#La Maison Tellier
oshioshili · 26 days
La Maison Tellier - Sur un Volcan (clip officiel)
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detournementsmineurs · 7 months
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“Le Plaisir” de Max Ophüls (1952) - adapté de trois nouvelles “Le Masque”, “Le Modèle” et “La Maison Tellier” de Guy de Maupassant (1881-89) - avec Jean Gabin, Danielle Darrieux, Madeleine Renaud, Ginette Leclerc, Daniel Gélin, Simone Simon, Claude Dauphin, Jean Galland, Gaby Morlay, la participation de Pierre Brasseur et la voix-off de Jean Servais, octobre 2023.
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kooli-sims · 1 year
I was tagged by beloved @deedee-sims !
Shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first ten tracks 1. Feu! Chatterton - La Malinche 2. Sam & Dave - Hold On, I’m Coming 3. La Maison Tellier - Sur Un Volcan 4. Warpaint - Hips 5. Amadou & Mariam - Dougné Te Soyé 6. Moby - Bodyrock 7. Hilary Hahn - Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major 8. Kasabian - Fast Fuse 9. Mike Oldfield - To France 10. Warpaint - The Stall I don’t know who posted it already, but anyway, I’ll nominate @frottana-sims @kalux-sims @platinumaspiration @rudhira & @peppermint-ginger, feel free to ignore:)
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corentin-pernet-ppr · 8 months
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Riso print for La Maison Tellier / Atlas And more on my Instagram : instagram.com/corentin.pernet
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la-perfide-albion · 9 months
@petits-pois-carcinogenic tagged me (and i completely forgot) to post my top 5 songs of the moment, and so, in no particular order, i give you:
Les hommes que j'aime - La rue Kétanou
Sur un volcan - La maison Tellier
La crise - Diego Pallavas
TECHNOFLIC - Poésie Zéro
J'accuse - Saez
tagging @merzbulking , @faggothawkeyepierce , @brilliantly-ordinary and @tomorrowcomest0day
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dudewhoabides · 2 years
La Maison Tellier & Friends - "Down by the River"
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thelibraryiscool · 2 years
Short Story Project – Week 4
What I read this week – as before, no ratings, but I’ll still say if I recommend (R), strongly recommend (S), or don’t recommend (D) a story:
1. Herman Hesse, “The Poet,” trans. Denver Lindley (R) “And while he compared all these things which he was seeing with his eyes to the mental pictures he had painted of them in his homesickness, it became clear to him that he was after all, destined to be a poet, and he saw that in poets' dreams reside a beauty and enchantment that one seeks in vain in the things of the real world.”
2. Nella Larsen, “Sanctuary” (R) “Ah does mah duty as Ah sees et ‘thout no thanks from you. Ef de Lawd had gib you a white face ‘stead o’ dat dere black one, Ah shuah would turn you out. Now hush yo’ mouf an git yo’se’f in. An’ don’ git movin’ and scrunnchin’ undah dose covahs and git yo’se’f kotched in mah house.”
3.  Guy de Maupassant, “La Maison Tellier” (R) “Rosa, ravie, se leva, et doucement, pour ne réveiller personne, alla chercher l'enfant. Elle l'amena dans son lit bien chaud, la pressa contre sa poitrine en l'embrassant, la dorlota, l'enveloppa de sa tendresse aux manifestations exagérées, puis, calmée elle-même, s'endormit. Et jusqu'au jour la communiante reposa son front sur le sein nu de la prostituée.” [tr. below the cut]
4. Beka Kurkhuli, “The Killer,” trans. Natalia Bukia-Peters & Victoria Field (S) “A bit later, a round of four bullets hit Diasamidze in the right side of his chest. A fourth bullet grazed his shoulder. Gia quickly ran up to him, sat down beside him, and stared bewildered at Shukria’s quivering face and the pink bubbles of blood appearing at his mouth. One bullet had gone through his lung. It was the first time Gia had seen a man killed by gunshot and he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw how, even though he was already dead, for a few seconds Shukria Diasamidze kept pulling at the belt of his submachine gun and how the fingers of his right hand were convulsing.”
5. Михаил Булгаков, “Москва 20-х годов” [Moscow in the 20s] (R) “— Нет, благодарю вас, чаю не хочется. Сыт, — со вздохом ответил я, чувствуя какое-то странное томление. Обломки кекса плавали внутри меня в чайном море и вызывали чувство тоски.” [tr. below the cut]
6. Prabda Yoon, “Feet First,” trans. Mui Poopopsakul (S) “Roang caught himself swinging his legs at a faster pace than what could be called walking, despite the fact that no part of his brain had signaled his legs to plow through the air so hard. But he was  running — there was no mistaking it because he was looking down, astonished, at his two feet as they took turns flinging rapidly forward on the sand. He had no idea why his feet had started running, he didn’t know what had ordered them to do so, but running he certainly was.”
7. Clara Ng, “Meteors,” trans. Toni Pollard (R) “If Cen hadn’t had any sleep for forty hours she was not to be disturbed. She would close her eyes and you wouldn’t be able to engage her in conversation for hours. This aspect of Cen was very puzzling to Tiansun. He didn’t need to close his eyes because he didn’t have any eyelids. And why couldn’t you get Cen to talk while she was asleep, anyway?”
8. Diana Wynne Jones, “What the Cat Told Me” (S) “I had just reached the stage of washing where you have one foot high in the air. I fell over. It was most annoying. The next minute, I was rolling around in a huge room full of people cooking things. A kitchen, Boy said it was later. It smelled marvelous. I hardly minded at all when Good Thing made me leap up and snatch a roast leg of mutton from the nearest table.“
3. Rosa, thrilled, got up and softly, so as not to way anyone, went to find the child. She took her to her well-warmed bed, pressed her to her chest with kisses, coddled her, wrapped her up in her exaggerated show of tenderness, and then, herself calmed, fell asleep. And until daylight the communicant rested with her brow on the prostitute’s naked breast.
5. ‘No, thank you, I don’t want tea. I’m full,’ I replied with a sigh, feeling a strange discontent. Bits of the cake swam around inside me in a sea of tea and caused a feeling of melancholy.
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lonesomemao · 5 months
Un monde fou va me quitter
Merci à Maupassant
Qui a permis de parler
Du harcèlement
Le Horla enterré maintenant
La Maison Tellier peut livrer ses secrets
Mercredi 8 novembre 2023
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lephotomarion · 6 months
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Beautiful again, La Maison Tellier : https://youtu.be/fkU-LpO4BlU?si=569zvKchpixRr12Q
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aplriom · 10 months
Sur un volcan
Les élèves de 5e et 4e ont participé à la réalisation de cette vidéo en produisant plusieurs dessins et peintures. Par différents gestes ils ont créé des effets plastiques évoquant l'activité volcanique. De ce chaos qui vibre puis qui s'endort petit à petit, naît la chaine des Puys.
Cette vidéo accompagna le morceau "Sur un volcan" de La Maison Tellier durant le spectacle "Concert Grandeur Nature" avec une chorale de 250 élèves, le mardi 13 juin 2023 à la Maison de la Culture de Clermont-Ferrand.
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espacebelair · 1 year
La Maison Tellier Samedi 4 février 20h30 Comment rendre sur scène l’ampleur et l’intensité d’Atlas, septième album du quintet normand ? Les faux-frères ont choisi de faire appel à ce qui a toujours caractérisé la Maison Tellier : la sincérité, l’élégance, la joie de faire ce qu’ils aiment par-dessus tout. En formation de combat, sur fond de lumières brûlantes pour faire danser les ombres sur les…
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detournementsmineurs · 7 months
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Jean Galland dans “Le Plaisir” de Max Ophüls (1952) - adapté de trois nouvelles “Le Masque”, “Le Modèle” et “La Maison Tellier” de Guy de Maupassant (1881-89) - octobre 2023.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Napoli, inaugurata mostra "Degas il ritorno a Napoli"
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Napoli, inaugurata mostra "Degas il ritorno a Napoli". È stata inaugurata nel fine settimana scorso, e resterà aperta sino al 10 aprile, la mostra dedicata a Edgar Degas. L’esposizione, realizzata da Navigare srl in collaborazione con il Comune di Napoli e curata da Vincenzo Sanfo, raduna quasi 200 opere in totale, delle quali 88 dell’artista francese, che visse a Napoli una delle più importanti tappe della sua vita e formazione artistica. È noto che il pittore e scultore Edgar Degas (1834 - 1917) coltivò sin dalla giovinezza uno stretto rapporto con l’Italia e con Napoli eppure mai, fino ad oggi, la città ha ospitato una mostra a lui dedicata. Per la prima volta in assoluto, dal 14 gennaio fino al 10 aprile, Degas, il ritorno a Napoli celebra finalmente quel legame, con una selezione di quasi 200 opere originali esposte nella Sala del Refettorio del Complesso Monumentale di San Domenico Maggiore, a pochi passi da Palazzo Pignatelli di Monteleone, residenza del nonno paterno e di parte della famiglia, meglio conosciuto come Palazzo Degas. La mostra è stata realizzata e divisa in tre aree tematiche. La prima, riferita agli anni giovanili di Degas, ricostruisce le atmosfere della Napoli di fine Ottocento, attraverso immagini storiche e l’analisi del ritratto del nonno Hilaire De Gas, primo importante dipinto realizzato a Napoli dal futuro pittore impressionista, e quello della famiglia Bellelli, suoi parenti, proposti in mostra in una riproduzione multimediale. Con la seconda sezione, dedicata ai temi distintivi dell’arte di Degas: ballerine, prostitute, cavalli da corsa e café-chantant della Belle Époque, l’esposizione entra nel vivo con una galleria di disegni, studi preparatori, numerose incisioni tra monotipi, litografie e xilografie, e tre sculture in bronzo. Tali opere risultano fondamentali per comprendere a pieno l’arte del “pittore delle ballerine”.  L’attenzione alla forma e al segno, che si realizza attraverso lo studio, l’imitazione dei grandi maestri della pittura italiana oltre che del neoclassicista Ingres, insieme all’esercizio del disegno, lo accompagneranno fino alla morte. Il disegno, per Degas, rivela molto meglio della pittura la vera personalità di un'artista. Anche quando entrerà nel gruppo degli Impressionisti e si dedicherà al colore, Degas non abbandonerà questa convinzione. Accanto alla produzione di disegni e incisioni dell’artista, rappresentata dalle serie La Maison Tellier e La Famille Cardinal e, in facsimile, dal Carnet di disegni per Ludovic Halévy, spiccano in questa esposizione numerosi altri celebri artisti tra cui Pablo Picasso (acquaforte Degas e Desboutin, serie La Celestine) e Jules Pascin (disegni a inchiostro Maison Close). A corredo dell’esposizione anche una selezione di volume d’epoca dedicati alla persona e all’artista Degas. La terza area tematica riguarda aspetti più mondani della vita di Degas, le sue frequentazioni con altri artisti e gli anni più tormentati della sua esistenza minata dalla cecità. In questa parte della mostra, sono esposte opere pittoriche e grafiche di artisti napoletani, come Filippo Palizzi, conosciuto alla Reale Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, con il quale Degas condivise il dissenso per l’insegnamento accademico. L’area ospita anche altri illustri artisti come Domenico Morelli, Frank Boggs, Giuseppe Canova, Ferdinando Pappacena e Édouard Manet, con il prezioso olio su cartoncino Vase de fleure. Infine, trentaquattro fotografie realizzate da Degas, provenienti dalla Bibliothèque Nationale de France, evidenziano l’interesse di Degas per la recente invenzione quale strumento di studio per il movimento del corpo umano e dei cavalli, accolta da molti Impressionisti. Degas, il ritorno a Napoli sarà visitabile sino al 10 aprile con orario continuato, giorni feriali dalle ore 9:30 alle 19:30 mentre sabato, la domenica e festivi dalle 9:30 alle 20:30. Costo biglietti a partire da 10 euro. 8 euro per i possessori del pass turistico Artecard, realizzato dalla società Scabec della Regione Campania per la promozione turistica della Campania. Biglietteria sul posto, e online con ticketone.it. Info e prenotazioni [email protected]... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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poshwithmimi · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Volume IV Complete Works of Guy de Maupassant - Pierre and Jean, Ball-and-Tallow.
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bouxmounir · 2 years
Audomarois : Hervé Le Tellier et Amandine Dhée, invités du premier Salon du livre et de l'édition indépendante
Audomarois : Hervé Le Tellier et Amandine Dhée, invités du premier Salon du livre et de l’édition indépendante
Pour fêter ses 20 ans et pour la première fois, l’Association des éditeurs des Hauts-de-France, 56 adhérents répartis sur toute la région, organise son salon, à Saint-Omer. Au programme, des ateliers, des rencontres, pour dévoiler les coulisses d’un monde en exil. Mais on parle moins de ceux des grandes maisons. Hervé Le Tellier, Amandine Dhée, Lucien Suel ou Dominique Sampiero sont conviés à ce…
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prosedumonde · 5 years
Ce fut comme un éclat de lumière illuminant d’un seul coup toute l’étendue de son malheur ; et la rencontre de ce souffle errant le jeta dans l’abîme noir des douleurs irrémédiables. Il sentit son coeur déchiré par cette séparation sans fin. Sa vie était coupée au milieu ; et sa jeunesse entière disparaissait engloutie dans cette mort.
Guy de Maupassant, La maison Tellier • En famille
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