#Jacqueline Piñol
acedmagazine · 1 year
Jacqueline Piñol
Jacqueline Piñol
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Known for her role as Detective Julie Espinosa in Prime Video’s Bosch, and set to return in Freevee’s Bosch: Legacy, the multi-lingual Latinx Jacqueline Piñol will appear in an episode of the Criminal Minds spin-off Criminal Minds: Evolution. Born in Queens, Piñol moved to Los Angeles at a young age and was busy early on with commercial jobs. It wasn’t […]
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Did you see what Jacqueline Piñol (The VA of Rio Morales in the Insomniac Spider-Man games) posted on Twitter? Don't worry, it's nothing bad.
Huh. Well that's neat. Was a bit suspicious why you didn't say what it was or link to it but now I understand.
Context in case the Twitter post was deleted by the time y'all read this, because she did say that it would be deleted: the VA for Rio Morales in the Insomniac Spider-Man games shared a risqué 3D art piece someone made of Rio for New Years.
It was nice.
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thisent1 · 1 year
Actor and Filmmaker Jacqueline Piñol answers our “22 to 23” Questionnaire: THIS INTERVIEW is Special When we look back on 2022, we’ll rememb...
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raybizzle · 5 years
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Sofia’s Death - Junction 3 | Hatch / Junction 4 | Surrender
Sofia’s other, bloodier death.
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Versatile actor, Jacqueline Piñol is known for her roles in the Amazon series “Bosch” (Creators Michael Connelly, Eric Ellis Overmyer), Syfy channel’s “Quantum Break,” “Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?” (Writer/director Matt Cooper), FOX’s “Bordertown” (Creator Mark Hentemann), “The Fault in Our Stars (Director Josh Boone and writers Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber and Josh Green), and “Restored Me” (Writer/director Reign Shaw and writers Jon Knitter, Joe Turner and Michelle Turner).
Jacqueline, we would love to hear about your role in Amazon’s “Bosch. What makes this role stand-out for you?
“This will be the second season of the Los Angeles police drama, “Bosch,” which is on Amazon Prime now. I come on this season to play Detective Julie Espinosa and to me she is a real woman. She doesn’t need to “be a man” in a man’s world. She is herself in the world she lives in; grounded and focused, but still a (Latina) woman. I love the writers for creating a real person and not a caricature of a Latina detective.”
Will you be returning as Detective Julie Espinosa in the coming season?
“AH-HA! Wouldn’t you like to know… Well, so would I [Laugh]!”
How do you prepare for a role like that?
“As an actor, I have always led myself into any role with the idea that I’m still me, just a variation of myself; like, me in a parallel universe. Having played several types of law enforcement officers in my career, I always access the practical aspects I’ve learned from those experiences and then bring that knowledge to the new character. Once the camera starts rolling, the character manifests. It also doesn’t hurt to have amazing writing coupled with excellent actors and directors to play off of, like we do in Bosch!”
Do you have any interesting or fun stories from the set?
“As a matter a fact I do! I happened to have been in the early stages of my pregnancy when I auditioned for the role. We, of course, let casting know I was expecting a baby. They were lovely about it and wanted still want to see me for the role. During my first episode and on the last day of an 8 day, week, our amazing director came up to me and said “I didn’t know you were pregnant.” I thought my belly was HUGE! I felt like I had just gotten in trouble. I assumed the whole time that he knew. There was a moment of silence between us. And then he said, “CONGRATULATIONS! How far along are you? Do you know what you are having?” He was so sweet and excited for me. That has been pretty cool since I ‘professional’ brain went to, “Oh sh*t, is my job on the line now?” Nope. It sure wasn’t. There was more to come. YAY!”
““Bordertown” is awesome and hilarious! When in the hands of a guy like Mark Hentemann, our creator and Exec Producer, along with Seth McFarlane, you can bet you’re going to have a blast.”
You also play a 5-year old boy, (Pepito Gonzalez) in the FOX series, “Bordertown.” Can you tell us about the series and your role?
“Bordertown is awesome and hilarious! When in the hands of a guy like Mark Hentemann, our creator and Exec Producer, along with Seth McFarlane, you can bet you’re going to have a blast. Just like Family Guy, South Park, and shows of that type, Bordertown uses it’s animation format to touch upon sensitive social issues that are very relevant today. Pepito is the “peanut gallery”, the comic relief; he is the less garrulous Stewie Griffin. He is the outspoken, tell it like it is, hyper energetic 5 year old son of Ernesto Gonzalez, who shoots out just the right one-liners or storylines to sometimes drive home a significant point. But sometimes he just straight up talks smack!”
Is it weird to not only play a boy, but a 5-year old boy? Has to be fun.
“Oh yes! As an actor in front of the camera I have played everything from a stripper to a scientist, but of course I’m still somewhat limited because it’s ‘real life’. As a voice-over actor, especially with animation, I can not only access different ranges in my voice, but I also get to literally access my inner child and go nuts with it. And, Pepito basically says everything I wish I could have said when I was 5!”
How did you get the role?
“The material for the audition came through like all auditions. I was asked to record my version of Pepito with a few pages of very, very funny dialogue. I didn’t put any pressure on myself. I just set out to have fun. I knew nothing about the project and sometimes I think that helps me be freer and stay present within my role. About a week after the audition, I was scheduled to go in for a recording session. I thought I was going in to record the callback and when I showed up the “recording session” was “you booked the job”! That doesn’t happen often. I was floored and excited to book it and still didn’t know it was Bordertown by Mark Hentemann (of Family Guy) and starring Hank Azaria, Alex Borstein and a whole fabulous cast of actors!”
From your perspective, how is voice over different than film?
“As I mentioned previously, in front of the camera I have to still exist within the realm of “reality”, even if it’s a fantasy or sci-fi film. So the parameters are still limited as to how far I can go physically. With voice over I am able to play male or female, young, old, any ethnicity, etc. I sometimes break out into a full sweat at the end of some scenes, because I can use my body so much to express my characters as they come alive behind the microphone.”
Can you tell us about the cast and crew you have had an opportunity to work with?
“For Bordertown we always recorded our material individually, but you’d always run into the actor recording before or after you. Meeting Alex Borstein was a highlight. I’m a huge fan of Family Guy so you can see why. She is HILARIOUS! I also ran into Missy Pyle several times and she is one of the friendliest and funniest girls you’ll meet. Oh! And another funny thing: Nicholas Gonzalez, who was actually my sexy, heartthrob co-star on the Showtime series Resurrection Boulevard, is now voicing my Dad, Ernesto! So that was a great (and random) work reunion!
“Bordertown is all done as studio recording sessions. It is always me in front of a mic and the producers and director on the other side of the glass. Being there is always fun. Many times I have to do other character voices that make guest appearances or have one-liners in the episodes. So, I’ll go from 5 year old Pepito, to a sexy, Caucasian 17 year old high school cheerleader, to a 30 something Mexican Cantina waitress with an accent! The transformation that happens from one character to the other within seconds just cracks us all up. I sometimes feel like a crazy person in my morphing process, but hey, it got the job done!”
You also do voice over work in the new video game Quantum Break. Would you tell us about it?
“Well, what was amazing about Remedy’s “Quantum Break” is that this was so much more than voice-over. Working on this mind-blowing project, I got the best of all worlds because we got to do voice work, motion capture performing AND live action film! My character is a Brazilian scientist named Sophia. She is fragile, but brilliant, and she serves the interests of the game’s main catalyst, Serene, who is played by the insanely awesome Game Of Thrones actor Aidan Gillen. This was also my first time working with one of my Bosch co-stars, Lance Reddick, who plays Hatch. This game takes interactive to the next level. It will be among the first to incorporate live action film together with the plot lines of the video game.”
Will this be your first video game? How do they create your character and then apply it to a game?
“Although I’ve lent my voice to other video game projects, yes, this is my first leading role in a motion capture video game. All I can say is, it was hours and hours and hours of motion capture! They had cameras and sensors on practically every inch of my body. Some of the process is grueling, but the overall experience is amazing. Once they have all the filming and the footage they need, the engineers start working their magic. And it is indeed magic that Remedy has created with this game.”
We would also like to hear about your film, Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?
“This was another perfectly timed project that I had the pleasure of working on. It tackles a very sensitive topic in our country today: Gun control. I play a big city reporter, Patricia Valdez, who covers the unfolding story of how, after an accidental shooting at an elementary school (no injuries), all the women of a small Texas town decide to deprive their overly gun-obsessed men of sex until they agree to give up their guns. The brilliantly penned script, by writer-director Matt Cooper, uses humor and drama to drive the point home… and some absolutely crass outbursts from the incomparable Cloris Leachman! It was fun working on this with such a great cast and crew of people and some faces you’ll know for sure!”
What was your favorite line in the film?
“After my reporter character asks a town citizen, played by Cloris Leachman, if taking away guns affects people’s liberty, she replies:”Liberty? They said the same thing about the seat belt law and the smoking in public thing. I gotta breathe your second hand cancer for your freedom? A kid’s gotta die in school for your liberty? F**k them and their liberty. Punk ass mother-****ers.” Her delivery of that line had me rolling after every take. I think the director did several takes just so we could watch her delivery. She’s brilliant!”
Do you have any interesting or fun stories from the set?
“During filming I received a postcard in the mail from a real estate agent local to where I live. In it, he was advertising that if you close a property with him, he would give you a free AR-15 Rifle! Yes, really! And in Los Angeles! #WTF! Talk about timing! So, I brought it to set one day to show the director and let’s just say, he was not laughing about it. On the contrary, he was absolutely horrified by it! This is the exact type of thing the film is attempting to combat, and I was glad to be a part of it.”
“One thing I’ve learned as a working actor is that every role is a breakout role. Every role I’ve been lucky enough to get has often led to the next one.”
You have done a tremendous amount of film and television. What would you say is your breakout role? Can you elaborate on the role and tell the story?
“One thing I’ve learned as a working actor is that every role is a breakout role. Every role I’ve been lucky enough to get has often led to the next one. I’m not a household name, but I am very fortunate to be an actor who gets to make a good living doing what I love to do.”
How do you balance being a new mother and your career?
“Fortunately, I have the most wonderful, supportive and loving partner in crime. He is my rock. Together we give each other the space and time we each need to be wonderful parents and dedicated artists.”
What do you love most about being an actor?
“The freedom it gives me. There is no monotony in my world, that’s for sure. There are plenty of ups and downs, but that’s what keeps me motivated, persistent and excited. I think, in some weird way, the struggles I have kept things in my life interesting and dynamic and I thrive on them.”
Is there anything that you really want the audience to know about you?
“Well, let’s just say this: I have never done nudity in any of my projects. No real reason; it just never came up. That is, until recently. Last year I finished work on a short film I star in called Swivel Shot, directed by Chris Glatis. I play an LAPD officer opposite Rick Ravanello. Now, it’s not full frontal, but yes, I’m fully naked! And I have to say, it was an artistically liberating experience. I recently saw the finished product and it’s brilliant and intense. Swivel Shot is getting quite a bit of recognition and praise at film festivals in the U.S. right now and I’m happy about that. And, of course, if nudity should ever come up in a role again, I’ll be ready for it!”
What other projects would you like us to mention?
“A project that is incredibly close to my heart right now is a documentary I am producing along with my husband, Jonny Blu, titled “The Canine Condition”. For several years, I have been heavily involved in dog rescue. Last year, I decided to begin documenting the people and experiences that I have encountered in the world of dog rescue in this country. While most of the experiences are heartbreaking, there is a whole culture of amazing people in this country who are pushing to improve the condition of our closest animal friends. My goal with this documentary film will be to shed some light on all this and allow people to become aware of the problem and what each person in America can do to be part of the solution, because we all can be. We are currently about halfway done filming and we will continue production this summer.”
For more information about Jacqueline Piñol, go to jacquelinepinol.com.
Main photographer Amanda Cruz
Versatile actor, Jacqueline Piñol Stars in the Amazon Series, “Bosch” Versatile actor, Jacqueline Piñol is known for her roles in the Amazon series “Bosch” (Creators Michael Connelly, Eric Ellis Overmyer), Syfy channel's “Quantum Break,” “Is That a Gun in Your Pocket?” (Writer/director Matt Cooper), FOX's “Bordertown” (Creator Mark Hentemann), “The Fault in Our Stars (Director Josh Boone and writers Scott Neustadter, Michael H.
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