#Jeep Upkeep
freedomcdjrbyedmorse · 2 months
Why Get New Tires from Your Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, or RAM Dealer
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Dec 22, 2023
Specialized Knowledge
One compelling reason to choose your local dealership for a new set of tires is our technicians’ specialized knowledge. Our experts are extensively trained and certified to work on Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and RAM vehicles, making them the go-to professionals for your tire needs. Their familiarity with the intricate details of these vehicles ensures you’ll receive tailored advice and recommendations.
Genuine OEM Tires
Our dealership has a wide selection of genuine Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) tires designed specifically for Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and RAM vehicles. These tires are carefully engineered and rigorously tested to meet the manufacturer’s high standards, ensuring that your vehicle maintains optimal performance, safety, and handling.
Competitive Pricing and Promotions
We often offer competitive pricing on tires, and we frequently run promotions and specials, providing opportunities for cost savings on top-quality tires. With the added benefit of precise fitting for your vehicle, this can prove cost-effective in the long run by reducing premature wear and tear.
Enhanced Warranty Coverage
Purchasing tires from our dealership can come with the advantage of extended warranty coverage. This extra protection provides peace of mind, knowing that your investment in tires is safeguarded against unexpected issues.
The Process of Getting Replacement Tires
Tire Inspection
Your visit will begin with a thorough tire inspection to assess the condition of your current tires, identifying signs of wear, alignment problems, or potential punctures. A comprehensive inspection helps uncover any underlying issues that could affect the performance of your tires.
Personalized Recommendations
Once your tires have been inspected, our technicians will provide you with personalized tire recommendations. They take into account factors such as your driving habits, local climate conditions, and budget, and ensure that your choice aligns perfectly with your vehicle’s specifications.
Professional Installation
After you’ve made your tire selection, our technicians will proceed with the installation. They’ll carefully mount, balance, and align your tires to guarantee a smooth and safe ride. The precision in installation plays a crucial role in your vehicle’s overall performance and safety.
Tire Maintenance Guidance
We don’t just stop at tire installation. We offer valuable guidance on tire maintenance, including recommendations for regular rotations, alignments, and tire pressure checks. Proper tire care is essential for extending the lifespan of your tires and ensuring they continue to perform optimally.
Don’t compromise on your vehicle’s safety and performance—come over to see us here at Freedom CDJRF Ed Morse today and experience the difference quality tires can make for your ride. Your Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, or RAM deserves nothing less than the best.
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A long overdue update:
Hi everyone. Long time no see. I literally have not opened Tumblr since the last time I posted here. Hope everyone is doing ok. Figured I owed y’all an apology and explanation for kinda just vanishing.
First, I did in fact get a car! It’s a 2015 Nissan Versa Note. I don’t particularly like it but a friend gave me a deal on it that I couldn’t turn down. Once my life stabilizes I’m probably going to sell it and buy an old truck, maybe a 70s Ford. I’d love a little sports car or a land yacht but rear wheel drive is a bit impractical for brutal New England winters, and the Jeep really put me in Old American Truck Mode. But yes I have a car now!
Second, unfortunately this is an official notice of hiatus. When I last posted saying I was taking some time off it was because I had just had an incredibly stressful move and did not have the energy to keep this blog up. I figured I’d take some time to get settled in, relax, and then pick this back up after a week or two, but the last month has been really rough - the short version is one of the people I was living with turned out to be a pretty horrendous human being who managed to get everybody living in the house essentially kicked out via sheer drama. Within a month and a half. It’s a long story but tl:dr if you quite literally slander a property manager with heavy unfounded accusations of horrible crimes, they’ll probably bail from the whole situation. And since they’re gone the landlord has to hand ownership of everything over to a company that’s forcing everyone still here to vacate. I’m now fighting to not have to live in aforementioned Nissan Versa through the aforementioned brutal New England winter. On top of that, I’m a retail manager so we’re going into our busiest most stressful season, so that’s been an extra level of exhaustion.
So what does that mean for this blog? Well, as I said, I’m officially going on indefinite hiatus, as are the projects I was working on in relation, including the reference website. I’m really sorry, I’m just way too stressed and dealing with way too much. If I could, I would just hand off administrative power to someone else, but this is a sideblog so I can’t hand off login credentials without also giving access to my main/personal account. It’s my biggest regret of this account, but when I started it I never expected it to blow up the way it did back in September - I had no reason to expect to need it to be its own entirely separate blog. I love what I was doing here and I thought that it might even be a nice distraction from everything going on, but the upkeep required with this blog is just more than I can deal with right now. I hope that things settle down soon and that I can genuinely come back here and enjoy what I was doing, but I just need literally anything to level out in my real life and to not be in 100% survival mode, because at the moment I literally do not have the energy to pour into this.
Anyway. Sorry for the long post, I’m not good at not being overly verbose. I’m really sorry for kind of abandoning this project, and I hope I can get back to it relatively soon, it just might be a while.
In the mean time, I hope those of y’all who I turned onto cars as a potential hobby find some other good outlets! I highly recommend Donut Media’s series “Up to Speed” on YouTube, as well as the channels Regular Car Reviews, Doug DeMuro, Garbage Time, and Aging Wheels. All great YouTube channels that are both informative and very approachable and fun.
Godspeed and much love. Hope to see y’all soon
- Identifying Cars in Posts admin ❤️
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ntxpowersport · 4 months
Get the Lowdown: Mopeds vs. Jeep Golf Carts - Which Wheeled Companion Wins?
Thinking about a fun, personal vehicle that's perfect for cruising around town or your property? Both mopeds and jeep golf carts offer unique advantages, but choosing the right one depends on your needs and preferences. Buckle up, let's explore the world of these mini rides!
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In-Depth Information:
Ideal for commuting or short errands.
Lightweight and agile, perfect for navigating traffic.
Offer a sense of freedom and open-air adventure.
May require more riding skill and awareness compared to golf carts.
Jeep Golf Carts:
Excellent for cruising around large properties or golf courses.
Provide comfortable seating for passengers and cargo space.
Often come with weather protection features like roofs and windshields.
May not be suitable for high-speed travel or challenging terrain.
Choosing Your Perfect Ride:
Ultimately, the best choice depends on your individual needs and priorities. Consider factors like speed, fuel efficiency, comfort, legal requirements, budget, and intended use. Research both options thoroughly, take them for a test drive if possible, and choose the one that best fits your lifestyle!
Additional Tips:
Be aware of safety regulations and responsible driving practices for both mopeds and golf carts.
Consider joining online communities or forums dedicated to your chosen vehicle for advice and support.
Enjoy the ride and explore the world on your new mini companion!
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
1. Which is faster? Mopeds typically reach speeds of 30-50 mph, while jeep golf carts max out around 15-20 mph.
2. Which is fuel-efficient? Mopeds generally win, requiring less fuel thanks to their smaller engines.
3. Which is more comfortable? Jeep golf carts offer enclosed cabins and seating for multiple passengers, providing a more relaxed ride.
4. Which is street legal? Mopeds usually require registration, license, and insurance for road use, while golf carts are primarily restricted to private property or designated areas.
5. Which is more affordable? Base models of both can be similar in price, but customization options can affect the final cost.
6. Which requires more maintenance? Mopeds, like motorcycles, demand regular maintenance checks and parts replacements. Golf carts generally require less upkeep.
7. Which is more environmentally friendly? Electric models of both mopeds and golf carts exist, minimizing emissions.
8. Which handles rough terrain better? Jeep golf carts, with their larger tires and higher ground clearance, excel on uneven surfaces.
9. Can I customize them? Both offer a variety of customization options, including paint jobs, accessories, and performance upgrades.
10. Where can I learn more? Check your local DMV regulations for specific rules and licensing requirements for mopeds and golf carts.
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daisyjhonsonsblog · 6 months
Jeep Buying Guide: Finding the Perfect Ride for Adventures!
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Howdy folks! If you’ve ever dreamt of conquering rugged terrains, cruising down scenic highways, or simply turning heads as you drive by, you might be considering getting yourself a Jeep. Keep reliability and maintenance in mind. Here is a Jeep Buying Guide that you should know.
Research the dependability of the Jeep model you’re eyeing, as well as its maintenance costs. Regular upkeep is essential to keep your Jeep running smoothly, so factor in servicing and repair expenses as you make your decision.
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used-car-parts · 1 year
Jeep Transmission For Sale
Transmission is important for automobiles since it is accountable for sending the power created by the engine to the wheels, enabling the automobile to move forward or in reverse. An appropriately functioning jeep transmission for sale can assist a vehicle to increase smoothly, reach its full throttle, and maintain gas efficiency.
There are a number of methods to boost the efficiency of a car's transmission: Routine upkeep: Routinely altering the transmission liquid and also carrying out various other upkeep jobs, such as adjusting the bands as well as replacing used components, can help to guarantee that the transmission is running at peak performance.
Utilize the best type of liquid: Utilizing the manufacturer-recommended type of transmission liquid can help to improve the effectiveness of the transmission as well as prolong its life expectancy.
Keep the transmission cool: Getting too hot can cause damage to the transmission and reduce its performance. Setting up a transmission cooler can assist to maintain the temperature in control.
Drive carefully: Hostile driving, such as abrupt acceleration and also tough stopping, can put unnecessary stress on the transmission and lower its effectiveness. Driving smoothly and preventing sudden changes in rate can aid to lengthen the life of the jeep transmission for sale.
Upgrade to a much more reliable transmission: If your automobile's transmission is obsoleted or ineffective, upgrading to an extra contemporary transmission can boost fuel performance as well as general performance. Nonetheless, this can be a pricey choice as well as may not be required for all cars. www.jeeptransmissionforsale.com
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xtruss · 2 years
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A mule at the historic Nine Mile ranger station, carrying the equipment to clear trails in the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Photograph: Jessica Reed/The Guardian
Keeping It Wild: How Mules Help Preserve the Last Untamed Places in the US
If it’s got gears, it’s not allowed in Montana’s Bob Marshall Wilderness. But a humble creature helps clear the trails
— Jessica Reed | Wednesday 17 August 2022
Here’s a partial list of things you cannot, under any circumstances, take into the Bob Marshall Wilderness, in Montana: chainsaws, mountain bikes, ATVs, tractors, wheelbarrows. If it has gears, it stays home. If it’s mechanical in any way, it’s a no-go.
Those are the rules deemed necessary to protect the United States’ 803 federally designated wilderness areas. The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex, with its 1,849 miles of trails, happens to be one of the biggest.
The Bob, as it is affectionately called by Montanans, is home to wolves, grizzlies, elk, moose and mountain lions. The pristine territory is more than 1.5m acres, roughly eight times the size of New York City.
And thanks to the 1964 Wilderness Act, it is not crossed by a single road. Drones and bush planes are also, today, strictly forbidden.
But here’s what you can take along for the ride instead: the humble mule.
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Left: Towards Lena lake. Right: The Shaw cabin, built in 1928. Photography: Aaron Agosto
The law – a visionary act of environmental legislation for its time – banned modern transportation, including bikes, but made an exception for animals with hooves.
It’s easy for the general public – weekend warriors and summer hikers alike – to forget that those wilderness areas need serious upkeep. Trails need to be kept clear of fallen trees. Bridges and ranger cabins must be built and taken care of. This is where mules’ ability to carry loads really shine.
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The backcountry is not a universe of convenience or comfort. But there’s freedom to be found there. Wanting to witness it myself, I contacted the Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation, a non-profit that coordinates volunteer groups of public land stewards. Veteran mule packers sign up to train the next generation so traditional skills can be passed on.
I called their program director, and asked if I could tag along.
“Do you know how to ride a horse?”
“Not really,” I answered, sheepishly.
“Well,” she said, “you better take lessons then.”
So I did.
Mules have a long list of superpowers – it’s no wonder their nickname is “the four-legged Jeep”.
Because they’re the progeny of a male donkey and a female horse, they benefit from what is known as hybrid vigor, which makes them hardy and disease resistant. They’re sure-footed on uneven terrain, have exceptional peripheral vision and a gait that allows them to carry loads better than other stock animals. They are steady, covering on average three miles an hour. Those attributes make them uniquely suited to long hikes – or “hitches”, in the packing parlance – in the Rockies.
They also tolerate heat exceptionally well – for decades, mules were put to work in the Borax mines of California’s Death Valley, where temperatures climb as high as 125F (51C) in the summer months. And they have a storied history of being first in line to help put forest fires down.
As I listened to their joyful clunking and stared at the line of long fuzzy ears ahead of me, I couldn’t help but think that mules are also quite endearing.
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A packer leads a string of mules to Cabin Creek station. The mules carry a week’s worth of supplies for trail volunteers. Photograph: Mackenzie Reiss
For Frank Vitale, the 70-year-old veteran packer who lets me tag along, mules are the perfect pack animals. He particularly respects their intelligence, memory, and instinct: when faced with danger, they usually stop and think, while horses tend to spook or bolt.
He’s keen to highlight the fact that, contrary to stereotype, mules are not stubborn; they just have a strong sense of self preservation. A joyfully biased book called The Natural Superiority of Mules explains it: “A horse can usually be intimidated and forced to do things that he perceives to be senseless or potentially harmful. However, a mule may become ‘stubborn’ when asked to exceed her capacity to perform.” (This is why the Oregon trail was littered with the bodies of horses who were pushed past their limits, yet the same did not apply to mules.)
Frank moved to Montana from New Hampshire 45 years ago because he wanted to see the west. While rugged and more capable than most of us – he wears leather chaps made from an elk he killed himself – there’s an undeniable hippy vibe to him. He often laments how disconnected we are from the natural world. Without a connection to something bigger than us, he believes, we will end up losing ourselves.
Preserving the west’s packing heritage, then, acts as a vaccine protecting the wilderness, with traditional skills as gatekeeper against modern forces (helicopters, heavy machinery) that knock the door open for more destruction.
Frank is keen to pass down his knowledge to the next generation – and the clock is ticking.
This is where Demi Sullivan comes in. At 29, she is one of two apprentice packers this year. A former rafting instructor, she’s used to standing her ground in a world that tends towards the masculine, navigating big muscles and bigger egos. She radiates competency and none of the backbreaking work seems to phase her.
She wakes up at 5.30am and doesn’t stop until the check list is complete. She lifts 70lb hay bales without batting an eyelid, and doesn’t expect you to be surprised at her strength either. As I watch her wrestle with a stubborn mule, I decide I wouldn’t want to take my chances against her in a bar fight.
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A mule is loaded with gear at Cabin Creek station in preparation for a 14-mile journey. Photograph: Mackenzie Reiss
She and Frank make a strong team: he’s firm but attentive, and never patronizing. He lets her take risks so she can learn, trusting her to lead the entire mule string.
If the next generation of mule-packers face one hurdle, it’s financial.
First, you need land. This might have been easier decades ago, but decent acreage is now out of reach for most young people. A single working mule costs thousands of dollars. A decent saddle goes for $1,500. A farrier needs to re-shoe the animal every eight to 10 weeks, which will set you back around $120 each time. And of course you need hay, and a lot of it. With the west being in a constant state of drought, feed prices are becoming unaffordable.
Those who keep their eyes on the prize will find a way to make it happen, with a bit of luck. They will continue to apprentice for free; trade or barter; put every single penny they have aside to provide a good life for their animals. All this, for the privilege of crossing a terrain rarely seen by most Americans. For a taste of freedom and self determination, and the comfort that comes with the belief that you are capable of handling yourself and your stock come hell or high water.
An Exercise in Trust
You do need to have a lot of grit to work in the backcountry. Packing, I learn quickly, is not a job for impostors.
When I attend a mule packing class at the historic Nine Mile Ranger station near Missoula earlier this spring, I hear plenty of intimidating stories. A person was bitten on the shoulder so hard that it tore open their muscle. Another got kicked in the face and had to be helicoptered out of the backcountry. A ranger referred to his many kicking scars and bruises as his “mule tattoos”.
A mule’s head alone weighs more than 200lb. If you’re unlucky enough to stand in its way, you can kiss your front teeth goodbye. One second is all it takes for a mule to knock someone flat; a single kick to your leg can break bones.
The only way to avoid a worst-case scenario, explains lead packer Robin Connell, is to always keep safety in mind and build a relationship with your animals. Packing is a conversation, an exercise in trust.
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Left: A volunteer holds a crosscut saw. Right: Freshly sawn fir logs. Photography: Aaron Agosto
This point is brought home to me very quickly on my first hitch. As Demi leads the string of mules and cajoles the pack into crossing a waterfall on a sharp trail turn, one of the mules trips. I hold my breath as I watch the animal struggle to find its feet, wondering if it is going to tumble down the cliffside to its death.
The mules behind do an immediate U-turn and start running towards Frank and me, who were at the back of the pack. Mayhem ensues, and the only reason no mule or human was injured isthat the animals came to their senses and trusted the team to calm down and keep going.
We eventually manage to complete our mission: to pack material and food for a group of five trail volunteers.
The trail volunteer is composed of a ragtag group of fresh-faced 19-year-olds, all of whom can talk about climate change with more passion and clarity than most politicians.
One of them, Issac Slevin, explains their week so far: they widened and evened out 525 yards of trail by carving into the mountainside with pulaskis and picks (remember, no mechanical tools allowed), starting at 6am each day. They also used handsaws and crosscut saws to clear fallen trees. On a good day, they can clear 70 small trees; on a difficult day, they stand in front of an imposing 2ft-wide one, which guarantees a very sweaty morning of hard labor.
An Escape From the Modern World
There’s another benefit to packing up your life for a few days in the backcountry on top of mules: perspective.
At 88 years old, after spending an estimated 22 years of his life sleeping outdoors, Smoke Elser, the uncontested titan of the packing world, is now begrudgingly retired. During his career, he taught Navy Seals and FBI agents how to work efficiently with mules to track fugitives in remote landscapes, or in war zones. (Mules were widely used by the Allied forces during the first and second world wars, and some were sent to Afghanistan by the US in the war against the Soviet troops in the 1970s and 1980s.)
Still, Smoke worries packing will soon become a lost art – and for this reason, cannot seem to stop teaching. He helps host a wilderness and packing class led by Eva-Maria Maggi at the University of Montana.
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Call of the wild: the Mission Mountains. Photograph: Aaron Agosto
Frank says that to be able to break away from technology for days at a time is critical to his sanity. “When I get too old to put my foot in the stirrup and swing into the saddle,” he once said, “I’m going to make one request: just wheel me up to the edge of the wilderness so I can look in one more time to a place and a time where I found true freedom.”
Likewise, Smoke argues that traversing the wild country “helps us escape from the fast pace of our modern world, with its mania for efficiency”. When asked once what advice he would give young people to live a good life, his answer was simple:
“Pack up a sleep bag, and get with somebody who’s been [in the backcountry] lots of time, man or woman. Go on a trip with them with a horse, and listen to their life story,” he said.
“Then take another trip by yourself, and have a vision. Go sit by a big ol’ ponderosa pine, a stream or on top of a rocky mountain, and just think: what am I gonna do with the rest of my life? This is just the first day of the rest of my life. No better place to do with nobody around, no beep beep beep of the telephone … Just you.”
Perhaps going slow is all the medicine the world needs right now.
— The Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex is located on the ancestral lands of the Amskapi Piikani (the Blackfeet Nation of Montana), the Niitsítapi (the Blackfoot Confederacy), the Séliš (Salish), Ql̓ispé (Pend d’Oreille or Kalispel), and Ktunaxa (Kootenai) tribes.
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**Group 1 Automotive **Market Analysis Report - Company Market size - Company profile
Bunch 1 Automotive Inc (Group 1 Automotive) is an auto retailer that offers new and utilized vehicles and light trucks, orchestrates related vehicle funding, administration and insurance policies. It likewise gives auto upkeep and fix administrations and sells vehicle parts through its establishments, showroom areas and crash focuses. The organization exchanges and sells different brands including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Honda, Ford, Audi, Jeep, KIA, GM, Sprinter, Buick, Dodge, Toyota, Acura, Ram, Genesis, Hyundai, Nissan, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Volvo and Land Rover."Group 1 Automotive Inc marketing analysis" is a global car retailer. Solid functional execution, functional greatness, and stock turnover proportion are the organization's significant assets, even as decrease in the money position is a significant reason to worry. Auto post-retail industry in US, center around center business regions, and electric vehicles market could give amazing learning experiences to the organization.View forward-thinking data on Group 1 Automotive Inc's most recent arrangements, number of arrangements and arrangement values, close by bits of knowledge into its vital consolidations and acquisitions.Join Free Demo Secession Now
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dodgedealersinnj · 2 years
Tips For Getting a Jeep
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If you want a Jeep for a long period of time, you can purchase a new one for a fraction of the cost of a used one. New models can cost a few hundred bucks less than made use of ones. Once you know your spending plan, you can determine the trim level as well as model. Pick from supply or changed designs to make the purchase easier on your spending plan. Here are some tips for purchasing a jeep. Continue reading to find the perfect Jeep for you!
Take Into Consideration the Jeep Wrangler's long background. It was initially constructed for off-road trips. While it's not the fastest lorry in the world, the Jeep Wrangler is built to get through mud, crawl over rocks, as well as cross rivers and also creeks. You can discover limitless accessories for your brand-new Wrangler. Simply bear in mind that your Jeep will be loud when taking a trip at broadband! Because of that, it's ideal to research the Jeep version you have an interest in before purchasing it. Jeeps are preferred as well as resilient cars. The very same Jeep version is available for many years, and also some are no more created. For more details, go to: https://www.turnersvillejeep.com/, you will be glad you did!
However, you can still get a made use of Jeep if you're willing to take a few risks. It's feasible the previous proprietor took it on some gnarly trails as well as didn't offer it correct upkeep. You ought to have the ability to make repairs by yourself if necessary. A used Jeep can be a large amount. If you're considering an utilized Jeep, ensure to obtain a duplicate of its background. This will tell you just how well the vehicle was maintained and repaired. You can even run a car history check to see if it's been recalled. For example, a damaged brake can be remembered. The dealer must know about the recall as well as whether the Jeep was fixed. It is necessary to understand the background of the auto and also the previous proprietor's use it to determine whether it's still safe to drive.
Depending upon your spending plan, you can purchase a made use of Jeep Wrangler. Made use of Jeeps provide better efficiency and lower rates, making them a great alternative for those seeking a budget friendly, quality lorry. If you can manage a used Jeep, you can also tailor it to match your details requirements. With a made use of Jeep Wrangler, you can conserve cash, and you'll be able to make some wonderful upgrades. When selecting an utilized Jeep, you have to keep in mind to think about the model, mileage, as well as the price. The Wrangler was presented in the early 1980s as well as has actually since turned into one of the most preferred automobiles. In fact, you can find one for under a thousand bucks. You can go to this dodge dealers in nj to find a utilized Jeep.
Nevertheless, be sure to investigate the lorry completely prior to purchasing it. It will provide you assurance recognizing the vehicle's history and also condition. If you have never had a Jeep in the past, currently is the moment to decide. When seeking a made use of Jeep, you ought to always look for rust. Rust is a major issue when buying a made use of lorry, and it can seriously endanger the architectural stability of a cars and truck. Jeeps are notorious for obtaining corroded, so check for rust around hinges and also under the floor liners and rugs. It's finest to buy a used Jeep if the gas mileage is reduced.
Find out more details in relation to this topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeep.
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murphyhovmand3 · 2 years
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shimmerlibrary · 3 years
Summer Breeze - Prologue
Fandom: Marvel - Black Panther 
Pairing: T’Challa Udaku X Jenna Dawson (Black!OC) 
Warnings: Smut, Violence, unprotected sex (wrap it up folks!). This is an adult fic with adult themes! Minors DNI! Please do not repost/copy/translate/claim my work as your own or share it to other platforms.
PLEASE NOTE THIS IS ANOTHER VERSION of the pairing Jenna and T’Challa
Summary: Jenna had only thought she was getting an escape from the dreariness of her everyday life. She did not expect to meet a handsome stranger wandering the jungle. This summer was going to get a lot more interesting.
The African heat was a weight against Jenna’s skin. Her sweat made her tank top stick to her and she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, trying her best to ignore it. No amount of fanning with her brochure did anything to elevate the heat that seemed to press in on her. She could feel the rays beating down on her bare shoulders, her neck only spared by the long locks that flowed down her back. The weight of her hair just made her feel even hotter. She reminded herself that it was all worth it.
“You’re coming out here all by yourself?”
Jenna focused her attention on the driver to her left, noting that his eyes locked with hers. Max, as he insisted on being called, did not seem to be the type who felt his eyes needed to be on the road. No amount of insisting changed his mind and she had given up on that a while ago. The jeep they rode in jerked and lurched along a rocky dirt path as they made their way to their destination.
Max clicked his teeth and shook his head. He was an older man, with a round belly, but very strong arms. He was built like a tank but she had sensed no animosity. Max was the only one who was willing to take her money to bring her out in the middle of the jungle, the other chauffeurs and taxis scoffing when she told them where she was heading. The middle of nowhere, they all said. Max had said he was always up for an adventure.
“A pretty young woman like you? All alone? Maybe I should turn this around, eh?”
Jenna had to grip the car door as the jeep lurched dangerously sideways. Max expertly turned the wheel until it straightened out.
“I can take care of myself.”
Max squinted at her before he let out a wide laugh.
“You sound like my daughters,” he said. “‘Baba we don’t need your help, ‘Baba, please, I’m not a little girl anymore… ‘Baba, I can take care of myself.’ Then why are they still living in my house, eh? Why are they not married?”
Max guwaffed at his own joke and his true humor caused Jenna to smile slightly. She could sense the affection in him, could sense that his words were not mean-spirited. The road evened out and she could see the long stretch of it as it twisted and turned up into the mountains. Soon, the sight of it was cut off as it disappeared into the thick line of trees. They too would disappear into the jungle, the road taking them miles from the nearest town.
Good thing Jenna didn’t have a fear of solitude.
It was a chance opportunity to come upon this hidden paradise, and Jenna felt a renewed appreciation for her best friend. As an art curator,  Nina had clients all over the world and circulated in some high social circles that Jenna didn’t even deem to try and keep up with. When Nina had called, telling Jenna that one of her high rolling clients had a select, private villa in the mountains of some remote African country called Bintan, Jenna had listened with the same absentminded attention she did whenever Nina went on a roll. Her ears had perked up when Nina had mentioned they were looking for someone to house sit as they would not be able to visit their villa in the summer but wanted to ensure that everything was still kept in order. When she had dropped how much they were paying to have someone do the upkeep, Jenna had leaped at the chance.
‘“By yourself?” Nina had questioned. “Girl, you know it takes about five people, minimum, to upkeep that place.”
“You know I can do it.”
Nina's skepticism was short-lived. She knew well that Jenna’s stubbornness and a streak of hard work would ensure that when her clients returned, their home would be in the best shape.
When they arrived at their destination, Jenna had the first notion that she may be in over her head. The villa wrapped around the side of the mountain, situated in a safe location that wasn’t close to the edge. The beautiful wooden architecture made it seem like it was a natural part of the landscape and not some million-dollar structure that had been painstakingly designed.
“Never knew something like this was out here,” Max remarked.
He had unloaded her bags from the car and paused next to her to take in the building. He clapped her on the shoulder suddenly and she nearly stumbled forward. When she glared at him, he laughed.
“Are you sure you’ll be fine out here by yourself?”
His familiarity and concern were odd to her, but not necessarily off-putting. Still, she felt she had to assure him.
“It’ll actually be a few friends coming out later.”
Even if that assurance was a lie.
Max smiled brightly, appeased.
“Good, good,” he said and dropped his hand. “Have them give  me a call and I’ll bring them to you.”
“And if you want to take a trip back to town….”
“I’ll call you, Max, thanks.”
Sensing he was being dismissed he jostled her in a handshake before making his way back to the jeep. He paused as he reached the jeep.
"Be careful of the spirits, Miss Jenna."
She turned to look at him, frowning slightly.
He nodded, looking gravely serious.
"Spirits that wander the jungle," he said.
Jenna blinked at him, expecting him to laugh at his own joke.
"You're kidding, right?"
He shook his head.
"It isn't just wildlife you must be careful of," he said.
Her grandmother had always told her to be respectful of other's cultures, even if she didn't understand them herself. She humored him.
"And what do I do if I meet one?"
"Offer a gift," he said. "And if they are the benevolent type, they may even give you their protection."
He clucked his tongue again at her skeptic look but said no more as he got into the jeep. She watched him back out onto the main road and before his jeep jerked and bounced down the way it had come. It wasn’t until he disappeared into the jungle that she turned to pick up her bags and make her way inside.
Jenna was eager to explore and gave herself a quick tour of the place. It had a large, open concept, with wide windows and doorways that led from one side of the villa to the other. Wooden flooring gleamed under the sunlight and long, white drapes accenting the long hallways. The decorations were tasteful, with bright spots of green as potted plants were placed strategically here along with art made by local artists lining the walls. But Jenna noticed she couldn’t find anything that was remotely personable about the place.  No pictures of the family, or accolades of awards or honors, or whatever rich people liked to put up to remind themselves of their worth. Nina had mentioned the place had only been built two years ago, but Jenna still mused that if they used this place so often, they would leave some sort of memento behind. Yet, she was slightly relieved. It would have been awkward to have eyes following her around as she made herself comfortable for the summer.
The kitchen was situated in the middle, a clear note that this was a space to entertain guests. Stainless steel appliances and a fully stocked pantry and a refrigerator filled her with relief. She had been worried she would have to call Max back just to do grocery shopping.  She continued her exploration of the first floor, finding three full bathrooms and one-half bath. These were connected to four bedrooms but they all looked so comfortable and well decorated that she wondered which one was for guests and which one would be for the staff. All of the rooms were stocked with common toiletries and what looked to be clean towels and linens.
She found a beautiful back deck that even had a fire pit nestled into a brick wall, though she wondered how anyone would want to start a fire when it was so hot. Lounge chairs were placed along the stretch of the pool which led to what looked to be a short waterfall. The concept of nature was never far from the design of the home, that was clear. Jenna tried not to think about how much money went into the research and architectural design that was used to integrate the actual landscape into the home.
She explored the upstairs and when she found the master bedroom, she sighed, noting that the entire room was likely the size of her apartment in Chicago. It led to an even larger master bath, where the wide jacuzzi tub was situated to look out into the beautiful view below. A large paneled shower with different shower head attachments lined the wall.
“A girl could get used to this.”
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gospectr · 3 years
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              john’s body was completely mutilated by a car bomb that had been planted and connected to the ignition in his jeep cherokee, obliterating most of his nerve endings and damaging the majority of his organs.  as such, his chances of survival were basically zero, and he was completely doomed from the get-go.  it was through experimental surgery involving cybernetic enhancements that he was brought back to life under the direction of the government, who needed the information he’d stumbled across in order to take down much bigger, more unnatural prey      (more on this later, very cryptid-esque in lieu of a human underbelly).   
john’s entire body is no longer human.  for all intents and purposes, beyond the skin on his face and palms...  he is 100% machine. his innards are tubing, wiring, cooling systems and heating mechanisms, as well as different computerized parts sending information to and from his brain a mile a minute. 
                                            some of john’s cybernetic parts include: 
binoculars, which physically slide over his eyes from behind the physical eyeball, like enhanced contact lenses, and increase his view-distance by up to 50 yards. these are all controlled through signals sent through the brain.  similarly, his sense of smell is also much stronger.
extended limbs - technically, most of his body- arms, legs, hands... can telescope and extend to extremely great lengths - up to 20 feet. there is a crank embedded in his left palm that can be pulled from the middle finger and used to retract these mechanisms.  
medical data - the ability to read the CBC of anyone he pricks with the needle in his middle finger. blood sugar, iron levels, magnesium, you name it.  also good for running the DNA of any creatures he kills into the shared database for APD       THE AGENCY FOR PARANORMAL DEFENSE.
hatchet / sword / knives -  able to extend from either the entirety of the hand, which folds down into the hilt of these weapons.  very sharp and formidable weapons that he prefers to use in lieu of firearms when in close-range combat.  the edge of the hatchet its coated in silver. 
lighter / flamethrower - a lighter that is propelled forward and changes in intensity, found directly beneath the cap of his thumb, which can be easily removed. 
top-secret phone - or a telephone that is physically within his hand. the earpiece is in his thumb and the mouthpiece is inside of his pinky finger.  this is voice-activated by his name and id number.   he likes to joke that you can play angry birds on it. 
the internet - he can literally connect himself via a USB cable to most computerized systems and the internet to download information, thanks to a cybernetic enhancement in the brain. that said, he does prefer to use a laptop like everyone else. 
                   john cannot eat food.  this is one of the things he misses the most, but he does not have a working stomach of digestive system. instead, he is actually solar-powered, and has to go in for maintenance and upkeep work once a year so that.  sometimes these visits include updates or new gizmos that will be attached.  
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klinger · 3 years
bathtub swamp and jeep :)
something from the show i wish i had: ngl the still is both functional and a statement piece
dream living situation: erm idk a comfortable apartment where i don’t worry about rent shffgdfcfgg where i’m close to friends and can walk everywhere
do you like to drive: i don’t have a license :/honestly if i never had to drive i wouldnt bc car upkeep is terrible But the act of driving itself is perfectly fine i just prefer to walk if i can
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connorspiracy · 3 years
Santa Paws Is Coming To Town || Connor & Miriam
Timing: After Mim’s Solo Setting: Your normal White Crest neighborhood Parties: @connorspiracy and @meflemming Content: N/A Summary: Connor has an unexpected encounter with a bleeding heart vampire.
After a long night of petting Penny’s fur as the dog slumbered by Miriam’s side, the vampire finally decided that she needed to take the dog somewhere safe. Pets were not for people like her, especially sweet dogs that had it in their stupidly big hearts and tiny heads to be comforted by their owner’s killer. She found the dog’s leash, and led her to the door. It was still early, too early for the sun to be out yet, but Miriam knew it was less than an hour away. She’d need to be quick about this. The shelter was quite a walk away, and she wasn’t as familiar with it as other locations that she’d frequented in her youth. She could only hope that she could make it there in time and not end up stuck under a bush or in the sewers until sunset. Walking along with Penny at her side, Miriam was surprised to see someone else out at this hour. “Hello?” she called out, unsure what someone who looked so young was doing outside at such an early hour. 
The winter night bit Connor with its chill. He wore a padded, fleece-lined panel coat over a cozy hooded sweatshirt, hat, gloves, scarf, and still his hands trembled and his breath frosted on the air. He’d hoped to catch something interesting happening during the winter solstice, but either he was in the wrong place at the wrong time or White Crest had decided to be quiet for once. He’d put his camera away and was getting ready to head to his Jeep when he heard the stranger’s voice. Connor turned, looking towards the voice. “Oh, hey,” he said, a jovial smile on his face. He held up his camera bag for her to see. “Don’t mind me. I was just doing some night filming.” His eyes fell on the beautiful Golden Retriever at her side and he had to hold himself back from gushing. “Gorgeous dog,” he said, smile widening a bit. “Can I pet her?”
The way the boy in front of her was dressed reminded Miriam how ill-fitted her clothes were for the weather, and how she was just as cold on the inside as the temperature was on the outside. Oh, well. She hadn’t expected to have to put up appearances so early. Instead, she gave the young man an easy smile. “Night filming? Do you often do that in below freezing conditions?” Kids these days seemed to enjoy such reckless behavior. Then again, she had been no different, there were, no doubt, videos of her being silly and reckless in college, though they were likely hard to find. Anyone that would have had such videos was long dead. Miriam blinked, looking down at the dog, and then back to the boy. “Oh, well, thank you. She’s not mine, actually, but you’re welcome to pet her. She’s quite friendly.” A bit too friendly, truly.
Connor gave a slightly embarrassed chuckle. “Well, I think it’d be lying so say I don’t. But the below freezing part isn’t exactly ideal. I’m just trying to get good footage.” Of what, he didn’t say, but he wouldn’t lie if she asked. Connor was never one to resist the opportunity to pet a dog, and even his most skeptical brain cells wouldn’t fight this opportunity, so he smiled, leaning in to gently ruffle her ears and scratch the back of her head. “Oh yeah? You pet sitting?”
“Well, do be careful. It’s rather dangerous out so late. It’s always darkest before the dawn,” Miriam said. Then, she raised a careful eyebrow. “Did you? Get any good footage?” She shifted a bit on her feet, watching the young man as he petted the dog. “Her owner passed quite recently, actually.” By Miriam’s own hand, though that wasn’t proper to say. Penny, for her part, seemed to be eating up the young man’s attention, making happy little noises that dogs tended to make. She was the reason this dog would never see her owner again. Miriam was the reason that some family would never see that man again. She was-- “I’m just here to make sure that she ends up in a good home,” she said, stroking one of the dog’s silky ears.
"I'm always careful," Connor lied. Although since he now had both Jasmine and Rio on his case about the whole hospital thing, he'd play it mildly safe, at least for a little while. Or unless something really exciting happened. "Nah, nothing exciting tonight, unfortunately," he said with a shrug. Connor narrowed his eyes sadly at Miriam's proclamation that the dog's owner had recently passed away, and he fussed under her muzzle. "Aw, I'm sorry. Right at Christmas too?" He kissed the dog on her little fuzzy forehead. "Nobody should lose their family right around Christmas.” He looked up at what he assumed was the kind woman trying to find this poor little sweetheart a new home. “That’s really nice of you, to help. Did you have someone already?” 
“I’m sure,” Miriam hummed out. “People your age are always so careful.” Humans. For such fragile creatures, they tended to do the most dangerously stupid things. It was as endearing as it was concerning. She couldn’t remember a time when her bones did not right themselves and her skin did not sew itself together quickly. She did not remember what it meant to have to be careful. “Perhaps that’s a good thing, for a night like tonight.” It would be a cold, miserable holiday for some. “Yes, it’s quite unfortunate.” And she was the cause. Because she lashed out. Because she couldn’t take the thought of someone telling her what to do, even if it had been something she was planning. “I owe her as much,” she said softly, looking at the dog. “I don’t have anyone in mind. I was taking her to the shelter, actually.” She was going to force them to ensure Penny went to a good home. Someone would want a sweet dog for the holidays. She just knew it.
“Well, I’m older than I look,” Connor laughed. He didn’t catch the hidden meaning behind her words, but that was probably just as well. He didn’t really want to know that this nice lady who was so concerned about the poor dog had just spent her night murdering its owner. “That sucks,” he said, pursing his lips. “She’ll be alone at the shelter for Christmas, all confused and upset…” Yeah, she didn’t know it was Christmas but that didn’t make it any better. “Bloody breaks my heart, man. Are you sure there aren’t any family or friends who can take her?”
“You do look rather young,” Miriam said with a smirk, especially when he was all bundled up like a child on a snow day. “It’s-- It’s awful, yes.” She swallowed hard, feeling something wretched knotting itself in her throat before she forced it down. No, stop it. She was doing a good thing. She could at least do a good thing. The owner (Thomas Klein; his name was etched into her brain, now) was inconsequential. He was dead. But she could at least help the dog. She was an innocent. “I intend to do everything in my power to ensure she’s well taken care of and brought into a loving home as soon as possible,” Miriam stated. She’d compel every damn worker in the shelter if she had to. “No, no I don’t believe there is,” she lied easily. The owner had friends, had family, but she didn’t know if any of them would take the sweet dog in. What if they didn’t give her the kindness she deserved? Miriam had to make sure she was taken care of.
“I’m almost twenty-four.” Yeah, it was still young, but most people assumed Connor was in his late teens. Twenty-one at the oldest. He’d been denied beer even with his ID more times than he could count. This really sucked. This dog and the owner had probably been each other’s only companions, and now they were both alone, the owner in one life and her in another. “Do you work for the shelter or something?” he asked, genuinely curious, still fussing the dog while they talked. “I don’t know how they manage it. I’d probably end up wanting to take home every single dog,” he laughed sadly. “I don’t think they rehome over Christmas though. To discourage people from giving them as gifts.”
Miriam’s eyes widened a bit. “I… wouldn’t have guessed that. Sorry, sweetness. You’ve got a bit of a babyface.” She wondered, briefly, if he was fucking with her, but age was a rather ridiculous thing to lie about to a stranger in the middle of the street in the early hours of the morning. The early hours when the sun would be rising, and soon. Miriam couldn’t linger here for long. “No, no, I’m just… a very charming and persuasive person when I’m inclined, and I’m usually inclined. I have no doubt I can make them see my way.” She gave the young man a pleasant smile, but it quickly faded to worry. She hadn’t thought of any of that. “Oh. That’s-- I wonder when they’ll start rehoming. I don’t want her to be alone.” She bit the inside of her lip. “I live a bit of busy lifestyle, wholly unsuited to care for a dog properly, and I have someone living with me and don’t want to burden her with the upkeep of a pet. She deserves better than that. Otherwise I would take this sweet girl in a heartbeat.” One of his, not one of hers. She’d be waiting a long time for that heartbeat, were that the case.
“It’s fine, I get that all the time.” Connor shrugged it off. He made plenty of jokes about his own babyface. It didn’t matter if someone else did, too. He didn’t think to wonder what Miriam’s motive was. Why should he? Helping to rehome a dog was something almost any decent person would have done. He had no idea of her nefarious reasons, of the guilt she was trying to mask, the crimes she was trying to atone for. “I think some time in January,” he shrugged. “I only know because I checked the website recently. I’ve… kinda been thinking of going there, actually.” He almost kept his next words to himself, but it wasn’t like Connor to hold back. He rubbed the back of his neck with a small chuckle. “Do you want… I mean… I could take her.” He immediately shook his head. “That’s stupid. You don’t even know me. Sorry.”
“That’s such a long time,” Miriam muttered, clenching Penny’s leash tightly in her hand as she thought about the poor creature being stuck at a shelter for weeks all because she was cruel. You’re a monster and a liar! Morgan’s voice rang in her head like a damned bell. She was. She was. She should own it. She should… She should find this dog a home. She narrowed her eyes at the boy. “You would take her?” He seemed sincere. He mentioned that he was looking for a dog and had been for sometime. This could be good, but she needed to make sure. “It’s not stupid if you’re sincere. Are you? Dog’s are a big responsibility. They mustn’t be dragged out into the cold to go videotaping things because they might be interesting,” she said sternly.
Her gaze felt penetrating. As if she was the type of person who you couldn’t hide anything from. Connor looked at the dog, a happy, innocent, loving creature who hadn’t done anything wrong, who needed somewhere to call home. “I mean, yeah. I love dogs. I live alone. I work for myself. I make my own schedule, and one of my best friends has a dog, and we go hiking and stuff together all the time.” As much as Connor might not have wanted to leave the dog at home, the stranger was right about taking her out filming. He ran into dangerous things far too often. What if one of those bugs had got her? “Yeah, totally.”
The sun was going to start rising any minute now. Miriam needed to figure this out. Here was this boy, earnest and seemingly kind, standing in front of her and willing to do what was necessary. This was a better option than a shelter. It had to be. She gave a quick nod. “Right.” Smiling charmingly, she compelled the boy. “You will make sure that this dog receives the proper amount of attention, care, and love that she needs to be happy. It is of the utmost importance that she is well loved.” She dug around in her pocket and frowned when she found it empty. “I would give you my card, but I don’t have one on me. My name is Mim. Mim Flemming, owner of Flemming Leather. Should you need anything, you only have to reach out to the store and have my assistant patch you through to me or contact me online. If the dog needs anything, anything, you will let me know, understood?” She should get going. She didn’t even know this boy’s name. “Take care of her. She responds to Penny, but she’s quite young, I believe. I really must go.” She handed the boy the leash and patted his gloved hand. Bending down, she gave the dog a reluctant pat goodbye. Again, she repeated, a bit more gently, “Take care of her. And, well, Merry Christmas, I suppose.”
Connor had always been impulsive and big-hearted, so why should tonight be any different? He was still sort of processing what had just happened when the woman handed him the leash and practically disappeared into the night. White Crest really was a strange place, but this was far from the strangest interaction he’d had. “Uh, okay. Thanks? Bye?” he called after her, turning back to the dog and giving her more pets. “Guess we’ve got some shopping to do as soon as the stores open in a couple hours, babe,” he said, patting the side of her neck. “Okay, let’s go, Penny.” Hm. That didn’t sound right. He didn’t want to disrespect her old owner or anything, but she just didn’t feel like a Penny. But then, what was he going to call her? He started walking her back to his car, securing her in the back and taking her home. He unloaded his things, and as he did so, his eyes fell on the logo of his Nikon Z 50 Camera bag. “Hm,” he pondered, taking her leash again. “Nico, you like that?” he asked, smiling. “Yeah, sounds good. Let’s go inside.” 
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cowboyjen68 · 4 years
I need to move out. I’m 24. My relationship with my mom is toxic - although she’s gone all week for work it’s still limiting me from living life. I don’t have enough privacy and her version of privacy is knocking before waking me up and sending me off for errands on the weekend. I feel like a child still. Problem is, I’m not in a great place financially. Not terrible but not independent. I work FT. I don’t need to do this ASAP but I don’t want to wait for my mental health to go backwards. Ugh 😩
I have three grown men living with me (my sons). Two work full time, on is fresh out of school and half ass searching for work. They pay no rent and they do as little as possible. One wants to move out, one is in no hurry and Hunter is here to stay, this will likely always be his home and he works the hardest at the yard and house care (NOT cleaning--repair). 
As a parent and even just a roommate I do get on them. Trash has to be taken our, errands run, dishes, sweeping etc. They often try the “they aren’t my cats/dogs/dishes”  etc to which I answer.. “you live here for free, get off your ass and you are welcome to get a place of your own”. Even if they paid.. living with others requires pitching in as if you live alone... shit needs doing. 
That all being said, I still respect privacy, ask them kindly, even when I think they should just empty the garbage or clean up the kitchen. I let them set their schedule for errands (mostly). 
Here is the reality: our culture is NOT set up for anyone to make it on their own. It is the reason we marry out of convenience or move in with a not so great partner or roommate. It is the reason we stay living with parents or relatives. I just helped Corbin with his budget. He has NO debt. I will give him his Jeep (paid for), no credit cards and no loans. He works full time and they pay  part of his health insurance. He is STILL 400.00 short every month were he to move out into a 450.00 a month shitty apartment with no roommate. We barely included clothes, savings and car repair in his numbers.  THAT is why you and many others are stuck. The good news is you are working, you want to move out, you are motivated. SO go with that. Make a budget. Figure out what you can afford and start to save. First and last months rent plus one extra payment. Use a place like STASH (an on line investment app) to do some small stock purchases. There is a woman owned for women app too. https://www.ellevest.com/ Both of these offer fast access to the money and very small investment amounts. (5.00 to 20.00 and then up). Research and find a high interest on line savings account. ( I am assuming you are a woman-- if I am wrong, Stash is the way to go or something similar) 
Get a bank account at a credit union. Once you establish a relationship with them they are the most likely source for loans and budget advice.  Saving money is your first step. 
Next.. start to seek out a roommate. Talk to people you work with or that you know. Begin to build relationships that might lead to a positive living situation. Also, research housing coops. Not the ideal place if you want full privacy, but often you will find that you do have your own space, the rules in place make sure everyone contributes and many offer money off if you are willing to take on other chores like mowing or painting and home upkeep beyond expected house work.
Focusing on the things you CAN work on will help you gain a feeling of control.  
Something that also gives you some control and might make your mom back off. Talk to her ahead of time. Get a list of what she needs done, discuss your schedule and what she needs and come to an agreeable time frame.  Beat her to the punch basically. She will appreciate the help and you will feel more in charge of your time and effort. 
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