#Klarna Beds
loveyourbed · 1 year
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🔥15% Off for a limited time only on our website🔥 . Automatically taken off at the checkout!💯 . Try before you buy with #klarna #beds #bedroomfurniture #interior design #wardrobes #bedsidetables #amazingbeds #loveyourbed #bedroomdeals https://www.instagram.com/p/CmL_qH6jfIc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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witchofthewest17 · 3 months
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The only way to get here is to pay a forest troll in holy treasures found on the forest bed. She also takes Klarna.
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fitgothgirl · 5 months
It's a 3-paycheck month for me so I just paid off a couple affirm/klarna payment plans, so I'm all caught up on all those. I didn't have a ton but one thing was my office's bed that I was making payments on once a month since last April; I only had 3 left so that's why I was able to just pay it off completely now.
AND I've just done a couple more job applications for that second job I'm looking for!
And on another note; the day before yesterday I didn't have any weed OR alcohol at all!! And today is another at least no-weed day! I'll be doing no-weed days every other day until I run out or I hit 1/15, whichever is first. I think I'll probably run out of weed first, but that's fine. After the first no-weed day that was somewhat difficult, I'm feeling much more comfortable with it.
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mariacallous · 1 year
is there anything worse than a Podcaster voicing ads in the middle of their podcast? particularly if it's a serious topic and/or its a really scammy product, I miss the days when it was just audible and casper beds, now its all fraud therapy app, vegan food scam, shit yourself teas and vitamins, and Klarna (which has to be a scam)
I'm iffy about calling Klarna a scam (mostly because I do take advantage of it when buying stuff, full disclosure) but otherwise it's offputting. I mean, I do go into podcasts with the expectation that they're sponsored by someone and so I expect it, but I prefer when the host gets that out of the way at the beginning before diving into the topic or episode.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Ready For Prime Time
We see it everywhere. Apple Pay. Google Pay. Paypal. Pay with Klarna. Everyone wants a piece of the action, even if it is only a small sliver. With total retail sales at $6.5 trillion, there’s plenty of money to be made at the margin, even if the margin is small.
But now Amazon is extending its reach. Buy With Prime launches at the end of the month, and allows partner retailers to leverage every aspect of Amazon’s might, from order fulfillment to payment processing and returns. Of course, Amazon assesses several payments along the way, from storage to packing and shipping, not to mention credit card processing. Customers get all the same benefits they get when using their Prime account at Amazon. And partner companies can still offer their own order fulfillment and processing if customers opt out of the Prime feature.
In some regards, it’s like being in bed with the enemy. But as they say (whoever “they” is), if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.
Amazon put Buy With Prime into test market last Spring among its existing Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) clients. It works rather seamlessly: partner retailers simply add a BWP logo and button, all copy and paste just like PayPal code. Oh, and ship some inventory to the nearest Amazon warehouse.
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Partnering with Amazon relieves the small company from having to handle time-consuming (and expensive) order fulfillment responsibilities, storage, as well as shipping, for which Amazon has already brokered huge discounts. Basically, you can “off-shore” multiple layers of your business, expand your reach, and quite possibly enjoy higher sales and profits.
From Amazon’s perspective, this is not all that different from food manufacturers selling off unused capacity by contracting to make private label goods. Amazon is doing the same, albeit in warehousing, packing, and shipping.
There was once a time when Amazon was demonized for being too successful. After all, shopping online necessarily displaces smaller business along the way. But that’s like complaining 110 years ago that auto manufacturers were putting bicycle retailers and farriers out of business. They had to adapt, or go out of business. Today’s small businesses have similarly been forced to evolve or die.
Or partner with Amazon. And to be fair, Amazon will probably take some heat for reaching its tentacles into more of the retail pie.
But Amazon has also reached a plateau, and has begun laying off 18,000 workers. Anything it can do to help put the company in better balance is a good thing, and BWP may very well play a big role.
All things considered, this is a good move for small retailers as well as Amazon. While smaller companies must have an e-commerce presence, managing the back end of that can be a major distraction from storefront operations. Letting the expert—in this case, Amazon—do that is genius for both parties.
And I as a customer find this particularly appealing, because I’ve been clicking those Amazon Buy Now buttons more times than I wish to admit.
Dr “I’ll Click To That“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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minyoongieswife · 1 month
Felicia was so encouraging and helped Amie's first steps to her music career. She gave constructive criticism on how Amie could get more followers on social media (not posting tons of videos at once) because Felicia really wanted Amie to succeed. She encouraged Amie to go and talk to Tobbe. She took care of Amie after she got shitfaced drunk (so much so that she got her family involved and we, THANK BABY JESUS, ​​got the awesome scene with Amie and Elias in his room). Felicia quickly became very fond of Amie and Amie quickly became fond of Felicia. They could have become lovely, platonic soulmates (as fans made youtube videos: Top Amicia soulmate moments).    I LOVE Amie and i am more mad at the writers and how they dared to make her from season 1-2 than I am at the character, Amie.    I'm so pissed how they dared to let Ludde be the thing that broke something that I can clearly see could have been an inspiring, wonderful female friendship. 
Amie and Felicia were supposed to get to celebrate Amie's career path together, and Amie being inspired by Felicia to write a song about her or suddenly call out Felicia's name (as a funny inside joke) in one of her songs. And despite the fact that Felicia is very rich and can buy most things in the world, Amie wanted to buy Felicia something with her first big singing career money, which Felicia whould value and displayed in her room (so she always has Amie with her, even when Amie is far away on tour).    AND when Amie, Felicia and Klara (I always say Klarna, but it's Swedish too) lie on the bed together and apologize to each other, it was far from good or particularly heartwarming for me. I know: the friendship that was in season 1 is broken forever BUT I don't feel like I saw a good sign that I believed that they had really started a new friendship from season 4 and onwards. I really don't trust the men and women in that writing room.    I would have built Amie and Felicias and made it stronger with the fact that (in the season 1 finale) Ludde is unfaithful with someone in their class, rather than with Amie.    I also don't think I would have had Klara film it (even though she is persistently problematic in manipulating Aime against Felicia and bullying Felicia).    In season 2, I would have added that, when Felicia came back from the US, she had Amie there as a supporter next to Elias and her mother. BUT Amie has worked with Ludde in the studio and is unsure how to share this, and whether (now that Felicia is back in town) whether she should continue working with Ludde. Be 100% loyal to her best friend or think more about her career?    I would have Felicia find out by coming by the studio (to suprise amie) and find her making music whit Ludde. Amie and Felicia would get in a fight where Felicia angry yells, “do you have short term memory? He cheated, and it's on film!” Amie would answer frustrated that "Yes, I know, but we write such good songs together. We work so well together.”    Felicia would storm away and give Amie a cold shoulder, leave her on read for days, before Felicia goes to Amie. Amie says, "I'll stop working with Ludde if you want." 
Felicia would say with a heavy sigh, “it's ok. I want you to be very successful. So ... write with him.”
Still, I would leave the friendship a bit strange, and not have the 2 girls be completely on the same wavelength until Jack, the whore, is showing his dusty self at the party.    Now to Amie and Elias from Season 2:    Since they would see more of each other (despite Elias still having his short, soft fuckboy phase and being with Klara) I would have added a sprinkle here and there (in more than 2 episodes) of banter between Amie and Elias. And STILL managed to get Elias' sweet comment about Amie's hair in, but not at the hospital (as I would have written all 3 went and visited Ludde).    I think, despite the fact that Felicia was in the USA and Amie and Elias are friends in the season 2 premiere, I would still let them be so busy with hockey and music that they don't physically meet each other, but write some messages.    Season 3 with Amie and Elias developing relationship was really well done!! And I'm pretty biased with these two cuties so...yeah. 
WHAT I LOVE: Episode "road trip" - Amias scenes and Elias spinning a hysterically funny story, to the scout, about Amie being pregnant and that they're expecting a boy, is so INSANELY brilliant. One of my absolute favorite Elias/Emias moments!!    Also the scene right before they go out on the balcony, when Amie imagines everything that can be done in the apartment to spruce it up    I got a strong sense of subtle foreshadowing about their future in LA. And as the actor, who plays Amie said, "I also think Amie and Elias stick together, and become a power couple."    And I love the chemistry the 2 actors managed so incredibly well to get through to Amie and Elias.    Elias is my top 3 favorites.    I love Amie (from season 3) and love certain things about her from season 1-2. Her style is always dripping and her hair is always on point. And I LOVE that they wrote a black girl quite feminine and not dealing w trauma, or black girl struggle. And that she was the girl who ended up having a boyfriend at the end of the series, and was about to go and make it big overseas.     AND Petra (that lady is hysterically funny when she makes petty comments against the Kroon family, to Mats).    And I really appreciated what Ludde said, in the scene where he and Felicia are pillow talking and he asks, “ Did you come?" and then says, after Felicia replies, "We can try again later."
I can't count on 1 hand the times I've seen a teenage boy (ON TV) say something like that to his girlfriend about her pleasure. Chefs kiss!!
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gazetotheabyss · 7 months
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    I read the words plain as day on my computer screen some weeks ago. With no context it might seem so entirely monotonous. Like the pop up anyone might see on any given shady ass website they come across while doom scrolling. 
    But I think I'm getting ahead of myself. 
    My name is Geri. I, like most people my age, grew up in this wild age of information. My parents from the generation who slaved away in times of the unknown, blessed by the ignorance of some harsh bouts of misinformation given to them by Aunt Agnes some odd years ago that they just didn't have any sort of measure to dispute. Or, and God forbid, having to go to the library. But us? All of us? It's all at the tips of our fingertips, isn't it? The age of rumor and myth was killed by the dawn of Snopes and Wikipedia, and for the most part that's okay.   
    God, I'm sorry.   
    I'm not that type of person to go on long diatribes about nothing. At least I wasn't. It's all twisted in my head now. Where to start, where it's going to end. I'm committing to just writing as a train of thought, to make sure I get it all down for posterity. It's all a mess and jumbled in my head, so some things might be out of order, but this is all true. As much as I would have loved to have been making this up.   
    Blah blah blah, it was a normal day. Went to work. Came home. Do you really even care about those details? Reading about the sort of hot pocket me, a broke college student, picked on that monumental night? After finishing up a particularly grueling portion of a paper I was working on for the Lit class I'm taking I had to shut off my brain. You know, decompress? My brain was fried, I was tired, but I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. The thought of working so hard the whole day only to waste what little free time I had with sleeping just sounded so fucking miserable. So, doing what any of us do, I laid there. Practically catatonic under a mountain of blankets, cozy up, listening to whatever YouTube videos I could find to just play in the background, while just scrolling. Post to post, site to site. Not even really reading or processing. Just scrolling, hoping to feel something.   
    I thought I would fall asleep for a minute or two. I clicked some link, shady as it might have been, thinking by some measure it was a joke or something since I'd just been imbibing in some pseudo-deep meme content after a bit. I'm hesitating to type the name of it right now, because I really don't want to curse anyone with this, but just know it was very... I don't know, 90s Geocities. The top of the page read 'Library of Eternity' with some bad clipart of a book. It was all very bad and by all rights writing it off should have been what I did, but that late with so little brain power the curiosity is stronger than the will to click away. Clicked the little book and my screen went black. Fucking virus, right?   
    Honestly that's what I thought. All the furious clicking, slamming my fingers angrily on the keyboard, it really didn't seem to do shit. After about ten minutes of screaming to any higher power who would listen a window popped up.   
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    Corny shit, right? I've written off my laptop at this point. Maybe I can cry to mom and dad and beg for them to help me pay off a new one? Maybe Klarna? I just thank anyone who would listen that I didn't have any important information on there, and that two-factor authentication was on for my email. I close the damn thing and toss it off my bed, and that should be the end of it. If I had any sense about me at the time maybe it would have been, maybe if I knew the things I knew now or could go back and stop myself. 
    I browse reddit a couple hours, play some stupid game I saw on a mobile ad because fuck I'm bored, and that's the night. I pass out, wake up with a sore nose and my phone on the floor after passing out while browsing.   
    Then comes the beloved day off. The holiest of days to those of us playing double time as college kids out here in the trenches. I'm pumped, at least once I drag myself out of bed after hours of '5 more minutes'. Now not exactly being a social butterfly, most of the time my days off consist of exactly what you'd expect from someone who goes to school, goes to work, and has most of their friends online. I dick around on my computer, doing exactly what I did the night before. Now my dumbass, completely forgetting most of what had just transpired, gears up to do the exact same thing. Getting all cozy under my blanket fort again, ready to stream some movies, or binge the same show I've watched about a hundred times. But I open my computer and that popup is still fucking there. Mood trashed. Life ruined. Day off totally and completely in the gutter.   
    Nothing better to do. No computer, nothing else on the docket. I really have nothing to lose. At least for foresight purposes. So, boom, I clicked yes. But all it does is open up another pop up.   
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    I clicked yes. How much more ready could I be? 
Clicking yes again I'm ready for meat spin, surprise real life gore, or some other sort of stupid jump scare surprise. But no, nothing so fun. Just another goddamned window. 
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This 90s ass virus website just called me ignorant. A challenge I could never have backed down from. No one will ever call Geri Monaghan ignorant. I was not about to be challenged by some two-bit website probably programmed before I was born. 
I’m ready. 
At the time that was what I thought. Of course, I did. How the hell would anyone expect-- 
My screen went from black to white. Okay, not expected in the slightest. It started with one sentence, then another, and they just kept lining up one right after another like a typical word document. Eventually when it ran out of room on the screen they started overlapping. I shouldn’t have been able to read or understand any of it with how fast it was happening. I just stared blankly, reading and absorbing every fucking word. Even as my screen went black, blank from all the information overloading it, I was retaining every written word. It was torture. It felt like hours were going by. Days even. Stuck in that fucking trance lost to endless streams of eternal information pouring bit by bit into my brain. 
No one ever tells you how loud silence can be. Staring into the blank void of my screen was like staring into entropy. All sound vacuumed from my room, all life void from my body. But trapped. I was still in there. Stuck frozen with my eyes open, unable to close them or even move as that information became more. Like eternity spread itself open before me, my consciousness was ripped away. I was at the start of it all. 
That’s not right. 
It was before the start. The black void. Before life, before time, before existence. A place where things like us shouldn’t be. Like tendrils writhing and slithering, it probed my mind. The worst headache I’ve ever fucking had times a million. Drilling a half inch bit into my skull without me ever going into shock or going numb to the pain. Everything went white again. The page was clear, and I was sitting on my bed again. Laptop open. Screen still black. Not even a minute had gone by. 
Staring into that empty screen. That digital fucking abyss. I still felt like I was floating in that vacant nothingness. Existing before anything. 
I know there’s so many guys out there who pretend to be know-it-alls, or that they have all the answers...  
My head. 
Felt so heavy. Just to exist even now while I’m writing this it feels like I’m trudging through miles and miles of heavy sludge like thoughts to even get to the point. All this stuff sitting in my head. The real stories of how life and history happened. The beginning, the end, the swirling concepts of space and time that mankind has only scantly begun to get a grasp upon. Omniscience? But in a head not meant to keep it. Answers to every question, knowledge of every fact that could be, would be, or had been. 
I took an aspirin and decided to go for a walk. Maybe the fresh air would help. Maybe I just fried my brain last night reading a bunch of random shit after reading hours and hours of random Wikipedia articles or know your meme pages blankly to just fill the gaps.  
For a minute it did. 
Lights felt brighter, sounds felt clearer. I didn’t even put on my glasses today and I could see just fine. Something I didn’t even bother questioning in the moment. Mom always told me to never question good things and I wasn’t about to start now. 
It really wasn’t until later in the day I was hanging around with my only real-life friend at this school. I don’t know, we’ll call him Tom. Tom and I usually do the same shit I do at the apartment. Only sometimes we smoke weed too. Everyone does that with their friends, right? Sit pretending to actually hang out when you’re both independently browsing on your phones while some random shit plays on TV? He asked me some random question. 
I’d tell you I don’t remember it, but I do. I remember every detail as it hit me at that moment. Piercing through whatever fog the day had put to haze over the vast span of eternity all of those eons and eons of information just struck. Being shot in the head wouldn’t have felt all that much different. I answered his question. 
“Bro, do you think there’s life on other planets?” 
“Not within our immediate solar system.” 
Not stated as an opinion, but as a fact. I was on autopilot, like a fucking Alexa or Siri, just blindly answering the question in totality as I knew it. Like knew it. Subjects I’d studied for years and years on end. Tom stopped me about halfway through. 
“Dude what the fuck are you talking about?” 
It was fair. I think at some point I stopped speaking English, and it was more just guttural noises. Some foreign language? Alien. Obviously confused, I replied. 
“You asked me if I thought there was life on other planets dude, I’m just telling you there is.” 
“How can you possibly ‘know’ that?” 
Going off in a trance again pretty much, I told him all about the Library. All the things it showed me. I tried for him to keep it vague. But he kept prodding me. Asking me for more. I couldn’t shut it off. Like the curse of knowing all of this stuff was more than just the knowledge itself but having to share it just as readily. Which sounds great. Like the benefit of knowledge to mankind. 
I told him everything. I looked him dead in the eyes. Answered every petty or grand question that came to his mind. Ones I couldn’t possibly know the answer to or ones that had just been prying their way at his mind. 
He asked. 
Oh god he asked... 
“Can you tell me everything?” 
I told him no. Like I was being pedantic or something. Fucking possessed, not able to stop myself or control my own body I just grabbed hold of him. 
“No, I can’t tell you everything. There’s no time. I can show you though.” 
Both hands on either side of his head, staring into his eyes. 
“Dude don’t be gay.” 
Which was funny as hell coming from the gay dude, but I wish I could laugh. He just went silent. This wasn’t like a movie or anything. There weren’t bright flashing lights, or some orchestral song to demonstrate just what was happening. Just Tom’s face going from bright and lively to sinking. All the color drained from his face. Happiness turned to horror. Tom just started screaming. 
He wouldn’t stop. 
The loudest blood curdling scream I’d ever heard, and it’s haunted me ever since that night. Like all this information was attacking him. He was begging for me to stop but I felt my fingers furling on their own. I was squeezing him, holding him in place. My mission was to make sure he learned everything I had. By the end of it he had screamed himself down to a rasp. An hour or so passed while we were sitting there. When my hands finally let me let go of his head, he just sank. Tom sagged, his whole body wrinkling on the couch for a moment while he breathed ragged. I sat there. Feeling empty. Nothing. Then, all I could do was sit there on his couch and watch him while he calmly and slowly stood up. Take a minute or two to compose himself or process the information and then run at his window and just fucking leap.  
Tom was gone. One of the few things I don’t know is what exactly Tom saw that drove him to do that. Whether it was a specific piece of information, or if it was just his mind trying to process everything. Like burning out a CPU by overworking it. 
Cops came, because of course they did. A man just killed himself, and they come up the stairs, bust down his door, to find me just sitting there. The thousand-yard stare, locked in my body like a puppet while someone else moved me. Question after question came. I answered them all honestly. Their final one broke me out of my daze. 
“Why do you think he did it?” 
I started crying, because it was all my fault. I just told them I didn’t know. It was the only question I could think of where I didn’t actually know the answer. 
That week after that was a blur. I sat in my room doing my best to avoid talking to anyone while the Uni excused me from my classes for a while. Something about it being the last of my worries, but sympathy expires. I know it does. The vast swathes of information that shifts and wriggles through my brain like a virus. Infecting every part of myself that had ever been. I know what I was like before. Who I was. I’m having trouble holding on to whether or not that’s who I still am. The perspective of every single thing I knew has been warped beyond belief and I can’t look at life the same way I did before. 
What was the point? I asked myself aloud. 
And then I knew. 
Why were we here, then? 
And then I knew. 
So, our whole purpose in life, the meaning of everything we’ve ever done-- 
But I already knew. 
Mankind wasn’t meant to. Knowledge is not a gift. So many people spend their entire lives trying to find the meaning behind action. Why are we here? Where do we come from? 
Is there a higher power? 
Questions people live and die trying and failing to answer, I knew in an instant. I knew how Tom’s mom felt getting the call from the school. Every agonizing thought. I knew immediately how Tom felt, overburdened and overwhelmed. 
And I knew how burdensome I’d been to everyone around me. Every single negative weight on my consciousness about what everyone thought about me outweighed any single positive counterweight it had. The disappointment I’d been. When you’re alone in the dark, in the deafening silence of a room black as pitch is when you start whispering the worst questions to yourself. The ones you don’t really wanna know the answers to but muttering them just helps you feel better. 
Looking out across my desk, passed the light of my laptop, now I can still see the darkness of the void. The nothingness that probed my mind and let me see everything I’d ever asked. I claw at my scalp until it bleeds, scream until my voice can’t even carry sound with it. I haven’t eaten anything in days. I know there’s no point. No reason. I look in the mirror and I don’t even recognize the hollow shell of a person I’ve become. I just see... how tired I am. I’m so exhausted. Every time I sleep, more and more knowledge just floods into my head. For days I’ve felt like a balloon about to burst. 
Maybe that’s what Tom saw. 
Maybe he saw what would become of me, how it would feel. 
Decided that he didn’t want to become this. 
I looked up last night at my ceiling. Laid out flat on my bed, I asked to forget. If there was some way to unknow all of this. Could I go back to the way things were before? I remember very clearly the pop-up. As if the memory was spitting in my face. 
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Ignorance is bliss. 
Humans weren’t meant to know this much. 
The void, the ardent darkness lingering in a time before time. This morning, it called to me. Maybe it always did, but now it spoke and for the first time I understood. I can’t go back, can I? I’m trapped in this loop of suffering, with entropy pulling me apart from the inside. 
There is no God listening. 
No, that’s not true. There is no God answering our prayers. But it’s listening. Amusing itself on our suffering. It has fooled us into thinking there was ever any reason. There was ever good and evil but, in the end, there is only nothing. Nothing like there was before. Tom isn’t living it up in Heaven playing guitar and smoking weed in the afterlife. He’s not in Hell lamenting his sins or paying penance to some arbitrary rules. He’s gone. What I don’t know yet is if it’s the same for everyone, or if it’s my fault. If having this knowledge is what did it?  
This whole thing to say I’m scared. 
Or I was scared. Maybe this has been my way of working up the courage. 
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I’m so tired. I can’t sleep anymore. Every time I try, I just wake up more exhausted. I can’t keep doing this anymore. I tried. I tried to forget, I tried to make myself forget. I couldn’t talk to anyone else. I was afraid of what might happen if I did. What if they asked me like he did? It’s what it wants. I know it. 
We weren’t meant to know. What we are meant to know isn’t even a full sentence on a page in a chapter in a single book in the endless library of eternity. We’re lucky to finish a word by the time we die. My head is pounding. It feels like any moment I’m just going to explode.  
I can’t do this. 
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I’m sorry mom. I’m sorry everyone. If you read this, and then happen to come across that site? 
Tom was right. 
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ahleckss · 10 months
Hi, I went to outside lands in San Francisco this weekend. It was incredible. There’s nothing else good in my life so I’m going to really draw out this experience, starting with the hotel I stayed at.
The monte cristo bed and breakfast by the presidio. Idr how much I paid per night, I don’t remember paying for it at all (I use hotels.com for the rewards and uplift or klarna for payments) but with the way I choose my hotels it was likely a very good balance of price vs ratings vs reasonable proximity to venue.
It did NOT disappoint. If anything, my weekend would not have been as great as it was if I had stayed somewhere else. It was small and the building was obviously very old but it was sooooo cozy and cute. The room felt soooo luxurious. There was a bidet and a rainfall shower head. The bed was super comfy. And most importantly, free breakfast which I REALLLY took advantage of especially with how GOOOOD it was.
Since you’re allowed to order meals for two people per room, on Sunday I ordered two meals and saved one for when I got back that night. It was the smartest and most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. It really helped as I made a rule that I could only have one meal every day of the festival.
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I’ve been needing a new laptop for a while bc my old one officially shit the bed, but i didn’t really wanna shop for one and it just hit my dumb ass today like…buy an ipad w a pencil & keyboard case dipshit that’s work machine art machine and school machine all in one like duh - refurbished and aided by klarna of course i ain’t got it like that now come on… only sad thing is it’s not game machine but i still have my ps4 that sounds like a hair dryer when you play too long so it’s ok
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loveyourbed · 1 year
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Our website www.loveyourbed.co.uk with a snowy feel and a #SALE sign! It must be #Christmas! . Come for a chat and split your payments using #klarna . #homedecor #countryhouse #home #bedframes #beds #homeideas #designideas #countryliving #homeandgarden #myhouse #bedroomdesign #bedroomfurniture https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2_GtsMeFt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gablesbeds · 1 year
Buy Now Pay Later Beds: The Perfect Solution for a Good Night's Sleep
Are you tired of tossing and turning all night on an uncomfortable bed? It might be time to upgrade to a new one! But if you're worried about the cost, don't stress – Gables Beds have plenty of finance options available to help you get the bed of your dreams without breaking the bank. One option to consider is buy now pay later beds.
What are buy now pay later beds?
Buy now pay later beds are exactly what they sound like – you can purchase a bed now and pay for it later, with a small deposit and low monthly payments. This can be a great option for those who don't have the budget to pay for a new bed in full upfront, or for those who want to spread the cost of their purchase over time.
Why choose a buy now pay later bed?
There are plenty of reasons to choose a buy now pay later bed. For one, it allows you to upgrade your sleep experience without having to worry about the upfront cost. This can be especially helpful if you're in need of a new bed but don't have the funds available to pay for it all at once. Additionally, buy now pay later beds often come with low monthly payments, which can make the cost more manageable.
How to find the perfect buy now pay later bed?
When shopping for a buy now pay later bed, it's important to consider your personal needs and preferences. Think about factors such as the size of your bedroom and the type of mattress you prefer (e.g. firm, plush, memory foam). You should also consider the overall style of the bed – do you want a modern, minimalistic look or a more traditional, ornate design? By considering these factors, you can ensure that you choose a bed that meets all of your needs and fits your personal style.
In conclusion, buy now pay later beds are a great option for those who want to upgrade their sleep experience without the high upfront cost. By considering your personal needs and preferences, you can find the perfect bed to help you get the restful night's sleep you deserve.
Gables Beds have Klarna or Clearpay available for short term bed finance options. Alternatively we use Payment Assist for interest free bed finance over 12 months.
So if you are looking for a new storage bed or a tall modern fabric bed we have over 20 bed designs for you to choose from.
Buy now pay later options are not only for beds, we also sell mattresses or bed and mattress sets.
All our flexible finance options are including pay monthly interest free are available on our mattresses too.
Visit our showroom in Essex or view the full range and order online.
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planetlinen1 · 1 year
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Buy Quilt Covers & Doona Covers Online
Get a cozier sleep with Australia’s best selection of quilt covers! Quilt Covers, simply put, are protective coverings for your quilts. Not only do they provide extra warmth and comfort, but they also add an element of style to your bedding and bedroom.
Planet Linen offers a great variety of beautiful and soft quilt cover sets to suit your style and comfort needs. Find them in all standard sizes such as Single, King Single, Twin, Double, Queen, King and Super King. To help you with your shopping, we’ve listed things to consider to choose the perfect quilt for you.
Patterns & Colours Add Character
The patterns and colours of your bedding will have a great impact on the atmosphere of your room. Dressing up your quilt will definitely add to your room’s vibe. If you aim for a fresh, airy, minimalist look, you can opt for a plain white or light grey. If you love nature and green accents, you can choose from our green collection. When you want something bold, then go for our stylish quilt covers with big beautiful patterns.
The Material Determines Your Comfort Level
You’ll find our quilt covers available in various high-quality materials like linen, cotton, cotton blends, silk and more. The material typically determines the comfort level and other characteristics. For example, thicker quilt covers add more heat insulation making them perfect for the winter. Lighter cotton versions are more breathable making them your go-to quilt covers for the summer. Silk provides the ultimate comfort and luxurious feel but they’re too delicate for those who have pets.
Whether you opt to buy a linen or silk quilt cover, it’s smart to consider the brand when choosing a material. Some brands make their beddings from higher-quality materials and with superior craftsmanship. Make sure to buy your quilt covers online from the most trusted brands. Luckily, Planet Linen only stocks from Australia’s best brands like Sheridan, Logan and Mason, Linen House, Private Collection and more.
Thread Count for Extra Comfort
Thread count is the number of vertical and horizontal threads per square centimetre. The higher the thread count, the snugglier, softer, and more luxurious your quilt will feel on your skin. A higher thread count could also mean a warmer covering. So during warmer weather, a high-quality fine yarn with a low thread count is your best bet. It lets air move freely through the material while still having a soft surface.
Other Unique Features
There are several other features that will uniquely serve you. For instance, some quilt covers have smooth and slippery material. While others are more versatile for machine washing and drying. These features can vary between materials and may depend on how it’s made.
Wondering where to buy high-quality quilt covers online? Look no further than Planet Linen! Get snug and have a comfortable sleep with our wide range of quilt covers and sets for sale. Buy our quilt covers and get free shipping Australia-wide on orders over $99. Buy now and pay later with AfterPay, ZipPay, Humm, Klarna and LatitudePay. Shop the Planet Linen range now!
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🎶I've been up, I've been down🎶
Things have been kind of a mixed bag this month, but I think I can finish strong.
The good:
Got the apartment I wanted
Found out that I have $1500 between afterpay and klarna so I can afford to have a bed, couch, tv stand and tv when I move in.
The beta mode application for student loan debt relief was released. It was down this morning, but I was able to apply a few minutes ago🙌🏾
I had to wait an additional 15 minutes for my dunkin order so they gave me three free donuts🍩
The struggle:
I have 16 days to present 3 projects for the bootcamp.
I have to finance a move by the 15th.
I need to improve my overall wellness, because I can't afford to have depression kick my ass like it did going forward.
Overall, things are difficult but not impossible. I'm just trying to avoid spending so that I have enough to easily pay the rest of my move in costs on the 21st. From there I plan on getting things shipped to the apartment and setting things up on the weekend of the 28th. From there, being fully moved in by the time rent is due again on the 15th. To compensate for short notice, I'll let my landlord keep the security deposit.
Also due to last weeks' shenanigans, the Regency apartments owe me $300 so that will help offset things as well once it's been reimbursed.
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ilhoonftw · 2 years
i get why services like afterpay klarna etc exist, why people use them and why it works for them However i wish we lived in a society where ppl didnt have to go in debt just to buy a bed frame
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bedmattressstore · 2 years
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Oxford Upholstered Sleigh Bed Frame BUY ONLINE NOW 👉🏻 https://tinyurl.com/2zk3bhdf For more info, visit https://www.bedmattressstore.co.uk/ #paylater #klarna #Snapfinance #laybuyavailable #paybylaybuy#klarna.uk #buynowpaylater
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A bed that grows with your baby with mattress now Have £50 off! More Details Email at [email protected] Call us: 01723 448 182 #IckleBubba #miniCotbed #laybuy #klarna #clearpay #zip shophumm #snapfinance #paypal
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