#LLSS Prompt of the Day
Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, Lewis Nixon/Richard Winters, Dick brings Lew home to Lancaster for Thanksgiving after the war.
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bob-events · 3 years
Love Fest 2021 Masterlist
Love Fest is done! The wonderful community has created 18 works, and as a wrapping-up, we’d put them all in one big masterlist together. Below are all the works, prompt by prompt, separated into fic/art/edits, in alphabetical order. Spread the word, spread the love! <3
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A Little Distraction by @anthrobrat
Nixon/Welsh; Rated M Prompt: "Oops, we got drunk and gave each other (Dealer's Choice)."
'Cause all I know is we said hello (and your eyes look like coming home) by @vintagelavenderskies
Eugene Roe/Renee LeMaire; Rated G Prompts: Eugene is a barista at the local cafe. Renee is new to the States and frequently visits the cafe. Over time, they become friends and eventually fall for each other.
Detective Luz Is On The Case! by @serasvictoria
Genfic; Rated G Prompt:Someone has stolen the precious few Hershey bars from the supplies. Thankfully, George has seen a detective movie or two (or three, or seven...) so he puts on his best over-the-top detective voice and sets out to solve the mystery. Detective Luz is on the case!
Landing by @ralphspina
LuzRoe; Rated G Prompt: It's D-Day; George and Gene land near each other in Normandy and need to go find their company.
Lupercalia by @howling-harpy
Speirton; Rated G Prompt: Ron is the strictest, scariest, most standoffish boss in Easy, and his coworkers don't know the slightest thing about his personal life. So, naturally, it's the talk of the office when someone finds out that he's bringing a plus one to the company party.
More Than A Team by @mercurygray
Winnix; Rated G Prompt: Whipped cream.
Mornings are for the loved, and the loving, for me and for you. by @mariamegale
Baberoe, Rated E Prompt: A Babe/Gene smut fest. Go crazy. Can have some story to it or pwp.
Only In Dreams by @serasvictoria
Lipton/Talbert, Rated E Prompt: Ever since Floyd saw liptons dick in carentan, he can’t stop thinking about it.
Passing Fancy by Muccamukk
Bucklarkey, Rated E Prompt: Malarkey loses a bet to a female intelligence officer and has to wear her uniform for the day (stockings, garter belts, panties included ;) ), and buck decides he’s about to act up.
Pillow talk by @speirtongirl
Speirton, Rated M Prompt: Speirs and Lipton sleep together for the first time, but what then? Pillowtalk presents a challenge for them both. Perhaps they don't know what to say, perhaps they fear what the other is thinking and whether or not they feel the same, or if they're going to stay the night.
Receiving End of Your Stare by @serasvictoria
Bucklarkey, Rated E Prompt: Malarkey loses a bet to a female intelligence officer and has to wear her uniform for the day (stockings, garter belts, panties included ;) ), and buck decides he’s about to act up.
Walking Wounded by @papersergeant-pencilsoldier
Baberoe; Rated G Prompt: Canon-era; Either Gene or Babe have magic, or both. Maybe magic is known or maybe they need to hide it.
After The War by @onelungmcclung
Toye/McClung Prompt: The Joe Toye Post-War Happiness Project Joe finds love and happiness after the war, and comes to accept himself better.
Fluffy Comfort Delivery by @lyselkatz​
Randlemartin Prompt: One of them is hurt or homesick or otherwise down, and the other comes up with something improbable to comfort him.
Not your typical Prince Charming by @lyselkatz 
Winnix Prompt: Nix riding a horse and being Dick's cynical but irresistible Prince Charming. (preferably not in an actual fairy tale setting)
Sweet Comfort by @lyselkatz
Gen; Roe and Smokey Prompt: canonverse; do what you like with it. (hmu if this is too vague.)
You Can’t Resist The Pull by @ksansart​
Speirs/Roe Speirs is not the kind to fall for soft-spoken, kind-hearted doctors. Turns out, Gene is just really good at hiding his skeletons. Quite literally.
After The War by @onelungmcclung
Toye/McClung Prompt: The Joe Toye Post-War Happiness Project Joe finds love and happiness after the war, and comes to accept himself better.
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Final words: Being an admin on this event has been such a gift and a treat, and I want to thank every single member of our community who participated with prompts, works, or just your wonderful selves. <3
If you submitted a prompt that didn’t get filled, we highly recommend you submit them to the Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt Meme! Similarly, if you’re a creator who thought this was/looks fun and are looking for deadline-free prompts and inspiration, absolutely check out LLSS! <3
Of course, if you have submitted a work that hasn’t gotten featured on this list, please message us here or on Discord as soon as possible and we’ll rectify the mistake!
As always,
join us on Discord
if you’re a BoB fan looking for a community <3 
See you at the next event! <3 <3 <3 
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theslashmix · 3 years
I didn’t merely see
Written for the LLSS prompt  “ Harry Welsh isn't as oblivious as everybody thinks he is. (ft. Winnix and/or Speirton not being that subtle after all)"
beta-read by @thrillingdetectivetales
will publish a translation/ rework of it in Italian
For some reason, people seemed to forget that Harry was an observant man. He was an officer, and in his modest opinion, a decent one. This meant that he must have a good eye for detail and an even better brain to put things together in a coherent manner: it thus surprised him a bit that people seemed to stop at his jovial façade, somehow separating it from the competence that he had shown on the battlefield. It was almost as if there were two of him- good ol’ Harry, always down for drinks and shenanigans, and First Lieutenant Harry Welsh.
He had known that Winters and Nixon were a thing since Toccoa, and had guessed that they had been for a while before that- since OCS, probably. The signs were all there, almost painfully too easy to spot for someone who truly watched, instead of just seeing: the little touches that lingered just a second too long; the brief stretches of time when no one seemed to know where they were; the constant invasion of each other’s personal space that wasn’t an invasion at all, because at some point it had gotten from being my personal space, to you’re welcome in it, and it was slowly morphing into our personal space under Harry’s very eyes.
He had wondered why on Earth Sobel hadn’t picked up on it, what with him hating Winters’ guts and desperately trying to find even the smallest fault in the man. After some more careful observation, Harry had come to the conclusion that it wasn’t so surprising after all, because Sobel, consciously or not, didn’t want to see it. It was glaringly obvious that Sobel was very good at lying to himself, and him hating Winters was a big, fat lie. He was not good enough at lying to himself that he would try to destroy Winters with that particular tactic, though.
 When Sobel was removed from Easy, Harry drew a big sigh of relief.
It had made him uneasy, back then. It was hard to reconcile the stereotype of fairies he had in his head with the reality of how the two officers were. They should have been effeminate, weak, hysterical: they weren’t. Winters was everything that the high brass could want in an officer and a soldier, and Nixon, despite his flaws, was a good man, and a good intelligence officer. Harry wondered for long hours whether he ought to report them: a lifetime of conditioning was hard to shake. In the end he didn’t: D-Day arrived too quickly, and he had other things to think about rather than trying to convince a court martial that Dick Winters and Lewis Nixon were a homosexual couple. Especially since he had nothing more substantial than a lame “well, they are often together” and his own impressions.
After Normandy, Harry actively decided that he would do nothing about it, even if he didn’t approve. After Normandy, the boys would follow the two officers just about anywhere, and Harry couldn’t in good conscience take them from Easy, because that would mean that more of the boys would die in the incompetent hands of Norman Dyke.
 After Bastogne and Foy, after Nixon had decided to stay in that freezing hellhole with them (and with Winters) instead of taking the much sought-after furlough stateside, Harry decided that he would actively cover for them, if that was what it would take to keep Dick and Nix with them. He decided that it was completely wrong that the world had decreed that the two of them shouldn’t stay together, because after the long scrutiny Harry had imposed on them, there was only one conclusion possible: the two fit so well together that God must have made them to be together. Their relationship evolved to its full potential in a way that shouldn’t have been possible, if what was between them was just sinful lust.
 Now it had fully become our personal space, and the two could hold an entire conversation in just a single, prolonged stare, like an old married couple. Even the boys seemed to be always talking about them as a package deal. “Winters and Nixon said that…”, “Yesterday Winters and Nixon…”, “Do you think that Winters and Nixon will…?”, “Where are Winters and Nixon?”
 There could be no doubt whatsoever that Nix belonged with Dick and Dick belonged with Nix, the same way that Harry himself belonged with his beloved Kitty.
He noticed the signs of the very same thing going on between Speirs and Lip in Haguenau. It was nowhere near as long standing as Dick and Nix’s relationship. If he had to pinpoint its starting moment, Harry would have guessed around Bastogne, at the earliest. Probably when Speirs had stopped going to Dyke for updates on Easy and had started to go directly to Lip. There was still a tentativeness around them, the sweet, hesitating exultance of discovering each other, the pressing need to be together and close as much as possible.
It was in the way Lip perked up as soon as he heard Speirs’ steps, and in the way Speirs’ eyes kept turning in the direction of the house where a sick Carwood Lipton was billeted with a worried frown, as if the lieutenant was magnetic north and the captain was the hand of a compass. It was in the way Lip murmured Speirs’ Christian name when they thought that nobody was there to hear them, and in the way Speirs had claimed the right to take care of Lip as if it was his God-given privilege, and woe betide whoever dared to interfere. 
He hadn’t known the true depth of it though, not until one evening in Haguenau when he had decided to go and visit Lip in his billet. The lieutenant had healed from pneumonia in a way that Roe had defined “miraculous”, but was still quite weak and needed rest. Harry hoped that a Hershey bar would lift his spirits a bit, and distract him from his desperate need to mother everything and anything that breathed. They should probably have him infiltrate the German troops, he’d have them tucked up in bed by 2100 sharp, and no sneaking out to invade Poland, is that clear Adolf?
Harry walked softly, making no noise in case Lip was asleep. As he got close to the flimsy door, he realised that Lip wasn’t asleep, and was in fact talking with none other than Speirs.
“- if you die, what good would you be to the boys?” Speirs was saying, with an exasperated tone that indicated that they had had this discussion a few times already.
“There’s no other second lieutenant, Ron. If I don’t take care of my duties, nobody else will, and the boys will go without supplies.”
“Car- you seriously think so little of the other officers that we’d let Easy starve?” There was an obvious subtext there- do you think so little of me?
“No!” Lip’s exclamation was scandalized and filled with frustration. “No, I don’t. But you all have so much to do already. You shouldn’t be doing my job on top of yours.”
“You’re talking as if you were purposefully slacking, Car. You aren’t. You are sick, you didn’t want this, and nobody thinks any less of you because of it.” Speirs’ tone was getting increasingly frustrated.
“But I can’t-”
 “No, I can’t, Car!” Speirs’ voice rose a little before the captain brought it back down. “I can’t stand the thought of you grinding yourself to the nub. I’m scared, Car, for the first time I’m truly scared in this goddamn war because I’ve got something to lose,” he said, and Harry was surprised to hear him admit such a thing. Hearing Captain Ronald “Killer” Speirs so vulnerable, admitting to his fear so openly with a voice raw with emotion, was something Harry had never even dreamed could happen, not in a million years. It must have cost him a lot to admit it.
“It’s hard enough that I have to send you into action knowing that you could die, but I can accept that because it’s out of our control. I can’t accept the thought of losing you to a pneumonia relapse, not when it can be avoided by you simply resting a bit!” Harry had never heard Speirs talk so passionately.
There was a rustle of cloth, and a muffled sob- they had probably embraced, seeking the comfort of touch and closeness in the very real solidity of each other’s body.
“Please, Car. Please. Do your best to live- I just can’t bear it,” murmured Speirs.
There could be no doubt left that the love between them was the real deal and not something wrong or twisted, not after hearing the pain in Speirs’ voice at the thought of losing his lover. It couldn’t be wrong, not when it could give back humanity to a man like Ronald Speirs, giving him something not only to die for, but to live for, which was much, much more important.    
 “Oh, Ron…” said Lip in a voice that was heartbreakingly tender, and Harry decided that it was time to go. He suddenly felt ashamed, as dirty as if he had spied on them having sex- no, not having sex, he amended. They would make love. He shouldn’t have eavesdropped. It had been a moment of deep intimacy between the two men, not only of the body but of the soul, and he couldn’t bear to spy on something so pure for a moment longer. Even though he had to admit that he was glad to know that there was something that had remained pure and unsullied despite the war.
It was a week later or so, when he heard Luz talking about how quickly Lip had bounced back from pneumonia.
“Couldn’t bear the thought of us boys being without their Mama Lip, especially now that he’s got Papa Speirs to take care of him,” he said wisely, and his audience nodded solemnly, unanimously agreeing that Lip and Speirs were a package deal as much as Dick and Nix were.
He knew then, with certainty, that Speirs and Lip belonged to each other the same way Nixon and Winters did.
Of all the things he had expected to change during the war, his perspective on homosexuality hadn’t been one, but he solidly counted it among the few, positive things to come out of that particular bloodbath. When Dick announced at the end of the war that he had decided to accept the job offer at Nixon Nitration, and Speirs that he would go to West Virginia “to see what opportunities I can find there,” Harry felt happy for them.
They belonged together, and they would stay together. Maybe there was some justice, in this world.
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heavyartillery · 4 years
Announcing: Heavy Artillery Writing Day!
Dear Heavy Artillery operators, Do you want to start the new season off on the right foot? Boost your writing projects and get rid of those nasty, guilt-inducing WIPs that clutter your Gdocs folder, perhaps finally finish the neverending longfic that haunts your dreams? Or what about grabbing a few sneaky LLSS bingo points before the Anniversary challenge is over? This Sunday, October 4, 2020, we'll be hosting the first ever Heavy Artillery Writing Day (planned and executed by the indomitable fiorediloto) on our Discord server: a whole day* dedicated to writing, sharing, editing, prompting, drinking our favorite beverages, winning our cats' love by being the most unmovable object in the house, and hopefully posting something before we drop dead of exhaustion. We'll have four writing sprints at fixed times and a number of shorter ones and other events in the course of the day. RSVP'ing** to the long writing sprints is appreciated, but not mandatory: feel feel to wander in whenever! Check out the timeline below to get an idea of how the day is going to unfold. N.B. All times below are in UTC. (Oh god oh god when is that in my tz?)
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All events will take place in the #writing-day channel of the Heavy Artillery Discord server. If you have any questions, just leave a comment to this post or PM fiorediloto#7925 on Discord!
See you this Sunday! (*) Technically it's 18 hours. *pushes glasses up* (**) Directly on Discord by reacting with "Accepted" to the event notice.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: GENERATION KILL, Brad 'Iceman' Colbert/Nathaniel 'Nate' Fick, “The little Drummer Girl” au; In 1979 Nate Fick, an aspiring young idealistic thespian, is recruited by the Mossad to infiltrate a Palestinian group plotting terrorism in Europe. His handler is the mysterious Israeli intelligence operative Brad Colbert. Nate's roll as a double agent draws him deeper into the dangerous world of duplicity, but despite this he finds himself falling in love with Brad.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, Lewis Nixon/Richard Winters, Dick has a humiliating secret he's been hiding all this time. Nix finds out and gets a hell of a kick out of it.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: GENERATION KILL, Josh Ray Person/Nathaniel 'Nate' Fick, Nate wants to see for himself what the hot plate did to Ray's face
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, Carwood Lipton/Ronald Speirs, It's not pneumonia what Carwood has in Haguenau. He's pregnant.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, Denver 'Bull' Randleman/Johnny Martin, Bull's so quiet that Johnny sometimes worries about what he's thinking.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS RPF, Donnie Wahlberg/Matthew Settle, A fic that explains why on Earth they played the Church scene with so much tenderness and want and 'I'm going to kiss you in about 2 seconds' in their eyes. Was it a conscious decision? Did they had a secret thing for each other or maybe a full blown thing™ with sexy times on set, in the hotel etc. I just want to know why.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: GENERATION KILL, Josh Ray Person/Nathaniel 'Nate' Fick, Nate is a knight in shiny armor on a mission and Ray is the companion that never shuts up but gives good advice. Turns out that the prince to be saved was actually Ray
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, Johnny Martin/Thomas Peacock, Martin suddenly noticed that Lt. Peacock was not a bad looking man, and the Lt. Peacock was a real gentleman.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, Lewis Nixon/Richard Winters, Stranded together and forced to survive in a hostile environment with just the two of them.
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: GENERATION KILL, Brad 'Iceman' Colbert/Josh Ray Person, Semper Gumby 'Always flexible.'
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: "BAND OF BROTHERS, Lewis Nixon/Richard Winters, Post War: Nix still loves the snow, and Dick doesn't understand how he can stand it."
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Loose Lips Sink Ships Prompt of the Day: BAND OF BROTHERS, David Webster/Joseph Liebgott, Anything Hanukkah related. Maybe Web gets invited to attend a Liebgott family tradition?
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