wolfhednn · 4 years
          finally, the worst of the day is over.
          with the toll of thousand-year bells signaling the end of classes comes his release from a weight that has chained his mind since a week before. he’s put down his best answers, reasonably confident in most and sure he’s made his best attempt at the rest. usually swift in decision and execution, it’s rare for him not to be out of an exam room well before many of his classmates, but this time — as the professor had promised — he had remained until the last minutes, meticulously checking his work for any thoughtless mistakes.
          but once the sheet is out of his hands, there’s nothing else he can do, and no use worrying about it. trepidation lasts only a moment before being quickly replaced with buoying relief.
          he’ll spend the rest of the afternoon in the training grounds, testing the new sword he’d received from his father — at least the old man still knew a good weapon when he saw it — and visit the dining hall after for something quick while there’s still daylight. then, by candle ember and the quiet of the evening hours, he ought to have enough time to finish the novel resting on his bedstand, the conclusion of which he’d been anticipating and would have reached by now if not for this exam. it’s a routine, productive, promising day.
          turning his gaze to the courtyard treetops, he takes a moment to simply inhale, hands slotted thumbs forward against his hips, the taut curve of his back stretching knotted muscles through his shoulderblades. 
          whispers of a halcyon breeze swirl through, bringing with them the voices of passing classmates comparing answers and the musty loam of leaves fading to the first signs of hoarfrost. when he opens his eyes again, contentment softens his usual angles.
          until the call of his name draws his attention over to a familiar figure of disheveled red wearing one of his common expressions of distress. but felix’s preparation to refuse sylvain asylum in his room from the retribution of another one of his scorned lovers peters quickly at the sight of a tiny tricolor bundle in his friend’s hands, at first glance an image so incongruous with the other man that he’s slow to recognize it even when it becomes apparent.
                                                            is that... ?
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