#It just means if u think megumi does see gojo as a father figure
kacchanbiased · 8 months
Reading this reminds me of a tiktok I saw of someone analyzing Gojo & Megumi’s relationship:
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This person on tiktok basically analyzed the way Megumi spoke to Gojo and put that into the context of how long they’ve known each other, Japanese culture, etc and came to the (unpopular) conclusion that: Megumi & Gojo don’t have as good/close of a relationship as the fanbase likes to make it out to be.
Megumi & Gojo are both fairly closed off individuals, it doesn’t come as a shock to *me* that when put together they aren’t exactly emotionally open w/ each other—but I get that in fandom spaces, it’s super popular to turn any adult chara in the vicinity of a minor chara into a dad/mom.
So rather than conclude strange things about “asian culture” (super broad btw) maybe just… reconsider how close Megumi & Yuuji truly are? Coming from someone Japanese… if they’re not calling you by your first name… you guys might not actually be all that close.
And this isn’t me saying they aren’t friends. Megumi definitely cares a great bit about Yuuji. I’m just saying, it doesn’t have to be so black and white.
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