#Leila De Lima Liberal Party
pannaginip · 3 months
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Kyle Aristophere Atienza, journalist for BusinessWorld PH, on Twitter @katienzareports:
Former Philippine senator Leila M. de Lima says the Marcos administration is a "breathing room" from the authoritarian regime of former president Rodrigo R. Duterte, whose deadly war on drugs led to the killings of thousands of civilians.
De Lima says the Liberal Party is willing to work with the Marcos administration on "worthy initiatives."
"In terms of good governance, why not?"
2024 Feb. 22
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renesf · 1 year
New Philippine Opposition Party To Launch On June 1!
MANILA, Philippines (The Adobo Chronicles, Manila Bureau) – In anticipation of the eventual acquittal of former Senator Leila de Lima in the last remaining criminal case filed against her, a group identified with the political opposition is set to launch a new party in preparation for the next Philippine presidential elections. Distancing itself from the Liberal Party, the independent party…
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citizentruth-blog · 5 years
(StopTheDrugWar) It's been a year we couldn't wait to put behind us, but as 2018 comes to an end, we can look back on some advances on the international drug policy front, as well as continued brutal and regressive responses from some quarters. Here are 10 of the global drug policy stories that shaped the year, for better or worse:
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Iranian drug executions have come to a screeching halt in one of the good news stories of 2018. (handsoffcain.info)
1. Drug Death Penalty Reforms Cause Massive Drop in Executions
Early this year, it became official: Iran had reformed its death penalty statutes to radically reduce the number of people facing execution for drug offenses, and it had done so retroactively, saving the lives of thousands already on death row. By mid-year, it was clear that the move was having an impact, as human rights observers reported a 99% reduction in drug executions, with only one person being executed for drugs as of June, compared to more than a hundred during the same period in 2017.
2. Canada Becomes the First G8 Country to Legalize Marijuana
Justin Trudeau pledged that he was elected prime minister, his government would legalize marijuana. It didn't happen as fast as he would have liked, but the Liberals' legalization bill passed parliament in June and went into effect on October 17. So far, the sky has not fallen.
3. Medical Marijuana Earns Growing Acceptance
The year began with Thailand announcing a plan to allow medical marijuana and ended with Thailand approving it and becoming the first Southeast Asian country to do so. But in the meantime, Israeli pharmacies began selling medical marijuana in April, Zimbabwe legalized it in May, and Portugal and Luxembourg followed suit in June. In November, Great Britain joined the club, and Greece issued its first medical marijuana production licenses. Late in the year, in South Korea, the National Assembly approved an amendment to the country's drug laws that will pave the way for the use of medical marijuana by prescription, and New Zealand also approved it in December Not a bad year for medical marijuana.
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Canadian Senate
4. The Philippines Drug War Continues, But Pressures Mount…
The bloody drug war of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte continued apace in 2018, with a death toll now put at 12, 000 (20,000 by some estimates), but Duterte has come under increasing pressure both domestically and internationally. In February, both Amnesty International and Human Rights Watchaimed broadsides at the Philippines even as the International Criminal Court began "preliminary examinations" of whether there is sufficient evidence to bring a case before the court. In March, activists called out drug war human rights abuses at the embassy in Washington, DC. By July, an unbowed Duterte was vowing to continue a "relentless and chilling" drug war even as national human rights groups said he was using it as a cover for assassinating political opponents. In September, he unleashed an attack on a second drug war critic, Senator Antonio Trillanes, after last year imprisoning critic Senator Leila de Lima on trumped up drug charges. She is still imprisoned.
5.. ...and the Rot Spreads in the Region
Following the lead of the Philippines, other countries in the region have also embraced drug war thuggery and human rights abuses. In May, the Bangladeshi opposition warned of a wave of police killings of drug suspects, and within weeks, more than a hundred were killed and 20,000 arrested, even as evidence emerged that the crackdown was being used to hide political assassinations. The situation was fraught enough that the UN human rights head and even the US State Department expressed concern. Drug war killings were also reported in Indonesia, although there were mixed signals about moves toward reforms there, and Sri Lanka vowed to begin hanging drug dealers. Paradoxically though, a Malaysian court's imposition of a death sentence on a man for providing cannabis oil to patients now appears to have resulted in a moratorium on the death sentence and could end the death penalty in its entirety in the county.
6. The US President Aligns Himself With Global Drug War Authoritarians
President Donald Trump was a baleful presence on the global drug policy stage this past year, sympathizing with drug war authoritarians such as Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte and Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan, as well as drug death penalty countries such as China and Singapore. He said early in the year he wants to execute all drug dealersand admires the Singapore approach (mandatory death penalty for drug trafficking), a statement that moved more than 150 organizations to condemn his call. At year's end, he was singing a similar tune with a ghoulish call for more Chinese drug executions. In between, he went to the United Nations to try to gin up a reinvigorated global drug war.
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coca leaves drying by highway
7. South Africa Legalizes Marijuana
In a case brought by three marijuana users, the country's Constitutional Court ruled that the private possession, cultivation, and consumption of marijuana is legal. "It will not be a criminal offense for an adult person to use or be in possession of cannabis in private for his or her personal consumption," Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo wrote in his ruling. It will, however, remain illegal to use cannabis in public and to sell and supply it. The ruling did not set allowable quantities, with the court saying parliament had two years to come up with a new law that reflected the ruling.
8. Glimmers of Hope in Mexico
then-President Felipe Calderon unleashed the latest chapter of the country's drug wars, bringing violence to levels not seen before in the country, Mexico is showing signs it is ready for change. The death toll from prohibition-related violence is higher than ever, and that is impelling a psh for change, most notably with the election of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who is very open to finding exits from the drug war, whether it's legalized opium production in Guerrero, granting amnesty for non-violent drug trafficking offenders, or legalizing marijuana. And speaking of legalizing marijuana, the Mexican Supreme Court in November struck down the ban on marijuana possession, cultivation, and use. Now, Lopez Obrador's governing MORENA Party has filed a bill to legalize marijuana sales. Tackling the violence, may be a bit more difficult.
9. Colombia Sees a Record Coca Crop as US Cocaine Deaths Rise
Efforts to reduce coca cultivation and cocaine production in the country after the peace agreement with the FARC rebels have not gone well, and that's causing rising worry in Washington. In June, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime reported that 2017 production was at an all-time high, prompting expressions of concern from the drug czar's office and support from President Trump for new rightist Colombian President Ivan Duque's "head-on fight against drug trafficking." That could include a renewed resort to aerial fumigation, even drones, as well as forced eradication of coca crops, leading to renewed conflict in cultivation zones. Meanwhile, cocaine is now the third leading cause of drug overdose deaths, trailing only fentanyl and heroin.
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Vienna International Centre, home to the UN drug agencies
10. Historic UN Cannabis Review Hits Last-Minute Procedural Delay
In June and again in November, the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) of the World Health Organization (WHO) met to consider the evidence on cannabis (marijuana) and its placement in the UN drug scheduling system, which determines whether or what level of control the UN drug conventions mandate that countries maintain for the substance. The conventions specify that substances should receive such an evaluation before being scheduled, but that never happened for marijuana. Observers believe the process should lead to marijuana being moved to a less restrictive schedule than it is in currently -- if the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) votes to adopt such a recommendation from ECDD. That didn't happen when, earlier this month, WHO voted to delay release of ECDD's recommendations until January, for unexplained reasons. That may mean they get taken up at the main annual CND meeting in Vienna in March, rather than December's intersessional. The delay seems unusual, and probably political, but its intent is unclear. The next few months may tell. In the meanwhile, ECDD says that CBD shouldn't be scheduled at all. But that didn't stop the US FDA from saying that treaties require it be scheduled, even though they also think it shouldn't be. Read the full article
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byalung · 6 years
Sereno, nagbakasyon
Ni Bert de Guzman
BUNSOD marahil ng matinding pressure na dinaranas niya kaugnay ng impeachment complaint, napilitan si SC Chief Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno na magbakasyon na tinawag na “wellness leave” simula Marso 1. Kinompronta raw si Sereno ng kapwa mga mahistrado na siya ay magbitiw na lang o kaya’y magbakasyon upang maisalba ang dangal at integridad ng institusyon. (more…)
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mainbaronline-blog · 7 years
An Open Letter to #OneForLeila, LP Senators: Stop Making Us Your Reservists!
An Open Letter to #OneForLeila, LP Senators: Stop Making Us Your Reservists!
To #OneForLeila and LP Senators,
The minds of Filipinos nowadays aren’t shaped and molded just yesterday when access of sufficient, quality information was dead or hampered by a static frequency wave. Rather, Filipinos today, young and old, are quite abreast of social issues, especially on issues carcinogenic to the social health. (more…)
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phgq · 4 years
De Lima also a 'human rights violator': Palace
#PHnews: De Lima also a 'human rights violator': Palace
MANILA – Malacañang on Wednesday said that detained Senator Leila de Lima was herself a “violator of human rights” and her name should also be on the list of people who should be banned from traveling to the US.
Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo made this statement after de Lima’s camp confirmed that she has submitted a list of Philippine officials who should be banned from entering the US for their involvement in her detention.
“Yung (The) amendment refers to violators of human rights diumano and allegedly she is one of those victims but she’s forgetting that she’s also a violator of human rights. Kaya nga siya nakademanda eh (That’s why there are charges filed against her),” he said.
De Lima, a staunch critic of Duterte, has been detained at the Philippine National Police (PNP) Custodial Center at Camp Crame in Quezon City since February 2017 following her alleged role in the illegal drug trade inside the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City during her stint as justice secretary.
Panelo, also Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, was referring to the move of US Senators Richard Durbin and Patrick Leahy to introduce an amendment to the 2020 State and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill which sought to ban the Filipino officials behind de Lima's “wrongful imprisonment".
A provision of the US 2020 budget earlier signed by Trump, titled “Prohibition of Entry,” gives US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo the authority to prevent Philippine officials involved in de Lima’s detention from entering the United States.
US President Donald Trump signed the 2020 national budget, which included that provision in December 2019.
But Panelo said that de Lima should even be first on her list of officials who should be banned.
“Kung hindi niya nilagay yung pangalan niya dun na number 1, eh mali yung listahan niya on the assumption na totoo yung sinasabi niya. Kasama siya dun dapat (If she did not include her name there as number 1, then the list is wrong on the assumption that what she is saying is true. She should be on that list),” he said.
Despite the inclusion of President Rodrigo Duterte on de Lima’s list, Panelo said it does not matter because the President has no desire to visit the US in the first place.
“He’s not interested. He’s not even interested in going there. He declined the invitation,” he said.
Last month, Panelo announced that Duterte has rejected Trump's invitation to attend the Southeast Asian leaders’ summit in Las Vegas, Nevada on March 4.
He said the cancellation of Senator Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa’s US visa prompted Duterte to refuse to fly to Washington DC next month. Duterte has also been irked by the “demand” of the US Senate for de Lima's release, noting that he would not allow American lawmakers to “bully” the Philippine government.
In an earlier speech, Duterte said he was dismayed that the US Senate believed in the “lies” peddled by his critics, including the Liberal Party (LP), regarding de Lima’s case.
“And the Americans simply do not believe that a (former) Secretary of Justice is (capable) of receiving the money to finance or to ensure the victory. And they rode on the issue that it is a trumped-up charge, (as claimed) by the opposition, the Yellow, the Liberals, and by the communists. And so they started to believe in the lies of the opposite side,” Duterte said in an exclusive interview with Russia Today.
Duterte, a former prosecutor, has dismissed de Lima was "wrongfully imprisoned", insisting that she was given a fair public trial as part of due process since the investigating prosecutor and the judge have found probable cause to pursue charges and issue a warrant of arrest against her. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "De Lima also a 'human rights violator': Palace." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094890 (accessed February 27, 2020 at 04:19AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "De Lima also a 'human rights violator': Palace." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1094890 (archived).
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fudu30 · 6 years
Duterte coalition shaken by rift, says visiting opposition leader
By: Jun Nucum - INQUIRER.net US Bureau, August 07, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO – A visiting civil society figure said that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte let himself to be upstaged by the last-minute dramatic change in the leadership of the House of Representatives and was not his usual self when he delivered his 3rd State of the Nation Address (SONA).
Vicky Garchitorena, a stalwart of the Alliance of Women for Action Towards Reform (AWARE) and core leader of the opposition coalition Tindig Pilipinas, observed that President Duterte “was not himself and very subdued, contented with just reading the prompters, did not curse or go off script as he usually does and that the SONA itself was very short, “which was very unusual.”
“We got news that he saw his doctor in Cardinal Santos the day before the SONA. The conjectures are that he might have been apprised of serious health issues,” Garchitorena told INQUIRER.net during her recent visit to the San Francisco Bay Area.
“This may also be the reason why presidential daughter Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio took up the cudgels and manipulated the Congress to install former president and incumbent Pampanga Congresswoman Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) as Speaker. I also believe GMA has always been the brains behind Duterte on political issues.”
Garchitorena, the former head of Arroyo’s Presidential Management Staff, also sensed a rift in the Duterte coalition because it is widely believed that Duterte wanted Alvarez to stay as Speaker as he was his man.
“GMA is too strong for him. He may not have known about the coup, which Sara participated in or led, together with Ilocos Norte Governor Imee Marcos. Besides, President Duterte’s PDP Laban party seems to be breaking up as well. Former Senate President Aquilino Koko Pimentel III was against the party’s general assembly held recently.
“Also, coalition partner Senator Grace Poe is against GMA. If indeed Duterte is very sick, as he has not been seen frequently, it may be the reason they will try to ram through the Charter Change and federalism,” Garchitorena surmised.
The Liberal Party (LP) may have been kept in the dark during the change in House leadership, but Garchitorena avers that the opposition is gaining ground and many young people are being attracted to LP, Akbayan, and Magdalo parties “as they have always been working for democracy and justice.”
“Their leaders are very charismatic. Senator Leila de Lima has received an international award. Senator Antonio Trillanes IV has been very vocal against Duterte’s billions while Senator Risa Hontiveros has always supported women’s rights. Tindig Pilipinas is also gaining ground. Its hubs are all working overtime to spread their influence in the provinces and among all sectors — professionals, the youth, women, the poor,” Garchitorena claimed.
“We hope the 2019 elections can be a turning point. If Duterte cancels it, that can be their damnation,” she added.
On GMA’s return to a powerful position, Garchitorena assessed that her former boss is very vulnerable and will have a hard time consolidating power dogged as she is by corruption-related controversies like the Hello Garci tape on alleged 2004 presidential election rigging, $329-million National Broadband Network (NBN) deal with China’s ZTE Corp., and her alleged P500,000 gift to all congressmen/women and local officials as bribes in Malacañang, among others.
“Yes, GMA is one of the alleged corrupt officials that just-retired Ombudsman Conchita Carpio-Morales referred to as recycled officials accused of committing corruption. GMA was released as soon as Duterte won.”
Duterte, Garchitorena said, “is one of the worst presidents we have had. Our economy is tanking. Foreign investments are down 90%. The peso is falling in relation to the dollar. TRAIN is dragging down the most vulnerable of our people. Many people are already disgruntled.”
“The eccentricity of Duterte and his propensity for killing are no help. The drug lords are not being held accountable. The corrupt are just reassigned to other government posts.”
Still, Garchitorena is hopeful because the youth are now becoming more discerning of who are trustworthy among those who purport to lead the nation, despite the return to power of politicians associated with plunder.
It will be recalled that President Joseph Estrada was ousted by the so-called EDSA People Power 3 for alleged plunder but is the current Mayor of Manila. GMA, successor of Estrada, was also accused of plunder and for a long tim, under house arrest, is now the new House Speaker. Even the immediate family members of President Ferdinand Marcos, Rep. Imelda, former Sen. Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr. and Governor Imee are riding high, with Marcos himself now buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani, which is believed to be Duterte’s way of paying off his political debts.
“It is good that the youth understand that there are a lot of problems happening in our country and are speaking out. It is also good for the Fil-Ams here to be aware of what’s happening in their Motherland, even if they are not in the country and are therefore not directly affected day-to-day. We really have to reach out to the younger generation, for them to understand that they should be a part of strengthening democracy and resisting the authoritarian impulses of our leaders,” Garchitorena underscored.
News Source Link: http://usa.inquirer.net/…/duterte-coalition-shaken-rift-say…
#NaDu30Tayo #Du30FakeDrugWar #RagasaNgDu30TRAIN
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clusterassets · 6 years
New world news from Time: Duterte is Assassinating Opponents Under the Cover of the Drug War, Philippine Rights Groups Say
The assassination of two provincial mayors in two days has raised fresh fears that law and order in the Philippines—already in a fragile state as the result of a bloody war on drugs—is deteriorating further.
On Tuesday, motorcycle-riding gunmen ambushed Mayor Ferdinand Bote in his car after he left a meeting in Cabanatuan City, about 100 miles north of Manila. The morning before, a suspected sniper shot Mayor Antonio Halili in the chest as he sung the national anthem in front of Tanauan City Hall in Batangas, about 40 miles south of the capital.
Their deaths have brought to at least 10 the number of mayors who have been killed since President Rodrigo Duterte took office in 2016.
Halili, who had gained local notoriety for parading drug suspects on “walks of shame”, was stripped of his powers to supervise anti-drug operations when authorities included him on a list of government officials supposedly linked to narcotics (the administration is fond of making such accusations, often without proof). His death came just four days after Duterte publicly joked that vice mayors should kidnap or otherwise depose their bosses.
“The earlier you do away with your mayor, the earlier you become the mayor also,” he told an audience in Bohol province, where at least two mayors have been killed since he took office.
“Duterte’s culture of violence is upon us. No one is safe now,” opposition senator Antonio Trillanes, said in a statement Tuesday. Trillanes, who last year told TIME he was an assassination target, added that whether or not Halili’s killing turned out to be connected to the war on drugs, the president had turned the Philippines “into the murder capital of Asia.”
Read more: Another Philippine Mayor Accused of Drug Ties Has Been Killed in a Police Raid
The Philippines has a long history of political killings. The 1983 assassination of Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr.—a politician and vocal opponent of the dictator Ferdinand Marcos—was one of the driving forces behind the so-called People Power Revolution that ousted the autocrat. In 2009, under then-President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, gunmen killed at least 57 people traveling with supporters of a politician challenging a powerful clan in local elections.
But the latest spate of mayoral murders “reflects the persistent climate of impunity” that has been exacerbated by Duterte’s drug war, author and analyst Richard Heydarian tells TIME. “To this date, we are yet to see any of the cases of extrajudicial killings resolved, highlighting the disturbing erosion of rule of law,” he says.
According to some estimates, more than 20,000 people have died in the war on drugs.
Human rights groups say Duterte, a former mayor elected on an anti-crime platform, is using the drug war as a cover to crack down on political opponents. The deaths of mayors like Halili strikes fear into the hearts of “politicians, especially in the provinces, who are then forced to toe Duterte’s line,” says Carlos Conde, Philippines researcher for Human Rights Watch’s (HRW) Asia division.
Months after his election, the Philippine President read out a list of 158 public officials he accused of being involved in the narcotics trade. This year, his administration put out another list of 600 people, including a UN Special Rapporteur, alleged to be communist terrorists. At least four mayors on government “narco-lists” are now dead.
They include Mayor Samsudin Dimaukom who had run on a Liberal Party ticket in the southern town of Datu Saudi Ampatuan. Dimaukom, 53, denied Duterte’s accusation that he was involved in narcotics. But in October 2016, Anti-narcotics officers killed him and nine of his men.
Also on the list was Mayor Rolando Espinosa of Leyte, who denied involvement in narcotics but surrendered to police to beat a 24-hour deadline on a “shoot on sight” order. In what the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation later deemed a “rub out,” a police team shot Espinosa dead while he was awaiting trial, claiming he resisted the officers who had come to search his jail cell.
Local authorities had guaranteed Espinosa’s safety in return for his signing a highly questionable affidavit that linked 226 police, government officials, and media workers to an illicit drug enterprise supposedly run by his son. The list included Senator Leila de Lima, who led an investigation into Duterte’s prosecution of the drug war before she was jailed on implausible drug-related charges in February 2017. De Lima has denied the allegations against her.
Read more: Duterte Has Brazenly Reinstated 19 Police Who Murdered a Philippine Mayor Last Year
In July 2017, Mayor Reynaldo Parojinog of Ozamiz become the third such official in less than a year to die in a shoot-out with police after being accused of having links to the illegal drug trade. Police gunned down Parojinog, his wife, two of his siblings, and 11 other people in a series of coordinated pre-dawn raids on properties including the mayor’s residence.
Local authorities claimed officers were attempting to serve Parojinog an arrest warrant when they were “met with a volley of fire” from security guards at his compound. But the mayor’s daughter has accused police of planting drugs at the scene, and Philippine Senator Panfilo Lacson said the suspicious circumstances of the mayor’s death “create the impression that search warrants are merely being used by the [Philippine National Police] to facilitate extrajudicial killing.”
Strongmen in the Philippines have long used assassination to retain control of their territories, according to HRW’s Conde. The difference now is that Duterte has normalized such killings by packaging them as part of the “war on drugs.” The fear they have created is quickly eroding opposition.
Says Conde: “An illustration of this is the fact that most local politicians hitherto aligned with the Liberal Party are now with Duterte’s party.”
July 05, 2018 at 01:15PM ClusterAssets Inc., https://ClusterAssets.wordpress.com
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steadhammond · 6 years
LP vows to 'fight lies with truth and justice' - Inquirer.net
Inquirer.net LP vows to 'fight lies with truth and justice' Inquirer.net Senator Leila de Lima leaves the Muntinlupa regional trial court after attending the hearing for her drug charges. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO / NIÑO JESUS ORBETA. The Liberal Party said on Sunday that its members will fight for the nation's soul with their ... LP to fight for 'truth and justice' in 2018The Manila Times all 1 news articles »
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milkardashan-blog · 7 years
Critics of Duterte’s war on drugs (Chris Angeline)
Do the members of the Philippine Liberal Party and their supporters who are against President Rodrigo Duterte’s “drug war” have a better alternative to solving the drug problem in the country? It doesn’t look like they do. They make a lot of noise and rabidly criticise the government’s efforts to stamp out the illegal drug trade, but they haven’t presented an alternative solution that can apply to the Philippine setting.
Filipinos cannot simply copy another country’s policy just because it is perceived to have worked in their society. Portugal’s policy may not work in the Philippines. Every society is different. The country is not rich enough to treat the drug problem as a health problem. Who is going to fund the rehabilitation of the millions of drug addicts in the country? Besides, the Philippines is run like a mafia operation. Patronage politics is very strong. In fact, the reason why the drug problem worsened is because a lot of the drug lords were allegedly allied with the Liberal Party. For six years, the drug lords operated without any hitch. They even ran a drug laboratory inside the national penitentiary. Former Department of Justice Secretary and now Senator Leila De Lima was aware of this, but couldn’t do much about it. 
But now members of the Liberal Party are acting like they are the experts when it comes to solving the drug problem. Yet they can’t even present a detailed solution on how to fix it. They should do themselves a favour by either shutting up since they had their chance but blew it, or by presenting concrete plans on how to go about dealing with the drug lords. Would they finally go after friends and allies who are in the business? Would they be willing to risk losing campaign donors when they clamp down on suspected drug lords who are supporting their party? How would they address the shortage of drug rehabilitation facilities in the country? How will they deal with the crimes committed by drug addicts? Will they give the drug addicts a pass since they think drug addiction is a mental issue and not a criminal issue? If they do that, then the victims of drug addicts should be entitled to compensation, which tax payers won’t support. These are the kinds of questions Liberal Party members and their supporters need to ask themselves before they criticise Duterte’s war on drugs.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think Duterte’s war on drugs is perfect either. He should have mounted an aggressive cleaning of the ranks of law enforcement agencies before he embarked on his crusade. He should have avoided attracting the attention of the international community by not making unnecessary remarks against those who criticised his policies. He should have allowed the result of his efforts to speak for him. The last survey showed that more Filipinos feel safer with his drug policy. But now the bleeding hearts are after him for feeling slighted by his words.
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renesf · 7 years
Senator Leila De Lima Bags ‘Employee Of The Month Award’
Senator Leila De Lima Bags ‘Employee Of The Month Award’
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JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (The Adobo Chronicles, Berlin Bureau) – Companies — large and small — have a tradition of giving out awards to their employees, not the least of which is the ‘Employee of the Month’ Award.
Well, Liberal International, a federation of liberal political parties, is no exception. Yesterday, it handed out is prestigious ‘Employee of the Month’ award to incarcerated…
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Part 1, Friday, March 17th, 2017
International News:
--- The head of Australia's Anglican Church expressed sorrow and shame after a government report published on Friday said close to 1,100 people had filed child sexual assault claims against the church over a 35-year period. The interim report, which said most children were aged around 11 when they were abused, came a month after a high-level inquiry into child abuse was told the Australian Catholic church had paid A$276 million ($212 million) in compensation to thousands of victims since 1980. The report, which was published by the same inquiry, the Royal Commission Into Child Abuse, said the complaints identified 569 Anglican clergy, teachers and volunteers as alleged abusers. There were another 133 alleged abusers whose roles at the church were not known...A royal commission is Australia's most powerful kind of government-appointed inquiry and can compel witnesses to give evidence and recommend prosecutions."
 Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/uk-australia-abuse-idUSKBN16O0HK
--- "Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, now in a rare fifth year as leader, is battling scandals on two separate fronts as questions swirl about his ties to a nationalist school involved in a murky land deal and his defense minister faces calls to resign. The scandals, which analysts say present the most serious crisis for Abe since he returned to office in 2012, appear likely to further erode his support rates, now about 50 percent. They are also denting his image as an invincible leader with a shot at becoming Japan's longest-serving premier, although so far most political experts are betting he can survive...Abe's term as ruling Liberal Democratic Party president ends in 2018 but a rule change means he can run for a third three-year term, allowing him to remain premier as long as the LDP stays in power. The furor is distracting the government at a time when Japan needs to focus on economic talks with U.S. President Donald Trump's administration and domestic issues including structural reforms to generate growth."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-japan-politics-abe-idUSKBN16O0HB?il=0
--- "A suicide car bomb detonated near an army base in the eastern Afghan province of Khost on Friday, killing one soldier and wounding several before the army repelled at attack on the base by four gunmen, the district chief said. The blast, 50 meters (yards) from the base, was heard several miles away and damaged several shops, homes and a school, Akbar Zadran, the chief of Sabari district, told Reuters. Four gunmen attacked the base but were killed after an hour-long gun battle, Zadran said .In a statement, the Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack and said it had caused heavy casualties. The Islamist movement often exaggerates casualties caused by its operations."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-afghanistan-blast-idUSKBN16O0LO?il=0
--- "Scotland could abandon a currency union with the rest of the United Kingdom if it gained independence, former Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond told the Financial Times. Nationalist Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon this week demanded a new independence referendum in late 2018 or early 2019, but UK Prime Minister Theresa May said on Thursday that "now is not the time" for such a vote. Salmond, who resigned as Scottish leader after losing a 2014 independence referendum, said he was open to changing his view that the best option after independence was a currency union between Scotland and the remainder of the UK, the FT said on Friday. He ruled out joining the euro, but suggested that Scotland could introduce a new currency, either freely floated or pegged to the pound. Another option, he said, was to use sterling without any say in monetary policy while the new currency was introduced."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-eu-scotland-currency-idUSKBN16O0OE?il=0
--- "Hungary's second line of fences on its border with Serbia will be built by the end of May and will be able to prevent any new wave of migrants coming from Turkey, Prime Minister Viktor Orban told state radio on Friday. Orban also said it was a mistake by the European Union to rely solely on Turkey in stopping migration while at the same time criticize the Turks."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-hungary-fence-idUSKBN16O0P2?il=0
--- "Three quarters of French voters want conservative candidate Francois Fillon to pull out of the presidential race, an opinion poll by Odoxa showed on Friday, underscoring how badly his image has been hit by a series of financial scandals. The former prime minister was placed under formal investigation on suspicion of misusing public funds after allegations surfaced that he paid his wife and children hundreds of thousands of euros of taxpayers money for fake jobs. The fraud investigation has been widened to include luxury suits he received as gifts, a judicial source said on Thursday. Once a frontrunner in the French presidential election, 63-year-old Fillon has steadily lost ground since January to his main rivals, far-right leader Marine Le Pen and independent centrist Emmanuel Macron. Polls project that he will be eliminated in the first round of voting on April 23. The poll showed nearly nine voters out of every 10 think Fillon is not honest, and about three quarters of them say he is neither "convincing" nor "close to their concerns."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-france-election-fillon-idUSKBN16O0FH?il=0
--- "Sirens blared and loudspeakers broadcast warnings in Japan's first civilian missile evacuation drill on Friday, conducted in a fishing town by officials wary about the threat of North Korean missiles. The exercise comes more than a week after North Korea launched four ballistic missiles into the sea off Japan's northwest coast, with one rocket landing about 200 km (124 miles)from the town of Oga. Friday's drill played out a scenario in which North Korea had fired a ballistic missile on the Japanese islands."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-missiles-japan-drill-idUSKBN16O0TG?il=0
--- "The Philippines derided the European parliament on Friday for interfering in its affairs after it issued a resolution calling for the release of a top critic of the president's war on drugs, which it said should target narcotics networks instead of users. EU lawmakers on Thursday adopted a resolution condemning the "many extrajudicial killings" taking place in the Philippines and showing concern for the safety of Senator Leila de Lima, a fierce critic of President Rodrigo Duterte, who is being held on charges of involvement in the drugs trade. "They should mind their own business," said Salvador Panelo, chief presidential legal counsel. "They cannot dictate on the Philippine government on what to do with its constituent facing criminal charges," he said. "Nor can they can interfere with the judicial processes of our country." More than 8,000 people have been killed since Duterte took power on June 30 last year and delivered on his election promise to launch a merciless campaign against crime and drugs."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-philippines-drugs-eu-idUSKBN16O17S?il=0
--- "NATO's Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg urged Austria and Turkey on Friday to resolve a diplomatic dispute that has led to some cooperation programs being blocked. Turkey, a NATO ally, has withdrawn from some alliance participation - mostly military training - saying the move is aimed only at Austria. "It is a very unfortunate situation and it means some cooperation programs can't be launched," Stoltenberg told reporters during a visit to the Danish capital Copenhagen. Austria, which is not a NATO member but cooperates with the alliance, led calls last year to halt Turkey's European Union accession talks. Vienna has also spoken out against Turkish politicians holding rallies in European countries. "It's a bilateral situation between Turkey and Austria and we strongly urge them to solve it, so that it won't have negative consequences for the cooperation," he said."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nato-turkey-austria-idUSKBN16O150?il=0
--- "Somali maritime forces have exchanged gunfire with the hijackers of an oil tanker in the semi-autonomous region of Puntland, the head of the maritime force said on Thursday. The incident raised fears that hostages could have been hurt in the crossfire. This is the first time Somali pirates have taken over a commercial ship since 2012 and locals blame the attack on foreign fishermen flooding into their waters. The Somalis are also angry with their government for licensing some of the ships."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-somalia-hijack-idUSKBN16N17A?il=0
--- "Twenty two people were killed in an attack on a mosque during Friday prayers inside a military base in Yemen's Marib province, local officials said. Two missiles were fired at the mosque located inside the military camp of Kofal in the west of Marib after a rocket was fired, the officials said. Most of Marib is under the control of forces loyal to President Abd Rabbu Mansour al-Hadi. Iran-allied Houthis are battling his internationally recognized government."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-security-idUSKBN16O1ZL?il=0
--- "The Israeli military said it shot down one of numerous anti-aircraft missiles launched on Friday at its air force which was operating in Syria, in a rare such incident that spilled over into neighboring countries. The Syrian army said it had shot down an Israeli jet during the operation. Israel denied this, saying that all its aircraft had returned unscathed. "At no point was the safety of Israeli civilians or the IAF (Israeli Air Force) aircraft compromised," an Israeli military spokesman said. Rocket sirens had sounded in the early morning in Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank and two Reuters witnesses heard an explosion a few minutes later. The military said in its statement that one of the anti-aircraft missiles had been intercepted. The blast was heard as far away as Jerusalem, dozens of miles away. There were no reports of casualties or damage. A Jordanian civil defense source said a projectile had landed in a village on the outskirts of the northern Jordanian city of Irbid, about 20 kilometers (12 miles) from the Syrian and Israeli borders, causing light damage."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-rockets-idUSKBN16O052?il=0
--- "U.N. chief Antonio Guterres accepted the resignation of the head of the U.N. West Asia commission on Friday after he asked her to remove from the internet a report accusing Israel of imposing an "apartheid regime" on Palestinians, a U.N. spokesman said. "This is not about content, this is about process," said Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric. "The secretary-general cannot accept that an under-secretary-general or any other senior U.N. official that reports to him would authorize the publication under the U.N. name, under the U.N. logo, without consulting the competent departments and even himself," he told reporters."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-un-israel-report-idUSKBN16O29V?il=0
--- "A suicide bomber injured two Bangladeshi police officers on Friday when he attacked a base being built for the police anti-terrorist unit, officials said. Local media quoting the BBC Bangla service said Islamic State had claimed responsibility for the rare attack on Bangladesh's security services. Senior Dhaka police official Krishna Pada Roy said police were investigating the incident. It occurred a day after four people linked to a deadly cafe attack in the capital last year were killed when their suicide vests exploded during a raid in the southeastern town of Chittagong."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-bangladesh-militants-idUSKBN16O27Y?il=0
--- "At least 40 Somali refugees were killed off the coast of Yemen late on Thursday when a helicopter attacked the boat they were traveling in, the United Nations refugee agency said. Mohamed al-Alay, a coast guard officer in the Houthi-controlled Hodeidah area, told Reuters the refugees, carrying official UNHCR documents, were on their way from Yemen to Sudan when they were attacked by an Apache helicopter near the Bab al-Mandeb strait. The UNHCR said on its Twitter account at least 40 refugees were reported dead. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) put the death toll at 33 and said 29 were wounded and other passengers were missing."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-security-refugees-idUSKBN16O0UI?il=0
--- "Moroccan authorities said on Friday they had arrested 15 people suspected of ties with Islamic State in the latest raid officials say targeted militant networks. The suspects had been active in Casablanca, Marrakech, Tangiers, and Agadir, among other cities, and were involved in inciting or threatening to carry out attacks, the interior ministry said in a statement carried by MAP state news agency. "Certain individuals arrested acquired knowledge in making explosives and were in the process of acquiring material to make explosive charges to carry out terrorist operations targeting sensitive locations," the statement said. It said one suspect was conducting surveillance in Casablanca with the intention of creating a video claiming an attack in the name of Islamic State. Other suspects had attempted to acquire firearms to target public figures."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-morocco-security-idUSKBN16O2HX?il=0
Domestic & International News:
--- "The Trump administration is crafting a big new arms package for Taiwan that could include advanced rocket systems and anti-ship missiles to defend against China, U.S. officials said, a deal sure to anger Beijing. The package is expected to be significantly larger than one that was shelved at the end of the Obama administration, the officials told Reuters on the eve of a visit to Beijing by U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. "The political desire is there to do a substantial sale," one administration official said, adding that internal deliberations had begun on a deal "that's much stronger, much more significant than the one that was not accepted by the Obama people." President Donald Trump's administration is eager to proceed with the sales, but it is expected to take months and possibly into next year for the White House to overcome obstacles, including concern that Beijing's sensitivities over Taiwan could make it harder to secure cooperation on priorities such as reining in North Korea, the official said."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-taiwan-arms-idUSKBN16O2LQ
--- "Britain has received assurances from the United States that allegations the GCHQ intelligence agency helped former President Barack Obama eavesdrop on Donald Trump will not be repeated, a spokesman for Prime Minister Theresa May said on Friday. "We've made clear to the administration that these claims are ridiculous and they should be ignored and we've received assurances that these allegations will not be repeated," the spokesman told reporters. "We have a close special relationship with the White House and that allows us to raise concerns as and when they arise as was true in this case.""
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-wiretapping-may-idUSKBN16O1E7?il=0
--- "U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin discussed North Korea with Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso in Baden-Baden, Germany, the Treasury Department said in a statement. They "discussed North Korea and the importance of continuing the strong partnership between the United States and Japan on sanctions and illicit finance issues," the statement said. Finance ministers and central bank governors are gathered in the German town for the G20 summit."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-japan-northkorea-idUSKBN16O1TD?il=0
--- "Iran dismissed as "nonsense" comments made after U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis met with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that condemned Tehran's destabilizing regional influence, state news agency IRNA reported on Friday. Mattis and Prince Mohammed, who is the kingdom's defense minister, met on Thursday and discussed U.S.-Saudi military cooperation in the fight against Islamic State. A statement issued by the Pentagon said they also discussed tackling "Iran's destabilizing regional activities." IRNA cited Iran's foreign ministry spokesman, Bahram Qasemi, blaming the Saudi prince for the comments. "This Saudi official, who is one of the key players in the Saudi war against innocent people in Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and other countries in the region ... has made an irrelevant remark out of desperation," Qasemi was quoted as saying. Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shi'ite-led Iran back opposing factions in Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Bahrain."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-iran-saudi-usa-idUSKBN16O1VO?il=0
--- "Country-specific rules of origin within the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) would be "totally unacceptable", Mexico's Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo said on Friday. Under the trilateral trade deal between the United States, Mexico and Canada, rules of origin can specify that products must meet minimum regional (NAFTA-wide) content requirements to be tariff-free, but there are no national content requirements. Talks to renegotiate NAFTA should move ahead regardless of the timetable for U.S. tax reform, Guajardo told reporters at an event in the northern Mexican city of Monterrey."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-mexico-nafta-idUSKBN16O2E0?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday said the United States would respect historic institutions but that other countries must pay their fair share to support the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Trump, speaking at a news conference following his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, said he thanked her "for the German government's commitment to increase defense spending and work toward contributing at least 2 percent of GDP" for NATO."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-germany-usa-nato-idUSKBN16O2HD?il=0
Domestic News:
--- "The U.S. Justice Department is developing plans to temporarily reassign immigration judges from around the country to 12 cities to speed up deportations of illegal immigrants who have been charged with crimes, according to two administration officials. How many judges will be reassigned and when they will be sent is still under review, according to the officials, but the Justice Department has begun soliciting volunteers for deployment. The targeted cities are New York; Los Angeles; Miami; New Orleans; San Francisco; Baltimore, Bloomington, Minnesota; El Paso, Texas; Harlingen, Texas; Imperial, California; Omaha, Nebraska and Phoenix, Arizona. They were chosen because they are cities which have high populations of illegal immigrants with criminal charges, the officials said .A spokeswoman for the Justice Department's Executive Office of Immigration Review, which administers immigration courts, confirmed that the cities have been identified as likely recipients of reassigned immigration judges, but did not elaborate on the planning. The plan to intensify deportations is in line with a vow made frequently by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail last year to deport more illegal immigrants involved in crime. The Department of Homeland Security asked for the judges' reshuffle, an unusual move given that immigration courts are administered by the Department of Justice. A Homeland Security spokeswoman declined to comment on any plan that has not yet been finalized.  Under an executive order signed by Trump in January, illegal immigrants with pending criminal cases are regarded as priorities for deportation whether they have been found guilty or not. That is a departure from former President Barack Obama's policy, which prioritized deportations only of those convicted of serious crimes."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-judges-exclusive-idUSKBN16O2S6
--- "The U.S. government took the legal battle over President Donald Trump's travel ban to a higher court on Friday, saying it would appeal against a federal judge's decision that struck down parts of the ban on the day it was set to go into effect. The Department of Justice said in a court filing it would appeal against a ruling by U.S. District Judge Theodore Chuang in Maryland to the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia. On Thursday, Chuang issued an emergency halt to the portion of Trump's March 6 executive order temporarily banning the entry of travelers from six Muslim-majority countries. He left in place the section of the order that barred the entry of refugees to the United States for four months. Another federal judge in Hawaii struck down both sections of the ban in a broader court ruling that prevented Trump's order from moving forward. In Washington state, where the ban is also being challenged, U.S. District Court Judge James Robart put a stay on proceedings for as long as the Hawaii court's nationwide temporary restraining order remained in place, to "conserve resources" and avoid inconsistent and duplicate rulings. The decisions came in response to lawsuits brought by states' attorneys general in Hawaii and refugee resettlement agencies in Maryland who were represented by the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Immigration Law Center."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-immigration-appeal-idUSKBN16O2MT
--- "President Donald Trump's proposal to do away with the federal agency that investigates chemical accidents drew sharp criticism from environmental, labor and safety advocates, who said that eliminating the watchdog would put American lives at risk. Christine Todd Whitman, the former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency head, on Thursday called the proposal to get rid of Chemical Safety Board (CSB) and cut EPA funding short-sighted, saying both have long been an industry target for advocating greater public information on chemicals.  "If you want to put the American people in danger this is the way to do it," she said of the president's proposal to cut the CSB's funding entirely from the 2018 federal budget. "The chemical industry has fought back from the beginning." The CSB investigates major chemicals accidents to search for their causes and makes recommendations that could prevent a recurrence. It has no regulatory power, but is influential because its recommendations are often adopted by industry, labor, government officials, the EPA and Occupational Safety and Health Administration."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-budget-csb-idUSKBN16O0FK?il=0
--- "President Donald Trump maintains his support of Republican House leaders' healthcare plan, U.S. Health Secretary Tom Price said on Friday, adding that the proposed measure tackles key issues important to the president. "The president's very supportive of this plan, thinks that it addresses his priorities," such as the coverage of patients with pre-existing medical conditions, among others, Price told reporters at a news conference."
--- "U.S. Republicans' proposed healthcare plan to unravel Obamacare likely will be changed to adjust its tax credits to help older Americans buy health insurance coverage, two Republican lawmakers said on Friday. House Budget Committee Chairman Diane Black said it was very likely there would be such changes to do more for older, lower-income people. U.S. Representative Tom Cole said House Speaker Paul Ryan earlier on Friday had "pretty much committed" to altering the plan's tax credits to help older Americans."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-obamacare-taxcredits-idUSKBN16O1ZD?il=0
--- "A committee of Kansas lawmakers will be charged with reconciling differences in legislation passed to plug a $280 million hole in the state's fiscal 2017 budget after the Senate passed a revised version of a House-approved bill late on Thursday. Both versions would allow the state to borrow money from a long-term investment fund and delay a payment to the Kansas Public Employees Retirement System. But the monetary amounts and plans to repay the cash differ, J.G. Scott, assistant director for fiscal affairs at the Kansas Legislative Research Department, said on Friday. Tax cuts enacted in 2012 have gouged a hole in the Kansas budget as revenue failed to meet monthly estimates, although February marked a fourth straight month that collections met or exceeded projections. Kansas also faces higher education spending in the wake of a recent state supreme court ruling. Scott said the bills to fix the budget will head to a legislative conference committee probably next week.The Senate on Thursday rejected three attempts to amend the bill with across-the-board spending cuts of 2 percent, 1 percent and 0.5 percent."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-kansas-budget-idUSKBN16O2D8?il=0
--- "U.S. President Donald Trump says he wants to build dozens of new warships in one of the biggest peace-time expansions of the U.S. Navy. But interviews with ship-builders, unions and a review of public and internal documents show major obstacles to that plan. The initiative could cost nearly $700 billion in government funding, take 30 years to complete and require hiring tens of thousands of skilled shipyard workers - many of whom don't exist yet because they still need to be hired and trained, according to the interviews and the documents reviewed. Trump has vowed a huge build-up of the U.S. military to project American power in the face of an emboldened China and Russia. That includes expanding the Navy to 350 warships from 275 today. He has provided no specifics, including how soon he wants the larger fleet. The Navy has given Defense Secretary Jim Mattis a report that explores how the country's industrial base could support higher ship production, Admiral Bill Moran, the vice chief of Naval Operations with oversight of the Navy’s shipbuilding outlook, told Reuters. He declined to give further details. But those interviewed for this story say there are clearly two big issues - there are not enough skilled workers in the market, from electricians to welders, and after years of historically low production, shipyards and their suppliers, including nuclear fuel producers, will struggle to ramp up for years."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-shipbuilding-insight-idUSKBN16O142?il=0
--- "President Donald Trump is expected to nominate New York lawyer George T. Conway III to lead the U.S. Justice Department's civil division, a source briefed on the matter said on Friday. Conway, the husband of Trump's senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, is a partner at Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz. He has represented Philip Morris International Inc, Cardinal Health Inc and the National Football League among many corporate clients. He did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment. The White House and Justice Department also declined comment. As head of the civil division, Conway would be in charge of defending government actions, including Trump's revised executive order banning citizens from six Muslim-majority nations from traveling to the United States."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-conway-idUSKBN16O2D4?il=0
--- "The U.S. Justice Department has disclosed an investigation into four health insurers after a lawsuit accused them of defrauding Medicare by claiming patients were treated for conditions they did not have or received no treatment for. The probe of Health Net Inc (MAHN.PK), Aetna Inc (AET.N), Cigna Corp's (CI.N) Bravo Health Inc and Humana Inc (HUM.N) was revealed in papers filed on Tuesday in federal court in Los Angeles, in a lawsuit the government recently joined against UnitedHealth Group Inc (UNH.N). The department last month partially intervened in the U.S. False Claims Act lawsuit brought by a former UnitedHealth executive, Benjamin Poehling, whose whistleblower case against the company and other insurers was filed under seal in 2011. Under the False Claims Act, whistleblowers can sue companies on the government's behalf to recover taxpayer money paid out based on fraudulent claims. If successful, whistleblowers receive a percentage of the recovery. A government decision to intervene is typically a major boost to such cases. When it initially intervened in the case in February, the Justice Department said it was declining to pursue claims against other insurers named in the lawsuit besides UnitedHealth. But on Tuesday, the Justice Department filed a "corrected notice" of intervention, saying that, due to ongoing investigations of Health Net, Aetna, Bravo and Humana, it could not make a decision as to whether to proceed against them."
Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-health-lawsuit-idUSKBN16O2BQ?il=0
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byalung · 7 years
LP sa mga pinangalanan sa bribe try: Kalokohan!
LP sa mga pinangalanan sa bribe try: Kalokohan!
Binalewala ni Senador Francis Pangilinan ang paratang ni Justice Secretary Vitaliano Aguirre II na sangkot ang Liberal Party (LP) sa P100 milyon suhulan para bawiin ang testimonya ng mga drug convict laban kay Senador Leila de Lima. (more…)
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phgq · 4 years
Palace distances from sedition raps vs. Trillanes, 10 others
#PHnews: Palace distances from sedition raps vs. Trillanes, 10 others
MANILA -- Malacañang on Tuesday said it would not interfere with the decision of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to charge former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV and 10 others for their supposed involvement in an alleged ouster plot against President Rodrigo Duterte.
“As a matter of policy the President does not interfere in any proceeding involving the departments,” Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said in a Palace briefing.
Aside from Trillanes, also charged were Peter Joemel Advincula, the man who introduced himself as "Bikoy" in the "Ang Totoong Narcolist" videos released during the 2019 election campaign period; Jonnel P. Sangalang, Yolanda Ong, Fr. Flaviano Villanueva, Fr. Albert E. Alejo, Vicente R. Romano III, film actor Joel Saracho, Eduardo Acierto, publicist Boom Enriquez, and a certain “Monique”.
The complaint alleged that Trillanes and the others are involved in "circulating malicious and scurrilous libels and fabricating evidence against him and his immediate family members, making it appear that the president and his family are engaged in a drug trade syndicate, with no other purpose but to inflict an act of hate or revenge against the president and his immediate family members."
“If that is the finding of the Department of Justice as he keeps on saying, let the law take its course,” Panelo said.
While Trillanes’ sedition rap stays, the DOJ dismissed the sedition complaint against Vice President Leni Robredo, Senators Leila de Lima and Risa Hontiveros, and seven of the Otso Diretso candidates namely former Magdalo Rep. Gary Alejano, human rights lawyer Jose Manuel Diokno, former solicitor general Florin Hilbay, election lawyer Romulo Macalintal, Samira Gutoc, former Quezon Rep. Lorenzo Tanada III, and former Senator Paolo Benigno Aquino IV.
Also cleared of charges were Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines vice president and Caloocan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David, former CBCP president Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, Cubao Bishop Honesto Ongtioco, retired Novaliches Bishop Teodoro Bacani Jr., former Education secretary Armin Luistro and Fr. Ruben Reyes among others.
Panelo rejected claims made by Robredo that the DOJ’s junking of the sedition case filed against her and other members of the opposition showed that it was based on “blatant lies and politicking.”
In her personal Twitter account, Robredo welcomed the move, stressing that the DOJ found no evidence against her.
“We never engage in politics,” Panelo, also Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, said.
“Those investigating prosecutors know their task to find the probable cause if the evidence presented to them does not show the risk then they have no other alternative than to dismiss the case,” he added.
Panelo, meanwhile, pointed out that Trillanes and 10 others who are still facing sedition charges may easily avail of legal remedies.
“They have the opportunity to defend themselves. Again, the President says let the law take its course. There are remedies available to them, they should avail of them,” Panelo said.
In April last year, the ‘Ang Totoong Narcolist’ videos were released during the 2019 election campaign period linking the President and his family to the illegal drug trade.
Advincula later claimed to be Bikoy and surrendered to authorities saying that the videos were released as part of the so-called Project Sodoma, which was allegedly hatched to discredit administration candidates during the May 13, 2019 elections.
He also claimed that he met Trillanes through Father Alejo.
Bikoy also said Trillanes and the Liberal Party promised him PHP500,000 in exchange for his “act” but they failed to fulfill it until after the election on May 13 where none of the opposition bets won. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Palace distances from sedition raps vs. Trillanes, 10 others." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1093530 (accessed February 12, 2020 at 02:14AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Palace distances from sedition raps vs. Trillanes, 10 others." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1093530 (archived).
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pacificast · 7 years
Senate minority has new leader
LIBERAL Party Sen. Franklin Drilon has been elected Senate Minority Leader while fellow LP senator Bam Aquino is his assistant. Drilon replaced Sen. Ralph Recto who jumped to the majority bloc and was eventually elected as Senate President Pro-Tempore, the post stripped from Drilon. Meanwhile, detained Sen. Leila de Lima,… http://dlvr.it/NVZ6z8 | #PacificastNewsfeed
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heliosfinance · 7 years
Senator Leila M. de Lima thanked fellow Liberal Party Senators and Senator Risa Hontiveros. @bworldph
Senator Leila M. de Lima thanked fellow Liberal Party Senators and Senator Risa Hontiveros. @bworldph
Senator Leila M. de Lima thanked fellow Liberal Party Senators and Senator Risa Hontiveros. @bworldph published first on http://ift.tt/2ljLF4B
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