#It's sad hours with your local Reaper I'M SORRY WIEHDKAJHDIEWUHD
jeoseungsaja · 3 years
“ i promise that there’s beauty and hope inside you. ” - SABRIEL @ SAJA!!!!!!!!!!
@mythvoiced ♚ from x.
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  They’re usually filled with giggles, along with words that tend to make the grim reaper glare and scowl. But this time, what leaves their lips and echoes through the room sounds very different. Different than any mischievous surprise, different than any attempt to prod at him until gaining a shade of frustration. It sounds honest; it sounds...gentle, like a ditty hanging from vowels and consonants. It sounds so oddly reassuring, as if there’s some sort of knowledge Sabriel gets the opportunity to hold onto, even if he cannot, even if he doesn’t remember.
   Lips that resemble color of cherry red make a sound, something akin to a long sigh as he adjusts himself upon seat. His index finger idly makes a crooked line against the plastic cup; green straw being forgotten for a moment as he takes his companion’s words in. The semblance of a promise, how can they be so sure? 
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  “What if there isn’t? Beauty. Or hope.”
   Is he supposed to be any of those things? Hope, perhaps. That he can vaguely see. Not in himself, but in the people he guides. He’s able to witness that glint of dream upon their eyes, the silver lining which makes them realize that death isn’t exactly so bad after all; that is not that scary as they once thought. Some tend to think the bridge to the afterlife is filled with thorns and uneasiness; an obscure forest where you can get lost. 
    Who would’ve thought you’re welcomed by a cup of tea served with pale hands instead.      Who would’ve thought there’s a comforting speech before you reach those high stairs. 
    This notion placed in such light, well, it makes him believe that perhaps there is beauty and hope. In what he does. But in him? Inside him? Sometimes he doubts, sometimes he’s hesitant; sometimes he’s not so sure. Not because there’s the solid wish to knock himself down, but because there are certain notions that trap his mind into a million of what if’s.
     It’s even harder when you don’t even know who you used to be. 
    “What if...there’s so much darkness you can’t see anything inside? What if...I’m not made of the things you and others think I’m made of? What if I turn out to be someone who...someone bad? I didn’t...I’m not here because I did something good, am I?” 
    Reality slaps him in the face once more.      Grim reapers are there to atone for their sins.      Horrible sins, according to a legend he cannot confirm, for he doesn’t remember what he did.      He doesn’t remember, he just can feel, from time to time, that sting.
    “Sabriel, perhaps you shouldn’t think too nicely of me.” 
     A small smile appears; telling them he’s grateful for that bright promise of theirs. Unknowingly so, they’ve become someone important. Yes, there’s banter here and there; Reaper even scolds them as if he’s the oldest when they’ve actually been around for far longer than him. There’s been discussions, both in a superficial and deep level; all these moments leading up to the thought of considering their presence as one he’d like to keep around. 
     A rascal, but a good one. One who cares about humanity and is curious about their surroundings, one who uses their powers based on their principles and what they believe in, even if that might break some rules along the process. Their way of thinking is peculiar, or so Reaper thinks. 
     “I wouldn’t like...to disappoint you.” 
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