#Linne Noir the Zoroark
itapex-draws · 11 months
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Made slight rework in one of my OCs, Linne Noir! Her real name now is Amelie, but she still holds her nickname "Linne!"
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Frostburned – A Pokémon AU!ROND short story
Author: OmegaZHero Characters: Tailon the Lopunny, Linne Noir the Zoroark, Grandfather ???, Grandson ??? Rating: G Fandom: Pokémon Genre: Drama and adventure. Warnings: May contain certain triggers about anxiety in some related scenes. Synopsis: Tailon and Linne got caught unprepared for the blizzard.
Route 217, Sinnoh. The ceaseless strong blizzard blows through the region, punishing the most unprepared for the cold and the relentless storm, freezing and burying them to their demise.
 On the horizon, two pokemon walking and fighting against the wind and snow, a Zoroark with the name of Linne Noir and a dressed Lopunny named Tailon, both are on the way to Snowpoint City, a point of interest for both of them. But they don't know that this route could not only slow them down but also cause harm to them.
– "H-h-how much do we need to keep walking until Snowpoint?" – Asked Tailon, the yellow and light brown Lopunny while using his ears to protect his body from the blizzard.
 – "A-at this point I don't know anymore… I can't see anything else on the h-horizon… O-Oh non…!" – After responding with uncertainty, Linne accidentally dropped the Sinnoh region map, after that, the strong winds dragged away fastly from the pair of pokemon. Now they are completely lost, with almost no direction, only a compass and their wits.
– …G-great… – Frowned Tailon, trembling in the cold.
–" I-I knew I shouldn't have trusted your talk about "Don't worry about it, we have long fur! We can handle the blizzard just fine! We don't need to pay to ride shotgun!" Ah, you foolish rahbbit…" –
 – "H-hey! You had the idea of spending our transport money on those incenses!" – Said Tailon, thus, beginning an argument with Linne.
 – "I needed it because it calms me down and is part of my aromatherapy!" – Responds Linne with utter annoyance.
 – "You could have bought this when we went back to Snowpoint, for Arceus sake!" – Tailon raised his voice tone to a more rude tone.
– "They were the last ones before they sold out, you dummy!" – Linne also raised her voice too.
– "O-O-Oh yeah? Now, thanks to your impulsive shopping we are gonna freeze to death! You lame fox!" – Through impulsive thoughts of survival, Tailon yelled at Linne, while also insulting her.
– "It was your fault in believing that we could handle the blizzard you stupid rabbit!" – Done the same with Tailon.
Their argument kept going for ten minutes until they finished without any kind of solution, the only way they could do, is to keep going, walking through the relentless snowstorm, only following their compass. 
 The wind was getting colder, Tailon and Linne were underdressed for this travel, while Linne could handle the cold a little longer, Tailon couldn't handle much of the cold at all, even with his long fluffy ears, being used as an snow and cold insulant.
 Until one moment, Tailon kneeled and suddenly laid down on the snow.
 – …the snow… it's… so… fluffy… it makes me sleep… – Said Tailon while slowly closing his eyes.
 – "Tailon…?"
 Tailon fainted.
 – …Oh my Arceus…! No! Tailon! Don't faint now, please! It's too dangerous to faint here!
 – "Ungh… The snow… flu… ffy…" –
 – No! No! Tailon! Wake up! – Linne tried to carry along while barely enduring the wind, but after minutes she gave up. Exhausted and suffering from hypothermia, sat down on the snow, putting his head on her lap, as she started to cry, as she tried to mourn for her loss…
 – “I'm sorry… I'm really sorry… I didn't mean to call you those names… I'm so sorry… If I could hear your hearty voice again…” –
 During her last tears, Linne started to faint by hypothermia too, her vision slowly faded until the last thing she saw was a large shadow reaching really near her, until everything blacked out for her.
 What felt like mere seconds, in reality, much, but much time has passed since Linne’s black out.
 What felt like a strong, roaring and freezing blizzard from outside, now became a calm, warm and relaxing interior of a house, with its fireplace lit.
 From there, three pokemon were chatting with each other.
 – “...it has been three days since these two were found on the snow, correct?” – Said a nursing, feminine voice.
 – “Yes, ma’am… If we didn’t leave home that day to buy groceries in Snowpoint, they would certainly be buried under the snow without any sign of life… – A deep, old male voice spoke through the room.
 – “We don’t get many cases of pokemon outside this route who get caught by the blizzard, but when it happens, it’s really hard to find them because the wind and the snow can easily bury them if not careful enough…” – Said a more young, juvenile voice.
 – “Well, are their frostburn wounds healing as well? Are you administering their feeding carefully?” – Said the nursing feminine voice.
 – “Yes. Me and my grandson were doing the soup carefully for them to swallow down in really small quantities, about the wounds, the Zoroark is healing quite well, but I believe the Lopunny one, including the major part of his ears, are taking a little bit longer because, of course, his wounds and his health situation were a little bit more… severe. I believe this boy might not be from Sinnoh.” – Responded the old voice.
 – “Unnghhh…” –
– “Hey! Grampa! Nurse! Look, she’s waking up!” – Said the young.
 After so long, Linne finally regained enough part of her strength to regain her consciousness and finally wake up, as she opens her eyes, her vision appears to be blurry. The nurse hasten for Linne’s bed and check up for her well-being.
– “You just woke up after a long sleep… And please remain on the bed for now.” – Said the nurse.
– “W… Where am I…?” – Her vision finally cleared up, she could see everyone.
– “You and your partner were unconscious for three days… I believe you fainted in the blizzard? Well, if it wasn't both of these pokemon, I believe you two wouldn't be alive at all.” – Said the nursing voice, revealing to be a nurse Audino.
 Linne then with much effort she tries to get up and slowly looks to her right side, and looks to what could be a young Snover, and a large elderly Abomasnow. As she tries to get up´she feels pain on her skin and a certain difficulty in moving herself.
– “Please ma’am, take it easy, you suffered second degree frostburns, followed by hypothermia-”
– Where’s… Where’s Tailon..? Where’s the Lopunny…? Is… Is he okay…? Where is he!? – Linne interrupts the nurse Audino in search of Tailon as she looks more around.
– “Whoa there missie! If you’re talking about your partner, he’s okay, but don’t expect he’s awake yet.” – The nurse for one moment held Linne’s chest to avoid overexerting herself.
– “I need to see him… Please let me see him… I need to…” –
– “Umm… Grandpa? Nurse? Can you help her to see him? I don’t think she will calm down…” – Said the Snover.
– “Fine… I think the Abomasnow needs to hold you by his arms, are you okay with that? –
– “Okay…” –
Linne got up from bed, her movements were still slow because of her hypothermia, by getting the help of the three pokemon nearby, they took Linne to Tailon’s bed, his clothes were placed in a small drawer, but he’s still deep asleep and unconscious. When the nurse revealed his body under the blanket sheets, a major part of his long ears, forehead, half of the right and left arms and forearms, and paws were all covered in bandages. While his light brown short fur was more pallid than usual. Tailon wasn't the best of the shapes.
– Oh no… How… How could this happen…? – After seeing Tailon’s situation, Linne felt emotionally shocked, after that she started to cry.
– His situation is way more serious than yours, I believe he will remain still asleep for some days… –
– It’s all my fault… I… – She tried to continue but she lost her line of speech and started to cry.
– What do you mean is your fault..? – Asked the elderly Abomasnow.
– “It was my fault spending our money on useless wares instead of paying for safe travel…” – Said Linne, while she was still deeply in tears…
– “Hey, Calm down girl…” – The elder started to hold her more tightly, to give a little bit more emotional comfort.
– “I don’t know if he really will forgive me for placing him in this situation… Of making him almost lose his life in particular…” – Linne still laments about Tailon’s situation, but also feeling highly anxious about losing his trust and friendship they built for years.
– “Missie, relax.” – Said the Snover. 
– “I know he handled pretty much his emotional life and how much we spoke and had so much trust about it but I…” – Linne was getting overly anxious, she slowly placed her hands on her face and started to panic.
– “OI! Lassie! Calm down!” – Said loudly while he shakes Linne for a brief moment, to distract and calm her senses. – “You’re suffering in advance for a situation you haven't gone through yet!” –  For one moment, Linne went silent, and lowered her head. – “I know absolutely nothin’ about your boyfriend, but I can believe he will forgive you!” – Continued the Abomasnow.
– H-he’s not my b-boyfriend! He’s just my best friend, who stuck with me because he’s just… –
– Just…? –
– “Someone important to me… Who risked his mental health to give a new meaning for my life, and now I’m eternally grateful for it… Now I’m in risk of losing that friendship forever…” – Justified Linne.
– “Lass, if there is one thing that you need to admit, it is your mistake, so then, your friend can be your friend again, right?” –
– …Y…Yes… –
– “So, for now, let’s wait for his recovery. Also you need to stay in bed too if you want to be able to take care of him.” –
 And so, two days have passed, the sound of the muffed blizzard is way lower than usual, and the insides of the house were some degrees warmer. 
 The following day, Linne got up with most of her strength recovered, while Tailon was still in bed, but he didn't wake up yet… Still bummed, she went to the kitchen, finding out that Abomasnow and his grandson Snover were having breakfast. After their eyes met, all of them gave their good morning to each other.
 – "So miss, how are you feeling today?" – Asked the Snover.
– "Almost better… I feel I just need one more day to feel better." –
 – "Very good. But now you need to eat, here, I made it specially for yerself." – The Abomasnow gave her breakfast.
 – "Merci." – 
 Linne sat down and joined in on their breakfast, the breakfast made specially for her was a a soup made of apples and healing berries, Orans and Sitrus, specially.
 Twenty minutes after they finished their breakfast Linne helped the duo in some chores, until she had the idea of checking Tailon's bed.
– "Um, so, I'm gonna check if Tailon is already awake okay?" – 
– "Alright lass, just don't take so long, because I'm gonna ask for your help later with my grandson's teaching okay?" –
– “Okay!” –
 Linne walked to Tailon's bed to check if is already awake. After reaching his bed, Tailon was still asleep, after seeing him still not awake, Linne threw a long sigh…
 Until I noticed that Tailon was slightly moving his arms and legs and started to mumble while he slept.
 – "Huh…?" –
 – "F… Father… Mo…ther…" –
– "Wait, is he…?" –
– "Ple…a…se… Don't go away… I miss you… all… Grandfather… –
 He was having a nightmare. A short moment after, he was calling Linne's name.
– Li… –
– Tailon…? –
– Lin… ne… Linne… Don't leave… me… –
 Nobody knows what's happening inside of his dreams… But whatever he's dreaming, Tailon needs to wake up from its nightmare.
Linne didn't want to see Tailon suffer with this nightmare alone, so she laid down on the bed, stood on his side and began to cuddle and muzzle him, as she wanted to comfort the poor nightmare ridden Lopunny.
 – “I am here with you… Please wake up…” –
 Linne started to whisper on Tailon’s ears, to see if Tailon could respond to her voice.
– “Linne… don't leave me…” –
 It worked. Tailon is still dreaming but is responding to her voice.
– “I am not leaving you behind… We are friends…” –
 Tailon arms and legs kept twitching lightly, as he kept dreaming.
– “I am here… Follow my voice… And follow whatever way it fills you with life…” –
– “I am almost there…” –
Linne kept muzzling Tailon’s face to help him to wake from his nightmare.
 So, finally his head moved, his eyes started to open slowly while his breathing was heavy, Tailon finally regained his consciousness and fully woke up.
– T-Tailon…! – 
Tailon finally got up from his sleep and laid up from the bed, in a rush of happy emotions and tears, Linne hugged him, grateful for being alive. As she couldn’t unwrap her arms from her friend and crying out loud, Linne finally had the opportunity to spit it out what it was stuck on her throat all this time:
– “I’m sorry… I am sorry for wasting our money-”
– “Hey, Linne calm d-”
– I’m so sorry for screaming at you, I’m sorry for calling you stupid rabbit!” –
– …Yes. –
– You… forgive me…? –
– Yes. I forgive you. I know what you did was wrong, but also I want to say… I’m sorry for being rude with you too. –
– Hehehe… I forgive you too… –
With Linne and Tailon finally reunited, both spent some time together, she explained how they came right there, how much they were asleep and the pokemon who they were rescued from. The days passed, Linne helped Tailon to recover, in one of the nights they were together, Tailon was almost asleep with Linne, until one moment, she whispered something on Kalosian language:
– “Tu es la meilleure chose qui me soit arrivée, mon petit lapin.” –
– “What?” – 
– “Nothing.” –
 Tailon heard the whispering. But he couldn't understand her speech.
 And so they fell asleep together… Linne needs to remember that Lopunnies have exceptional listening…
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Linne Noir moodboard!
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Do you have any aesthetic boards for Tailon and Linne Noir?
I don’t have any aesthesic boards and I don’t know how to make these things, I’ll ask one of my friends who knows how to do these things later OxO
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itapex-draws · 6 years
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My new OC! Linne Noir, the Zoroark!
Linne Noir is a treasure and bounty hunter! She always wanted to be a famous treasure hunter when she was still a Zorua!
Linne shows to be a calm and collected pokemon, but inside of her soul, heart and emotions looks to be in a unfinishing repairs, because of her sad past with her hateful mother.
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