god or something idk. But I guess maybe he has amnesia?
His real name is Atem but nobody calls him that
Also my son now I love him so much I would die for him thanks
Anyway he lives in the Millennium Puzzle and occasionally possesses Yugi’s body and SOMEHOW this completely changes Yugi’s eye shape, makes his hair even MORE complicated and also makes him taller.
A fucking sadistic bitch
But like a good one though. Like I think he’s a good guy, he just needs to learn to Chill The Fuck Out For Once In His Goddamn Life. It’s ok though Yugi will teach him about the power of friendship and then it’ll be fine
Apparently kills people in the manga, which I guess would make him my legally allotted one (1) irredeemable murderboy I’m allowed to stan
Died tragically and violently after he... uh... he uh... he got framed for cheating at go? Anyway so that’s why his ghost lives in the Millennium Puzzle because I guess maybe he wants revenge or something??
In the most bizarre anti-bullying aesop I have EVER seen, whenever someone wrongs Yuugi or his friends Yami will show up and completely fucking eviscerate them
Just loves games so much, doesn’t matter what game it is or who he’s playing with or why, he will play any game anywhere anytime and will probably send someone into a coma in the process
In conclusion I’d die for him thanks for coming to my TED talk
Seto Kaiba
The antagonist, I guess
Had green hair but then they took it away. Why did they do that
Very mean, I do not like him. I guess he probably has a tragic backstory and Is Actually A Nice Guy Deep Down™ but I still don’t like him
Like a bazillionaire because he owns Kaibacorp. I have no idea what they do. Maybe they manufacture duel disks? Which are like these things you wear on your arm so you can put cards on it. Like a little table for your arm. I don’t know why this is necessary or special but everyone has one
Obsessed with Yami because he is So Good At Games that Kaiba thinks he’s his true rival or some shit idek
Technically could be compared to Akira Touya but I don’t want to because Akira is a very nice and good boy and Kaiba is at best an Ochi
Joey Jounouchi
Yugi’s bff and for some reason the only one of the Crewgi I ever hear anything about so I’m just going to assume this means he is plot relevant somehow
He is the delinquent who picks up stray kittens in the rain
Looks like an asshole but actually a decent dude
Has the exact same fucking backstory as Dio Brando, but like, isn’t an absolute garbage boy, unlike Dio
Was in a gang when he was a kid, a gang with yo-yos. Except in the manga it wasn’t yo-yos, I forgot what it was. Knives? Or maybe hockey sticks? Maybe hockey sticks with knives taped to them??
Trying his best
That isn’t his real name. I forgot what his real name is. I tried really hard to remember it but I couldn’t so now his name is Chadhotep
An Egyptian priest, not sure if he’s somebody’s reincarnation or immortal or a time traveler or just a regular guy who has Been Doing This For Generations
Has the Millennium Key, which presumably goes to the Millennium Lock and grants the user the power of fucking Shugo Chara whatever
Not really sure who’s side he’s on tbh
I feel like... he’s what Avdol could have been if Araki had gone more for the “badass pyromancer Egyptian fortune teller” thing like he had in chapter 1 instead of him being a constantly distressed mom friend. Not that this is a criticism of Avdol!! I love Avdol so much, he’s perfect, however I feel like Chadhotep could be like... an alternate Avdol I guess
I think he’s like Knuckles but instead of guarding the Master Emerald he guards the Millennium Items?
Haven’t actually seen him in like 10 episodes since Yami like... fuckin... imprisoned him in his mind palace for all eternity or some shit, is he ok?
Mokona Modoki
Kaiba’s little brother?????????
I guess he has like an Emporio Alniño thing going on?
Why is he here. He’s a child. Tell him to go home
I bet he’s supposed to be like 5 and speaks like a 15 year old because nobody knows how to write kids. That or he only looks like he’s 5 and is actually like 14
I don’t know anything about him but Kaiba is a bad role model
Thief King Bakura
I don’t actually know much about this guy because he hasn’t showed up yet but I think he’s the other antagonist?
Presumably the ghost of Yami’s ancient political rival, lives in the... what even is that. The fucking like. The Millennium Tambourine I guess
You know in Death Note when it’s revealed that there’s a whole orphanage full of L clones training to become the next Batman or whatever? He looks like he escaped from there
Presumably wants to steal all the Millennium Items so he can summon Shenron or vore god or some shit. I don’t actually know what all the others are but I’m going to assume there are 7 in total because that’s how magic item sets in anime work
Ok I know I made a Knuckles joke already but this dude legit looks more like a Sonic character than absolutely anyone else so far
And that’s everything I know about Yugioh, thanks. In case it isn’t obvious I took benadryl today and I haven’t been more than 60% awake since then
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visored-headcanons · 7 years
Head cannons for precious giant one
I love Hachi and the man deserves way more love that he’s usually given by the public so here are some Head cannons for my favorite giant.
• Hachi used to be the oldest member of their friend group. He had a good century or two on most of the others, but when it comes to their Rebirth as Vizards he’s now roughly the 5th oldest. He’s very cool with this, says that it makes an old soul like him feel young again.
• Hachi is actually small for his size if you can believe it. He comes from a family of high powered individuals with the genes to cause the severe increase in size and height. He is the smallest of the giants and is the younger brother of the gate guardian Danzomaru.
• Hachi was sent to the academy to potentially activate some sort of spiritual pressure related growth spurt or start to gain the same muscle most guardians have, but the runt of the litter was drawn to quiet corners of the libraries where he buried himself in information about the demon arts. Fighting with a blade or hand-to-hand didn’t feel good or comfortable, but being able to create something amazing from a few words felt so…right. By the time he reaches his third year he’s tutoring the sixth years in advanced Kido and graduates early to join as a seated member of the kido corps.
• Hachi’s hair color is naturally black. Back in the day he started dyeing it to distance himself from being recognized as someone related to his brute of a brother. He totally blew everyone’s minds when it turned out that the pink wasn’t natural after he it started to grow back during exile. In order to hide better, because a giant man with pink hair is a lot easier to find than a giant man with black hair, he shaved his head and beard and didn’t start dyeing it again until they were sure they weren’t being followed anymore. As a gift on their 75th birthday as Vizards, Tessai shows him a spell he created and Hachi no longer has to dye his hair because the spell uses his huge spiritual pressure as a vizard to continually cause his hair to come out his favorite shade of pink dye that was discontinued three years prior.
• Hachi’s an ace and aromantic. His family didn’t approve when he decided not to marry to carry on the Ushoda name, but he’s married to his kido and very happy just having his friends. The Vizards don’t even flinch at it.
o “I’m not attracted to anyone sexually or romantically. I’m an aromantic asexual.”
o “That’s nice Hach, now can you pass the soy sauce?”
• Hachi met Shinji a short while after Shinji became a captain, roughly around the same time that Hiyori was revealed to be the legendary lieutenant of the twelfth division. Shinji sought out assistance in getting a barrier up around a massive hollow nest and Hachi went in place of Tessai to do the work, and Shinji immediately decided that Hachi was to become one of his friends. By the end of the week Hachi has become one of the Hirako clique and feels right at home with these people.
• Hachi had to relearn kido after his hollowfication. Every spell he attempted was a pretty decent impression of what Renji Abarai would be like in the future. He had to break down every spell and tailor them to be able to suit people of their power levels, he wasn’t the only one left with little control of their kido, and along the way be began to redo some of the spells to make them simpler and more powerful. He basically rewrote the book on kido. To this day he’s still working on a new manuscript of a better kido repertoire for Soul Reapers.
• Hachi and Hiyori are an odd friendship. They’re pretty good friends for two people who are such polar opposites. She’s teeny-tiny, constantly angry, swing-happy, and focuses more on physical strength whereas Hachi is literally twice her height, 20 times her weight, the most calm Vizard/ soul you’ll ever meet, kido focused, and prefers to work as a support over fight a battle directly. They actually spend a good amount of time working out strategies together and testing each other in battle of will and intelligence when they aren’t off baking something delicious.
• Cutting off that arm during the final battle in the Winter war is on of the things Hachi is most conflicted about. If he didn’t do it, Barragan would have killed them all and that would be bad. At the same time he still hasn’t forgiven himself for what happened to Hiyori. Part of him blames himself, that because of his injury that he wasn’t able to throw up a barrier to either keep her from getting to Aizen, protected her from behind from Ichimaru. He still sees Shinji looking up at him, begging him to heal Hiyori with Kido.
• He won’t ever talk to anyone about what it was like to have to go over and carry Hiyori’s lower half over to where he had a barrier up to protect her while the others went into battle. He won’t ever tell Hiyori how hard is was to not break down sobbing while using what little power he had left to keep her alive long enough for Unohana or Orihime to come by and save her. He still can’t walk through that section of town with out feeling blood and spinal fluid seeping into the knees of his pants and staining his hand.
• He and Love are more than happy to hang out as the two single guys of the grouping. Love and Hachi are like everyone’s older brother and they’re more than willing to go out for a guy’s night or to let the girls drag them along for whatever escapade they want to get into.
• During their travels during their exile, Hachi chose that he wanted to visit Buddhist temples in Asia. They all spent a good portion of a decade hitting up every temple and monastery around the world, enjoying the peace and meditating.
• Tea is life and Hachi has a tea for everything. Good day? Drink some tea. Bad day? Drink this tea. Sick of tea? Don’t worry, try this new flavor Hachi just bought.
• The Vizards have a huge mug collection and Hachi holds the most at 496 mugs out of the 867 mugs that they have at the warehouse. Most of them are nice earthenware mugs that look very sophisticated but he’s a sucker for adorable mugs. He and Mashiro both favor the ones that have the little ceramic statues at the bottom, especially the ones with little animals inside. Do they need all those mugs? No. Do they somehow manage to store all of them at the warehouse and protect the mug hoard at all costs? Absolutely.
• Hachi and Tessai are still very close. Hachi is Tessa’s right hand and never hesitates to come when he calls.
• Like all the other Vizards, he’s always tired and can and will fall asleep anywhere and at anytime. He’s got the weird ability to fall asleep sitting up with his eyes open. Its led to multiple people talking to him and not realizing for nearly ten minutes that he’s not awake.
• During the winter he’s everyone’s favorite person. They like to stay in and snuggle up in blankets and either doze or watch holidays specials, and Hachi is a living heater and not even tough-guy Kensei will pass up a chance to get in on wrapping himself in a blanket and relaxing in the people pile. Eventually Ichigo too joins in on this and Kisuke and Orihime have pictures of the nine of them all conked out wearing sweaters and blankets while leaning up against Hachi.
• Hachi is one of 4 Vizards that can competently cook, but he’s more of a baker. Shinji and Lisa exist purely for when Hachi makes his special triple chocolate-peanut crunch cookies and his brownies are to die (again) for.
• Wins every board game. He’s a master of strategy and will take you down. He’s a beast when it comes to Monopoly, chess, connect 4, any game is his to defeat you in. He’s one of the few people who Kyoraku can’t beat while using his Shikai.
• Hachi does have a zanpaktou, and its not like they don’t get along or anything. Hachi prefers kido and Suimin Kame is perfectly fine with that. They spend plenty of time together in Hachi’s inner world while he meditates. Suimin Kame is a powerful but lazy sword, and Hachi only uses his blade if he’s left no other choice. Suimin Kame is similar to Konamura and Yachiru’s Shikai in which the spirit takes a physical form, a turtle the size of a city block, and he can add to Hachi’s power by amplifying the strength of his spells. Hachi doesn’t like using it because it he uses it for more than a few moments that it could cause him to start to grow again and Hachi doesn’t want to end up the size of his older brother. He doesn’t want to be any more of a giant than he already is.
• Hachi gets his suit from a small shop of spiritually aware tailors who he helped out a few generations ago. They keep the Vizard’s secrets and they’re who they turn to when they need special made clothing.
• He’s much happier being a vizard than he was being an Ushoda. His new family is made of tiny people who are loud, happy, and accept him for who he is. They don’t care about what others think and that’s something he’s aspired to do for as long as he can remember.
• After the Thousand Year Blood war, Hachi returns to the Soul Society to first help rebuild the Kido corps, but rather than rejoin the corps he asks Kyoraku if he could a a reserve Soul Reaper and if he would be able to teach Kido at the academy.
• When they otp couples start having kids, Uncle Hachi becomes number one favorite uncle. He can’t say no because they’re so small and he wants to spoil them rotten every chance he gets. The tiny small ones must be obeyed at all costs.
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