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miracleofdespair · 6 years
Underground || Yoshiki || Ch.3 Trial End || Re: Execution
Johnny's words, as soft and comforting as they might have been in a different setting, only served to make Yoshiki feel more desperate and forlorn than he already was. He was bawling, clinging onto his roommate with all of his might, the world around him and the people shouting back and forth lost on his ears.
He'd never been more tense. They had so little time left. So, so little. Not nearly enough time.
Their last moments together were over far too soon, and suddenly Johnny was being wrenched away. Yoshiki reached out, clinging onto him with every last ounce of strength, but to no avail. As Johnny was pulled from his grip Yoshiki falls forward, crashing into the ground and letting out a bloodcurdling scream.
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He watched the other, his heart in his throat, and tried desperately to pull himself up again. His hastiness would be his downfall, however, and Yoshiki crashed yet again onto the hard stone floor. Again, he attempted to stand, and again he would fall. His body, now bruised and nicked in a few places, trembled on the ground as the virtual pet caretaker wailed with agony.
His roommate. His partner in crime. His friend. His.......
His soulmate.
He was gone.
The one person who'd understood him from the beginning. The one person who hadn't wanted to change him. Who'd believed in him. Who'd seen him as an equal. Who'd risked his life for him. Who'd told him it was okay to be angry at the world. Who'd told him to be himself.
Someone who'd loved him for him. Someone who'd protected him until the end.
The best bodyguard he'd ever had.
He'd let him die. Despite everything, he’d let him die.
Lying on the floor, writhing in pain- emotionally and physically- he can barely force himself to look up again. He sees Crypt in a similar state, yelling out at the others before breaking down into tears themself.
Their blood was black. Another wash of dread swept over Yoshiki- another tidal wave.
He watches them leave, and suddenly an overwhelming feeling of panic surges through his body.
They had gotten Johnny, and he was next. He had killed someone and now they were going to kill him. He was alone and they could strike at any time. They hated him. They wanted him dead too, dead like Johnny was.
Barely able to see through his tears, he tries again to pull himself up, just barely catching onto one of the podiums. He looks out at the others one last time- Puffy, tearstained cheeks, wide bloodshot eyes, a bloody nose, trembling lips.....
And he limps off, whimpering and choking back further sobs.
He needed to hide. He needed to hide he needed to hide he needed to hide
Johnny was dead. Johnny was dead.
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grimking-blog · 13 years
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