lrosenthal11 · 7 years
Here's to my start at @CollegeIsMyLife <3
Hi!! ♌
 My name is Laurunce Rosenthal and this is my first blog for my new job ayeeee. We have a loootttttt to cover so here we go. Wow I don’t think anyone, including myself, is ready for what’s about to be written. Here we fuckin go.
Okay let’s start from the start. I’m Laurunce, some know me as LJ some Laurunce, some call me names they make up like Lauren or Lawrence or LG or even shit like TJ like idk where we getting these letters from…but anyway that is me. I’m Laurunce. And you’ve probably never heard the name Laurunce before which is so lit for me because now I hope you never forget it. I’m the girl that’s going to make an impact on this world. Wanna know why? Because no one else is going to? “Oh LJ so many people are doing stuff for this world..” well my niqqa why aren’t you? Glad you just asked yourself that question I want you to ask yourself it again…and again… Ask yourself why you aren’t doing something for this world; some action to better this world. And if you are HELL YEAHHH glad you’re on the winning team. Now for people not doing anything positive for this world, or even worse doing stuff that NEGATIVELY IMPACTS our Earth, yuuuuuppp I’m calling you out bartards and litterers, and yep even you past LJ meanie gal. You were not a nice human in your past. Glad you woke up girl. Make some positive changes in this world people, we gotta do it not only for us, but for our children and grandchildren, and our grandchildren’s grandchildren. I’m doing this for you, my babies I hope to have. Obviously cannot predict the future, but my two beautiful baby girls, hopefully twins, if not the best of friend sisters: Summer Raine Rosenthal and Brooke Lynn Rosenthal. How cute omg cannot wait for these beautiful humans to enter the world Anyway back to start, we are going to stray off track a lot I feel like but it’s worth it to me because my ideas are all over the place but begging and pleading to be put onto this page, which will then transfer to your brains. This is my literal thought process running like a wild lion (where my Leos at?) through my brain, and leaving my fingertips to be available for your eyes to read and your soul to listen to. These are my lyrics on some platform, somewhere, wherever you are. And wherever you are I hope you are at home and at peace, because you are your own home. “You can’t make homes out of human beings, someone should have already told you that.” – Warsan Shire (my twitter bio for idk maybe the past 4 years), and as Porter Robinson said at the event that sparked this enlightenment of my soul, #OkeechobeeMusicFestival2017, “Every place you’ve ever imagined, it’s real. There is a fictional city in your mind and you know every corner of it. Your mind is a world, each of us is a place.” Do you understand why music is my new favorite drug? Lyrics and beats SPEAK TO ME.
How did this change all occur??? Well, I microdosed on LSD (microdosing is where you cut of a liiiitle piece and take that instead of dropping the whole tab) and my eyes were opened to the effects of drugs and how they can hinder such beautiful people and decided that is not the path I wish to be on anymore. If I can enjoy life without all the drugs and other influences I was under, why do I NEED them? That is not to say I am going to stop cold turkey, but I now know and trust my limits.  I was addicted to this fake feeling of satisfaction for however long my high lasted. Now I truthfully am high on life. I could sit here and type forever about the changes I am making in my life, but I will just show you all, and show myself, because it’s kinda counterproductive to brag (#NOMORENEGATIVITY) and try to explain how amazing it is to finally be happy in my own skin and with a new cleansed and refreshed soul. It’s the flesh I will be in for the rest of my years on this planet, so I should prob get comfy in it, and I encourage you to do the same, get comfy peeps it’s going to be a nice journey. And I am not here to scold you, because who am I to try and control your life, and who are you to try and control mine? I needed to take a drug to realize I don’t need them. I DROPPED a tab (tab = the acid for my family right now reading this going ‘huhhhh what’s a tab??!!!’) Anyway, I DROPPED a drug to realize I could DROP drugs, ahhhhh finally a big part of my life, “Double Entendre” which I hope to call this blog/the book I am going to write. There will be many of those DEs throughout this new blog. Wow I am excited. If you are reading this and it touches you in any way please share. I am just a New York girl trying to be successful, and there are many cliché stories like that, but who is to say I can’t be one of those cliché stories too? They usually have really awesome endings.
           So what am I going to do with this blog platform? I am going to change the world. Don’t believe me? Watch me. THE ONLY PERSONEVER STOPPING YOU, IS YOU. And I believe that about myself. At Okeechobee, a woman who looked JUST like my older sister Janeen, (Janeen you are one of my heroes, this one’s for you) approached me and said to me, “Watch who you hang out with.” and proceeded on her way. You will see throughout my blog I believe in Her, She, The Universe. She is Us it’s so weird and hard to explain but I’ll try…She is not a religion, She is not something we have to go praise every Sunday, or someone who we have to fear, She is within and among us, trying to guide us on our life’s journey so we can experience all the necessary experiences we have to go through in order to become our true selves. I believe in Astrology a crazy amount, and I’m no expert, but I am learning. And I believe She chose me to be a Leo, Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio for a reason. (Find your Natal Chart here, it will unlock so many secrets to your life. It very well may be exactly what you need to read in your life right now to start your enlightenment, http://astro.cafeastrology.com/natal.php. ) If you look up my signs you will learn a lot about me, which if you aren’t interested you don’t obviously have to but you’ll learn more about me than you could imagine. Here’s a video (https://youtu.be/ymmq1E37sJQ?list=PLGn9j5IRilElxuRGQz0Voy7JEHF9nQOqZ)  that literally is so scary spot on I laughed at Her because she has a humorous side I’m so serious. Anyway go look up your info wait lemme get this out first, most of us will be adults reading this…remember no one can tell you what to do but you. Others can influence your decision, but no one can MAKE you do anything. And if someone FORCES you to do something…drop that human out of your life, they have no place in it. That is what I did and look at me now. I listened to the woman in the #BOSS hat at Okeechobee, (she was on the security team not just some random) and holy shit did she remind me of my sister. I let her influence my decisions, and I reevaluated what I was doing with my nights and who I was spending it with. I will always have so much love for the people in my past, and I’m so grateful for all the lessons they have taught me, but some people just don’t have a place in my life anymore. I refuse to let anyone hold me back from pursuing my dreams. Please let these resonate, “BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.” That is exactly what I am here doing, and I encourage you to do the same. That was my senior quote and I am realizing that She has guided me to do many things in my life (that She is still revealing it’s so dope) that have led me to exactly where I am, the happiest I have ever been while on this Earth. That quote was my senior quote, and at the time of choosing that quote I had so many others I was going to pick. (Thank you Universe and Margaret Grace for helping w the selection, YOU ARE MY PERSON. The Meredith to my Christina dude. More like my Froggies Windman to my F’real Pumpkin Cheesecake milkshake let’s be real here, omg I miss you my bff of how long…like 13 years lmao. I love you.) Can you believe I chose that one, and that it has fueled me to where I am today… Florida State University-the best school everrrrr, a working gal-just got hired to do what I love to do, spread positivity and write from the soul, and happy- something I have been striving for my whole life. Once you realize you are the only one in your own way you realize you can break the barricade and dance wild to the beat of your own journey. AHHH LIFE IS SO GOOD I’M SMILING WRITING THIS AHHHHH.
 On to another thing I am going to do with this blog, I have decided to take the initiative of #MAKINGFSUKINDAGAIN. Yes, boys and girls, or rather men and women since we should start to realize this is the beginning of our adult lives (let’s wake up and smell the roses people have your priorities right), and we need to start acting a little more like adults. I have taken it upon myself to start this trend and I won’t stop until FSU IS KIND AGAIN. And the best part is, once FSU is kind again, I’ll choose my next target audience (hello Mr. Solomon your class rocks and Advertising is definitely a part of my career path in the future. S/O to target audience, a term I learned in your class). But yes I have dreams of a world at peace filled with love and kindness and happy humans and pretty flowers and GOOD FUCKING MUSIC THANK GOODNESS. So how am I going to do this…? Lemme tell ya… I am going to pick up as many pieces of trash I see around campus hoping others see me and are inspired to do the same. I am going to spread the light I have within me everywhere and brighten others’ lives as much as humanly possible. Along with my light comes my positive vibes I believe myself to bring around, and if my positivity is bothering you, I hope you take a step back and realize POSITIVITY IS CAUSING YOU DISTRESS. CHANGE THAT.
 Anyways, I have a quick story and I hope you all listen up because you may be my next target (*insert Dracula laugh* harharhar) . I go to a school with a lot of frat boys and sorority gals. Greek life is huge here at FSU and that has many pros and many cons but that’s beside the point. Anyway, I don’t want my school to get in trouble so I won’t mention whatever group(?) these people are associated with, and I will be using different names. But pay attention to the first letters because I am a detail-oriented woman and you all will see that. ANYWAY story time, yesterday I went to a bar for Happy Hour (best day I love happy hour how you gonna be MAD at HAPPY hour lmk) and at HH I went to the clambox of a bar that FSU students will know exactly what bar I am talking about. At this bar a mean kid, let us call him AA because remember what I said earlier, this one’s even more specific but still so vague I love it..nevertheless, AA was A DOUUUUCHHHHEEEEEEE to me. We were at the bar and he would lower his glasses and say some rude shit. He fucking asked me if I was a prostitute like multiple times…. ME, LJ, a new woman of integrity, he asked me that. I was in a killer outfit too like it was honestly modest af and that bothers me even more because his comment wasn’t even relevant. Anyway, he was a douchebag stereotypical “frat boy” which has a negative connotation but wanna know why it has that connotation……. BECAUSE OF BOYS LIKE AA!!!!!!! So yeah he was so mean and so rude and here we go baby… Remember what I told you AA, you probably don’t because you black out every opportunity you get which is gross because you’re a senior with no goals and I’m not judging you I am spitting facts right now (Scorpio in me coming out oh boy) but yeah you need to WAKE.THE.FUCK.UP BOIIIIII because you will never get a job or a respectable woman in your life if you continue these habits. But anyway, do you remember what I told you, no?, okay I gotchu. I said these words right to your mean little face I said, “You’re fucking with the wrong girl.” And guess what everyone, I am a woman of my word so yaaaaaa AA, watch the fuck out who you’re fucking with because I’LL ROAST YOUR ASS IN MY NEW BLOG THAT’S GOING TO MAKE ME FAMOUS YAAA YEEEET BOIIII. And in all seriousness AA, I really do hope you wake up and change (omg Aquarius Rising LJ coming out [just googled Aquarius Rising Woman and found this on the link I put above “our personal destiny and soul function is ultimately related to the impulses toward progressive change, experimentation and innovative, creative thinking which reside in the collective psyche of your generation. You are a conduit for change, for awakening new thought.”] …. Holy shit like lmk if astrology isn’t real…kk wake up it is).  But seriously AA, awaken your soul my dude, you’re in my favorite frat, one I hope to be the first GDI gal to be Sweetheart for, and you’re giving my boys a bad name. Don’t black every time you go out, get happy drunk, and don’t be mean to women or anyone while we are at it, be niceeeee and pretty gals like me and all other gals who start with beauty from the inside will be attracted to you, we are the kind of girls you actually want to be with.
            So yeah, here we go, here is my blog, here is my soul on my sleeve, and I’m super excited to feature my friends and the stories I acquire on my journey, and I can’t wait to instill some positivity into the lives of the people around me and all the people who will see this because SHARESHARESHARE my friends!!!!! If you are my friend, or consider yourself my friend, or have spoken to me, or if I in any way have impacted your life, I am asking you please please share. I am ready to start my life, to put myself out there, and with your help I can. I plan to engulf everything on my path with the fire within me (FIRE SIGNSSSS WYAAAA) and I am ready to do that NOW. If not now….WHEN? Now that I have my attitude chosen, how I go about the next seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years is what really matters. I am only 18 years of age, I am bound to make mistakes, hella mistakes, but if I’m starting at 18, where will I be at 19? I am ready to push my limits in success and respect my limits in life. That’s why I started this blog, so that it’s not a book just yet, so it won’t take as long to write (patience is a virtue which I am learning, but in the meantime, I’m not going to wait around when I can do something about my life). One of my new mottos is “Don’t complain about it if you aren’t doing anything about it.” Well Hi, I am Laurunce Rae (yupp no J we’ll get to that in another blog) Rosenthal and this is me doing something. I have confidence in myself and the people I have met on my journey, whether it be me just flashing you a smile or actually having touched your heart. Maybe I’ve improved your mood one day, or you were a victim of one of my random stranger conversations.  I am grateful for the people I have met and the places I have seen, and now I am ready to expand my horizons even more, see new lands meet new peeps. I hope you will join me on my journey. Spread the love my people and, of course, BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.
Another thing before I end, Daddy, Mark Rosenthal, my huuuuummaaannnn. I adore you, you literally keep me going every.single.day. You are the funniest, most diligent, most resourceful, most reliable human in my life and I cannot wait to make you so so proud with what I do with my life. No one will ever top you my dude. NO ONE. I will never forget where I came from (peep the new back tattoo peeps, ROSENTHAL BABY… REMEMBER THAT NAME.) and I cannot wait to see where She leads me.
With so so so so much love,
Laurunce LJ Rosenthal ♌
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
Dear Antonio,
and so I write because I literally don’t know what else to do with myself. Writing, my new outlet, please heal me a little I am begging you. I am so sad. My life is so beautiful and so full of amazing things, and I am so so grateful for that. But after today I am filled with fear. Because one of my closest friends died last night in the way I believe myself to be dying, and I could be next, or someone else I love can be next. I look like an idiot crying my eyes out in the middle of Jacksonville airport right now (7:44pm) not like I didn’t look just as crazy when I was screaming and crying through the halls of Kennedy junior year jk all 3 years but actually, I cannot believe Antonio is not alive. WOOOOOAH I legit am finding it hard to function thinking a dear friend of mine will never hug me again, never smile at me or text me or any of that. This friend of mine lives like 4 doors down from me on my floor, someone who would come over all the time, even when I wasn’t home. Texting me almost daily “hey you got a lighter in your room” (he knew the answer was 90% of the time yes omg haha he would deff chuckle at this) or “can I get your colored pencils”. He was such an amazing person to me and everyone, always making me smile, always smiling back. Thinking about the last time I saw him, I think it was me coming back to DeGraff and him leaving, we met right as I was walking up the stairs of rape tunnel (okay FSU students reading this we are changing that name. We use “Rape Tunnel” so casually but like its not a cute title for that tunnel, I’ll think of another name and that should stick because rape is real and no one has actually been raped there (so I’ve been told) so like cut the shit FSU stop being insensitive. Back to my great friend Antonio, I saw him while I was arriving home and he was leaving, we promised to hang more because we both have been so busy, quick hug, and he and I were both on our way. It’s so unfair that such a good human had this short of a life. I am in the airport watching 70, 80, 90 year old humans walk by and asking myself why couldn’t they loan their years to my dear friend. Why couldn’t we take 10 years off of a 90 year old’s life so Antonio could at least see a little bit more of what life has to offer. Why did someone have to hit his car? Why did it have to be someone I loved? I AM SO FUCKING ANGRY WHY DO THESE THINGS HAPPEN? AND TO GOOD FUCKING PEOPLE? Antonio, I miss you so much already I can just see us coloring on my floor, honestly high because let’s be real, high coloring was our thing. I’m going to miss seeing your smile, or how you would come into my room and sit on my floor, or how I could always ask you if the outfit I was wearing was cute. Before going out, a quick stop into your dorm while I passed for an outfit check was almost a routine. Walking by your room is going to break my heart, I can’t believe I have to do it every day and know you’re not in there. I’m trying to change my attitude right now so this is me doing that. The positives: you are deff in a much better place, we both know you talked to me about some stuff and I’m so full of love to know I was someone you were able to confide in. I know wholeheartedly that wherever you are is a much better place because you lived a life that you should be proud of, and I know in this afterlife you will be rewarded for that. I am also thinking right now about how Okeechobee Music Festival changed my life, and remembered you went too!!!!! Wow, I am so filled with joy you were able to have that as one of the last weekends of your life. I hope it opened your eyes and healed your heart like it did for me, and I know it deff did. I wish we were able to talk about the festival together, but as soon as we meet again that’ll be our first convo. I miss you Antonio wow, and I am asking you to watch over me and to keep me safe because I really do have many many more years to live and love, and many more lives to touch, and many more places to see, and I do not wish to die. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. Universe, Antonio, anyone from above listening, I don’t want to die. I have so much to offer this world, so much potential to be unlocked, so much change to administer, and I can only do that while on this Earth, so keep me here for a little (don’t take that literally not a little) longer, or at least until I make a real, true, permanent positive change on this world. Rest in Paradise Antonio, I love you so much dude. LJ
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
When you love everything you have, you have everything you need
SydneyListers bathroom poster thingy but so relatable words to live by
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
It was the straying that found the path direct.
Austin Osman Spare
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
live everyday like it is going to be the best day and you'll live a very happy life. I've started doing it and I literally can't complain like actually tho 🌟🌟💕💚🌈☮️
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
how can you be upset ever. look at those clouds dudes. are u kidding. I just listened to country music…and IYKYK i doooo not like that, but now I can say DID not like it. Why not give every type of music a chance like someone (hopefully) put their heart and soul into their music for someone to appreciate. Appreciate it if you can. Thank you Cam for being the best human and scooping my runaway from the Miami train station after me literally asking you less than an hour before moves were made. My heart is so full because of the people around me and the places I am going. The universe (now referred to as She bc like She is my guuuuurlllll now) is so incredible. Open your eyes and look at the clouds. They may just reveal some shape that triggers an enlightenment. Like the lion I saw in the sky of the Aquachobee at Okee that reminded me of the lion inside that only I was caging. Xoxooxoxoxox 🦁♌️🔥🌞🔮💙☁️☄️🌟
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
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grateful for SchuyGuy for sending this to me. Schuyler, you’re an incredible dude and you bring THE BEST vibes everywhere you go💙🌞🌀 don’t you ever change that myguy. New background thank you thank you. Reminding me to stay grounded but trust in my heart w that hand over her heart. I’m like almost in tears this is so beautiful to me. She is the universe. 🔮☄️🌟🌛🌳🌿☄️✨🕉☮️☯️🎇🌞🌝🌻And so are we all. We all have control of our own little universes that make up the one big one. Make your universe full of love and light. Radiate good energy. I always say I am going to change the world🌎, and I am, because I believe in the power of one. If I make my universe a positive paradise of good vibes and positive energies, it will emanate warmth around me that others will feel. Can’t you literally feel the temperature change when some people walk in sometimes? I want an inferno when I walk in. (Where my fire signssss🦁♌️♈️♐️) Bring the fire, but the insightful fire, the one that SETS SOULS ON FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌈🌈🌈🌟✨✨✨💜and invigorates others to make their universe a warm one. I love you all. Stay grounded and trust in Her, if you look into the sky you see her watching down. Trust her signs. She is around us and within us. 💙🌠🌌🎆💜
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
if you're reading this. WE BACK. make Tumblr lit again deff the move. So much positivity and cool stuff on this website. 🌸🌸🌸💕💚 yayayayy. Also #LROSENTHAL11 says "No suggestions" when I type it. Ha Ha. How that's about to change. 🌞🌞♌️🦁✨🌟
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
Look up the lyrics to Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield. Lyrics are everything to me. That will be a major theme of my lyrics. Other lyrics.
Actually don’t look them up. Here they are.
I am unwritten, can’t read my mind, I’m undefined I’m just beginning, the pen’s in my hand, ending unplanned
Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
Oh, oh, oh
I break tradition, sometimes my tries, are outside the lines We’ve been conditioned to not make mistakes, but I can’t live that way
Staring at the blank page before you Open up the dirty window Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find
Reaching for something in the distance So close you can almost taste it Release your inhibitions Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else Can speak the words on your lips Drench yourself in words unspoken Live your life with arms wide open Today is where your book begins
Feel the rain on your skin No one else can feel it for you Only you can let it in No one else, no one else
Start your "book" today. I did. Xoxooxoxox
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
The essay that in essence started my life...
“One of the most frequently asked questions to any and every child is, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" I have been asked this question every year since I learned to talk. My parents have a collection of videos in which I justify in precise detail exactly what I want to be. My answers were boundless, ranging from fairy princess, to Olympic athlete, even to different species of animals. As years went on, I made a firm decision regarding what I wanted to be. I wanted to be Barbie. As a child, my answers to this question changed with every passing week. My family had grown used to it, but at age eight when my dad had the camera ready to ask me what I wanted to be, I finally knew my answer. I was able to identify with the famous childhood doll since I first received her. Just like any other four year old girl, I idolized her looks: her long blonde hair, her big blue eyes, her flawless figure, but what I respected and admired was Barbie's limitless life options. Barbie’s lifestyle is far from mundane and that is what I admire most about her world. I appreciate the spontaneity of her life, how she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. If Barbie were an engineer yesterday, she could be a business woman today, and could possibly be a lawyer tomorrow. That is what I dreamed about as a child, and still dream about to this day. I look forward to developing my careers in life as I develop my talents. I look forward to being an active participant in lifelong learning. The essence and ideal of Barbie fascinates me. Barbie is not just a piece of plastic molded into a childhood doll; she symbolizes so much more. She symbolizes confidence and adventure. She symbolizes creativity and possibilities. She symbolizes doing the inconceivable. Barbie differentiates herself through the variety in her life. I want to do exactly that: to have variety in my life and to accomplish the so called "impossible". I want to be different. I want to reach for the rest of my life; fill it with everything I can, live each day and do what I love and not waste a minute doing anything aside from that. I want to take every opportunity possible; I want to learn several languages, and visit new lands, and learn more about anything I can. I do not want to be skilled in one field of study. I am drawn to the idea of an impulsive life; a life in which I am not limited to the knowledge of just one of the infinite aspects of this world. I am interested in taking every opportunity that comes my way. I desire to travel the world and to learn new cultures. I want to allow myself to become educated in any and every topic that sparks my interest. As I go through the college process, I am completely prepared to tell any person who asks me the cliché question, “I, Laurunce Rosenthal, want to be just like Barbie.”
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
so here are what im tryna make my moves of spring break. if you’re trying to chill hmu. I’m trying to backpack around Florida. How else am I supposed to meet new people and continue this blog? I’ll bring the vibes I promise.
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
She’s the best
and of course 11:01 is the first post. Thank you Universe. 
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
The first of many...
YAYAYAYAYYYY firsttttt post my people!!!!! AHHH HERE WE GO. The adventure begins!!!! So hmm where to go now with whatever this is. First let me start by saying there are going to be typos, and made up words, and profanity, and dry humor, but that is my genre, that is who I am, that is Laurunce Rosenthal, the only one in the USA (unless theres another then hmu @ [email protected]). 
I tend to be all over the place with my thoughts, so bear with me. This is my literal thought process running like a wild lion (where my Leos at?) through my brain, and leaving my fingertips to be available for your soul. These are my lyrics on a screen somewhere, wherever you are. And wherever you are I hope you are at home and at peace, because you are your own home. As Porter Robinson said at the event that sparked this enlightenment of my soul, #OkeechobeeMusicFestival2017, “Every place you’ve ever imagined, it’s real. There is a fictional city in your mind and you know every corner of it. Your mind is a world, each of us is a place.” Do you understand why music is my new drug? (heyyyy BassNecter I’d like to headbang together one day).
 I microdosed on LSD (microdosing is where you cut of a liiiitle piece and take that instead of dropping the whole tab) and my eyes were opened to the effects of drugs and how they can hinder such beautiful people and decided that is not the path I wish to be on. If I can enjoy life without all the drugs and other influences why do I NEED them? That is not to say I am going to stop cold turkey, but I now know and trust my limits. And I am not here to scold you, because who am I to try and control your life, and who are you to try and control mine? I needed to take a drug to realize I don’t need them. I DROPPED a tab (the acid for my family rn reading this going huhhhh what’s a tab??!!! probably what Daddy is doing right now haha Daddy I’ll get to you in another blog post, I’m laughing at Moms right now thinking about how incredible of a human being you are I’m actually laughing at how the universe made me your daughter geez she’s always looking out for me.) Anyway, I DROPPED a drug to realize I could DROP drugs, ahhhhh finally the big reveal, see why this is called Double Entendre? There will be many of those throughout this new blog. Wow I am excited. If you are reading this and it touches you in any way please share. I am just a New York girl trying to be successful, and there are many cliche stories like that, but who is to say I can’t be one of those cliche stories too? They usually have really awesome endings.
I have been at war with myself over what I should do with myself for far too long, and it finally came to me today (thank you timing of the universe, eternally grateful for you and your signs, I promise to be more aware of them and follow them where they guide me). I started a GoFundMe (GoFundMe.com/LROSENTHAL11), then decided that asking for money is helpful but I can’t just rely on that (thank you Frenchie for making me realize that you poophead, love you forever my best friend). I need to use my own talents and put them into action and use that as an outlet to make whatever money will come. But with that being a big part, money is not everything to me. Travel is the healthiest addiction, and I am grateful for DROPPING my past addictions. Drugs were a huge part of my life as people who know me know (IYKYK, hi Jared’s ass tat so glad you’ll be around for the rest of our lives), and now I can say that I don’t need them like I used to. I now trust myself to know my limits unlike before. I was addicted to this fake feeling of satisfaction for however my high lasted. Now I truthfully am high on life. I could sit here and type forever about the changes I am making in my life, but I will just show you all, and show myself, because it’s kinda counterproductive to brag (#NOMORENEGATIVITY) and try to explain how amazing it is to finally be happy in my own skin and with this new cleansed and refreshed, soul. It’s the flesh I will be in for the rest of my years on this planet, so I should prob get comfy in it, and I encourage you to do the same, get comfy peeps it’s going to be a nice journey. I decided I need something to do daily. I need an outlet to write down the craziness in my head, and I am here thinking to myself.. “hmmmm girl let’s think, what is a way that you can write everything down, but also be able to have the souls interested in your lyrics able to read them whenever wherever?”  I started with the GoFundMe, posted a ton of shit to Facebook, and kinda just hoped for the best after that. The work doesn’t stop and never will, and I am finally ready for that. This is about to be my life. I have decided to be a writer in this stage of my life. Have you read my college essay? I wrote it junior year, in my quant Goldens Bridge apartment that I love and miss so much. It sums up pretty much the path I wish to take with my life; one where I go with the flow and follow the universes signs and the advice of the people around me, but also follow the sound of my own beat, and I promise you I will dance the whole way down the road. I have come to about 4411631863881998 (all my lucky numbers together wow that block of numbers is significant to me) realizations about my life and what I should do. I should start a blog, I should pour my heart into my words, and I should start right now. If not now….WHEN? Now that I have my attitude chosen, how I go about the next seconds/minutes/hours/days/months/years is what matters. I am only 18 years of age, I am bound to make mistakes, hella mistakes, but if I’m starting at 18, where will I be at 19? I am ready to push my limits in success and respect my limits in life. That’s why I started this blog, so that it’s not a book, so it won’t take as long to write (patience is a virtue which I am learning, but in the meantime, I’m not going to wait around when I can do something about my life. I’ve been going through some changes, and realized the only one stopping me from achieving my dreams of changing the world one human at a time is myself (and also sorta my lack of funds), but one of my new mottos is “Don’t complain about it if you aren’t doing anything about it.” Well Hi, I am Laurunce Rosenthal and this is me doing something. I have confidence in myself and the people I have met on my ride, whether it be me just flashing you a smile or actually having touched your heart. Maybe I’ve improved your mood one day, or you were a victim of one of my random stranger conversations.  I am grateful for the people I have met and the places I have seen, and now I am ready to expand my horizons even more. I hope you will join me on my journey. Spread the love and BE FEARLESS IN THE PURSUIT OF WHAT SETS YOUR SOUL ON FIRE.
With so so so so much love,
Laurunce LJ Rosenthal ♌️💚🦁🌟
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lrosenthal11 · 7 years
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