boanoiteboytjie · 6 months
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bemugish · 3 hours
A Sunset Cruise in Inhaca: A Must-See Destination
If you're seeking an unforgettable adventure that combines natural beauty, cultural immersion, and sheer relaxation, look no further than a sunset cruise in Inhaca, Mozambique. This idyllic island paradise, located just a short boat ride from the mainland, offers a glimpse into a world seemingly untouched by time.
Prepare to be Enchanted
As you board the traditional dhow boat, you'll be immediately struck by the warm smiles and welcoming spirits of the Bemugis crew. These local experts will ensure your journey is both comfortable and authentic. Settle in and let the gentle rocking of the waves lull you into complete tranquility.
Navigating the Island's Natural Wonders
The cruise will take you along the pristine shores of Inhaca, revealing hidden coves, towering dunes, and lush mangrove forests teeming with birdlife. Keep your eyes peeled for dolphins playfully swimming alongside the boat or massive whale sharks gracefully gliding through the crystal-clear waters.
As you round each bend, you'll be treated to breathtaking vistas that seem plucked straight from a postcard. Towering cliffs, isolated beaches, and vibrant coral reefs will leave you in awe of nature's majesty.
A Feast for the Senses
As the day begins to wane, the real magic unfolds. The Mozambican sunset is a true spectacle, painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of fiery oranges, deep reds, and brilliant pinks. The crew will ensure you have a front-row seat to this nightly display, providing refreshing beverages and delectable snacks to enhance the experience.
With each passing moment, the colors intensify, reflecting off the calm waters and creating a surreal, almost otherworldly atmosphere. It's a sight that will forever be etched into your memory, a reminder of the raw power and beauty of nature.
Immersing Yourself in Local Culture
But a sunset cruise in Inhaca is more than just a visual feast. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of the Mozambican people. Your knowledgeable guides will share stories of the island's history, the significance of various landmarks, and the unique way of life that has endured for generations.
You'll learn about the importance of fishing and the deep reverence for the natural world that permeates every aspect of island life. As the sun dips below the horizon, you may even be treated to the haunting melodies of traditional music or witness ancient rituals unfold before your eyes.
An Experience Like No Other
A sunset cruise in Inhaca is truly an experience like no other. It's a chance to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life and reconnect with the simple pleasures that make life worth living. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or a first-time adventurer, this journey will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the beauty and resilience of our planet.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your sunset cruise today with Bemugis and prepare to be swept away by the magic of Mozambique's undiscovered gem.
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bemugis · 3 months
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Exclusive Inhaca Island Sea Safari Adventures - Bemugis Place
Experience the thrill of a sea safari in Inhaca Island with Bemugis Place. Dive into marine wonders, explore vibrant coral reefs, and witness exotic marine life up close. Plan your sea safari adventure today by visiting  www.bemugis.com. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Inhaca Island's marine world with them.
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colonellickburger · 1 year
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Giulia Piermartiri and Edoardo Delille. Saugina Elias in her home on Inhaca island, Mozambique
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yesterdayandkarma · 2 years
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Inhaca, Maputo-Mozambique! by Daniel Monteiro Junior
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web-series · 7 months
Quente como o inferno
Sávio conta para Odete a verdade sobre o dia em que foi preso injustamente.
[Sávio]- me ameaçaram. Colocaram a vida de vocês em risco e eu não podia negar. Ou fingia ser culpado ou iriam matar você e a Bárbara.
[Odete]- mas por que fizeram isso com você?
[Sávio]- acho que já estava tudo arquitetado há mais tempo, era um plano. Você lembra que semore fazíamos doações pra famílias carentes, né?
[Odete]- claro, sempre íamos a comunidades.
[Sávio]- então. Sabendo da nossa condição social, me pediram dinheiro. Foi um pesadelo, me senti covarde, impotente, me arrependi...mas já era muito tarde.
[Odete]- mas quem fez isso, Sávio? Eu ainda não entendi bem o porquê de terem feito justamente com você.
[Sávio]- quem foi eu ainda não posso contar, porque não tenho provas. Mas já estou agindo junto ao meu advogado pra ver o que pode ser feito.
[Odete]- não importa se você tem provas ou não, eu tenho o direito de saber! E se for alguém próximo? Pode ser perigoso.
Sávio respira fundo e fica alguns segundos em silêncio.
[Sávio]- Edmundo. Foi o Edmundo que arquitetou tudo. Bom, pelo menos até onde eu sei.
[Odete]- o quê?! Não, não é possível isso. O Edmundo é uma das pessoas mais doces que já conheci, os alunos o adoram!
[Sávio]- é, mas eu não tenho motivos pra mentir, Odete. Por trás daquele rosto angelical se esconde alguém perverso. E nós precisamos ter muito cuidado.
Fany leva Úrsula e Amanda pra um dos seus flats.
[Amanda]- porra...ai, desculpem o palavrão, mas é que esse lugar é muito massa! Olha esse PC gamer!
[Fany]- ai, relaxa, eu sei que vocês não estão acostumadas a ambientes como esses.
[Amanda]- não começa, tá?
[Fany]- ué, não tô mentindo. Mas enfim, fiquem à vontade.
[Úrsula]- gente, não é por nada, não, mas tô caindo de sono.
[Fany]- vai dormir, bicha. Pode escolher um dos quartos.
[Úrsula]- pior que eu tô numa inhaca.
[Fany]- relaxa, gatona, amanhã cê toma banho. Vai lá.
Úrsula é encaminhada para o quarto, ainda cambaleando.
[Fany ri]- gente fraca é foda.
[Amanda]- mas você também é ardilosa. Fez tudo de caso pensado.
[Fany]- pelo visto voc�� é bem espertinha, hein.
Fany se aproxima e dá um beijo em Amanda, que retribui.
Edmundo se encontra com Margarete, preocupado.
[Margarete]- o quê que tanto te aflige, homem? Pra vir uma hora dessa.
[Edmundo]- não consigo dormir. Acho que o Sávio contou alguma coisa pro Eduardo.
[Margarete]- por que acha isso?
[Edmundo]- meu irmão tá muito estranho. E eu o conheço melhor do que ninguém.
[Margarete]- então precisamos agir logo. Com a volta do Sávio tudo se complica e eu não quero me foder junto com você. Você me colocou nessa, então se vira.
[Edmundo]- cala a boca, caralho, eu não consigo pensar!
[Margarete]- trate de pensar, e rápido!
[Edmundo]- no momento, nós temos duas opções: ou sumimos daqui ou eliminamos o Sávio de vez.
Margarete se cala, apreensiva.
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hmsei12 · 1 year
Um dia eu achei que fosse ser pra sempre, que não perderíamos nenhum passo um do outro, que seríamos os melhores companheiros, que não acordaríamos juntos só nos fins de semana como todos os dias de nossas vidas. Um dia eu achei que o amor nunca me magoaria, que eu tinha a pessoa certa na minha vida, que já tinha encontrado os pais dos meus filhos, o meu futuro marido. Eu nunca pesei que fosse perde o grande amor da minha vida. Perde ele fez com que eu me perdesse também. Eu vivia aquele amor como se fosse tudo que eu tinha na minha vida.
Um dia me falaram que iria passar, mas não passava, a dor era grande, o choro constante, eu queria estar ali, com ele, ao contrário disso a gente só nós distanciávamos mais.
Eu nunca parei de amar, eu orava todos os dias para que Deus concertasse nossa historia. Eu sabia que só o amor podia curar, mas não era qualquer amor, ela o amor dele.
Ele foi como um sopro, eu estava me afogando e ele me salvou. Mas alguns anos depois ele soltou minha mão e o mar não estava mais calmo. Eu respirava profundamente, e cada respiração doía uma parte do meu corpo.
Eu comecei a sarar, a me curar, mas ele voltou, não fisicamente, mas na minha mente, eis inhaca com ele todos os dias, e o sonhar era como se eu estivesse realizada! Ter ele nos sonhos me acalmava.
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solowonderer · 1 year
Natural Spots to Discover in Mozambique
A perfect destination for a wildlife safari, Mozambique is home to vast diverse flora and fauna. People from all over the world travel to this former Portuguese colony in search of peace and relaxation. There are several natural spots to discover in Mozambique where you can spend some quality time away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 
1.Bazaruto Archipelago
Located along the long coastline of Mozambique, Bazaruto Archipelago consists of five main islands. The crystal-clear water of the Indian Ocean is home to vast marine life. The secluded beaches of this island group invite flocks of flamingos. 
People usually visit this archipelago for its rich biodiversity. Along with fascinating sandbars, you will also get to see whales, dolphins, and other marine creatures including dugongs jumping in the water. You can also engage in diving activities here. 
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The major tourist attractions in this region include coral gardens. There are approximately 2000 species of fish in the water of this archipelago. And, to witness such natural scenic beauty, you should get your Mozambique tour package booked from one of the top corporate travel management companies. 
2.Quirimbas National Park
Quirimbas National Park consists of both mainland and the islands. This biosphere reserve is enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. The traditional fishing boats, picturesque beaches, and tall palm trees give a tropical vibe to these islands. 
The rich ecosystem of the Quirimbas National Park includes coral reefs and mangrove forests. You can spot several gigantic humpback whales and other similar species. Business travel management companies often include a safari to this place in their itinerary list. 
On the mainland of this National Park, you will see more animals and amazing folds of landscapes. The major attractions here include elephants, flocks of lions, and leopards, primarily found in the hilly areas and savannahs of the region. 
3.Inhaca Island
Close to the capital city of Maputo, Inhaca Island can be reached by a short boat ride. The atmosphere and natural scenic beauty of this place attract people from all over the world. The locals also love to spend their weekends on its beaches and adjoining resorts. 
Inhaca Island is a major centre for research on distinctive species living on the island and its nearby areas. On land, there are more than 300 bird species while manta rays and humpback whales roam around the ocean. If you want to experience something spectacular, climb the lighthouse on the upper part of the Island and watch the view from there. 
4.Ponta do Ouro
Located on the southernmost tip of Mozambique, Ponta do Ouro is one of the most popular tourist spots in Mozambique. It is popular as a beach resort town comprising long-stretched strips of sand, fancy restaurants, and bars. 
People from all over the world come here to relax on the beaches and swim with dolphins. It is rare but possible that you get to see the dolphins swimming. Away from the hustle and bustle of cities, these shorelines here may offer you the soothing feeling you need the most. 
Another amazing spot in Mozambique, Tofo is home to around 5000 inhabitants. On the mainland, you will find picture-perfect sand dunes. For an off-road adventure, you can try quad biking. You can spend some time under the sun or go on a walk at the nearby beaches. 
Tofo is heaven for divers. You are most likely to encounter manta rays, whale sharks, and humpback whales while diving in the plankton-rich water here. Other marine species you may witness include eagle rays, common dolphins, and plus whitetip reef sharks. In case you are not interested in diving but want to meet with whales and dolphins, try boat safaris. 
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ricmlm · 2 years
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Inhaca Island, Mozambique https://www.instagram.com/p/CdOlIqnjkZd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themovingpavement · 3 years
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Inhaca, 2017
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boanoiteboytjie · 6 months
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bemugish · 2 days
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Experience the magic of a sunset cruise in Inhaca with Bemugis Place. They unveil the perfect way to witness the sun's mesmerizing descent over the serene waters of Mozambique. Visit www.bemugis.com for a romantic and picturesque adventure. Explore the coastal beauty of Inhaca Island while creating cherished memories.
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bemugis · 4 months
Experience the magic of a sunset cruise in Inhaca with Bemugis Place. They unveil the perfect way to witness the sun's mesmerizing descent over the serene waters of Mozambique. Visit www.bemugis.com for a romantic and picturesque adventure. Explore the coastal beauty of Inhaca Island while creating cherished memories.
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safarihike · 4 years
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Es müssen nicht immer Berge sein - auch am Strand kann man mal toll wandern, vor allem auch barfuß - auch für barfuß ungeübte 👣 . . Die Bilder sind an der Westküste der Halbinsel Santa Maria entstanden während der Wanderung zu dem gestrandeten Boot. . . #santamaria #mozambique #mosambik #inhaca #pontadoouro #wandernmachtglücklich #maputo #maputoelephantreserve #beachlife #beachhike #strandwanderung #strandspaziergang #safarihike #sanibonani #worldofwanderlust #shipwreck #strand #strandliebe #sandzwischendenzehen #sandinyourtoes (hier: Santa Maria, Maputo, Mozambique) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFAioOPnMcS/?igshid=3wpeny2n9cz3
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#minihenry visiting #Inhaca in #mozambique . 😃 We are half way now...😌 but still 6 weeks ahead without Daddy. 😯 Meantime, enjoy my adventures in #africa! 😊#grumpyhenrythepug  #pug #pugs #mops #dog #dogs #speakpug #dogsofinstagram #pugsofinstagram #puppy #pup   (hier: Inhaca)
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