#Kingfisher Airlines
divisional-news · 2 months
Vijay Mallya: A Profile in Ambition and Controversy
Early Life and Career Beginnings
Vijay Vittal Mallya, born on December 18, 1955, in Kolkata, India, emerged as a prominent figure in both the business and political realms. He hailed from a distinguished family, with his father, Vittal Mallya, serving as the former chairman of the United Breweries Group. Mallya’s journey into the business world commenced with his ascension to the chairmanship of the United Breweries Group at the young age of 28, following his father’s demise.
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Educated at La Martinière Calcutta and later at St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, Mallya honed his business acumen and leadership skills. His early exposure to the family business instilled in him a drive for success and innovation, setting the stage for his ambitious endeavors in the years to come.
Rise to Prominence
Mallya’s foray into entrepreneurship saw him expand the United Breweries conglomerate, propelling its turnover to remarkable heights. His strategic vision and dynamic leadership earned him the moniker “King of Good Times,” reflecting his flamboyant lifestyle and business success. In 2005, Mallya ventured into the aviation sector with the launch of Kingfisher Airlines, aiming to revolutionize air travel in India.
The Downfall of Kingfisher Airlines
Despite initial success, Kingfisher Airlines faced turbulence as operational challenges and mounting debts threatened its viability. Mallya’s ambitious expansion plans, coupled with economic downturns and flawed business strategies, led to the airline’s eventual demise in 2012. The collapse of Kingfisher Airlines marked a significant setback in Mallya’s career, tarnishing his once-glittering reputation.
Financial Controversies and Extradition Efforts
Mallya’s fall from grace was compounded by allegations of financial impropriety and loan defaults. Indian banks, led by the State Bank of India, sought to recover substantial sums owed by Vijay Mallya, initiating legal proceedings and extradition efforts. His attempts to evade accountability and flee to the United Kingdom further intensified the legal battle, casting him as a symbol of corporate malfeasance and financial mismanagement.
Legacy and Legal Battles
The legacy of Vijay Mallya is one marred by controversy and legal battles, underscoring the complexities of business ethics and corporate governance. Despite his entrepreneurial achievements, Mallya’s downfall serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the perils of unchecked ambition and financial recklessness.
As the Indian government pursues extradition proceedings and legal action against Mallya, his status as a fugitive economic offender underscores the broader challenges of white-collar crime and regulatory oversight. His story serves as a sobering reminder of the responsibilities and repercussions inherent in corporate leadership.
Vijay Mallya’s journey epitomizes the highs and lows of entrepreneurial ambition, from the pinnacle of success to the depths of controversy and legal scrutiny. His rise as a business magnate and subsequent fall from grace offer valuable lessons in accountability, integrity, and the complexities of modern capitalism. As legal proceedings continue and his legacy unfolds, Mallya remains a polarizing figure, emblematic of both the allure and pitfalls of corporate power.
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insightful-horizons · 2 months
Why Do Indian Airlines Keep Crashing? Unveiling the Challenges of a Soaring Industry
After a 13-hour delay, a passenger angrily slapped pilot Radhika Apte. She shared on her Instagram that she and all the passengers were stuck on the aerobridge for hours without water or access to toilets. 10-hour flight delays have become common, and airlines only offer a sorry excuse, if you're lucky.
For India to become the 'Golden Bird,' the aviation industry needs to thrive. Think about it. Has your flight been delayed for hours in the last few months? Has your baggage been misplaced? Or did you miss your flight due to a last-minute terminal change? If so, this blog is for you.
Today, we'll explore the harsh realities of India's aviation industry. We'll understand why Indian airlines are failing, the challenges of running an airline business in India, how airlines make money, and the problems they face today. There are 5 core reasons for these issues. If we can address them, no one can stop us from becoming the 'Golden Bird.'
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India is the world's fastest-growing aviation market. Last year, 15 crore people traveled domestically and 7 crore internationally. This number is more than the population of 180 countries, demonstrating how many Indians love to fly. There's a market principle: The more demand, the more revenue, and the more revenue, the more profit. But Indian airlines are different. In the past few years, Jet Airways shut down, GoAir declared bankruptcy, and Kingfisher Airlines crashed. Why is this happening in a market with so much demand?
Let's delve into the first reason. Reason number one is capital. Money is required to run any business, but an airline business requires a lot of money. Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Atlantic Airline, famously said, "If you want to be a millionaire, start with a billion dollars and then start an airline." JRD Tata, India's first aviator who started Air India, understood this as well. He knew operating airlines was tough.
What can be the biggest expense of an airline? Can you guess? Of course, it's the planes themselves. Airlines either buy aircraft directly from Boeing or Airbus or lease them, paying rent. IndiGo recently placed the biggest purchase order in aviation history, purchasing 500 A320 planes from Airbus for delivery between 2030 and 2035. Air India, on the other hand, leases Boeing planes from the American company Delta. Lease essentially means renting, so they have monthly payments. The cost of buying a plane is high, so companies use different methods to manage these high costs.
Now, let's discuss the second major cost. Airlines spend 35-50% of their budget on fuel, which is aviation fuel or ATF. It's a mixture processed from crude oil that powers jet engines and ensures they function well at high altitudes without the fuel freezing. ATF prices in India are linked to international crude oil prices. Premium airlines like Kingfisher lost a lot of money due to a price jump between July 2007 and 2008. Since India doesn't have its own oil reserves and must import it, Gulf and American airlines have an advantage because they control oil or the dollar, while India controls neither. Price fluctuations significantly affect Indian airlines.
The second reason is uncertainty. If you've traveled around Delhi during winters, you've likely heard of the "fog season." Low visibility can ground aircrafts. Pilots and passengers are ready, but the flight cannot take off until visibility improves. As frequent flyers, we understand that some things are beyond the airlines' control. However, if a flight is delayed, the airlines should provide accurate information to passengers. For significant delays, they should arrange food or allow passengers to cancel their flights. This is within the airline's control. Slapping the pilot is an extreme and unacceptable reaction. But if we know flights won't fly due to fog, why aren't better policies implemented? Passengers miss flights for being a minute late, and airlines charge extra for even 1 kg of overweight luggage, but they face no fines or compensation for their mistakes. It seems the responsibility lies solely with the passenger, despite the saying "the customer is king." Once we check in our luggage, we're at the airline's mercy, forced to comply with their policies. This is a surefire way to anger customers. Imagine someone traveling from Delhi to Bangalore for a one-day meeting and their flight is delayed by 10 hours. In such a situation, the delay makes the travel pointless. Shouldn't they have the option to cancel the flight?
Events like COVID-19 negatively impact the global aviation industry. In 2020, according to estimates, the global airline industry suffered losses of $84 billion. As pandemic restrictions lifted, the aviation sector began to pick up. These losses reduced to $51 billion in 2021 and $11.6 billion in 2022.
During peak seasons like Diwali and New Year, demand for travel is high, but it dips significantly during the rest of the year. This uneven distribution of demand creates challenges for airlines. Airlines rely heavily on business travelers for weekday travel.
The third reason is operations. Airlines generate revenue through three main avenues: passenger revenue, cargo revenue, and food and beverage revenue. Passenger revenue includes ticket sales and convenience fees, which some argue shouldn't exist since the booking is done on the airline's website. Additional passenger revenue comes from modifications, cancellations, seat selection, excess baggage, and special service requests. Every airline also deals in cargo, either through dedicated cargo flights or parcel services. Full-service airlines like Air India and Vistara offer complimentary meals on domestic flights, while budget airlines like IndiGo, SpiceJet, and GoAir don't. Passengers on these airlines can pre-book meals or purchase them from the in-flight menu.
Typically, Indian commercial airlines generate most of their revenue from passenger-related services. However, the unpredictable nature of passenger numbers makes it difficult for airlines to accurately predict the number of airplanes needed. On the other hand, operational expenses are high. Pilot salaries, cabin crew salaries, engineer salaries, and other crew member salaries are significant expenses for airlines. When planes are flying, they consume fuel, and when they're on the ground, airlines incur grounding charges, which are essentially aircraft parking charges. In India, domestic and international flights take off from the same terminals, increasing these charges. Additionally, grounded aircraft from insolvent airlines occupy space at airports without paying for it.
As we learned earlier, Boeing and Airbus are foreign companies. For major repairs, planes need to be sent to these manufacturers' facilities, which can be outside India. Delays in these repairs can ground airplanes and endanger passenger safety, making them non-negotiable. GoAir, a low-cost airline that shut down last year, is a prime example. They had to ground most of their planes because their engines turned out to be faulty. Pratt & Whitney, the engine manufacturer, couldn't deliver spare parts on time, leading to the airline's shutdown.
The government also plays a significant role in the aviation industry. The policies they create can heavily impact airline businesses. For instance, during the lockdown from May 2020 to August 2022, the government mandated minimum fares between Rs. 2,900 and Rs. 8,800 for flights less than 40 minutes. This price cap created major problems for airlines. Additionally, both VAT and excise duty are levied on aviation turbine fuel (ATF). During COVID-19, Indian refiners prioritized exporting ATF over supplying it domestically, leading to an export tax on ATF. These high taxes increase fuel costs, squeezing airline profit margins. Furthermore, VAT rates on ATF vary by state, similar to petrol prices. So, if an airline frequently lands at an airport with a high VAT rate, they incur higher fuel costs. All these factors put Indian airlines at a disadvantage.
The final reason is brand loyalty. While India has a high total number of airline passengers due to its large population, per capita travel is low. Only 1% of India's population contributes to about 45% of all flights. This makes it challenging to build and maintain brand loyalty. Consider Kingfisher Airlines, a former premium airline, and IndiGo, a budget airline. Kingfisher was the first to offer complimentary headphones and provided ample legroom, making economy class feel more aspirational. IndiGo, on the other hand, focused on a bare-bones approach with minimal legroom and no complimentary meals. Today, IndiGo holds 62% of India's domestic air travel market share, while Kingfisher is defunct. For a large part of the Indian population who haven't even been on a plane, the experience of air travel itself is a novelty. Features and amenities come secondary to affordability. In a market where customers prioritize the cheapest option, building brand loyalty is difficult. Additionally, negative incidents can quickly tarnish an airline's reputation. For instance, some Boeing aircraft have experienced issues like wheels falling off during takeoff, engines catching fire, and sudden door openings. These incidents scare people and make them hesitant to fly. Similarly, if an airline misplaces your luggage, you'd likely be hesitant to fly with them again.
In conclusion, several factors contribute to the challenges faced by the Indian aviation industry. Fuel prices and dollar rates are beyond India's control. Government taxes are high, and policy changes can significantly impact businesses. Passenger concerns arise due to bad weather and mismanagement. Brand loyalty is difficult to build due to a combination of factors: limited travel experience for a large portion of the population, focus on affordability over brand differentiation, and potential negative incidents. Despite these challenges, the aviation industry remains crucial for India's growth. The country's diverse geography can be better connected through air travel, facilitating trade, tourism, and overall development. The real potential lies in tier 2 and tier 3 cities, where a growing population aspires to travel. As disposable incomes rise, so will the number of air travelers in India. These two factors are directly linked.
If you found this blog interesting, please share it with your friends and subscribe to our channel. The airline business teaches us a valuable lesson: to be profitable, you must keep your costs low. To make India the 'Golden Bird' again, we need to make air travel accessible. The right policies must be implemented to balance business needs with consumer satisfaction. Airlines need to build strong brands that prioritize customer experience. Sharing this message is important because a thriving aviation industry can significantly contribute to India's progress.
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bmvistas2022 · 2 years
Loan-ly !!!!
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As on Jul 17, 2020.
Former liquor baron Vijay Mallya's attorney informed the Supreme Court on Thursday that he has offered the group of banks a comprehensive settlement package and that if it is accepted, all of the cases brought against him by the Enforcement Directorate will be resolved. This comes after Mallya's legal options to prevent his extradition to India have been exhausted.
Sources claim that Mallya filed a petition with the SC last month offering a settlement package of Rs 13,960 crores for full and final payment of the principal defaulted amount in excess of Rs 9,000 crore, even though the counsel did not specifically mention the settlement amount before a bench presided over by Chief Justice S A Bobde.
This is the greatest offer Mallya has ever offered to resolve the conflict with the group of banks and end the PMLA-registered instances of money laundering.This is only one of the numerous carrots Mallya occasionally hung at the end of a stick. Let him make a deposit before traveling to India "He hinted that Mallya would be extradited to India shortly in what he stated. Mallya reportedly requested asylum in the UK after losing his fight to avoid extradition in several local courts.
In 2016, a Delhi court issued non-bailable arrest warrants for Vijay Mallya for retaliation and failure to appear in an ED case, even as the SC criticized Mallya for failing to disclose his assets during the hearing of a plea filed by a group of banks to recover debts. Mallya offered to deposit Rs. 4,000 crores as settlement in march 2016 for ongoing lawsuits brought by his businesses, including the now-defunct Kingfisher Airlines. He increased the offer to Rs. 6868 crore a month later.
“Congratulations to the Government for the Covid -19 relief package, They are free to print as much money as they wish. But should a little donor like myself, who offers to repay State-owned Bank debts in full, consistently go unnoticed? Please accept my payment in full and let me go.” he had also tweeted.
After years of hearings the case has finally come to an end where the Indian Government has cleared all the cases and has accepted the compensation.
Vijay Mallya is called "The king of good times" or "the wine baron"; his moniker speaks for itself. His life's narrative describes many nations, time zones, vehicles, and occupations.
He advocates experiencing life to the fullest extent possible. Over other business executives and tycoons, he consistently projected an image of a great leader thanks to his clear vision and courage in the face of challenging and novel difficulties. He is the one who altered the popular perception of a "multinational firm."
Referred to as Richard Branson of India. Mallya's personality forms a significant portion of the Kingfisher brand's personality. He is regarded as a morally upright leader. He is commended for being the only person to transform his beer's image from a simple commodity into a modern lifestyle brand. In India, The Kingfisher has a 29% market share and is distributed to over 52 nations.
One of the most flamboyant CEOs in Asia is Vijay Mallya, the CEO of United Breweries, which owns the Kingfisher brand. He's developed a reputation for blowing through his funds in the public trusts. Even he is regarded as a highly parotic individual. He won the bid for the priceless Kohinoor diamond in England and gave it to the Indian government as a gift.
His leadership style is reflected in his mission statement. Everybody has bad days, and business is a game of ups and downs.
DISCLAIMER - The above information and facts to some extent have been altered for the purpose of this project. This project is only for academic purposes. 
Task in Hand:
You are Vijay Mallya .
Now coming back to India, you are  planning to start your whole business from scratch all again, so come up with a
Idea for the product, (detailed information of the product that both consumer and the investor would like to know)
Draft a press statement explaining reasons for engaging in such a scam
Sources of funds for new ventures of business.
Strategies to boost collaborative efforts
Prepare a forecasted financial statement for the next three years i.e P &L And balance sheet and Cash flow statement.
Merger or acquisition if any.
PR Strategies to improve your goodwill (as the existing name already has a negative perception.)
Break Even Analysis
A ppt of not more than 7 slides.
A report of not less than 5 pages.
A press statement.
Extra deliverables are welcome.
Deadline :- The participants are expected to submit the task deliverables before 2:59 am.
File Name Format: VER_01_(task name)
E-Mail Subject Format: VER_01_(task name)
All the deliverables have to be mailed to [email protected]
All the deliverables should be under one mail.
For any doubts please contact :
Amrutha Viswanathan -9944247773
Lishi jain - 7780486959
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whitepolaris · 40 minutes
Little Bang Theories
On the afternoon of February 28, 1990, residents of Nowata were rocked by an unusual blast originating somewhere south of town. No one had any idea what could have caused the explosion, and since nobody saw anything actually blow up, there was little investigation.
However, when local landowner Bill Mitchell tried to find out why the water level was unusually high in Double Creek, which runs through his property, he discovered a large blast site along the creek bank. As Mitchell told the Tulsa World, it looked like "a giant mole went all under the ground. There is no telling how big a hole is under there. You can hear water falling. . . . In one place the water was shooting up a couple of feet . . . like a fountain."
Mitchell said it would have taken an immense amount of pressure to cause such damage. Having worked in the oil fields most of his life, he speculated that it may have been the result of a gas pocket, but he admitted that it would have had to be tremendous one to move things the way it did.
This wasn't Oklahoma's first inexplicable explosion. Back in 1948, residents all across the northwestern portion of the state had witnessed an explosion "of atomic proportions" high in the sky. The crews of two B-29 planes reported seeing a ball of fire just prior to the explosion, which they said occurred well above their altitude of ten thousand feet. The detonation, which was described as a "fiercely brilliant white flash," generated a wide cloud of smoke. Many thought it was some kind of massive airline disaster, and astronomers surmised that it might have been an exploding meteor, similar to that which allegedly caused The Tunguska Event, a devastating blast in remote Siberia, Russia, in June 1908.
Nearly fifty years later, in 1995, central Oklahnma would be stymied by yet another blast, this time in Kingfisher, only two weeks after domestic terrorism brought down The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. The explosion was prefaced by a bomb scare. No bomb was found, but then, just forty-five minutes later, a thunderous report could be heard up to thirty miles away. Problem was, nobody could tell where it came from and there didn't seem to be any damage.
A man was later arrested for making the false bomb threat, but still no one could figure out the origin of the actual explosion. Both the Air Force and the Federal Aviation Administration said no planes in the area had been traveling at supersonic speeds, which ruled out a sonic boom. The county sheriff's department had no luck in solving the mystery, either. The blast still remains an enigma.
Yet another loud boom was recorded on February 2, 1999, at around 7:30 p.m. in Elk City. Similar to previous blasts, it shook window panes and prompted numerous phone calls to authorities. Oddly, another noise had caused a bit of a stir just the week before when citizens reported, a sound like that of a rocket taking off. Of course, there was no apparent cause for either incident. Even ufologist and president of the UFO-research group Jim Hickman, who lives in nearby Elk City, could offer no probable source.
Why so many acoustic events in the Sooner State? Like most unusual phenomena, it's probably impossible to say. Then again, maybe these sorts of things go on all the time around the world. Maybe Oklahoma is the only place still quiet enough for residents to hear them.
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schwarzjohnsen31 · 2 months
Comparing Grand Canyon South Rim Bus Tours
One such trip would be an unnaturally basic and simple visit to a national park in Chiang Mai. First day was the safari and game drive in Tarangire National park located 120 km free airline of Arusha town. Weather conditions in this park are temperate in comparison to other protected areas throughout Asia. Top Bắc Kạn AZ 24h In the winter, the temperature varies from 5 degrees C to 30 degrees C. Seeing also experience foggy mornings here. The actual summer, the temperature doesn't rise to more than 40 degrees C. As for rainfall, it ranges from heavy through the monsoon season to light throughout the dry seasons. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh The park offers there are many activities including tiger safari, resort stays and wildlife exploration. Place has been expanded for area of more than five hundred square kilometres consisting of swamps, hills, river basins, grasslands and forests. The park has more than 70000 visitors annually. The forest has lots of exotic regarding fauna and flora. In Periyaar National Park, birds like Kingfishers, racket-tailed Drongoes, cormorants, hornbills etc are observed. Python and a King Cobra are frequently spotted from the visitors while trekking your Periyar National Park.
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View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Research your take a walk. Check to see if there are any written guides or information on the trail you have selected. Ask the locals for advice or contact the Batemans Bay Visitors Centre who have pamphlets and local bushwalking books. Check with the local holiday parks in Durras, Depot or Pebbly Beach for knowledge. Do not rely on asking others for advice whilst on the trail as you might not even encounter one single woman / man. After a 20 minutes stop we hopped Bac Kan in Viet Nam onto the vehicle for better action. On descending down we saw many rock hyraxes. I realised i was seeing and hearing them for begin time and show off vise they are bigger versions of a button. They have another species of tree hyrax found only on trees. We could see a detailed community and multiple families laying on rocks. They were swift in climbing rocks and hiding within him. Speaking of wildlife, the Nairobi National Park is home to all the animals you'd expect track down in Africa, such due to the rhino, lion, zebra, hippo and giraffe. The black rhino is really a specific point of pride for that park, take into account quite dwindling in numbers. The only common African animal that doesn't frequent this park, may be the elephant. Arches National Park has 53 campsites available seasonally in the Devil's Garden Campground. Half are closed in a bitterly cold winter. The camping in Arches is reserved on line only. The campground has flushing toilets in the restrooms and also an occasional spigot for filling drinking water containers is interposed the actual day campground. Alternatives here . no hookups for Recreational vehicles. Tin tuc Top Bac Kan AZ These reserved national park campsites fill up two months at a time, so plan above. Backpacking, on the additional hand, isn't often sought after in Archways. A free backcountry permit to backpack and camp is easily available. Inquire in person at the customer Center. Can be open 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 dom.m. April through September. Hours shorten to 8:00 a new.m. to 4:30 l.m. November through March. Day Six of Colorado Beer Week takes place at Cheeky Monkey. Called the premier Belgian beer bar in the city, hosting 15 beers on a tap, yet another 15 from the bottle this is when you find out traditional and truly only Belgium draft beer. Rouge Brewing (Oregon) will be presenting four within their very best beers paired with oysters on your half system. First dozen are free as are the beers. Rouge Brewery is recognized for brewing not in the box; expect some outstanding pairings several of the perfect shellfish in the united states at one of the greatest Belgium beer bars ultimately state. Migration patterns change from year, so there isn't going become the same mix of beasts to determine. Since only the Nairobi side on the park is fenced, the animals most likely come and go at their freedom. Even BBC found the park ideal for their innovative wildlife series which they called "Tiger: Spy your past Jungle". This had a three-part documentary. The narrator is Sir David Attenborough. They used concealed cameras on elephants to capture the intimate behavior of lions. The program was aired for your time last April of 2008.
Wy wife Wendy there isn't any have been hiking planet Grand Canyon for close to 25 various. We have hiked both the Bright Angel along with the South Kaibab Trails countless times every and every. Tin Top Bac Kan AZ News At the writing of this article we have finished just under (40) Rim 2 Rim 2 Rim's. We presently reside in the Grand Canyon Village onto the South Rim and hike below the Rim 3-4 times full week. Quite often, we are asked "Which is the ideal trail to hike?" This may be a difficult question to answer without personal knowledge for the hiker. Therefore, here is an outline on the trail characteristics so possibly choose upon your. More than 2 million people a whole year make the trek to Acadia National Park, this Maine's favorite and most used attraction. The park is home to a diverse population of plants, birds and animals as well as the actual peak Bac Kan in Viet Nam the U.S. Atlantic coast - Cadillac Mountain. Ranthambore Fort - Action a 10th century majestic fort. It towers this whole park area. Tin Top Bắc Kạn AZ News Its height is 700 base. over the surrounding plain. Around the fort are 3 red Karauli "stone temples" built during the 12th towards 13th centuries which are devoted to Ramlalaji and Ganesh Shiva. Kakadu National Park is located in the middle of nowhere, there are not any cities anywhere close into it. The only way to get to the park is by road. There are a bus service but imagine that find that driving can be a better option. The roads are in well-known shape so that is not something that you require to concern yourself about but anytime that you drive in remote area of Australia convincing to choose to intend to make sure that you have been prepared.
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In 'Periyar Park', home furniture observe the wildlife from special boats which surf the waters of the river. Due to this the animals don't get disturbed along with human leads. One can enjoy by viewing, types animals close lake. Discovered that see wild elephants, bears, sambhar, bision and spotted deer and also many screeching monkeys at the lake. This sanctuary is a part of project wagering action. Basically, people come here and enjoy the Indian elephant's abulting in Periyar Body of water. Visitors especially the children really love this natural area. For those looking for your greatest experience within the park without standing in line, May is the month! Most schools are still in session, summer doesn't have yet officially begun, the seasonal rates have not been raised and the crowds won't slow you down. It should be the center of June before the gridlocked for that park highways. Dhikala: End up being the hottest destination each morning Corbett which situated at the fringes of the Patli Dun Valley. Is actually an a rest house which was built hundred of in the past. From Dhikala tourists can see the beauty of your spectacular natural beauty of the valley. The other popular sites present as Yellowstone national park are Lewis Lake, Norris, Pebble Creek, Indian Creek, and Tower Stumble. Most of these sites are usually open from either May or June till September and October. Tent camping is popular in each one of these sites of Yellowstone terrain park. You must be just a little careful towards the snags often fall with no warning in Yellowstone. The best benefit about this famous lodge is enthusiasts view among the Teton Range from its back deck. This vantage point overlooks the famous Willow Flats with towering peaks in the history. These fabled flats offer among the best wildlife viewing in the park- including elk, moose, grizzly bears and baby wolves. Day Eight is wished to New The country. New Belgium places third in 2009 for top craft breweries in the u . s. Located in Fort Collins, Co. these types of producing some great Belgian style beers. Tin Top Bắc Kạn AZ Developing at a few different beer bars and restaurants around town New Belgium will showcase their entire Lips of Faith Rounds. View More: topbackanaz.com - Top Bac Kan AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Bac Kan AZ: TRẦN DIỄM QUỲNH - Tran Diem Quynh Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: CHU THỊ SAO MAI - Chu Thi Sao Mai Written By Author in topbackanaz.com: HÀ DIỆU LINH - Ha Dieu Linh
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parkscorbett66 · 2 months
Pingyao Travel & Pingyao Tours - China Tour Information
I have their cell mobile and contact to come and pick me up. Planning to become on a to China? You need to to order in advance to potential to enjoy its yumminess. They might attach themselves to your walk several meters behind you and soon you give boost. They know exactly where the trail starts to wear you down and generally are just biding their time till you reach those points. The going rate from a sluggish start the trail to prime was 200rmb. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Philippines Island-hopping is the best because the Philippines, being an island, is composed of 7,100 islands situated in Southeast The japanese. What makes Philippine island-hopping in maui paradise far more enticing will be the fact you it will now not hit you up for an arm and a leg. So idea behind was to catch a plane from Beijing to Kuming, stay quickly in Kunming, enjoy one day in Kunming then catch an overnight train and arrive in Lijiang your next morning. Have a nice day in Lijinag then take a two hour bus to the start of the Tiger Leaping Gorge the following morning.
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View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha The Granda Airport, since its name indicates, serves entire province of Granada, The spanish coast. It actually has an extended name go for walks . is Federico Garcia Lorca Granada Jaen Airport. Really are millions more domestic flights employing airport than there are international trips. Tourists from Milan, Bologna, London, and Liverpool could fly in order to Granada through this international airport. There aren't direct trains from Beijing to Lijiang so go Lijing by train would require catching a train from Beijing to Kunming then catch another train from Kunming to Lijiang. The train from Beijing to Kunming cost around 560rmb and takes 38 to 44 hours. The train from Kunming to Lijiang cost 160rmb and takes 9-10 hours. Fees are reasonable but too retard. Top Hau Giang AZ 247 Thailand has several untouched Natural areas with magnificent thinkings. Most Treks are centered in North Thailand in the mountainous provinces of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai. Jungle Treks, Elephant Riding, River Rafting and canoeing are just a few of the dozen from the available activities here. For awe inspiring waterfalls and head to Kanchanaburi, in can go to the Tiger Monastery. Real wildlife lovers may explore Khao Yai Natural Reserve in North-East Thailand. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ The action was so that Hau Giang Province Suzhou had been easy. A 3 hour train ride from Hangzhou to Suzhou that arrived in Suzhou at around 9pm. With hostel directions carefully memorized, I charged ahead for this crowd, disdained the taxi rank and headed for that street to capture a pickup truck's cab. Everyone knows that you occasion queuing at taxi standing. Well apparently not in Suzhou. It has 4 bus stations. Probably the most important Bus complex APSRTC is located on the Morampudi High road. Kotipalli bus stand is in Gokavaram bus stand is with Aryapuram as well as the Kakinada bus stand is near Kambalcheruvu. The town is well connected to all of cities and nearby villages in the city. You can book your cheap flight tickets and maintain your money. Three feudal dynasties, Nanyue, Nanhan and Nanming, chose Guangzhou as a capital. Through the Qin (221 B.C. to 206 R.C) and Han (206 B.C. using a.D. 220) Dynasties, Guangzhou was a prosperous elegant. It was the earliest trade port in China and was the starting reason for the "Silk Road on the Sea" frist by the Han (206 Ful.C. to A.D. 220) and Tang (A.D. 618 to Their.D.907) Dynasties. From Hyderabad, Vijyawada and Chennai one can travel and soon from Kolkata by airplanes. Tin Top Hậu Giang AZ 24h The Air Deccan Airlines runs planes daily from Hyderabad and Chennai. Kingfisher red fights connect Bangalore and Hyderabad. Through many ways one can get best deals on air tickets and flights booking but a person are really to help save money you need cheap airfare ticket.
The natural backdrop from the Canadian outdoors draws a lot of tourists every yr .. Tin Top Hau Giang AZ 247 Many come take pleasure in the picturesque scenic beauty but come here for fishing. Tin tuc Top Hau Giang AZ And for those who want to much more about fishing in Canada here is often a small sneak peak in the best locations. There a variety of things to see in Venice, and will probably want to be able to your year. The labyrinth of canals and tunnels will dazzle you. Those interested in Gothic style art want to look at the Ca' d'Oro, a galleria which houses excellent involving Gothic art from the 15th century, which includes works through master Titian.
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Horses & Guides - At the ticket office are groups of locals guides who ferry tourists in addition luggage as much the the surface of the gorge for a cost. They'll offer their services to you as soon as purchase your ticket. Content articles refuse their services, they'll tag along as your shadow prior to give within. They are rather good at assessing tourists and choosing the ones are generally out of shape, overloaded or both and will not make it up by their own selves. On an average, make sure you spend roughly 1100 Philippine currency or pesos or $26 Hau Giang Province each day on island-hopping or more, and must cover transportation, food, and miscellaneous. The park is separated by a considerable mountain into two areas, The Summit (Headland) as well as the Waterfront (Lowland) respectively. Other places can be reached by cable car with spectacular views of the nearby islands and the ocean. The great aquarium was good, the dolphin/sea-lion show was great too and we merely tried a number the rides, because the queues these seamed boundless. Costa Dorada is also easily accessible from Reus Tarragona. That one of the most extremely popular beach resorts in spain. Go here and marvel at the fine sands and beautiful coves. Essentially the most interesting places to click here at Reus Tarragona are Placa Del Rei Archeological Museum and Amfiteatre Roma. The Granada Airport, as an international airport in its own right, keeps a good quantity of car hire companies with offices within its a cause. Avis, Europcar, and Hertz have car rental facilities in the airport that you simply take associated with. Try to book prior for arrival to ensure yourself a proficient vehicle to push all over town. For example, a map of the province or the town you propose to in order to will be invaluable their initial stages of development. This is all the more helpful must not have friends or relatives previously new city to direct you. And then, even thou you aren't going as a tourist lowering the still prefer to check out the sights for this city wouldn't you. So a travel guide could be of help here. As an example if you might be into dining out a lot, a tour operator could suggest the best places to go to make sure you. That afternoon I said goodbye to Xiao Qie and his friends and visited Lingering Garden and it was amazing. The pond, grounds, trees, plants, rock formations, buildings, shows. It was all truly awesome. Health benefits light the performer playing a zither (love that instrument) in the secluded element of the garden simply no other tourist around. View More: tophaugiangaz.com - Top Hau Giang AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Hau Giang AZ: Ngô Thu Hà - Ngo Thu Ha Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Huỳnh Hữu Huy - Huynh Huu Huy Written By Author in tophaugiangaz.com: Nguyễn Trần Ngọc Thảo - Nguyen Tran Ngoc Thao
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newz-archive · 2 months
Captain Gopinath: Pioneer of Affordable Air Travel
Early Life and Military Service
Gorur Ramaswami Iyengar Gopinath, known as Captain Gopinath, was born on November 13, 1951, in Gorur, a small village in Karnataka. His father, a teacher and farmer, instilled in him values of diligence and ambition. Gopinath’s journey to prominence began with his admission to Sainik School, Bijapur, followed by the National Defence Academy (NDA) and the Indian Military Academy (IMA).
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After serving in the Indian Army until the Bangladesh War of 1971–72, Gopinath retired at the age of 28, driven by a desire for entrepreneurial ventures beyond military life. His subsequent pursuits in silk farming, dairy farming, and hospitality laid the groundwork for his transformative career in aviation.
Venturing into Aviation: From Helicopters to Airlines
In 1997, Gopinath ventured into aviation with Deccan Aviation, offering chartered helicopter services. Recognizing the untapped potential for affordable air travel, he conceived the idea of establishing a low-cost airline during a trip to America in 2000. Witnessing the efficiency of Phoenix Airport, Gopinath resolved to make air travel accessible to the common Indian.
Air Deccan: Revolutionizing Air Travel
In August 2003, Gopinath launched Air Deccan, India’s first low-cost airline, with a fleet of six aircraft. Inspired by European budget carriers, Air Deccan aimed to democratize air travel by offering affordable fares to the masses. By 2007, it operated 380 flights daily from 67 airports, catering to a growing number of passengers at accessible prices.
Innovative Pricing Model: Flying for Re 1
Air Deccan made headlines by introducing dynamic pricing, enabling passengers to fly for as little as Re 1. This groundbreaking initiative, coupled with a no-frills service model, revolutionized the aviation industry and made air travel accessible to millions of Indians.
Mergers and Challenges
Despite its initial success, Air Deccan faced financial challenges and underwent restructuring, culminating in its merger with Kingfisher Airlines in 2008. Despite Gopinath’s vision, subsequent developments in the aviation sector led to the closure of Kingfisher Red in 2011, marking the end of an era in Indian aviation.
Legacy and Impact
Captain Gopinath’s pioneering efforts transformed the Indian aviation landscape, making air travel affordable and accessible to millions. His entrepreneurial spirit and visionary leadership continue to inspire future generations, underscoring the power of innovation and perseverance in realizing ambitious dreams.
Captain Gopinath’s journey from a humble village to the forefront of Indian aviation epitomizes the spirit of enterprise and resilience. His legacy as the architect of affordable air travel resonates as a testament to the transformative potential of bold ideas and unwavering determination in shaping industries and empowering communities.
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citizenrecord · 3 months
Captain Gopinath: Pioneer of Affordable Air Travel
Gorur Ramaswami Iyengar Gopinath, known as Captain Gopinath, was born on November 13, 1951, in Gorur, a small village in Karnataka. His father, a teacher and farmer, instilled in him values of diligence and ambition. Gopinath’s journey to prominence began with his admission to Sainik School, Bijapur, followed by the National Defence Academy (NDA) and the Indian Military Academy (IMA).
After serving in the Indian Army until the Bangladesh War of 1971–72, Gopinath retired at the age of 28, driven by a desire for entrepreneurial ventures beyond military life. His subsequent pursuits in silk farming, dairy farming, and hospitality laid the groundwork for his transformative career in aviation.
Venturing into Aviation: From Helicopters to Airlines
In 1997, Gopinath ventured into aviation with Deccan Aviation, offering chartered helicopter services. Recognizing the untapped potential for affordable air travel, he conceived the idea of establishing a low-cost airline during a trip to America in 2000. Witnessing the efficiency of Phoenix Airport, Gopinath resolved to make air travel accessible to the common Indian.
Air Deccan: Revolutionizing Air Travel
In August 2003, Gopinath launched Air Deccan, India’s first low-cost airline, with a fleet of six aircraft. Inspired by European budget carriers, Air Deccan aimed to democratize air travel by offering affordable fares to the masses. By 2007, it operated 380 flights daily from 67 airports, catering to a growing number of passengers at accessible prices.
Innovative Pricing Model: Flying for Re 1
Air Deccan made headlines by introducing dynamic pricing, enabling passengers to fly for as little as Re 1. This groundbreaking initiative, coupled with a no-frills service model, revolutionized the aviation industry and made air travel accessible to millions of Indians.
Mergers and Challenges
Despite its initial success, Air Deccan faced financial challenges and underwent restructuring, culminating in its merger with Kingfisher Airlines in 2008. Despite Gopinath’s vision, subsequent developments in the aviation sector led to the closure of Kingfisher Red in 2011, marking the end of an era in Indian aviation.
Legacy and Impact
Captain Gopinath’s pioneering efforts transformed the Indian aviation landscape, making air travel affordable and accessible to millions. His entrepreneurial spirit and visionary leadership continue to inspire future generations, underscoring the power of innovation and perseverance in realizing ambitious dreams.
Captain Gopinath’s journey from a humble village to the forefront of Indian aviation epitomizes the spirit of enterprise and resilience. His legacy as the architect of affordable air travel resonates as a testament to the transformative potential of bold ideas and unwavering determination in shaping industries and empowering communities.
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jasperblog24 · 5 months
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networkthoughts · 7 months
Weekend Musings: AirAsia India (June 2014 - October 2023)
Edition: 19 As news reports appeared on the Air India Express’ CEOs statement around sunsetting of the AirAsia India brand on October 31, 2023, I opened Flightradar24. A good chunk of flights were operating with “I5/IAD” – the airlines’ IATA/ICAO designator. The end of the airline was a very silent one, exactly opposite to how it began which was pure noise.  If Kingfisher was about opulence,…
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twnenglish · 9 months
4 Reasons Why Kingfisher Airlines Failed
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Kingfisher, one of the most well-known airlines in India, is in shambles, while other Kingfisher competitors are doing well in the market. The global aviation industry experienced a difficult period in 2012 as a result of a four-year fuel price increase that set a record, erratic financial markets, and a slowing economy. Kingfisher Airlines commonly referred to as The King of Good Times and Vijay Mallya's dream project went through its worst phase. Initial versions of Kingfisher included single-class layouts, all-economy fare, and high-end entertainment and dining options. The joyful Vijay Mallya knew how to live the king's life and was only concerned with the idea that every air passenger would anticipate their voyage with Kingfisher Airlines to be akin to that of a monarch. The high luxury class came into focus a year after the airline was founded. With shifting time and ideas of its models, as well as anticipating random expansion, the airline was unable to maintain stability.
Background Of Kingfisher Airlines 
It's difficult to start an airline firm, but it’s even more difficult to keep it going over time. Kingfisher, dubbed "The King of Good Time," was a major passenger airline. It was founded in 2003 by United Breweries Group, a Bengaluru-based corporation. It entered the aviation industry at a time when low-cost airlines had energized the sector and opened up air travel to all Indians. They quickly rose to become India's fifth-largest passenger airline, offering clients domestic and international flights at competitive prices. Kingfisher's owner, Vijay Mallya, had extensive experience in the brewing industry. He has become known as a liquor baron. At the age of 28, he continues the family business tradition, and his extravagant lifestyle propelled him to corporate celebrity at a young age. He created the "King of all times" beer tagline and exploited his fame to enhance United Breweries Group's brand. Despite his expertise in that field, he lacked experience operating businesses such as airlines, which led to the failure of kingfisher airlines.
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mausammishra2307 · 11 months
Analyzing the Downfall of Kingfisher Airlines: Key Lessons for the Aviation Industry
The Indian aviation industry witnessed a remarkable saga of ambition and subsequent failure with the rise and fall of Kingfisher Airlines. Led by the flamboyant entrepreneur Vijay Mallya, Kingfisher Airlines aimed to revolutionize air travel in India by offering a luxurious flying experience. However, despite a promising start and ambitious goals, the airline faced insurmountable financial and…
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annie810 · 11 months
Navigating the Kingfisher Share Price: Insights into the Company's Performance and Market Dynamics
Kingfisher Airlines, once a prominent player in the aviation industry, has attracted attention from investors due to its unique position and historical significance. In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of the Kingfisher share price, exploring its historical performance, factors influencing the stock, and the market dynamics surrounding the company.
Understanding Kingfisher:
Kingfisher Airlines, a subsidiary of the UB Group, was an Indian airline that operated from 2005 to 2012. Known for its distinctive red and white livery, Kingfisher aimed to provide a premium flying experience. However, the company faced numerous challenges and ultimately ceased operations.
Historical Share Price Performance:
To gain insights into the Kingfisher share price, it is crucial to analyze its historical performance. Over the years, the stock experienced significant fluctuations, influenced by factors such as market conditions, industry trends, and company-specific developments. Reviewing historical price patterns, including highs, lows, and significant price movements, can provide valuable information for investors.
Factors Influencing Kingfisher Share Price:
Several factors influenced the Kingfisher share price during its operational years. These factors included:
Financial Performance: Kingfisher Airlines' financial health, including revenue growth, profitability, and debt burden, played a crucial role in shaping investor sentiment and, consequently, the share price. The airline faced financial challenges, including mounting debts and liquidity issues.
Industry Dynamics: The aviation industry is highly competitive and sensitive to external factors such as fuel prices, regulatory changes, and market demand. These factors impacted Kingfisher's operations and, in turn, its share price.
Corporate Governance and Leadership: Leadership decisions, corporate governance practices, and strategic initiatives taken by the management team played a significant role in shaping investor sentiment and influencing the share price.
Market Trends and Analyst Outlook:
While Kingfisher Airlines is no longer operational, the company's historical share price and market trends provide insights into the aviation industry as a whole. Understanding the market trends and analyst outlook can help investors assess the overall sentiment surrounding the industry and potential investment opportunities.
Risk Factors and Lessons Learned:
Kingfisher Airlines' journey serves as a reminder of the risks associated with investing in the stock market. The airline faced numerous challenges, including high debt levels, regulatory hurdles, and operational inefficiencies. Investors should carefully evaluate risks and exercise caution when investing in companies with a troubled financial history.
Analyzing the Kingfisher share price provides valuable lessons about the aviation industry and the risks associated with investing in specific companies. Understanding the historical performance, industry dynamics, and various influencing factors can help investors make more informed decisions. However, it is important to note that Kingfisher Airlines is no longer operational, and investing in the company's shares is not possible. Investors should conduct thorough research, seek professional advice, and diversify their investments to mitigate risks and achieve long-term financial goals.
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 1 year
Go First Crisis Explained: Here's How The Airline Became 11th Carrier To Fail In A Decade
Before Go First multiple airlines in India failed and even ended up losing their air operator certificate, including Jet Airways, Kingfisher, Indian airlines, and more. source https://zeenews.india.com/aviation/go-first-crisis-explained-heres-how-the-airline-became-11th-carrier-to-fail-in-a-decade-2611217.html
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gadgetsforusesblog · 1 year
vijay mallya bought property worth 330 crores in england and france kingfisher airlines ntc
CBI has filed additional charges in court against fugitive Vijay Mallya. In it, the CBI alleged that Mallya had bought properties worth Rs 330 crore in England and France in the year 2015-2016 when his Kingfisher Airlines faced a cash crunch and banks failed to pay off the loans repaid by the liquor lord. was not done. Vijay Mallya is a suspect in the IDBI Bank-Kingfisher Airlines loan fraud case…
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legalupanishad · 1 year
Surrogate advertising: Concept and Legal Framework
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This article on 'Surrogate advertising: Concept and Legal Framework' was written by Mohammed Zaid Alam, an intern at Legal Upanishad.
Surrogate advertising is a term used to describe the practice of promoting one product while advertising another, related product that is restricted from advertising. For instance, a company that manufactures alcohol may advertise a soft drink that they also own to create brand recognition and promote its business without directly promoting its alcoholic beverages. In this way, companies can skirt restrictions on advertising certain products, such as tobacco or alcohol. In this topic, we will explore the concept of surrogate advertising and its various forms, as well as its benefits and drawbacks. We will also discuss the legal framework that governs surrogate advertising, including the regulations and laws implemented. Overall, this topic aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of surrogate advertising, its uses, and the legal and ethical issues associated with it.
What is Surrogate Advertising?
Surrogate advertising is a marketing practice that involves the promotion of a particular product or service while promoting another product or service. The idea behind surrogate advertising is to use a different product or service to promote a restricted product or service. This is often done when there are legal or regulatory restrictions on the advertising of certain products, such as alcohol, tobacco, or prescription drugs. Surrogate advertising is a clever marketing technique that allows companies to bypass restrictions on advertising certain products, while still promoting their brand and products. It is a way for companies to maintain brand recognition and create awareness for their products without directly promoting products that are subject to restrictions. For instance, a company that manufactures alcoholic beverages may use surrogate advertising to promote other products that they own, such as a soft drink, to indirectly promote their alcoholic beverages. By doing so, they can maintain brand recognition and promote their business, without violating advertising restrictions. Contemporary examples of Surrogate Advertising are: - Frooti: Frooti is a well-known Indian brand of mango-flavoured drink. The brand is owned by Parle Agro, which also owns the alcohol brand, Blenders Pride. Frooti has been using its brand name and logo to promote Blenders Pride on billboards, events, and print media. - Kingfisher: Kingfisher is a popular Indian beer brand, owned by United Breweries Group. The brand has been using its logo and brand name to promote Kingfisher airlines, which is also owned by the same group. The company used the slogan "Fly the Good Times" to promote its airline services while indirectly promoting its beer brand. The practice of surrogate advertising is not limited to the promotion of restricted products. Companies also use surrogate advertising to promote new products or services that they have introduced. Surrogate advertising allows them to create buzz around a new product or service by promoting it alongside an established product or service. Surrogate advertising can take many forms, including print ads, television commercials, online advertising, sponsorships, and event promotions. The goal of surrogate advertising is to create a link between the surrogate product and the restricted product so that consumers are more likely to remember the brand and associate it with the restricted product. In some cases, surrogate advertising can be seen as deceptive or misleading, as it may not indicate the connection between the surrogate product and the restricted product. As a result, many countries have implemented regulations and laws to govern surrogate advertising and protect consumers from misleading advertising practices.
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Surrogate advertising: Concept and Legal Framework
Legal Aspects of Surrogate Advertising
Surrogate advertising in India is governed by several laws and regulations to prevent misleading or deceptive advertising practices. The laws and regulations in India focus on protecting the interests of consumers and ensuring that advertisers comply with ethical and legal standards. The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Amendment Act of 2000 prohibits the advertisement of tobacco and alcohol products on cable television networks. However, this law does not prevent the promotion of these products through surrogate advertising. Therefore, the Indian government has introduced several regulations to restrict the practice of surrogate advertising. The Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) is a self-regulatory organization that sets guidelines and standards for advertising in India. The ASCI code prohibits advertising that is misleading, offensive, or harmful to consumers. The ASCI has also established a specific code of conduct for advertising alcohol products, which restricts the use of celebrities, and the portrayal of alcohol consumption as glamorous or associated with success. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) has also issued guidelines to regulate surrogate advertising in India. These guidelines state that the surrogate product or service should not in any way be related to the restricted product or service. The guidelines also state that the use of words or phrases associated with the restricted product or service should be avoided. TV Today Network Limited v Union of India is a significant case related to surrogate advertising in India. The case was filed by TV Today Network Limited, the parent company of the news channel Aaj Tak, challenging the ban on surrogate advertising of liquor and tobacco products on television. The Delhi High Court ordered the MIB to enforce the ban on surrogate advertising of liquor and tobacco products. Subsequently, in 2007, the Supreme Court of India upheld the ban on surrogate advertising of liquor and tobacco products, stating that it was a reasonable restriction on the fundamental right to freedom of speech and expression. The court held that surrogate advertising was misleading and deceptive, and violated the right of consumers to accurate and truthful information. Additionally, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued guidelines for advertising food and beverages. These guidelines prohibit misleading or deceptive advertising and require advertisers to provide accurate and truthful information about their products.
Recent Developments on Surrogate Advertising
In recent years, the Indian government has taken a stricter stance on surrogate advertising. In 2017, the government banned the use of celebrities in surrogate advertising for tobacco products. The ban was extended to include all surrogate advertising for tobacco products in 2020. In 2020, the Indian government extended the ban on surrogate advertising for tobacco products to include all forms of advertising, including online and print media. The ban prohibits the use of indirect advertising, such as the promotion of tobacco brands through the sponsorship of events, and the use of brand names or logos in non-tobacco products. In 2021, the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) issued new guidelines for surrogate advertising. The guidelines require advertisers to ensure that the surrogate product or service is not related to the restricted product or service in any way. The guidelines also prohibit the use of brand names or logos associated with the restricted product or service, and the portrayal of the surrogate product or service as a substitute for the restricted product or service. In recent years, there have also been calls for stricter regulations on surrogate advertising of junk food and sugary drinks in India. In 2020, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) released a report that highlighted the prevalence of surrogate advertising for junk food and sugary drinks in India. The report called for stricter regulations to prevent the promotion of unhealthy products to children and adolescents. In a significant development, the Central Consumer Protection Authority (CCPA) issued the Advertising Guidelines on 9th June 2022 in India, which is the first time that the term 'surrogate advertisement' has been defined by Indian legislation. As per the Advertising Guidelines, a 'surrogate advertisement' is defined as “an advertisement for goods, products, or service, which is otherwise prohibited or restricted by law, by circumventing such prohibition or restriction and portraying it to be an advertisement for other goods, product, or service, the advertising of which is not prohibited or restricted by law”. Clause 6(2) of the Advertising Guidelines provides that an advertisement will be considered a surrogate advertisement or indirect advertisement if the advertisement directly or indirectly indicates or suggests to consumers that it is in respect of, uses any brand name, logo, colour, layout, and presentation associated with goods, products, or services whose advertisement is restricted or prohibited.
In conclusion, surrogate advertising has been a contentious issue in India, where it has been banned since 2000. The Indian government's stance on surrogate advertising is that it promotes products that are harmful to the public, such as tobacco and alcohol, and is therefore not allowed. Despite the ban, surrogate advertising continues to be practised in India, often through creative and subtle means that make it difficult for regulators to detect and take action. The advertising industry has also been criticized for finding loopholes in the law and exploiting them. While the ban on surrogate advertising in India has been in place for over two decades, its implementation and enforcement remain a challenge. The need for stricter regulation and effective enforcement mechanisms is crucial to protect consumers and prevent the promotion of harmful products under the guise of advertising other products.
- Tasnim Jahan, “What is Surrogate Advertising? Live Law, Mar. 16, 2023. - McDowell’s advertisement: Surrogate advertising or brand extension, available at: https://blog.ipleaders.in/mcdowells-advertisement-surrogate-advertising-brand-extension/ (last visited on March 17, 2023). - Regulating Surrogate Advertising In India, available at: https://www.mondaq.com/india/advertising-marketing--branding/1231928/regulating-surrogate-advertising-in-india (last visited on March 17, 2023). Read the full article
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