#Leshy and the yellow cat though- Ik that’s a popular ship but I’m not sure lol
bloos-bloo · 1 month
We’re so normal btw- I got some bishop designs that I plan on fixing later. I just had to get them out of my head lmaoo- ( All headcanons are based off my play through <3 )
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Leshy is my little worm :D I love him so much- little guy living life. His main job is farming but he always tries to avoid the farm area- for some reason?? He used to have camellias grow all over his body, however his injuries kinda killed it, lmao.
I like to think that his crown helped him with his sight, but with it gone he relies more on scent! :D he totally judges Emery on how they run the farm is used- yep.
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Anyways- Heket’s obviously the main cook despite her also avoiding the kitchen. If she doesn’t make the meals then everybody is getting sick. (I’m not kidding- that actually happened to me)
Heket’s crown also helped her speak, so with it gone she heavily relies on sign language or writing. (But for leshy’s case she writes on his palm)
She does have a smalllll- crush on one of the disciples (Pana) :) nothing bad happens, nope-
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Kallamar is definitely special. Love and hate him. He’s supposed to be a doctor but he rather spend time at the tailors. I like to think that he hates the color red with a passion- so he remade his cultist clothing to match his aesthetics
He’s hard of hearing of course, so he relies on lip reading and sign language- something that Narinder totally abuses.
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Shamura my beloved- I am sad for them. Shamura is a disciple for Emery along with Narinder. They try to give her all the knowledge they have. But often they’re in spells. (Their eyes give it away if they’re present or not)
With a literal open head wound I think Shamura would try to cover their head as much as they can. It’s a struggle for them to remember or even move around. So they’re always found inside their hut or in the middle of the floor somewhere-
Literal old person vibes, they rather sleep. Love them.
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