#Kitab al-Nabat
masbagyo · 2 years
Ibnu Bajjah Ilmuwan Besar Multidisiplin : Banyak Karya, Mati Muda
Ibnu Bajjah Ilmuwan Besar Multidisiplin : Banyak Karya, Mati Muda
Ibnu Bajjah (ابن باجة) atau lengkapnya Abu Bakar Muhammad bin Yahya bin ash-Shayigh at-Tujibi bin Bajjah (أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن الصايغ) adalah seorang astronom, filsuf, musisi, dokter, fisikawan, psikolog, botanis, sastrawan, dan ilmuwan Muslim Andalusia. Beliau dikenal di Barat dengan nama Latinnya, Avempace.  Ia lahir di Zaragoza 1095, tempat yang kini berada di wilayah Spanyol, dan meninggal…
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blogalloh · 1 year
Nabi Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hasyim Bin Abdu Manaf Bin Qusayy Bin Kilab Bin Murrah Bin Ka’b Bin Lu’ayy Bin Ghalib Bin Fihr Bin Malik Bin Al-Nadlr Bin Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah Bin Mudrikah Bin Ilyas Bin Mudhar Bin Nizar Bin Ma’add Bin Adnan Bin Udda Bin Muqawwim Bin Nahur Bin Tayrah Bin Ya’ruba Bin Yasyjuba Bin Nabat Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim #Dakwah #Islam
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Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam punya silsilah keturunan yang terhormat dan itu sangat berpengaruh pada dakwah beliau. Abu Sufyan pernah menyebutkan perihal garis keturunan Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam di hadapan Raja Heraklius, “Muhammad memiliki silsilah garis keturunan yang sangat mulia di antara kami.” (HR. Bukhari, 1: 5, kitab Bad’u Al-Wahyi, no. 6) Nabi Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hasyim Bin Abdu Manaf Bin Qusayy Bin Kilab Bin Murrah Bin Ka’b Bin Lu’ayy Bin Ghalib Bin Fihr Bin Malik Bin Al-Nadlr Bin Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah Bin Mudrikah Bin Ilyas Bin Mudhar Bin Nizar Bin Ma’add Bin Adnan Bin Udda Bin Muqawwim Bin Nahur Bin Tayrah Bin Ya’ruba Bin Yasyjuba Bin Nabat Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim Nabi kita Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam punya garis keturunan yang mulia yang secara lengkap nama beliau adalah: Muhammad bin ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdul Muthallib bin Hasyim bin ‘Abdul Manaf bin Qushai bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Ka’ab bin Lu’ai bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin An-Nadhar bin Kinanah bin Khuzaimah bin Mudrikah bin Ilyas bin Mudhar bin Nizar bin Ma’ad bin Adnan. Silsilah dari ‘Adnan sampai Nabi Ibrahim ‘alaihis salam terdapat perselisihan pendapat di antara para ulama. Kalau kita perhatikan garis keturunan dari kakek-kakek Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam akan nampak garis keturunan beliau itu begitu terhormat. Qushai, ia memiliki kedudukan tinggi dalam diri orang Quraisy, dan dikenal sebagai tokoh yang jujur. ‘Abdul Manaf, putera yang paling menonjol dari putera-putera Qushai yang terkenal biasa mengatur pembagian air minum dari sumur Zam-zam. Hasyim, terkenal dermawan karena biasa menyiapkan roti untuk jama’ah haji. ‘Abdul Muthallib, ia menggali kembali sumur Zam-zam dan dialah yang bernadzar jika ia dikaruniai sepuluh anak laki-laki, maka dia akan menyembelih salah satu di antaranya. Beberapa faedah dari bahasan ini: Dalam dakwah jika ingin mengajak pada persamaan derajat, butuh yang berdakwah adalah dari kalangan orang terhormat. Orang Arab dari kafir Quraisy yang mengenal silsilah terhormat dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tentu tidak akan mencela nabi dari sisi keturunan. Banyak yang membela Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam karena beliau berasal dari garis keturunan yang terhormat, walaupun yang membelanya tidak masuk Islam. Contoh yang membela beliau dengan sangat gigih adalah paman beliau, Abu Thalib. Kalau kita adalah orang yang berasal dari keturunan terhormat sangat baik sekali memanfaatkan kedudukan tersebut untuk berdakwah. Kedermawanan sudah sangat dikenal di kalangan bangsa Arab, di antaranya biasa membantu jamaah haji. Namun sayangnya mereka adalah orang-orang yang masih tetap mempertahankan tradisi kesyirikan yang menjadikan sedekah mereka tidak berbuah apa-apa. Semoga bermanfaat. Hanya Allah yang memberi taufik. Referensi: Fikih Sirah Nabawiyah. Cetakan kelima, 2016. Prof. Dr. Zaid bin Abdul Karim Zaid. Penerbit Darus Sunnah. — @ Kopi Tagae, Kota Ambon, malam 8 Syawal 1438 H Oleh: Muhammad Abduh Tuasikal Artikel Rumaysho.Com Sumber https://rumaysho.com/16065-nabi-muhammad-punya-silsilah-keturunan-yang-terhormat-dan-itu-sangat-berpengaruh-pada-dakwah-beliau.html بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali. Nabi Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hasyim Bin Abdu Manaf Bin Qusayy Bin Kilab Bin Murr
ah Bin Ka’b Bin Lu’ayy Bin Ghalib Bin Fihr Bin Malik Bin Al-Nadlr Bin Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah Bin Mudrikah Bin Ilyas Bin Mudhar Bin Nizar Bin Ma’add Bin Adnan Bin Udda Bin Muqawwim Bin Nahur Bin Tayrah Bin Ya’ruba Bin Yasyjuba Bin Nabat Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim
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kskskhshy · 5 years
Syarif Al Idrisi, Penemu Peta dan Bola Dunia.
Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan yang pesat di kalangan umat muslim, membangkitkan semangat para cendekiawannya untuk mempelajari ilmu bumi, astronomi, dan segala macam disiplin ilmu yang telah berkembang maju pada peradaban Yunani dan juga Romawi. Mereka mulai menerjemahkan naskah-naskah kuno dari bahasa Yunani ke bahasa Arab.
Berkembangnya geografi di dunia Islam dimulai ketika Khalifah al- Ma’mun yang berkuasa dari tahun 813 hingga 833 M memerintahkan para ahli geografi Muslim untuk mengukur kembali jarak bumi. Sejak saat itu muncullah istilah Mil untuk mengukur jarak. Sedangkan orang Yunani menggunakan istilah stadion.
Setelah para pakar geografi muslim berkembang. Muncullah satu nama yang tak bisa dilepaskan dari sejarah Islam, dialah Syarif Al-Idrisi, sang penemu peta dunia.
Ia lahir pada abad ke 11 M bertepatan dengan 493 H di Sebtah, negara perbatasan Maroko dan Spanyol. Ketika muda pergi mencari ilmu di pusat keilmuan dan kebudayaan di bumi Andalus, tepatnya di Kordoba. Ia mulai bertalaqqi dari satu guru ke guru yang lain. Ketertarikannya yang tinggi di bidang astronomi, perhitungan dan ilmu bumi, membuat ia memutuskan untuk mengelilingi dunia.
Dimulailah ekspedisi pertamanya untuk mengelilingi dataran Andalus. Dilanjutkan perjalanan menuju kepulauan Lisbon, Prancis Barat dan Selatan, kepulauan Inggris Selatan, menuju Asia Kecil dan negara-negara lain yang sempat disinggahinya. Tak lupa dengan senjata ampuhnya, pena dan kertas, ia menulis segala hal yang ia lihat dan dengar, mulai batas negara hingga kondisi masyarakatnya. Lalu ia pun kembali ke Sebtah sebagai ahli geografi pada usia 37 tahun.
Peristiwa 1
Raja Roger II, raja dari kerajaan Sisilia atau Shoqliyah, mendengar kabar tentang kepakarannya di bidang geografi. Raja yang cinta akan  ilmu pengetahuan dan  ulama muslim ini mengundang Al-Idrisi untuk hadir di istananya.
Peristiwa 2
Pada tahun 533 H,  sampailah ia di kota Sisilia. Sang raja pun memberikan sambutan luar biasa dan memberikan suatu kehormatan guna  membuat buku ensiklopedi geografi dan peta dunia yang terperinci.
Al-Idrisi pun menyetujui permintaan sang raja. Ia pun meminta sang raja untuk mengirim para ahli ilmu bumi dan para pelukis untuk melukis dan mendeskripsikan apa yang dilihatnya guna mempermudah proyek penulisan ensiklopedi dan peta dunia ini.
Peristiwa 3
Berangkatlah para ahli dan pelukis atas izin raja Rodger II. Ditulislah keterangan catatan tentang sosio-kultural kemasyarakatan yang akurat dan mereka mulai menggambar setiap bentuk dari negara-negara yang dikunjunginya dengan detail. Lalu sekembalinya para ahli, Al-Idrisi pun memulai penulisan karya monumentalnya ini.
Syarif Al-Idrisi menulis kitab ini berdasarkan tiga referensi asas: Pertama, hasil ekspedisinya selama menjelajah dunia. Kedua,  hasil maklumat, informasi dan gambar-gambar dari para ahli utusan raja. Dan ketiga, kitab-kitab penting dalam fan ilmu geografi.
Peristiwa 4
Tepat pada tahun 549 H/1154 M, jerih payah al-Idrisi membuahkan hasil dengan rampungnya mega proyek kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan Islam. Kitab ini pun diberi judul Nuzhatul Mustaq Fi Ikhtiroi’ Al-Afaq, salah satu sumber penting dalam ranah ilmu geografi dan sosiologi di dunia.
Ditambahkan di dalam kitab tersebut gambaran peta dunia serta peta wilayah Sebtah. Tak lupa al-Idrisi membubuhkan perbatasan dan batas teritori setiap negara dengan teliti berdasarkan panjang, lebar serta jarak yang membentang antar negara dan menyempurnakan apa yang telah dimulai al-Khawarizmi. Ia juga mengukur garis lintang dan garis bujur antar negara dengan bantuan Lauhul Tarsim.
Peristiwa 5
Lalu Raja Rodjer II meminta lagi dibuatkan replika bumi yang nyata dengan bentuk bola dunia. Sang raja pun mengirimkan perak tang setara dengan 400.000 dirham dan al-Idrisi pun mulai membuat seperti yang dikehendaki sang raja. Perak itu pun disulap menjadi bola dunia dengan ukiran di bagian luarnya gambar negara, daerah, lautan, samudra, sungai, teluk, batas-batas negara dan juga jalan-jalan yang bisa ditempuh dengan ketelitian dan keahlian luar biasa. Raja pun memberikan dua per tiga sisa perak tadi dan ditambahkan 200.000 dirham sebagai hadiah dan penghargaan atas jasa dan usahanya.
Jasa-jasanya yang tak terhingga bagi kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan menjadikan namanya dikenang manusia hingga sekarang. Al-Idrisi wafat dengan berbagai peninggalan berharga pada tahun 561 H/ 1165 M ditempat kelahirannya, Sebtah.
Di antara karyanya: Al-Jami’ Li Sifati Astati Al-Nabat, Al-Adwiyah Al-Mufrodah, Roudul Unsi Wa Nuzhatun Nafsi, dan lain-lain.
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tobathebat · 3 years
Nabi Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hasyim Bin Abdu Manaf Bin Qusayy Bin Kilab Bin Murrah Bin Ka’b Bin Lu’ayy Bin Ghalib Bin Fihr Bin Malik Bin Al-Nadlr Bin Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah Bin Mudrikah Bin Ilyas Bin Mudhar Bin Nizar Bin Ma’add Bin Adnan Bin Udda Bin Muqawwim Bin Nahur Bin Tayrah Bin Ya’ruba Bin Yasyjuba Bin Nabat Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim #Dakwah #Islam
Nabi Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib Bin Hasyim Bin Abdu Manaf Bin Qusayy Bin Kilab Bin Murrah Bin Ka’b Bin Lu’ayy Bin Ghalib Bin Fihr Bin Malik Bin Al-Nadlr Bin Kinanah Bin Khuzaimah Bin Mudrikah Bin Ilyas Bin Mudhar Bin Nizar Bin Ma’add Bin Adnan Bin Udda Bin Muqawwim Bin Nahur Bin Tayrah Bin Ya’ruba Bin Yasyjuba Bin Nabat Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim #Dakwah #Islam
Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam punya silsilah keturunan yang terhormat dan itu sangat berpengaruh pada dakwah beliau. Abu Sufyan pernah menyebutkan perihal garis keturunan Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam di hadapan Raja Heraklius, “Muhammad memiliki silsilah garis keturunan yang sangat mulia di antara kami.” (HR. Bukhari, 1: 5, kitab Bad’u Al-Wahyi, no. 6) Nabi Muhammad Bin…
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tifiya-blog1 · 7 years
Obat Salah Baca
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Pagi tadi di kelas Nahwu, salah seorang teman dari Afrika meminta pada Syeikh agar menunjuk dirinya sebagai Muqri (pembaca) dars pelajaran hari ini.
"Kamu bisa baca dengan baik dan benar?" tanya Syeikh kami. "Bi idznillah," jawab sahabat kita ini. "Tanpa salah Nahwunya?" "Syeikh menegaskan dengan senyum canda. "Insya Allah. Astain billah..." kalimat akhir sahabat kita penuh yakin. Akhirnya dia dipersilahkan untuk membaca pelajaran. Dalam kajian, pembaca kitab haruslah memiliki kemampuan membaca nash dengan baik, benar dan lancar. Tidak lama kemudian...
Kelas kami penuh riuh. Ada yang tersenyum. ada yang tertawa kecil. banyak yang beristighfar. Ada apa? Karena sahabat kita tadi banyak keliru dalam membaca pelajaran. Al Habbu (الحَب) yang bermakna biji tanaman dibaca Al Hubbu (الحُب) yang bermakna cinta. An Nabat (النبات) yang berarti tumbuhan dibaca Al Banat (البنات) yang bermakna para gadis. Apalagi setelah ditelaah lebih jauh. Nashnya berbunyi: النبات طيب الرائحة "Tanaman yang memiliki aroma segar" dibaca Al Banat bla bla bla. Al Baitain (البيتين) yang bermakna 2 bait dibaca (البنتين) yang bermakna 2 gadis. Syeikh pun segera mengambil alih situasi kelas yang semakin heboh. "Ya Akhi, hanya ada satu obat agar bacaanmu benar," kata Syeikh dengan senyum rahmat. "Apa itu, Syeikh?" tanya sahabat kita. "Menikahlah!"
-Muhammad Dinul Haq-
@ Madinah
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forgottengenius · 11 years
Ibn Bājjah
Abû Bakr Muḥammad Ibn Yaḥyà   known as Ibn Bājjah was an Andalusian polymath: an astronomer, logician, musician, philosopher, physician, physicist, psychologist, botanist, poet and scientist.[1] He was known in the West by his Latinized name, Avempace. He was born in Zaragoza in what is today Aragon, Spain around 1085,[2] and died in Fes, Morocco in 1138. Avempace worked as vizir for Abu Bakr ibn Ibrahim Ibn Tîfilwît, the Almoravid governor of Zaragoza. Avempace also wrote poems (panegyrics and 'muwasshahat') for him. Avempace joined in poetic competitions with the poet al-Tutili. He later worked, for some twenty years, as the vizir of Yahyà ibn Yûsuf Ibn Tashufin, another brother of the Almoravid Sultan Yusuf Ibn Tashufin (died 1143) in Morocco.[3] He was the famous author of the Kitab al-Nabat (The Book of Plants), a popular work on Botany, which defined the sex of Plants. Among his many teachers was Abu Jafar ibn Harun of Trujillo a physician in Seville, Al-Andalus.
 His philosophic ideas had a clear effect on Ibn Rushd and Albertus Magnus. Most of his writings and book were not completed (or well organized) because of his early death. He had a vast knowledge of Medicine, Mathematics and Astronomy. His main contribution to Islamic Philosophy is his idea on Soul Phenomenology, which was never completed. His beloved expressions were Gharib غريب and Mutawahhid متوحد, two approved and popular expressions of Islamic Gnostics. Ibn Bajjah was, in his time, not only a prominent figure of philosophy, but also of music and poetry.[4] His diwan (Arabic: collection of poetry) was rediscovered in 1951. Though many of his works have not survived, his theories on astronomy and physics were preserved by Maimonides and Averroes respectively, which had a subsequent influence on later astronomers and physicists in the Islamic civilization and Renaissance Europe, including Galileo Galilei
In Islamic astronomy, Maimonides wrote the following on the planetary model proposed by Ibn Bajjah:
"I have heard that Abu Bakr [Ibn Bajja] discovered a system in which no epicycles occur, but eccentric spheres are not excluded by him. I have not heard it from his pupils; and even if it be correct that he discovered such a system, he has not gained much by it, for eccentricity is likewise contrary to the principles laid down by Aristotle.... I have explained to you that these difficulties do not concern the astronomer, for he does not profess to tell us the existing properties of the spheres, but to suggest, whether correctly or not, a theory in which the motion of the stars and planets is uniform and circular, and in agreement with observation."[6]
In his commentary on Aristotle's Meteorology, Ibn Bajjah presented his own theory on the Milky Way galaxy. Aristotle believed the Milky Way to be caused by "the ignition of the fiery exhalation of some stars which were large, numerous and close together" and that the "ignition takes place in the upper part of the atmosphere, in the region of the world which is continuous with the heavenly motions." On the other hand, Aristotle's Arabic commentator Ibn al-Bitriq considered "the Milky Way to be a phenomenon exclusively of the heavenly spheres, not of the upper part of the atmosphere" and that the "light of those stars makes a visible patch because they are so close." Ibn Bajjah's view differed from both, as he considered "the Milky Way to be a phenomenon both of the spheres above the moon and of the sublunar region." The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy describes his theory and observation on the Milky Way as follows:[7]
"The Milky Way is the light of many stars which almost touch one another. Their light forms a “continuous image” (khayâl muttasil) on the surface of the body which is like a “tent” (takhawwum) under the fierily element and over the air which it covers. Avempace defines the continuous image as the result of refraction (in‛ikâs) and supports its explanation with an observation of a conjunction of two planets, Jupiter and Mars which took place in 500/1106-7. He watched the conjunction and “saw them having an elongate figure” although their figure is circular."
Ibn Bajjah also reported observing "two planets as black spots on the face of the Sun." In the 13th century, the Maragha astronomer Qotb al-Din Shirazi identified this observation as the transit of Venus and Mercury.[8] However, Ibn Bajjah cannot have observed a Venus transit, as there were no Venus transits in his lifetime.[9]
Text 71
Text 71 of Averroes' commentary on Aristotle's Physics contains a discussion on Avempace's theory of motion, as well as the following quotation from the seventh book of Ibn Bajjah's lost work on physics:
"And this resistance which is between the plenum and the body which is moved in it, is that between which, and the potency of the void, Aristotle made the proportion in his fourth book; and what is believed to be his opinion, is not so. For the proportion of water to air in density is not as the proportion of the motion of the stone in water to its motion in air; but the proportion of the cohesive power of water to that of air is as the proportion of the retardation occurring to the moved body by reason of the medium in which it is moved, namely water, to the retardation occurring to it when it is moved in air."[10]
"For, if what some people have believed were true, then natural motion would be violent; therefore, if there were no resistance present, how could there be any motion? For it would necessarily be instantaneous. What then shall be said concerning the circular motion? There is no resistance there, because there is no cleavage of a medium involved; the place of the circle is always the same, so that it does not leave one place and enter another; it is therefore necessary that the circular motion should be instantaneous. Yet we observe in it the greatest slowness, as in the case of the fixed stars, and also the greatest speed, as in the case of the diurnal rotation. And this is caused only by the difference in perfection between the mover and the moved. When therefore the mover is of greater perfection, that which is moved by it will be more rapid; and when the mover is of lesser perfection, it will be nearer (in perfection) to that which is moved, and the motion will be slower."[10]
Averroes writes the following comments on Avempace's theory of motion:
"Avempace, however, here raises a good question. For he says that it does not follow that the proportion of the motion of one and the same stone in water to its motion in air is as the proportion of the density of water to the density of air, except on the assumption that the motion of the stone takes time only because it is moved in a medium. And if this assumption were true, it would then be the case that no motion would require time except because of something resisting it for the medium seems to impede the thing moved. And if this were so, then the heavenly bodies, which encounter no resistant medium, would be moved instantaneously. And he says that the proportion of the rarity of water to the rarity of air is as the proportion of the retardation occurring to the moved body in water, to the retardation occurring to it in air."[11]
"And if this which he has said be conceded, then Aristotle's demonstration will be false; because, if the proportion of the rarity of one medium to the rarity of the other is as the proportion of accidental retardation of the movement in one of them to the retardation occurring to it in the other, and is not as the proportion of the motion itself, it will not follow that what is moved in a void would be moved in an instant; because in that case there would be subtracted from the motion only the retardation affecting it by reason of the medium, and its natural motion would remain. And every motion involves time; therefore what is moved in a void is necessarily moved in time and with a divisible motion; and nothing impossible will follow. This, then, is Avempace's question."[12]
In Islamic psychology, Ibn Bajjah "based his psychological studies on physics." In his essay, Recognition of the Active Intelligence, he wrote that active intelligence is the most important ability of human beings, and he wrote many other essays on sensations and imaginations. He concluded that "knowledge cannot be acquired by senses alone but by Active Intelligence, which is the governing intelligence of nature." He begins his discussion of the soul with the definition that "bodies are composed of matter and form and intelligence is the most important part of man—sound knowledge is obtained through intelligence, which alone enables one to attain prosperity and build character." He viewed the unity of the rational soul as the principle of the individual identity, and that by its contact with the Active Intelligence, it "becomes one of those lights that gives glory to God." His definition of freedom is "that when one can think and act rationally". He also writes that "the aim of life should be to seek spiritual knowledge and make contact with Active Intelligence and thus with the Divine."[13] 
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