#Kaneki struggles his way through books in other languages!! because he doesn’t want to read them in Japanese!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa
shewhoeatssand · 9 months
A kaneki headcanon for you that I am metaphorically pushing under your door
Kaneki was a literary purist when he was younger, he’d refuse to buy any translated version of a book he wants to read and instead struggled his way through with a combination of the internet and a dictionary.
This was made even worse during his American lit phase because of how much cultural context is needed to understand the masterpieces. The only one he really connected with was The Grapes of Wrath, because of his upbringing and losing his mom because she was working to feed him.
Kaneki read American Psycho late into highschool and it brought down his Gpa by a decent amount. He had multiple notebooks just keeping track of everything going on in an attempt to understand what was going on. He’d spend nights up late theorizing about the book and was planning to submit his analysis on it for his PhD before he got ghouled.
Shironeki definitely speaks much better English and upon rereading it, he fell in love with fear and loathing in last Vegas, connecting it to his experiences in the ghoul world.
American psycho also was one of the things that connected Kaneki and Hide as they drifted apart as they got older, hide being a big fan of the movie saved their friendship.
OH GOD I’M SORRY FOR LEAVING THIS TO ROT FOR SO LONG, I just loved this one so much I didn’t know how to respond ❤️❤️❤️ I’m reading Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas RIGHT NOW ACTUALLY because of this ask!!!!!!!!! This whole thing is so accurate I don’t know what to add, I love it so much, I remember listening to American Psycho in the car while I was moving house and it turned my whole world upside down. And this ask also made me realise how much Kaneki would have liked this book too!!!! Aaaaaah I’d kill to have gotten to see his PhD analysis on it :((( too bad he was ghoulified. Thank you so much for this it is literally the basis for all my thoughts on Kaneki speaking/reading English or other languages
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