undard · 1 year
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what-makes-a-hero · 6 years
Tony voters: Fuck you. Ethan Slater, the sound designers, and Tina Ladeu deserved those Tony Awards. Their direction, and sound made SPONGEBOB work and Ethan’s performance will always be one of the best I’ve ever seen.
The fact you didn’t voted for them because it’s SPONGEBOB shows us how you value title over craft
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New Post has been published on Actualitat Valenciana
El Valencia celebra el seu pas a Champions en l'adéu del Depor a Primera http://actualitatvalenciana.com/el-valencia-celebra-el-seu-pas-a-champions-en-ladeu-del-depor-a-primera/
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jaumesatorra · 4 years
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meigallizar · 5 years
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# Feliz dia dos namorados meu amor ❤, hj é o nosso dia, e o único sentimento que reverbera no meu coração é amor, um amor imensurável que eu sinto por vc e vc sabe é bem disso, Te amo dmais minha vida, sabe algumas pessoas encontram a felicidade em várias coisas diferentes, uns encontram no dinheiro, outros festas, noitadas bebidas, outros em sair pegando uma e outra por aí sem querer saber de nada, só em curtir, bom, de uma coisa eu sei, q já passei por algumas dessas fazes, e sei que tudo isso é uma mera ilusão, pois são poucos que encontram a verdadeira felicidade, e a minha graças a meu Deus eu a encontrei, VC meu AMOR, vc é a minha verdadeira felicidade que eu assim como todo ser humano tanto buscar, é claro q a principal felicidade acima de tudo é Deus, mas em relação a nós seres humanos, vc é a melhor coisa q existiu e existe e sempre existirá na minha vida 🙏💓, meu anjo, se eu pudesse eu criaria um série de palavras novas só pra descrever o quanto eu te amo,mas infelizmente é impossível, já usei todas kk Enfim meu amor, te amo dmais e obrigado por se fazer presente e existir na minha vida, não enxergo um futuro sem vc, te quero pra sempre, até a pós a morte em uma eternidade no paraíso 🙏❤👏🏻, meu amor OBRIGADO POR EXISTIR, TE AMO MUITOO, E QUE DEUS NOS ABENÇOE FORTEMENTE, TE AMOOOOOOOOO, FELIZ DIA DOS NAMORADOS/NOIVO/MARIDO !!! ❤👫❤ (em Dia dos Namorados) https://www.instagram.com/p/BynPL-LADeU/?igshid=1kep9r0zjumx9
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elpozodelsilencio · 7 years
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Passejar envoltada d'una bellesa immensa. #nature #friends #lamoixina #eltriai #ladeu
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undard · 1 year
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undard · 1 year
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The Cambion
Cambion (Half-Demon)
The offspring of a human and any class of demon, one out of three of the daemon races that have a physical body. The lowest in the demon hierarchy and the most rare, as most are cursed to die in childbirth caused by their demon parent. But if they somehow live through their birthing, no demonic features form until around four to five years old. Even then, the small bumps on their hairline and sacrum are easily hidden. As they continue to grow, any baby teeth that fall out are replaced with sharp fangs and their round pupils begin to sharpen along with the Iris that forms into unnatural colors. The most painful process is the growing of the horns and tail and the process that usually outs the child to their mother and/or the rest of the village. 
Half-Demons are also the most hated, Humans, Demons, and Angels despise the very existence of Cambions. If said Cambion child is discovered they will have many fates that await them, the child could be taken and indoctrinated into the Celestial Faith to live the rest of their life repenting for their sin of existence. The child could be exiled from their village to fend for themselves and to live a life alone or constantly hunted by the things that want them dead. Rarely is the child kept by their mother, but those who are living a relatively normal life will seek answers for what they are eventually. 
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undard · 1 year
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Magi are humans that wield magical capabilities, they are usually branded and sent to train On the Puritas Isles, where an academy lives run by Mistress Melenthe
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undard · 1 year
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Map of Ladeus, The empire reigns over all the land
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undard · 1 year
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Humans of the empire worship The Divine, and very much dislike Demons
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undard · 1 year
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Angels that serve underneath the Archons directly, and are the lieutenants of the angelic armies. Created by pieces of the Archons. 
Elaeniel - Jeremiah (Diligence), Abalim (Humility)
Azrael - Zoroth (Decay), Irridiel (Growth)
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undard · 1 year
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Messengers of the archons and seraphim, comes down to earth to speak to humans
The weakest of the angels. Their wings are on the smaller side along with their bodies. They seem to represent pure and innocent love and are extremely rare.
The most well known and common angels, most are guardian angels that watch over humans and the churches in the world. They look the most human.
Warrior angels, specifically created to fight in the wars, expendable and can be easily fused back together if defeated in battle.
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undard · 1 year
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Charon- leads souls through the styx
Sentinel- Guards the palace of the divine in the heavens, second eldest son of the divine
Ladeus- youngest son of the divine, his dead angelic body makes up the landform of Ladeus
The Divine- god of the world, mother of Metatron, Pontifex, Sentinel, and Ladeus
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undard · 1 year
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The Prince Daemons and The Dread Lord, read more for more info
The rulers of the 7 hells underneath Pontifex, the Lord of hell. Unbelievably powerful but do not usually engage with the human world - far too wrapped up in their attempts of controlling the seven circles and wrestling power from the other princes. They are the physical embodiments of the 7 sins, or as they call them, the aspects.
Wrath: Ag'dreziz
Greed: Demythryes
Envy: Sargirin
Pride: Lucifex
Lust: Saefele
Gluttony: Abbaddon
Sloth: Selvaroth
Dread Lord
Ruler and overseer of 7 hells, The brother of Metatron,Sentinel, and Ladeus. Pontifex is greatly above the Princes in power but does not use his powers to fight angels but rather to keep his Princes from dying to them. He seems to embody all sins equally.
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