#Jan Stanfors x reader
nyxnygma · 2 years
hey! i absolutely loved your sami fic, i was wondering if i could request a nasty suicide x fem!reader? it could be anything you want tbh, i love your writing
I love you, Dipshit || Nasty Suicide
[Nasty Suicide x Fem!Reader]
Summary: Nasty can’t figure why you hate him so much. He also cannot figure out why your so bad that he has a date
Warnings: insults, obliviousness, jealousy
A/N: been needing an excuse to write about Nasty
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Nasty liked you, a lot, and has ever since Razzle introduced you to as his roommate. The problems that he faced is that you seemed to hate his guts. The two of you cannot be left in a room alone together for more than a minute without an argument breaking out.
“You sure it’s cool for me to come to your flat?” Nasty asked Razzle, who was searching for the keys in his jacket pocket, the rest of the band behind them.
“Yeah,” he shrugs putting the keys into the lock, “why wouldn’t it be?”
“Y/N. She hates my guts,” he replies. Nasty heard the sniggers made by Michael and Sami behind him. He turned and glared at them.
“Y/N? She doesn’t hate you,” Razzle cringed as he opened the door and ushered the four men into his humble abode.
“I asked if I could have a cup of tea as well and she picked up a half empty mug from two days ago, spat in it, and gave it to me with an evil smile,” nasty gave the drummer a dead panned look. Michael and Sami’s giggles increased in volume.
“Okay! One time-”
“Every time I walk past her, she sticks her leg out to get me to trip over,” the guitarist added on, “I’ve only ever seen her truly happy around me when she manages to make me fall flat on my face.”
“Okay, okay,” Razzle put his hands up in surrender, “so she isn’t your biggest fan? Big deal. She isn’t in anyway.”
“So you let him go on that rant about his charming crush for no reason?” Sami whined.
“Crush?!” Nasty chocked out, “Y/N isn’t my crush. She hates me.”
“Yeah but you love her, don’t you Nasse?” Michael teased. Nasty blushed with embarrassment.
“Aw, he’s blushing!” Andy pointed out.
“How sweet,” Michael slapped his hands together.
“Oh fuck off,” Nasty flipped his band off.
“If I have to head another ‘Y/N is so blah blah blah’ ‘oooo Y/N is so beautiful but mean’ I’m going to actually have breakdown,” Sami complained.
“Well done,” Razzle chuckled handing the guys a beer each, “out of all the girls in the world, you fall for one that hates you. Gotta hand it to you, mate, that’s hilarious.”
“I haven’t fallen for anyone,” Nasty shook his head in disbelief, “anyway, are you gonna show us the album or not.”
“Alright, Romeo,” Micheal giggles.
“I would say he is more like Mr Darcy-” Sami begun to explain.
“Shut up!”
Two hours passed and the boys were all talking about mundane topics when the door opened,revealing you.
You hadn’t noticed the band yet as you were saying your goodbyes to your date. “Goodnight, Johnathon,” you smiled sweetly at the man, “I had a great time tonight.”
“I’m glad. Goodnight.”
You closed the door and stepped into the living room to find the group of giggling men, all but one.
“Good date?” Razzle asked as he patted the seat beside him to indicate you to join him. Nasty felt a wave of unusual jealousy rush through this body at the thought of you being with another man, which he knew was weird but he could not help the feeling overcome him.
“He is so dreamy and such a gentlemen. He payed for dinner and ordered me a brownie. He was funny as well. Did I mention dreamy? He’s handsome and.. clean,” you answer your best friend. You looked over to Nasty, whose fists were now clamped together in jealousy, and raised your eyebrows, “got a bit of something there on your collar, love.”
Jan looked down to find that there was indeed some sort of stain on his shirt’s collar. He muttered a curse word in Finnish under his breath before storming away to the bathroom.
He could hear the laughing of you and his friends from the bathroom, where he rubbed the embarrassing mark with a water soaked cloth. He was in the room for a good ten minutes, most of the time he spent trying to calm himself down. He couldn’t believe how stupid it was to get jealous over a girl who hated him.
He opened the door and he should have looked where he was going as he bumped into you. “Shit,” you mutter as you drop the food in your hands.
“Fuck. Sorry,” he apologised as he stepped back to face your pissed-off face.
“Thanks a lot,” you scoff, “but yet again what else should I expect from you.”
You roll your eyes and started to walk away from the bewildered man, leaving the food on the floor for him to pick up. “Hang on,” Nasty grabbed your wrist and spun you around.
“Oi!” You exclaimed. He looked as shocked as you as he let go of your wrist.
“What is your problem?” Nasty asked.
“My problem?” You repeat.
“Yeah!” He shouts, “not to sound childish or anything but you are so horrid to me for no reason at all. I’ve tried and tried to make nice with you but you can’t help it in your natural bitchy state to be insulting but your fine with the others.”
“No! I don’t want to hear your witty comebacks,” he interrupts, “or if my shirt is buttoned wrong or if there’s food on my face.”
“Listen. If you can’t saying anything remotely nice just shut up-”
This time he was the one interrupted as your lips slammed into his. Nasty was surprised but did not want to ruin the moment as he reciprocated the action, wrapping his arms securely around your waist as he leant down.
It took a good four minutes for the two of you to separate. You stared into each other’s eyes in silence, his eyes flicked down to your swollen lips to confirm what just happened really happened. “What- why?”
“Cause I love you, dipshit,” you snigger at his shocked face.
“You love me?” He choked on his own words.
“Yeah,” you said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Then why are you so aggressive?”
“Because it’s easier to act like I hate you than to tell you I love you.”
“That is- that is stupid.”
“Sod off! You didn’t voice your feelings either, you pussy.”
“Oh fuck me.”
“Can do,” you wink, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“That’s a bit cheesy,” Nasty tilts his head to the side as he holds back his laughter. You just roll your eyes as you both lean into another kiss.
“No fucking way,” the voice of Michael interrupted the two of you. “RAZZLE, SAMI, ANDY! COME LOOK AT THIS.”
Before you and Nasty could process what was happening, the three other boys came barrelling into to hallway. All of them laughing saying ‘I knew it’, all but Razzle who genuinely thought you hated Nasty.
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