#Kong Fuzi
dejahisashmom · 1 year
The Lasting Legacy of Wiseman Confucius | Ancient Origins
The Lasting Legacy of Wiseman Confucius | Ancient Origins
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tmarshconnors · 4 months
"Be loyal and trustworthy. Do not befriend anyone who is lower than yourself in this regard. When making a mistake, do not be afraid to correct it."
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Confucius, born Kong Qiu was a Chinese philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period who is traditionally considered the paragon of Chinese sages. Confucius's teachings and philosophy underpin East Asian culture and society, and remain influential across China and East Asia to this day.
Born: Qufu, Jining, China
Died: Lu, China
Life and Times: Confucius, also known as Kong Fuzi or Master Kong, lived during the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history, around 551–479 BCE. He was born in the state of Lu (modern-day Shandong, China) during a time of political and social unrest.
Founder of Confucianism: Confucius is considered the founding figure of Confucianism, a philosophical and ethical system that emphasizes the importance of moral values, social harmony, and the cultivation of virtue. His teachings are primarily compiled in a collection known as the "Analects."
Five Relationships: Confucius emphasized the importance of social harmony through the concept of the Five Relationships, which include ruler-subject, father-son, husband-wife, elder brother-younger brother, and friend-friend. Maintaining proper conduct within these relationships was seen as essential for a harmonious society.
Ren and Li: Two key concepts in Confucianism are "Ren" and "Li." Ren refers to benevolence or compassion, emphasizing the quality of humaneness and the importance of cultivating virtuous relationships. Li encompasses rituals and proper conduct, emphasizing the importance of social etiquette and moral propriety.
Legacy and Influence: Confucius' teachings have had a profound and lasting impact on Chinese culture, ethics, and philosophy. Confucianism became a central part of Chinese thought and greatly influenced the moral and social fabric of East Asian societies. Even today, Confucian principles continue to shape aspects of Chinese culture and governance.
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worldhistoryfacts · 11 months
Jesuit missionaries in China were especially interested in the philosophy of Confucius, which they believed dovetailed quite nicely with Christianity. In fact, they invented the name we use for the man. “Confucius” is a Latinized version of Kong Fuzi, or “Master Kong.” Some scholars even say that the Jesuits helped to create Confucianism as a distinct philosophy.
The Jesuits were instrumental in translating and dispersing the philosophy of Confucius in Europe. By the late 1600s, their translated versions of Confucius’ works were widely available. Soon after, Voltaire would read Confucius and declare that his philosophy was a more humane and tolerant worldview than Christianity.
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Europeans were also fascinated by Chinese society and culture more generally. A Jesuit named Athanasius Kircher — who had never been to China, but used the reports of those who had — published one of the more popular books of the 1600s, China Illustrata, which contained many scenes from China. He depicted wildlife (no, I do not know why that turtle is airborne):
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Some of the images were more accurate than others. Here’s Kircher’s illustration of Chinese people training a “large squirrel:”
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{WHF} {Ko-Fi} {Medium}
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howaiiii · 1 year
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its ya boy kong fuzi comin at you live
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rainydayscore · 1 month
the american senate should remove the Lycurgus portrait from the house chamber and replace him with Han Fei or Kong Fuzi or Ying Zheng or something
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josemierworld · 4 months
Jose Mier From Sun Valley, CA Learns About Confucius’ Family Tree
Bloodline Goes Back to 800s B.C. Jose Mier in Sun Valley, CA searches for others with his name as a hobby but in the course of this he’s found out lots of interesting genealogy information. Case in point, Confucius’ (the Chinese philosopher) family goes back to the 800s B.C. and is in the Guinness Book of World Records. Confucius, also known as Kong Fuzi or Kongzi, was a Chinese philosopher and…
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uqb · 8 months
kong fuzi being latinized to confucius is crazy
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iamzephyr · 10 months
This is the book cover of a little pamphlet about Confucius, the Chinese philosopher's Canonical Texts. He is also known by the title Master Kong fuzi.
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sethshead · 2 years
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h/t Educational Innovations
Also attributed to Kong Fuzi’s contemporary, Cha Buduo.
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der-ican · 2 years
Di suatu halaman di buku Nagabumi III, Pendekar Tanpa Nama mengutarakan sebuah pemikiran dari Kong Fuzi:
Betapa dalam ikan akan menyelam dan masih cukup jelas kelihatan
Jika disesuaikan dengaan cara berpikir Kong Fuzi, itu berarti bahwa aku harus tahu apa yang kulakukan, dan betapapun aku harus mengetahui dan bersedia menanggung akibatnya [1].
Aku yang sedang tersesat dari jati diriku tak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, apalagi untuk mengetahui akibat dari tindakanku. Seperti yang dikatakan seseorang yang tak kuingat siapa karena keterbatasan akses memori dalam diriku -tapi semoga ia berkenan Aku kutip:
Ada yang hilang dari dirinya sendiri.
Tapi, bukankah tersesat menjadi hal yang wajar dalam sebuah pengembaraan, terlebih lagi di perjalanan kehidupan yang senantiasa berkabut ketidakpastian dengan semilir kegalauan dan kekhawatiran yang menyelinap senantiasa ke dalam rongga hari-harimu?
Bagaimana pula caranya kembali menuju jati diri? Adakah para pendekar pembaca ingin berbagi perenungannya? Sebab, seperti yang diceritakan Pendekar Tanpa Nama bahwa Zhuangzi berkata [2]:
tiada yang lebih baik selain terangnya pemikiran yang tepat
Sekadar bacaan:
[1] SGA. Nagabumi III: Hidup dan Mati di Chang'an. Bagian 13, Bab 246, hal. 454.
[2] Ibid. Bagian 14, Bab 261, hal. 616.
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schriftarchitekt · 7 years
Was du mir sagst, das vergesse ich. Was du mir zeigst, daran erinnere ich mich. Was du mich tun lässt, das verstehe ich.
Konfuzius - Begründer des Konfuzianismus
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sins-of-the-sea · 3 years
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"Gather 'round, children! It's story time with Uncle Ruixiong!
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"Kong Fuzi (Confucius to Westerners), the Buddha, and Laozi taste some pickling vinegar.
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"One day, all three Masters gather together to dip their fingers into a vat of vinegar to taste it. Although they were tasting from the same vat, they each have a different expression. Master Kong puckered, the Buddah frowned, but Laozi smiled.
"'The vinegar is sour. We must teach the correct recipe in order to make proper pickles,' says Master Kong.
"'The vinegar is bitter. Only by not desiring a pickle can one eliminate the bitterness,' says the Buddha.
"'The vinegar is good as is. It is both bitter and sour--just as Nature intended,' Laozi states. Though one can argue he also finds the vinegar 'sweet' as well.
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"The reality, of course, if you've ever tasted vinegar, is that all of these sayings are true--one must be mindful of proper behavior to achieve social harmony. One must also be released from desire in order to obtain inner peace. And finally, we must be mindful of how Nature shapes life and the Universe."
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"The foundations of Chinese culture!--Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism!"
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"Whatever. I'm still not eating your nasty-ass pickles, Ruixiong."
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"My pickles are perfect! You're just stupid!"
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"Your pickles are stupid and you're stupid."
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"If two you're going to fight, then GET OUT OF MY GALLEY!!"
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twojtesc · 3 years
system filozoficzno-religijny zapoczątkowany w Chinach przez Konfucjusza (Kong Fuzi, Kongzi) w V wieku p.n.e., a następnie rozwinięty m.in. przez Mencjusza (konfucjanizm idealistyczny) i Xunzi (konfucjanizm realistyczny) w III wieku p.n.e. Konfucjanizm głosi, że zbudowanie idealnego społeczeństwa i osiągnięcie pokoju na świecie jest możliwe pod warunkiem przestrzegania obowiązków wynikających z hierarchii społecznej oraz zachowywania tradycji, czystości, ładu i porządku
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rainydayscore · 5 months
where and why does kong fuzi turn into kongzi
i guess at the time people called him kong fuzi (did he even acquire the title in his lifetime?) and then it got shortened to kongzi
but maybe its more of a general language shift?
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forgotten-envies · 3 years
My friend came up with this this and I’ve decided to curse you all too.
The prompt: What if wwx had a special ringtone for everyone but! They were all from the video history of the entire world, I guess
Lan Zhan: you could make a religion out of this!
Jin Zixuan: just checking in I’m still a piece of garbage
Jiang Cheng: the sun is a deadly lazer
Jiang Yanli: not any more there’s a blanket
Nie Mingjue: look at those breast
Lan Qiren: get the heck out of here, would you get the heck out if I give you 500 elephants ok bye
Nie Huaisang: nope can't walk yet, and there's no food so I don't care
Lan Xichen: who's the buddha? This dude-
Yu Ziyuan: oops china just broke
Jiang Fengmian: but while it was breaking kong fuzi was figuring out how to have good morals
Wen Qing: it's all the wisdom. In a house. ITS THE BAGHDAD HOUSE OF WISDOM
Wen Ning: China’s back! Yay!
Jin Guangyao: oh look who controls all the islands, it's the mahajapit- majahapit- mapajapit- mahapajit- mapajahit- ma.ja.pa.hit?✔️
Jin ling: that's ***, this whole thing is ***, that's a scam
Lou Qingyang: All the hipsters move to Amsterdam
And Bonus! Wwx: hi said one dude who seems very popular and has been arrested and killed for being too popular which only makes him more popular. You can make a religion out if this!
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
Individu hina agama Islam, Nabi Muhammad, dipenjara 10 tahun 10 bulan
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Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) telah memfailkan pertuduhan terhadap empat individu yang menghina agama Islam dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W di media sosial, dengan salah seorang daripada mereka telah dijatuhkan hukuman penjara. 
Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Mohamad Fuzi Harun berkata, empat individu terbabit dikenakan tindakan undang-undang mengikut Seksyen 298A Kanun Keseksaan, Seksyen 505(c) Kanun Keseksaan dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998, kerana memuat naik komen yang berbentuk penghinaan. 
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"Pemilik akaun Facebook AYEA YEA (Alister Cogia, 22) dituduh dengan 10 pertuduhan mengikut Seksyen 298A Kanun Keseksaan dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998 di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuching, Sarawak, mengaku bersalah dan dijatuhkan hukuman penjara 10 tahun 10 bulan, yang berjalan secara berasingan," katanya. 
Turut difailkan pertuduhan ialah pemilik akaun Twitter @ALVINCHOW333 yang dituduh di Mahkamah Sesyen Jenayah, Kompleks Mahkamah Jalan Duta Kuala Lumpur, mengikut Seksyen 298A Kanun Keseksaan, Seksyen 505(c) Kanun Keseksaan dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998. 
Alvin bagaimana tidak mengaku bersalah bagi lapan pertuduhan yang dibaca. Tiada jaminan ditawarkan dan kes disebut semula pada 5 April 2019. 
Pemilik akaun Facebook 'Danny A'antonio Jr' mengaku mengaku tidak bersalah bagi dua pertuduhan yang didakwa mengikut Seksyen 298A Kanun Keseksaan dan Seksyen 233 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia 1998. Sebutan semula kes juga ditetapkan pada 5 April depan. 
Pemilik akaun Facebook Yazid Kong dituduh di mahkamah sama, mengaku bersalah dan pendengaran fakta kes serta hukuman terhadapnya akan ditentukan pada 11 Mac ini. 
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Dari kiri, Yazid Kong, Alvin Chow, Danny A'antonio Jr
Seksyen 298A KK adalah kesalahan yang menyebabkan suasana tidak harmoni, perpecahan atau permusuhan, benci-membenci atau niat jahat atau memudaratkan pemeliharaan keadaan harmoni atau perpaduan, atas alasan agama.
Seksyen 505(c) KK pula berkaitan kenyataan dengan niat mengapikan mana-mana golongan atau kaum melakukan kesalahan terhadap golongan atau kaum lain, manakala Seksyen 233 AKMM membabitkan penggunaan tidak wajar kemudahan rangkaian atau perkhidmatan rangkaian, dan lain-lain.
Sumber: Harian Metro
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/2HoJEyc via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2Cmt4Mn via IFTTT
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