#Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli
kneedeepincynade · 1 year
A little step toward a better world has just been achieved today,as the communists form a government in Nepal openly challenging Indian imperialism and the buthan puppet government
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🇨🇳|🇳🇵 Il 12 settembre, Li Zhanshu - Presidente del Comitato Permanente dell'Assemblea Nazionale del Popolo Cinese - si è recato in Nepal, per un incontro sia con Bidhya Devi Bhandari - Presidente del Nepal - che con i vertici dei due partiti comunisti:
🔺CPN-UML - il cui Segretario è Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🔺CPN-MC - il cui Segretario Generale è Dev Gurung, ma la figura più importante del partito è Pushpa Kamal Dahal, conosciuta come "Prachanda", un ex-guerrigliero maoista 🚩
✈️ Si trattava, al tempo, della terza Visita di Alto Livello di un membro del Partito Comunista Cinese in Nepal, dopo quella di Wang Yi - Ministro degli Affari Esteri della RPC, e Liu Jinchao - Direttore del Dipartimento degli Affari Esteri del Comitato Centrale del Partito Comunista Cinese, che si occupa delle relazioni tra il CPC e partiti politici esteri, come il Partito Comunista del Vietnam o il Partito Rivoluzionario del Popolo Lao ⭐️
🧾 Il 20 novembre, in un clima "bollente", si sono svolte le elezioni in Nepal, e le formazioni si sono presentate in questo modo:
📄 La "Coalizione dei 5 Partiti", una sorta di miscuglio - essenzialmente guidato dall'opportunismo - che aveva iniziato a guidare il paese dopo il litigio tra Oli e Prachanda nel 2020. In tale coalizione, che presentava i medesimi partiti della coalizione di governo, vi era il Partito del Congresso, un partito politico pro-India e pro-USA, così come l'MC di Prachanda (❗️), che si trovava lì per motivi opportunistici più che ideologici.
📄 L'UML - guidato da Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli - come unico partito d'opposizione.
📊 Le elezioni in Nepal si dividono in "Party List" e "Constituency" - l'UML aveva preso 26,95% nel PL e 30,83% nel Constituency, mentre il Congresso 25,71% e 23,19%, e l'MC 11,13% e 9,37%.
🏵 Alle elezioni, l'UML ha trionfato in quasi tutte le regioni, ma la C5P - se unita - superava di gran lunga l'UML, anche se mancavano due seggi per l'ottenimento della maggioranza.
🇮🇳|🇺🇸 In ogni caso, sembrava fatta per una vittoria di una coalizione pro-India e pro-USA guidata dal Partito del Congresso, che aveva in mente di accettare un pacchetto da 500 milioni di dollari dagli USA, un vero e proprio "acquisto di sovranità" da parte degli imperialisti statunitensi, che avevano intenzione di trasformare il Nepal nell'ennesimo fantoccio anti-Cinese e anti-comunista.
↩️ Invece, nei giorni precedenti, Prachanda - leader dell'MC - ha iniziato a mostrare un dissapore nei confronti della C5P, rea - secondo lui - di aver tradito le promesse pre-elezioni.
⭐️ Inoltre, Dev Gurung - SG del Centro Maoista - ha iniziato a proporre l'idea di una coalizione comunista, e così, sia lui che Prachanda, hanno iniziato a dialogare con Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🇨🇳 Wang Xin - Ambasciatore Cinese in Nepal - ha intensificato gli incontri politici con i partiti comunisti del Nepal, con l'obiettivo di costruire l'unità per poter governare.
🇳🇵Inoltre, Barsaman Pun - membro del Centro Maoista, ed ex guerrigliero - è tornato velocemente in Nepal dalla Cina, per contribuire - come affermato da Khabarhub, media nepalese - alla costruzione dell'unità tra i comunisti.
🇳🇵E così, nonostante le alte probabilità di un nuovo governo pro-India e pro-USA, ieri - 25 dicembre - è stata annunciata l'alleanza tra i comunisti, tra l'UML e il MC, con Pushpa Kamal Dahal - Prachanda - come nuovo Primo Ministro.
🇳🇵|🇮🇳|🇨🇳 Il Nepal è da sempre in orbita pro-India, pertanto un tale capovolgimento - il secondo, per giunta, ma questa volta dovrebbe essere più stabile - rappresenta un'enorme vittoria geopolitica, nonché ideologica, del Partito Comunista Cinese.
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳|🇳🇵 On September 12, Li Zhanshu - Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China - went to Nepal, for a meeting with both Bidhya Devi Bhandari - President of Nepal - and with the leaders of the two parties communists:
🔺CPN-UML - whose Secretary is Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🔺CPN-MC - whose General Secretary is Dev Gurung, but the most important figure of the party is Pushpa Kamal Dahal, known as "Prachanda", an ex-Maoist guerrilla 🚩
✈️ It was, at the time, the third High-Level Visit of a member of the Communist Party of China to Nepal, after that of Wang Yi - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the PRC, and Liu Jinchao - Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, which deals with the relationship between the CPC and foreign political parties, such as the Communist Party of Vietnam or the Lao People's Revolutionary Party ⭐️
🧾 On November 20, in a "hot" climate, elections were held in Nepal, and the formations presented themselves as follows:
📄 The "Coalition of 5 Parties", a sort of hodgepodge - essentially driven by opportunism - which had started to lead the country after the quarrel between Oli and Prachanda in 2020. In this coalition, which featured the same parties as the government coalition , there was the Congress Party, a pro-India and pro-US political party, as well as Prachanda's MC (❗️), who were there for opportunistic rather than ideological reasons.
📄 The UML - led by Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli - as the only opposition party.
📊 Elections in Nepal are divided into "Party List" and "Constituency" - the UML had taken 26.95% in the PL and 30.83% in the Constituency, while the Congress 25.71% and 23.19%, and the MC 11.13% and 9.37%.
🏵 In the elections, the UML triumphed in almost all regions, but the C5P - if united - far exceeded the UML, even if there were two seats left to obtain a majority.
🇮🇳|🇺🇸 In any case, it seemed made for a victory of a pro-India and pro-US coalition led by the Congress Party, which was planning to accept a 500 million dollar package from the US, a real "buying of sovereignty" by the US imperialists, who intended to turn Nepal into yet another anti-Chinese and anti-communist puppet.
↩️ Instead, in the previous days, Prachanda - leader of the MC - began to show a disagreement with the C5P, guilty - according to him - of having betrayed the pre-election promises.
⭐️ Also, Dev Gurung - SG of Maoist Center - started proposing the idea of ​​communist coalition, and so both he and Prachanda started dialogue with Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli 🚩
🇨🇳 Wang Xin - Chinese Ambassador in Nepal - has intensified political meetings with the communist parties of Nepal, with the aim of building unity in order to govern.
🇳🇵 Furthermore, Barsaman Pun - a member of the Maoist Center, and a former guerrilla - quickly returned to Nepal from China, to contribute - as stated by Khabarhub, Nepalese media - to the construction of unity among the communists.
🇳🇵And so, despite the high probability of a new pro-India and pro-USA government, yesterday - December 25th - the alliance between the communists, between the UML and the MC, with Pushpa Kamal Dahal - Prachanda was announced - as the new Prime Minister.
🇳🇵|🇮🇳|🇨🇳 Nepal has always been in a pro-India orbit, therefore such a reversal - the second, moreover, but this time should be more stable - represents a huge geopolitical, as well as ideological, victory for the Party Chinese Communist.
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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newscafe-asifistan · 4 years
Nepalese Man’s head shaved off, forced to chant slogans praising Lord Ram in India’s Varanasi
Bukit Bintang, 17 July 2020: An unidentified Nepalese man’s head was shaved off by a radical Hindutva fringe group Vishwa Hindu Sena in India’s Varanasi - while he was forced to chant ‘Jai Shree Ram’, said media reports from India.  
The video of the incident was soon uploaded to Facebook by Arun Pathak, the convener of the group. 
The slogan, ‘Jai Shree Ram’ was written on his scalp, too.
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The incident came at the backdrop of Nepal’s Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli’s remark on Monday that Ayodhya, the birthplace of Ram, “is a village lying west of Birgunj” in Nepal, not India.” 
This has caused a fury among the radical Hindutva groups and political parties in India, which in turn endangered the Nepalese Citizens living in the country. 
In the video, the man was seen around water, his head being shaved off while he was forced to chant slogans against Nepal and Oli and in praise of Lord Ram and India, thanking it for ‘giving livelihood opportunities for Nepali citizens’. 
“Thousands had given their heads in sacrifice for a grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, his activists had written 'Jai Shri Ram' on the head of a Nepali”, Arun Pathak wrote on a Facebook post. 
He also warned that “Jai Shri Ram would be written on the heads of many Nepalese so that Oli would never speak against Lord Ram.” 
After the incident, the Nepalese Ambassador to India Nilambar Acharya contacted the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, amid concerns over the safety of Nepalese Citizens in India. 
Varanasi Police said an FIR was registered on Bhelpur Police Station against the members of Vishwa Hindu Sena and actions were under way. 
Earlier, the Hindutva group generated controversy in June after the border clash between China and India in Galwan Valley. Soon after, they blackened the signboards of Chinese restaurants and threatened shops to stop selling Chinese goods. 
17 July 2020, 08:25 PM
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trh-thesussexes · 5 years
The Duke of Sussex this morning received the Rt Hon Mr Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli (Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal).
Court Circular, June 11th 21019
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The Duke of Sussex received The Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, at Kensington Palace. 11|6|19.
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dragonhawk1959 · 5 years
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cambridge-sussex · 5 years
The Duke of Sussex this morning received the Rt Hon Mr Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli (Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal).
His Royal Highness, Patron, this evening attended a Concert in aid of Sentebale at Hampton Court Palace, East Molesey, Surrey, and was received by Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London (Sir Kenneth Olisa).
Court Circular | 11 June, 2019
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bengalbytes · 3 years
'Lethal' and 'highly contagious' second Covid wave is now under control, Nepal's prime minister says
‘Lethal’ and ‘highly contagious’ second Covid wave is now under control, Nepal’s prime minister says
Nepal’s second wave of Covid infections is tapering off — but the country needs more vaccines to handle the pandemic, Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli told CNBC. “The wave is under control and it is going down,” he told “Street Signs Asia” on Monday. He said there’s been a 75% decrease in cases. Nepal reported 2,049 infections on Monday, down from a record of more than 9,000 new cases a…
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expatimes · 3 years
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Nepal’s Supreme Court orders reinstatement of Parliament
Nepal’s Supreme Court orders reinstatement of Parliament
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Nepal’s Supreme Court has ordered the reinstatement of Parliament, which was dissolved in December last year – a ruling that is likely to thrust the Himalayan nation into a political crisis.
Monday’s court order came in response to several cases filed with the court charging that Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli’s decision to dissolve the legislature was unconstitutional.
The court said a meeting of the reinstated Parliament must be called within 13 days.
Nepal has been in political turmoil since PM Oli made the sudden decision and called for elections 18 months ahead of schedule amid the coronavirus pandemic that has hit the tourism-dependent economy hard.
Oli has defended the decision, saying his rivals in the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) had not cooperated with the government in the appointment of officials to panels such as the national human rights and anti-corruption commissions, and in other policy decisions.
The verdict means 69-year-old Oli, who was elected in 2018 following his party’s landslide win in the 2017 election, faces a no-confidence vote.
The court’s decision was welcomed by the opposition as well as members of the dissident faction of Oli’s own party.
Narayan Kaji Shrestha, spokesman for the faction, said the court has “protected the spirit of democracy”.
“The prime minister should resign on moral grounds, taking responsibility for his unconstitutional attempt. Otherwise, we will take the necessary decision from the Parliament,” Shrestha said.
About 100 slogan-shouting activists, their faces smeared in vermillion, lit candles on the street in the heart of Kathmandu to celebrate the verdict and urged Oli to quit.
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Members of a faction of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) take part in a protest against the dissolution of the country’s Parliament, in Kathmandu on February 23, 2021
Internal tensions
There has been a power struggle between Oli and the leader of the former Maoists rebels, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who is also co-chair of Oli’s party.
The two had previously agreed that they would split the five-year term between them, but Oli has refused to allow the former rebel leader to take over, leading to a split in the party.
Dahal’s supporters were among those who filed cases with the Supreme Court.
The dissident group has been organising street demonstrations for weeks against the government since it dissolved Parliament.
On February 4, a nationwide strike was called over the crisis where at least 77 people were arrested, including a former prime minister.
Other opposition parties have repeatedly accused Oli’s government of corruption, and his administration has faced criticism over its handling of the coronavirus.
Nepal has reported nearly 274,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 2,000 deaths.
Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=18441&feed_id=35008
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newscafe-asifistan · 4 years
Nepal bans all private Indian channels for ‘broadcasting false propaganda’ against its Prime Minister
Kuala Lumpur, 12 July 2020: The Nepal government has banned transmission of all private Indian TV channels this Thursday after accusing them of ‘broadcasting objectionable propaganda’ against its Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, except the state-run Indian channel Doordarshan - which is still allowed to broadcast in the country.
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Picture: the Nepalese Prime Minister, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli
According to media reports, tensions started between two countries when the Nepalese parliament approved a new map in June that includes territories claimed by India, namely Lipulekh, Limpiyadhura and Kalapani. 
The decision came several days after the Indian news channel Zee Hindustan  aired a report, hinting towards close ties between Oli and the Chinese ambassador in Nepal.
The Kathmandu post, a Nepalese newspaper, has published an editorial on Friday, criticizing the Indian channels for broadcasting false propaganda against Oli. 
It says, “Sitting in their [New] Delhi or Mumbai studios, they do not hesitate to announce the date and time of Oli's resignation, some of them even asking him to step down. Oli, it seems, is the new enemy they must fight each day to garner higher television rating points for themselves.”
Nepal’s former Deputy Prime Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha has said that the Indian channels “must stop the baseless propaganda” which has “crossed all limits’. 
The other grounds cited in the media for blocking the Indian channels include propagating Islamophobic views and anti-Muslim sentiments and targeting the Muslim community for spreading the coronavirus pandemic. 
Nepal has a small minority of Muslims, who make up about 4% of the Nepalese population.
12 July 2020, 08:08 PM
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newslawn · 3 years
Nepal’s Democracy Hanging In The Balance
Nepal’s Democracy Hanging In The Balance
Nepal Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli dissolved Parliament last December terming his move to go for the early election is to seek a stable government and strengthening Nepal. Addressed a massive public rally on Friday, Oli said I dissolved the House because I was not allowed to work, and now it is in the hands of the people who want to rule. Many protests, certain political leaders,…
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The Duke of Sussex today received The Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, at Kensington Palace, says BP.
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globalnewses · 3 years
Chinese delegation meets Nepal PM amid political crisis | Politics News
Chinese delegation meets Nepal PM amid political crisis | Politics News
Senior Chinese Communist Party leader holds talks with PM Oli and President Bhandari as the ruling communist party on the verge of split. A Chinese delegation reportedly held talks with Nepali Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli and President Bidya Devi Bhandari in Kathmandu on Sunday in a first diplomatic step by the neighbouring power after the prime minister dissolved parliament a week…
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weblivenews · 3 years
PM Oli drops a bombshell on rivals that also hurts China
PM Oli drops a bombshell on rivals that also hurts China
Nepal President Bidya Devi Bhandari has signed off on PM Oli cabinet’s resolution to dissolve Parliament and hold elections in 2 phases on 30 April and 10 May 2021 A little less than three years after he took oath as prime minister for the second time, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli on Sunday morning dropped a bombshell on his rivals in the ruling Nepal Communist Party. PM Oli’s cabinet recommended…
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newzzhub · 3 years
PM Oli’s surprise upends his rivals’ plans, and China’s 4 options
PM Oli’s surprise upends his rivals’ plans, and China’s 4 options
A little less than three years after he took oath as prime minister for the second time, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli on Sunday morning dropped a bombshell on his rivals in the ruling Nepal Communist Party. PM Oli’s cabinet recommended dissolution of the 275-member House of Representatives that was elected in 2017 when the opposition Nepali Congress suffered a landslide defeat in the polls. PM Oli’s…
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vasudevabernales · 4 years
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India en la encrucijada II Enrique Bernales Albites Uno de los grandes problemas que enfrenta el gobierno del primer ministro Narendra Modi es la resolución definitiva de los límites fronterizos con sus vecinos. India tiene conflictos, en este sentido, con Pakistán, Nepal y China. En esta oportunidad, me centraré en el conflicto menos candente, mas de gran efecto simbólico, me refiero al contencioso con Nepal. El primer ministro de la pequeña nación de los Himalayas, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, ha afirmado que uno de los héroes mitológicos del Indostán, me refiero al príncipe Sri Ram, nació, efectivamente, en el pueblo de Ayodhya en su nación y no en Ayodhya, capital histórica del extinto Imperio Gupta, en India. Shri Ram es un avatar y Dios en la India. Es el personaje central del legendario poema épico Ramayana, cuyas enseñanzas fueron estudiadas por Mahatma Gandhi para crear una consciencia ideológica y simbólica en la población y así lograr la independencia del yugo británico. Gandhi propagó entre sus simpatizantes la idea que el Imperio Británico era la encarnación del demonio Ravana, némesis de Shri Ram, el que había secuestrado a la esposa del arquero sagrado, la princesa Sita — la nación indostánica — y sólo la recuperación por parte de los habitantes de la sabiduría, la bondad y el honor simbolizados en un guerrero como el príncipe Shri Ram permitiría el éxito de la empresa de liberación nacional. De esta manera, Gandhi estaba usando una historia de amor sagrado para devolver el orgullo a su nación herida, lo que Doris Summer, desarrolla en su ya clásico libro Foundational Fictions, una investigación sobre los romances nacionales en la Literatura Latinoamericana. Vale añadir que la ciudad de Ayodhya en India en los años noventa del siglo pasado alimentó el nacionalismo hinduista, el mismo que llevó a la destrucción de la mezquita del emperador mogol Babur levantada, supuestamente, sobre un templo dedicado a Shri Ram. Así, el primer ministro de Nepal, Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, no sólo busca llamar la atención sobre Kalapani, territorio en disputa entre ambos países, sino que también pone sombras sobre la nacionalidad de uno de los grandes héroes m (at Greeley, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGNStHLBjH3/?igshid=1kmrq6gbebhaw
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news-chhondomela · 4 years
Nepal ruling communist party’s meeting postponed indefinitely
Nepal ruling communist party’s meeting postponed indefinitely
By: PTI | Kathmandu | Published: July 28, 2020 12:55:25 pm
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Nepal’s Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli with Chairman of the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also known as Prachanda (Reuters)
A crucial meeting of Nepal’s ruling communist party scheduled for Tuesday to iron out the differences between Prime…
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