Can you give Hollow a kiss on the forehead I think they deserve it
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Bro does NOT know what affection is
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void-dreaming · 6 months
Linzer Cookie's design is good, it just gets brought down when you stick her next to Zenitsu's Cookiesona
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slink-a-dink · 2 years
what's your favorite ts?
Ohh traveling spirits my beloved.. Out the ones I’ve experienced probably Juggler, Scarecrow, or the Earth-Twirl-Dimiss situation
Juggler was such an event, everyone I knew was online and we were all just waiting, it was fucking hilarious watching the servers explode and the discord going wild because holy shit. juggler real???? it was so. it was lovely. IT WAS SO FUNNY TOO BC WERE TLP MOTHS? WE HAD NO WAIT FOR JUGGLER BUT JUST THE SHEER LEGACY WAS ENOUGH FOR US
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I feel like everyone has at least one spirit they rlly want as ts, and for me that spirit was scarecrow farmer, i was overjoyed when they came, I took like a billion pictures, they r just my friend and i like tyem a lot :]
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Lastly the joy of living through a wrong ts visit, absolutely thrilled when i waited for twirl and got earth prophet, and THEN TO SURPRISE US WITH THE LEGEND DISMISS? ABSOLUTELY AMAZING <3 dismiss is the ts closest to my birthday too, funniest birthday ts
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Look at this GARBAGE image i took in my absolute shock LMAO
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